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A WONDERFUL COM3INATION - OF-- [PEPTON1ZED BK KF, ÏUJPS] AND MALtTI Uelng the OXI.Y KXOWM I'BEPABATION for Iw partlng PURE - IALBUMENÍ - To tb Body. It U an Absolute Cure for NervouaneM, """""'iNSANITY. For Deltllltated Men, For Euleabled Womcn, For Delicate Chtldren, For all wbo need Sirene" "HOPTONIC ISA BLESSINQ." For Sal by all Dru(tniU. Prepared onlr Vy th HOPTONIO CO.. (RAND KAPID8, MlCB. Robüst Health II not alway cnjoycd by those who seem to poweiw it, Tbe taint of corrupted biood my lecPBÜy uuclerminiutr the onjtitution. In time, tbe ixion will cerUüüT8howita'ffct.sHiiawithall the more Tlrulence the taa it lias been a lowed to permeat the system. Each pimple, sty, boü, ikin disorder auil sense of uunatural Uultude, or languor, is one of Nature s Warulogi of the consequences oí neglcct. Ayers Sarsaparilla II Uw only reraedy tbat can bc relied upon, In all cuct, to eradicate the taiutof heredltary disease and the special corrupUons of the blood. It is the only alterative that 1 ufficiently powerful to thoroughlr eleanse the system of Scrofulous and Mercurial lmpurities and the pollution of Contaglou Dlseases. It also neutrallzes the poisons left by Dlphtherla, and 8crlet Fever, and enables rapia recuperation f rom the enfeeblement ajld debiflty caused by these diseases. V Myriads of Cures ' Achlered by Ayer's Sar8aparh.ui, la the pt forty years, are attested, and there Is no blood disease. at all possible of cure, that wiU not yield to it. Whatever the aihnenU of thls class.and wliorever found,' from the scurvy of the etrele to the veldt-sores" óf South AfricH, this remdy hu afforded health to the sufferera bf whom It was employed. Drigíristí' ererywhere can cite numerous cases, with-( In thelr personal knowledge, of remarkable curei wrought by it, vvhere all other treatment had beeu unavailing. Peoplo wlll do well to - -¦¦ .Trust Nothing Else than Atïr's SARSAPARnxA. Numerou erude mixtures are offered to the publle as "blood puriflers," whlch only allure the patiënt with the pretensa of many; cheap doses, and with which it Is folly to. experiment while disease is Bteadily becomlng more deep-seated and dtfficult of cure. Sorae of these mixtures do much lastlng harm. Bear In miud that the only medicine that can. radic&ily purify tbe TttUted blood ia - '. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FRKPAKED BT Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lo well, Mau. ? 8old by 11 Drnggists: Price U; , ' Six boUle for $5. ,- LF JU JLxjLIl O DRUG STORE Ho. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Articles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Specialty Made of Physician's Prcscriptious. Cali and ser us. Gocdyear. THE DETROIT TRIBÜNlT! FOR 1886. DAILY, SUNDAVuWEEKLY THE BRIGHTEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN MICHIGAN. .QUNDLYÍand INDEÑDSNTLUEPU3LICAN Underits new ownership and numaircment all cdilions of The Tkibc n( have beeo impravedio every respect. All the news is viven In the hm-ftst and most attractive inanner, with. ui the omission of a single esential di-uu, and also without the tiresome ¦ paddniK" indulKcd n by theblan-et 8.m j P-'Prrsof liKhcr arica and luseatwi All dep.irtiiu-iHs ure complcle BüBíCaiPTION PR1CES: Daily, without Smul.iy. i y.:ir... - ,, , Daily, witli Sunday, i year Wtekly, i Vfr " ,_ 8-Splt-iiJid l'rrmiums for Wajklv Clulis Urüt tor the list. Atlitrcs THE TRIBUNE COMPANY Detroit .Michigan. JÏ ir i I %nl.ble" ¦' 1-8 nd OM .tHHl rSM w the Ell"li In tyiv. fJi-lLDLLÊBr PPvr. nrlnttaKand noi-u' Smfnc' VJoL L)mT'Prtt an ortler ai evcru IMVFBVrnHT BlZ ''" tic weekt, üir" "'"ii'-Y. Scnd ji.n) f,,r oul. 0 Wm OU tKRMS VKKY 1 1 V: jjfy Incllari nu ;¦„„. Co., ' ' ii ¦ JRmvfA, (.'unn, I AM Obtamcd in the United Statcj and ForcienCountrie. GEO.H.LOTHICOP, TO Crl.wold St., Uitrolt, 31 b.


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