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'TH''LVw8iytJL'gVAÍL0O'T It is the only Una with lts own trtck trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Either by way ol Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joteph, Atchlson or Kansas City. Itconnects In Union Depots with throuoh tralns (rom NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern polntt. It I the prlnclpil Une to SAK FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx great Statet of ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA. KANSAS, C0LWU0O with branch lines to all thelr Important citloi and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, It run every day In the year from om to three etegantly cquipped through trains over its on track betwean Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rnplds, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all polnts in Northwest, West and Southwert. Itiequipment Is complete and first clas In ntry particular, and at all Important peints Intertocklng Switches and Signáis are used, thus Iniurlng comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates, General Intormatlnn, etc. regarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Tlckai Agent in the United States or Canada, or iddre T. J. POTTER 18T V.P. & Gen. Ma., Cmicaoo. HENHY B. STONE, AsT. Ge. Ma., Cmicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, GEK. P6. AOT., CmicaO. Estáte of Timothy I!. Amsden. KTATBOF MICUNJAN, Cónuty of Washtenaw. . M, Atase-isionol the ProbatcCourt for thoCounty of WnBhieimw, holden ut he Probate Office, tn the City of Ann Arhor. on Thun-day, the 24rh day of December tn tue year, one thousand elght huudred and ttgbty-lv. i'ri'xL-Lt, Wbliam 1) Harriiuau, .Indije f rrnhate. In the mutter ol the estáte of Timotliy K. Amndcn , leceared. On rcodlng and flllng the petltion, dnly verifled, of (eorxe 8. Wheeler praytng ihat a lorUtc instrument now on flle lu tbtscourt purportbut to bc the, lust wlll and testament of aald dwewed , may b ¦ admití' d to p-ohate, and tbat ha may , tic ippointed t xecutor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered. tbat Monday, the i'i h i! ly ol Jauuary nei', at 1U u-'clockln the forenoon. bf al(riu-d for tbc heartnir of a1d petttloh and il. hi rbe devi'fcee., leñatees, and he1r at law of sai.l diceased, and all oiher perron Interesti-d n sai! estáte, are required to appear at a session of suid court, tben to be bolden at the l'rohnte Mfflee, In the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, tf any the re be, why the prayer of the petitioner sbould oot be srrant¦d. And it is furtberorderod, that said pctttioner ei'e notice Lo thepersons luterested in safd estáte, f the pendency of said petltion, and the hearing tbereol'. by causintf a cupy of this order to be pabinhrd in The Ann Arbor (Jouritr, newspaper printe-1 and eiren lated in satd county. three sneers-;i' weeka prwriona tosaid dayot hearlnp. (A tru copy.) Wll.LIAM D. HARHIMAN, Jndge of Probate. WM. (t. IMITY. Prohnt ReLister. IÍ79-1282 EaUtoof Mrgare1 C. Klng. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wabtenaw, Ai a seatlon of the Probate Couri for th County ut WaKhfn:iw, holden at the Probat" OfBce. In the City i' Ann Arbor, ou Mnnday, the fotntreuth day ol Ddcember, in ibe vi:,ir thomnud eiL-hi handred and Blsh(] flvt-. Prem-nt, WlllUin D.Harrlniai), .Indi;" ol Probate. i" the matter ui the iftateof inptxc. Kinff,lretH'ed. UuujubiIu 4 t.'ui.rud, liie ndiuiliiHt"ior ut mi, comea loto coarl iind represent 'bat he nou' prepiiretl to render liis flual account a euch admhiittat r. Tbereupon It in ordered. tbat Weínendcy, the l: h.d :iy ufjanuary neit, at 10 o'clock in the foreiioi ui. bfl asslgned lor examiuing and allowiu ¦i roiint, iind tlmt tli. li lin-ï, leñateen, and hlr! at law ii !nifl décfiacedf and all other peroiiK interented in mild entate, are required to appear at a Misión or MÜd coart, than to be bolden .: th'' Probaia in, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show etiuse, ii any there be, why tlierfüid accoanl Pboald uot be .llowed. And it tur'lin th;it uiU adminis'rator give DotiCQ t the peraons interested in caid estáte ol tlie peutlenry ol' said account, and the hearing thereot, by caosiug a co)y of thit order to be j.ubUshed in theAnn rbor'"OKrtir,anewppaper printed and circulan n in snid county. three succeBgive weekï previotiv tn -aid 'lav ol bearintr. (Atruecopy.) W1LLIAM U.1IARR1MAN, JiHiL'e of Probate. WM O. DOTY, Hnibate BscMer. Estáte of Samuel It ReeU. 8TATK Of' MICHIGAN, County of Waittenaw, At a BeaaloD ot the Probate Court tbr the County oí Wnahtenaw, Molden at the Probate Offli'e