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Amusements, Entertainments, Etc.

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Two weekt from Satnnlay niht, on January 36th, tlicrc will be sivon an entertaiuiuent at the M; E. church, which cvcry mie will waut to sec. Mr. Hitclicock, the superintendent of the Nunday school iu the (Vntial M. E. churc.h, Detroit, is to gire a unlque magie lantern entertainment, the prooeeds to be applied toward paying tor a quantity of new inusic booki tho M. E. Sunday school has receutly purchued. l'lease remember the date iind save a few nickles to appcase the door-keeper as you pass in. Hcmcmber that everyone will be admltted to the Mendelssohn concert at the usual rute. On öaturday eveniug, Jan. 16th, Kate Field will lecture before the Studenta' Lecture Assoeiation in university hall, ou "The Morraou Monster." This lecture is oiu' ihat has been rapturously received in Boston and the rust, and lt is expected that a crowded house will greet lt here. The Mendelssohn Quintetle Club will play in university hall. Seats to bc secured at the usual place. Scaulan ! Scanlan ! Scanlan ! at the opera house, Friday evenintj, January 15. The greatest of Irish comedians, in the renowned plaj% "Humbug," written tor him and peculiarly ndapted to bis genius J' Peek a lïoo." Tliose inimitable comedians, Baker & Farron, in their new play "A Soap Bubble," at the grand opera house to-nljfht. You should not miss seeing the play, lt is a f&rce couiedy of the best type and will be rendered in a most huinorous manner by these distinguished artists. The cus' raary $5 to each raember of the lire dt itinent will be allowed at the February .eeting or tüe council probably, as usuSl. Our Thuriday conteinporary says Chat we "sbouldu't look a gift horse in the mouth." We don't a gift liorse. But when thal "borse" is sucb. a little mule, as in Inctancc, it's all right cnougb. The tnembvrs of thu Episcopal Sunday Schooi, aboat lïiO in nu muer, will have a íood time at Haagsterfer's hall thia p. ra., playing ramen, eating ice creain, etc, upon the iuvilatiou of tho rector Rov S. Earp. In a few days the T., A. A. & N. M. lï. K. will give all those who contributed to ts northern extensión a free ride to Toledo. In t li is list shoulü be ïncluded all tbc newspaper men along the line, who have contributed nobly of their stock in trade - influence and !¦¦)¦ -ta uuilüiiif; up tnis road. Mondiiy evenlng the Presbyterlan society held its aanuill ii.eeting and reelected Oapt. Wm. (impholl and A. W. I hun 1: t m as trustees for a period of three years each. The llmincial report showed all expenses met and a balance of $1.87 on the right side of the ledger, a report the society is proud of. We would chII the attention of our readers to the report of the condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, published in another column. The report shows the bankto be in au extraordinary prosperous coudition. lts Individual deposits reach $417,387.02, the highest reported by any bank outside of Detroit in the state of Michigan. ThiB certainly must bejvery gratifymg to its niany patrons as well as to the officials having its aflairs in charge. There is some talk of reorgauizing the lire department of thia city. Now that the water works are in operatlon it is thouLht the necessity of so large a departinent does not exist, and it is propuseil to take some of the best of each company and make a crack department. By lessening the nuraber the city can afford better compensation. For instance, the chief engineer now gets $5 per year. For this he gives much time that Is valuable to hlm, pays hls own way to all the lire department doings, and in looklng after the interests of the city expends so much time and money that rnake it imposible for uny but a rich man to hold the positlon. Now, would it not be well for the city council, to take this matter underconsideration, formúlate some plan for a re-organization of the department, and report the same for adoption?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News