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Come oa with your pausy blossoms. During the year 1888 tlicre were 112 prsons buried ia Forest Hill cemetery. O. M. Martin, the undertake r, was called upon to inter 134 people during . the year 1885. Tlie Beethoven society expect to give i grand mascjuerade ball within ¦ reek or two. Date not yet íixed upon. It is runiored that oue at least, and perhaps two, odd fellows In tliis city wilt get cancd if they are not very earelul. The ampliictyonic circle adjourned their meeting from last Saturday until next Monday cvening, at L. D. Wlnca. TUis aftfeniooo tlie Ladies' Charitable Union meéis at I he residence of Misa Bruwu, N'n. 13 S. State street at 3 o'clock. The city linunce report for December will show a total expenditure ot' $1,360.32 tor the inonth, witli t total of N warrant?. December went out sniveling, muddy, dreary. January carne iu treeping and slushy. Wnat, will the winter be ? Teil you better uext March. Next S iturd.iy, Jan. 9th, tlie cotuity pomolofjical tocietj wU wrettle witli the "Potato Hot." M"piing in the court h )usc basement as ugual. The city's expenses last mouth as reported by City Treasmer Watts, was fS.U8.48, reoeipts, 1188.73] witli ¦ bal;:ee on band of $8,317.88. The new telejíraph coinpany is anxi)usly awaitiug permlsslon to string their wires through our streuts. Competilioü is the Ufe OÍ trade, you know. The discourse of Hev. Dr. Payne, of the Otilo Wesleyiun Unneisity, befan the Uocker League, occiirs Sunday evening, Jauuary 24ih, ut tlie M. K. ehurch. Couldn't get enongh ol the city Fathers together for a quorum Monda; mght, and so the mayor has cal led a special meeting for Thursday, to-morrow night, at 7 o'ulock sharp. A series of afterm o i : o'clock meetings is being held this week at the churches in town as tollows : Monday at the Congregational; Tuesday, Methodist; Wednesday, Baptist Tbunday, Piesbyteriau; and Friilay, Kpiscopaliun. Joe T. Jacobs tluiiks he is entitled to half the credit for the naming of that street "Ann Arbor place," iu Snover & Jacob's subdivisión, to the city of Detroit, inasmuch hs he furni.-hed hnlt' the land. All right, Joe, we gladly make the correclion. The school board has etnployed Miss Hattie I. Bnyd in place of Miss Armstroug, who resigned lier position iu the 3d ward school. Miss Boyd graduated from the school last .June, pievlous to which 8he had taught in 8t. Joh iis three years. That sled which the youngster got in his stocking Cliri.-trnn, i jnst crazy for a gooi fall of show - and the youugster, well he is waitfog to full on the sled, face down, and stait on an ezpedltlon in search of the bottoni o( the hill, when the snow shall come. From all sides cotne praises for the handsome Xcw Yoars gift almanac wliich the Courieh presenteil to lts readers last week. It is universally pronounced the fiuest thing of the kind ever rotten out in the city. All new subsciibers will rect'ive a copy of the book gratis. Souie one who loved the riiifrin and the danging of the bells, started up the university chimes New Year's morning, and for full Uiteen minutes those chimes peeled - the bkin ofl' of one's ear drums. But Uien, what'sthe use of having chimes unless they'ie rung occasionally ? We wonder that Gov. Ashley, who is u?ually pretty keen-scented, didn't "get on" to the idea of securinif the Detroit PolandtTí, to fight his batlle with the Linsinsr 1{. R. ? They are in a bemititul mood for that gort of bu-iness just now, and Uien again, it would have fiivcn ihe poor Detroit policenian a rest of a few hours to have them out of town. Wm. Fulser, who hu been in the employ of Hirini Clttredge as a teamster for the past thieeor four years, feil off an empty stone wa-oii he was drlvtnjt yesterday forenoon, on Ann fl., anil was severely injureil, havinjr a collar boue and an ankle broken. lic teil in front - of the wagon, the bottoni planks of which are so low that inste id of p is-lnj over hirn he was rolled over and ovet until the hind wheels were reached ¦ which passed over lus body. He is a kingle man, his parents liv ng near Milan Dn which place hc tiu heen rerao?ed. T followlnj; itom from the Dowariac m ? uiers to the Elkerton hotel, li - delroyod by lire lapt spring, Uji w)ii'-!i aa ,e(.n rebuilt. The manger (erri'd to jfred. Cutler, forinerly ol -)i city : '' 1 li Christmal opedinjf at the Horton was Hl ..lly patrolli7d by our giijeii!', nearly 2, beil)g prese„t. A J gu?íbJn"w was ., befofe tIiem)lte f esceuce' taste and a... , n prepiirtttioll lll)dwgnltlcence showln. Mftnager Cut. T ler tde without a peer a. ( hogt_ ,fbe 1 onlywback to the occa wflS t„t tttttnotall could be 3att, at once r whicU an utter ImpobiHt?,.,,,, to thitnber Pre8ent" -- ¦ - Sis membera unlted wlth theOorgregHtional church laat Huuday. Trof. J. R. Sage of lliLs ity Iihs organlcl h iinsrin;; school at T.ima Center. Ai i-ording to a list publitthed fMterday l'ittaüeld lias a new postin&atcr in the pcTüon oL D. S. Sequer. The boys and girls at ter having a pretty jood time for two weeks, comuicnced Uieir studies agsia Mouday. W. W. Whedoa was appoiuted administrator in the eatate of Henry Colclaeer, last Monday, in the probate court. The next social of the Knights Templar occurs Friday evening of thia week. These sociala are growing in popularity. There are some htarUing facts pivcu by the flrm of Bach & Abel in their column proclamation in thia week's CouRIKR. Thursday afternoon, at 2 o clock sharp, the Ladies' Sewing Clrcle of the M. E. church, meets at tho rcsidence of Mrs. Royer. Services In St. Andrew's church this week as follows: Wednesday, 10:30 a. m., Thursday, 7:30 p. m„ Friday, 3 p. m., u iiion service. The dogs in Ann Arbor town have hard work in escaping the assessor, as he has 109 uiale and 7 female dogs assessed, or 116 altogether. The case of Mrs. Debt, the Salvationist, against Wm. Uoss, for assault at the barracks one day last week, comes off before Justice Breunan this p. m. Report ed that Capt. Palmer, of Ann Arbor Yes, but the Captain tells up that Madam Kutnor is wrong again. The talk of the Kvening News about Gov. Ashley havlng Ohio militia to help him In liis railroad war is all bosh, gotten up to prejudice the case, that'g all. Too thin. The holidaysmust bgve had a bad effect on our city legislators, and made it hard work tor them to get down to work again. Only four reported for duty on Slonday night. There were more caliere than usual ;oing the rouuds laat Kriday, New Year's üay, and all report a most enjoyable time. It is hopod thnt the oiden time New Ytttfl calling will bc agaiu revived. Nancy, ife of Amarían Hammond, of he 5th ward, died Jan. 2d, 188(j, aged 56 years and sis months, of dropsy. Pnueral was held at 2 o'clock p. ra, Tuesduy, from the family residence in the 5th ward. County Clerk Kobison has a tombstone match safe that one of his old time riends sent to him as a New Year's gut It is a very solemn lookinjf aftair, and consequently quite appropriate for ita owner. The Ann Arbor sketching club which neets ever Monday p. m. at Randall's a Qoarllblng institiiiloii, and Miss Allee Iunt has been secured as instructor. Some line work is beiug executed by the members. The amoiint expended by city Marshal ''uil for tlie poor duriug December, wat 5305.47, divided as follows : lst ward, 27.41; 2d ward, $30.28; 3d ward, $50.13; 4lu ward, $104 56; 5th ward, $77 84; 6lh ward, $1K25. The Prineess rink at Detroit, of which Mr. J. E. Wyman is principal owner, is being turned into a theatre ai rapidly as work men can make the change, and C. A. Shaw formerly of the Detroit opera ïousc will be the manager. Charlie Camp, a young man employcd at the shop of Herman Krapf, on Detroit treet, on opening a door in the second tory of the shop Monday morning, lipped and feil to the ground, breaking lis right arm above the wrist. The building committes of the common couiicil, of which Prof. J. B. Davis, s chairm;in, will report several defects n the new Qermania building of Mr. Stiebler's, corner 2d and Washington streets, in its use as a public hall. Station Agent Phillips proved hlraself a hustler the othei dny when Mr. Ashley elegraphed down here for help. He ralsed a company of 120 men in qulck time and sent them on. lie never Iets uiytliiiig grow cold on his shoulders. The first hydrant rental, 295.87. will be allowed at the council meeting to-morrow night, having leen passed by the commlttee. The payments are to be made semi-annually hereafter, Jan. lst and July lst of each year, $2,500 each date. Wm. O. Cooper, for a number of yeara a sewing machine agent in this city, dieti at the Univcrsity hospital Wednesday night last, of dropsy. The remaino werc taken to Saline for interrment. A daughter. Miss Lizzie Cooper, Is a teacher in the li li ward school, and having been called upon tomourn the losgof a brothcr a few weeks since, has the decp sympathy of many friends in her nffiiction. Tuesday evening, ata meeting of Washteniw chapter No. C, R. A. M., Isaac Handy was m ide the recipiënt of a beautiful huntingcasc golJ watch, havlng the Elgin movements, for hit services as High Priest of the chapter. The presenUtion was made by Dr. G. A. Hendricks, and Mr. Handy was taken completey by surprise, but replied in a fitting and feeling manner, and highly appreciates the generous gift. The watch was purchased of Btr Kt. B. F. Watts, who will have an appropriate inscription placed on the inner case thereof. Talkiog about absent minded men reminds us. A certain Ann Arborite stepped into a shoe shop the other day to get a pair of leather heels put on his rubber?, and beiDg in something of a hurry concliuled to wait until the job was done. After finishing a little job he was on the shoemaker picked up a rubber and tapped on a leather heel. But what waa his horror and astonishment to tind out after the job wat done, that he had put the heel on his own rubber instead of hls ctixtomer's. The customer concluded not to wait for the Job. Company A held tn annual election last Monday evening, at the armory. Qipt. J. F. Schuh was reelected to the captaincy; Sidney W. Millard waschosen lt lieutenant in place of Chas. E. Hiscoc% whose term of service had expired, and who failed to reenlist; ar.d Henry Merrithew was elected 2d lieutenant in place of Morgan O'Brien, whose term of enlistment had also expired. Besides these offleers flve members of the Board of Directora were alao chosen, as follows: Geo. Apfel, Oeorge Dengler, Frank O'ílearn, W. W. Watts and F. J. Eisele. Next Monday night this executive board, which conslstsof the captain, two lieutenants, the quartermaster and orderly sergeant, besides the above, will meet anii choose a president, secretary, and the non-commissionod offleer.