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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iiílílil -AND Flour and Feed Store. V.' keep conalantly on hanrt, BREAS, CRACKERS, CAKKS, ETC, Por WbolMate lod RettS TrtuW. hall o keep aeupply nl 8WIFT fc DEI BEIS BEST White Wheat Flour! l( Ilii Flour, lij ¦ Flour, Itin-K m h ui Flour, ('orn itloHl, I I il ii,, AlWIinli-Fiile nd Ketl. A srnoral itoet if GEOCEBIES and PROVISIuNS: '¦'Il-Nllit'y 00 tlfinH, whictl will (iftlri op 1 rca-'iitutht,1 t"itup n Hl unv othrr Cah m;rf lor liCTTKR, E(i(S, sn.l COÜNTKÏ PKOIHH'K raneralljr. (oods ciulivcrccl to any part uf the rity without extra charge. KENSET & SEABOLT. THE . ANN ARBOR SAVIN&S BANK, ANN AHIiOK, MICHIGAN. Transaots General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $60,000. Orgaui.ed under the (ieneral Banking Law o[ tolt ate, the stockhnlaors re individually Hable tor an additlooal umount equal to the etock held by them, thereby creatina a ijutirantee Fund for the benefit of Üepositors of $100,)00.00. pr cent. interest Ie allowed on all öavinge Doposltpi of ono dollar and npwardf, according to thtï ni lee of the Bank and in te re t compninded ] semi-annuatly. Koucy to Loan on uoiiicnmbered i teil Mtfttfl and other good eecurity. . DIRECT0B8: CHRI8TIAN MAUK, Vr. I). HAKRIMAN, W. W. WINES. DANIEL HISCO0K, j WILLIAM DKIIBEL, WII.LAKD B. tMITH. HAVID I1INSEY. 0PFICKR8: '!. MACK, l'ree. W. W. WINES, v 'ce-Prcs. ,. H. HISCOCK.Oashier. THOSE WISHING BOUD FDIIIITDBE CBEiP, CAN GET- - BED ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDING CROCKERY , STOVES, ETC, At rare Bargnius. The furnitiire of i tüe ST. JAMES, but recontly new, is being disposed of at private sale. Appij at THE COCRIER ODicc wherc Ihe Goods are sIiohh betirera 1 1 i. m., and 5 p. in. JUST ISSUED. LETTERS FROM BOLDEN LATITUDES! A lare, linolj -illuslratod pamplilct descriptlve of the Nortlmesi. St tistlcs oompüed from official sonrccs. Sent FREE on applicatlon to C. H, WARREN, 5, l L 5t, Paul, Kin. 6-t o-o-w, r -n. rjsi)-i;;xi. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special Mtention 'Iveu to Colloction of Rents iü Manangemsnt of hú Estáte Xnterssts Kor Non-KeBldents. Entlre Siitisfactlon to Ownen GhiarantAedL A. DeFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I atti agent for u line of Old and Sttiuach American and Fcreign Firs Insurance Comp's LowmI Rales, Honorable AdJiutmsntB, m [jOOW Tromptly l'al.l. A. DeFORKST FiPülWWÖi SruK-ú prOPOUkll lor LOS of Wnod reet long, youug, (reen, body or stniight litckory. huid mapie and Hecond growth white nr yellow opluod oak. In qaantltlM of DOt lew tliuu ten oords, Wlll le r i-c-lb Ihe abdersigned untll the ittli of .lanuary, 1W. mi'iusivi'. nptofl p. m. Thewood tobe dell vered in the oext alxty dayi ufter mwiu.iImk tbe contract, at the different lohooi bone, in su rh ii t - a-, dlrttoted. The rlht to i . ¦!' t au.v :uid II ofTera is reservad. L. GRUNEE, Nu. .ss. Main Kir. et. Washtcnaw Mutual Firs Ins. k ANNUAL MEETING. k, Mn ii., Das, tt, Nollce is hereby plvon, that tlie ' nual mreting of the Wailitrnaw Mutual Fire IiiMimiice Company, for the eleo tion of Oflleers nnd other Imsiuew wlll ! be held at tlie Court House nllietili of Anu Arlior, uu_ tlnwrt'.v . lp ?TyjpPffv?T.-Mir.i).


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News