in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thtirday. the lth day ol December in the year om: thounand eight liundred and eihty-five. Present, William D. Harriman, Jnds:e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Samuel B. Reed, deceaed. David A. Post execut r of the last will and testament of siaid deceaï-ed, coaies inlo court aud represente liitit he in now urepared to render hls final account ac such exeeutor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the 16th day of Jannary next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon be asfllgned for the cxamining and allowing of sald account, and that the devieeea, leifatees, and helrs at law oi aald de i'Med, nnd all other pemous Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a malón oí pald court, then to be bolden at tbe Probate Ufllcp.ln the city of Ann Arbor, and Bhow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petltloner shöuld not be llowed : Aud it is further ordered, that gaidexeentor glve notlce to the perrons interasted tn naid estáte, of the pendency of sald account and the bearioe thereof, bycansint' a copy of this order to be pubUsbed In the Anti Arbor Oourier, a newspaper printed and clrcaidtintr in said county, threo successive weeia previous tosaid day of hearine. A trae copy. WILLIAM D HHKIMAN, Jtide of Probate. WM.O. DOTY, Probate Repeler. l78-'Sl. Morttrage Sale. DKFAULThaTinabeen made In the condltlons of a cénalo morlgae exeiuied by Jacob Hoffstetter ai d Uertrnde Hoflsf-tter, hls wlfe, to Cbrlsiian lli ffu t er, dated the flftn day of Ma, 184, and reiorded In the orace of the Keitlutir ol Deeds for the Couuiy ¦ f Washtenaw In the Siate of Michigan, on tbe sixtb dny of May, 1884, in Libar 64 of Mort;ag;un on yige 314, by which said default the power of sale oontalued in said mortuaf e bas hecome operatlve and no proceedings in Law or Kqultv davina been Instltuted to recuver the debt seonn d by s lirl mondase, or any iart ihereof. and ihc simi of one thousand and nlnety dollar btitny now clalmed to nue on sach mortgage. The sald iiioricRe herebv dedarlni; ht Intenrlon lo consldar to hole nn.ount of tne principal nnin In sald mortgaie mentioned to be accordlm; to the coveuani th-Teiil '¦ jntain d. Notice is, tl:erelore, heeby glven. Ihal rnld mor'gage Wül bc I. recosed by a sale oí the mortrajfed pn-mlseH ihereiu dei-iribed ox soiue part thereof. ri : AU that certuin piece or ptircel of land mtuateand heilig in the County of Vahtnaw and State of M'.rhilían and described as follonra. io wit; Bein. Lot In look two(2) South of Hu ron Street, Rauce sli Kast accordluK to the recorded plat of tnevfllaft (now ctty) of Aun Arbor. Micbiiran, at public vendnent the East door of thu(ourt llonse in the '"ity ot Ann Arbor on the twenty-eiehth day ot UBOxy i axt. at tro o'clock in the fureuoonof that d..y. CHIUTiAN HOlFSrüTI ER, Mort)ai(ee. 7. F. Lawbbnck, Real Estáte for Salo. STATKOF MIOlüGAN. County of . teltaw.SS. Iu tbe matter of the etate of Jobu Q. Davik, craceased. NOTlOifi is hrreby rivcn, that In pursuui order trranted lo the ii' iIitvikdimI iiliiiiiilslRili.r oftlie cMntuuf suKl Job n U. lmvis, l.y Hon. Jodn i)f Probate lor Ilin County of Wnshtenaw, on the 4tli day of Jannary, A. ii 1886, there wlll be sold t pub lic . n. In. i,, the liiKtiest blüder, ut tbe inte resílleme of sald rierensmi, on tbe prenilBe belou desenlii.l, m tbe townsnlp of York in ih. County ol Wnsliifiunw lu hhIiI state oti faesüay. the 28d ilay of Februnry A V I88H, at 10 o ciock lu tbe fureiiun ' Of tbat I hiy [aabjeoi to all enenmbmiroe hy ¦ eur (Hlierwtse exisllt.u ut tlie ui ihv i.iith ol Bld .lee, .sed ilie fiillowlng decrlb¦ K'-u: Bátate, to-wit: ri.esontb eagt aoarterol Spction flvefö) lu I ln"Ál'i l'1"'1'" S""' range 8lx (8) eft8t (York) 0OM8T0CK F. HILI,, ' Dftted Jannary 4tb, 1S8B. Ad mtnlRt Vator I 7wl28p S2O 'VrïBt" PHILADELPHIA SINGER Jgg ( lm i'ijiina Tncker, Hufllcr, '- iiï ST, Klld UMiui ouliit of 1 wl ve III f la UMlÖ your uivu : -iinM__J S3f riotipte beforc you pny . I Val Vaff Hrl one rent. A'o other arwine . Un JVnn """'' "" manuafiurrr m rto fif jf V Ornad fsatr Oarrt io mak AX -JfS&A tlu' cffrr' Th ey re band. - fjnsSLEBflsome. durable, nd llghtPprcbaw, from ui'aríd m"í ."leïd'fir circular and 1 CA. WOOD CO.. teatlmonlala. I it K. Tent Ht, PhllrV.. ¦ I be loudmt umi moat Jrk& tVv be heard from one to BêÜIêÊM tSkTimm'i twomllea. Kxact !21 SSm l.l """- "-" f' 5RJ f! bre centre firtB Hy L JT carlridga m itiiA lrAm MtJr & Wrw- .TÏ5:" -hlhh &nr tart lm S' ¦" ? Af S llmff ¦¦l ai DK om. Kent rre, by ¦¦ nuiii, for 5 renti Ui W.-P stamp. Order w, ¦f.."'1.1'''1, ,our MltoMl u


Ann Arbor Courier
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