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C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! N. 4 South Main fit., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in city. ERtabllfihed over h quarter of a century ago. Repreaeatlng tbe followlng flrst-oliiss eompauies, vnth over $00,000,000 Capital and Asset. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. OIRARD INS. CO., of Pbiladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO.,or Hartford. COM M EBCIAL UNION, of London. L1VKKPOOL. LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MARINE, of Boston. Lott as the Lowest, Losses Liberal!) Adjusted aud promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. A Safeguard. The fatal rnpidity with whicb sllejht Coltls and ('ouglis frequently deveiop into the graveat maladics of the throat and langs, is a eon-uleration whieli nhould linpi'l overy prudent peraon t keep at H&nd, as 11 ïousehokl remedy, a bottle of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Nothing elM givei Buchlmroedlte relief and works so sure a cure in uil afleetion of tliis class. That eminent phvsieian. Trof. F. Bweetzer, of the Maine Medical School, Brunswiek, JIo., iayi :- "Medical acienre ha produced no other nodyne expecturant po gooit iki Aykk'8 CkirrT 1'ectokal. Il ia invaluablo for distases of th throat and lungs." The same opíuion la expressed by the Tvell-I.nown Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., who says: - "I hnve m-ver found, in thlrty-flvO vean of contfnuous atudy and pnuftlsja of mrdioine, any preparation of bo imat vhIucii Ater's Cherrt Pictoral, for trcjittnont of difn-aaes of tho thromt hiiu lillies, lt nut only breftka up coldi and cures ttevore couiihn, tuit is more effectivf than anythlng else in nlievln even th most ¦4TÍ0U5 bouchialand inilmouary uffcctioa. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new olaimant for popular eonfldenee, but a medicine whlch is tc-day savln;: the lives of the Uilrd enoralion who have cume Into belng ueo it was flrst offered to the pu' ';.-. There is nut a l)oüSenold in which this invaluiibk" remedy bas once been introduced wlieie its use bas ever been abaiuloned, nnd there Is not a person who hat ever given it 1 proper trial for any tUroat or lung dUease susceptible of cure, who haa not been inade well bv it. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL has, n numberteM Inatance, curad obstinate cmcinf rhrnnlr Bi-oueiiitis, I.aryngitis, and even aeute Pnouiiiouiii, ana has saved many patients in the eailier stages of Pulnio'nary Consuinption. It is a medicine that only reqiiires to bc taken In small dosea, i pleaaanl t') the tuste, and is needed in every house where there are children, ns there is nothtng so ood as ATEB'8 CHERRY PECTOR AL for traatment of Croup and "Whoopingr Cough. These are all plain fsrt, whlch enn be verified by anybodv, und shoukl b remembei'ed by everj bódy, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ntSPAKKD IY Dr. J. C. Ayer Sr Co., Lovrell, Masa. Sold by all Urugglala. Read wtiat the peoplo sar coQCernine tbc tility of Dr. Thomas' Eckciric O il, lo cure mstbaui, catarrh. croup, colds. etc. Mis. Dora Koch of Huffalo, says : ' For croup it is decidUv cScadctU." [Mn. Jacob Mellitor o Marión. Otuo, saysllusame thmj.] S. S. Grave, Akron, N. ., writet: " Hid asihma ol the wont kind, look oosdosc of Thomas' Eclecthc Oil and was relirrtd ia a few minutes. Would walk Se miles íorlím medicine and pay $5 a buiilc (or it." DrueCUtC. R. Hall, Grayville. IIL, sayv " Cure an utceralcd throat for me in twenly-four hiun." Sat f ia bed and coughed till the dothing wat wtl with perspiration. Mjr wife insisted that I ma Thomas' telecine OU. The fint teaspoonful ILilvED me." E. H. Perluns, Créele Centre, M. V., Thomas' Eclectnc Oil ís aUo a TirTor extemal applicalioa for rheumatism, cun.scald.bu rns,bltes, bruises.etc. When vlsiting the druggist, ask hira what he knows of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil ; if he hs been long in the drutr trade, be sure he will speak highly oí it. Workcd Wonden. " My daughter was very bad off on account al a cold and pain in her lungs. Dr. Tkemax' EtUctrU Oil curid kir in Imitntjl-ftur houri. OcO of the boys was cured of sore throat. This medicine has worked wonden in our fanuly." Alrab Piultney, I.ake Mohopac, N. Y. i7candëe77"aëctïcs - WITH - DOUBLÉ THICK BALL. TwoYears ¦ The "Candkb " Ürmr-EB Co. pve a beller Iiubher than c:in be obuined lwhrr for tho eume moncT, with their preat Improvtanent of Ihe DOintliK THICK BAIX. 1 ho cxtri t!rrk._. -¦. -f rubber rightunder the Ucai!,i,ivc3 DOCBLl, ilLAUAnk to bcc the " C1M)EE " Doublé Thick Ball Rubbers in Boots, Aieliee, uvrrsii , AUil M, . -¦ A Common Sensetffl For sale to the trade by R. & J. CUMMINGS &C0., Detroit. I rTTim Snnd ld cents postage. and we 1 I l.'lll will nmilyoureroyal, vn - A ItI H I uable, sample box of Rood H I II thatwlll put you In the way X A of fjmiting more monty at once than anythlng else In America. Hoth sexes of all anes can Uve at home and work In pare time. or all the Urne. Capital not requlred. We will tart you. Immene pay sure for thoa who start at once. Hti BW A Co., Portland, Maiue. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT I % ANX AKBOB. Should advertise in THE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
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