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S. C. AndrpWR took trip up to Alliion Monday. iCn. Conovor wah reWraad ftom lier visit to Oliio. Ferd Blise, of DetroH sptut SuuiUy witli inciuls iu the city. Mr. Vhiie. .1. Kintuer loares to-day for her home in Washington, D O. Ztna P. Kiug who has beea on the uk list for gome time, ia slowly improving. The Misses Watts of Jiuksou, spent New Years at the residenee of Pul Christntann. Miss Lulu Bell left for Jackson lust Saturday to Icacli In the high school of that place. Paul Chrigtmann and wife of irss Lake Tisltcd their parents in this city during the week. Miss Mlllio IKnowlton is spending the week in Adrián, to altend the wedding of a friend. Gilbert Bliss and family spent New Years in Jackson, nnd atteuded the K. T. reception. O. M. Webb and wife of Saline, wtre guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hem y Bliiiton, on Sunday last. H. S. Warner who Hves on E. Catharine st., has been under tlie weather physically for several days. Mrs. Gan. Uuut, of State t., has been serionsly ill for somctinie, but is reported improving slightly. Mm. C. K. Oodfrey has had as guest during tut; holiday season her eister and fatnily from Dakota. Miss Virginia J. WattB of medical olass '85 has returned from the e:ist to spend the hoiidays at home. L. J. Taylor, has been home during the holiday season, resting from hls travels, and greeting lus l'riends. Editor James E. Carr, of the Dundee Reporter was a pleasant caller at the CoüKiERsanctum this a. m. Mrs. A. W. Humilton and Miss Hale, accompanied by their sister, Mrs. Perklns, retorn fron Grand Rapids to-day. George Grossman, of Detroit, canie tip to hls oíd home last Thursday and retuained until Monday, visiting old friends. Martin Clark, who has been home for the past few days, starts off kgtlin on the road. Wc wish him a lucrativa trip. Therc wa a family gathenng at Paul Christmanu's New Yoar's Day at wliich about eighteen relatives were present. Mis Fannie De Vaney is to be marricd next Friday, at St. Thomas church, to Mr. Vincent Duno&n, of La Salie, 111. Prof. W. H. Honcy, lit. 'SO, superintendent of schools at Caro, was a picasant calier at the CoDStBB offiee last Thursday. Louis ShiiK'h, Jr., who has been visitiu; ais brother the past week, retiimn u ii.. home to-morrow morning, at Taylor, Wich. Jos. C. Watts wió ilown from Kast Saffnimv over Sanday and Monday. He relorts Kust town boowing is it nerer has jefore. Miss Seabert, of Buflalo, N. Y., whose 'ather is superiutendeat of the Delaware & Lackawana U. li., is rlsiting at Mrs. J. C. Watts. Evart II. Scott and sinter wero called to few Jersey last Wednesday, by the death of au auut, the only sister of the late Mrs. J. Austin Scott. J. H. Johnson, of Detroit, Chief Consul of the Michigan Diviuiou, L. A. W., was in town Saturday arranginjr for a boom In wheoling thiscaming oeason. Mr. and Mrs. John Piel, and Mrs. Flint of Belvidere, 111., spent Thursday'and Friday of last week, guests of Mj. and Mrs. Clias. S. Fall. on W. Huron st. C. H. Devlin and wife of Bay City, W. F. Parsons and wife of Kalamazoo, and G. M. Devlin of Jackson, all took New Years dinner with Will Hatch. Miss Anna Morris, who; has been with Bach & Abel for souie time, went to Jackson last week, to visit her old liooie, and may posslbly not return to Ann Arbor again. i Col. H. S. Dean, C. Mack, A. J. Sawyer and J. E. Beal, were at Howell yesterday, viewing the rallroad disturbance. Mr. Sawyer acted aa attorney for Mr. Ashley. Chas. K. Backua, formerly one of the editorial writers on the Detroit Tribune, now in the lumber business in Detroit, spent a few days during the pst week vlsitlug his father, Dr. Backus. Will W. Watts returned from Ht Louis Monday, bag and baggage, hayingdissolved relationship with the Missourians at St.Louis, and will hereafter be found helpIng his father colleet the taxei. James E. Oallaghan of the law book ürin of Callahan ifc Co., Chicago, 111., and Miss Mary Domielly of this city, will be married in St.Thoma, Catholic church, uext Tuetday moriiing at seven o'clock. Deputy Clerk Jas. A. Koblüon accompanied by his brother Emmet, of Detroit, were in Chicago New Years and two or three days following wherc thcy met Harry W. Hawlcy, of the Minncapolis Journal. John Kemick, of this city, who has boen in the euiploy of the M. C. R. R. for Bome time, and of late assistlng In the depot here, bas been promoted to the jx)sition of train dispateher, and stationed at Jackson. He will receive the bandeóme coinpensation of f 110 per montii. Wo know of no one more worthy of such ijood fortune, and congratúlate blm thereon.