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Andrews & Witherby have a telephone, No. 118. The imnortmt silverqupstion: "I wonder wlio [ilujífícd tbat huif dollar f The draunx) for palm leaf fans has notably decreaaed within the pust few dat. Thomas Lennon, of Northfleld, and Miss Ellen Jung, are to le married today, in Northtield. Otseningo lodge I. O. O. W. has parchased ahandlOHM oew $100 organ, over which it justly feels very proad. In the case of Win. Iïoss before Justice Brennan lust Wednesday, for assuult upnn ono of the Satvationuts, the defendan1" wal ditcharged . Rr. Ui'v. Bishop Gillespie will preach t St. Andrew'a chareta next Sanday a. in., and in the everting will deliwer the fourth leottire before the Hobart (iuild. Geo. W. Succt hal been appointed operator for the new telegmph line, tho Michigan Postal Telefcrapb Co., which lias Htabllshed ts office In the Hamilton blook. The can non that dld service; at the great railroad war at Howell, was on xiiibition in front oí tlie expreM office yesterday and attracted oonnluernbie attention. Tlie Vuunt; People'a society of the Baptist cburch, tvili gtra uu ojwfi -upper and social at Clip church parlora on Friday evening, Jan. . All are cordially invited. Since Rev. Mr. EUrp hu asBumed the rectorsinp of St. Andtew'n church the Sunday school oonoected witli that society bas grown from an atteodance of 4.'. to a membcrsliip of 1G0. The thermometer wc nt down to zero last Satunlay and Sunday niurht. Some assert that it went as far aK 7" belnw, hut Mr. 0. Eberbaoh sajrc it only touehed 0" by the frost recorder at hi.s house. The bonds of the Ann Arbor Water Co., o the extont of $1)0,000 linve heen sold to eastern partlel at par. Tiiis brinfn the plant in th mnrket :it $200,000, the stock amoanting to $50,000. TemperaDoe meeting are beiog held this week at the old Baptist church Monday evening Hev. Dr. Ramoey pteached; to-niíht Uiv. Dr. Earp will pieich, and Friday evening Rev. Dr. Ryder is to preach. Rev. J. S. Holmes, of Adrián, will deliver an adilress before the Youngr Peojile's society of the Baptist church, on Sunday evening Jan. 17. Subject: "The Humane Power of the Cross." Aliare cordially invited. As delicate and beautiful work as was ever done by the brnsb of an artist was the fern pattern tracery witli which old Jack Frost adorned the large plate glass -Il2ht8 nnon the west side of the postofflee Monday niorning laat. An incipient fire was discovered and 8mothered Monday p. m., at about 6:30, ín the walt bctween the stores occupied by Messrs. Mclntyre and Burehtield. Had it not been discovered just as it was, it might have made it hot for the occupants of those balldfng. Not enough aldermen could be got together Thursday evenino; lat for a quorum, and so Mayor Iv.ipp valled another meetinr for Monday evening. The delay discommoded a number of people who ded the money they had earned during the previous inonth. The followlng item, taken from the Milan Journal, may bn of Interest to many of our readers: "Col. Eldredge ttM lately written to Patrick Knowles, 8r., of this villaje, that coiuniissioner of pentiions. J. N. Black, has said that all old pension claims, now pendinjr, will be paid during the monlli of January.1' The scholars of the Methodist Sunday school are anxiously waking for the arrlval of Saturdav evening, Jan. 23. On that evening. Mr. Hitchcock, of Detroit, will lecture for thelr benefit on "An Hour In the City of Rome." The lecture is illustrated witli the stereo i'tieon and the views are the finest art eau produce. Among other relies in the county pioneer oriety's room in the court house, is the old clock that ticks away time minute by minute with the clock in the tower. It was p reten ted to the society by .Mrs S iphla Uarolln, In wtaow powor sion it liad been for a half centurv. It is one ol the old Connecticut wouden wheel clocks, and Eider Davis says it is good for a century yet. One of those Odd Fellowi referred to last week got his cane-inj;. Oo Thursday evening last the cncunpnieiit presented C onrad Kmpf, E-q., uith n migniticent goldhead canp, for his many years of falthful and ( tH-ient service in the cause of Odd Fellowship. The recipiënt was well pleiisid wit I] gift, and we know of no man in the eonmiunity more dcervin; than be. ;md offer ou'r congratulalions. A private letter ander date of Jan. 2d, from J. A. Bnss. of St. Í. iwrencc, l);ikota, forraerly of this city, and chlefclerk in the pontofflce daring the time C. (. ('laik w pos'nmster, nfter relnting bis )mxecem In sellinjr l)r. Chav't Recipe Book, dds : "Our winter has not come vet. We are having gloríeme reatner. 10 tnslow zero being the coldest that it has been so, and that wu when t vu is' lir 30 below zero in Illiimis and Iuwa.1' One of lts kind neighbors accuses the COURIEB ot "running down Ann Arbor" hecauM it deellned to Include In its list of ImproremenU a numher of buildings and resldenoe which were in the list published last year, and also because'tbe Courier declined to overe.stiinate for the sake of makfng a bir blow. There may be considerable gratifleation to one's vanity in making things :ippear greater than tl-.ey really are; It may add to a turkey gobbler's strut to teil hlm how fast and beautiful his tail feathers are growing, but after all the strut doesn't make the bird. A reliable mossback is preferable to an inflated gas-bag, in journalism as In everythlng els. Seo Fall & Hendrick's aiiiiounceinunt in another column. Ypsilanti leads the list in the number of paupers supported iu this county. On Saturday last lliere were !H) linnatcs at the county house. The cold wcather is increasing the number. James McKernau, of Webster, and Margaret Shanahan, of this city, were married this a. m., at St. Thomas' Catholic church. Wm. Stevens, the uiurUerer of Bertha Duckwltz at Dqtroit, passed through Ann Arbor Monday morning on the S o'clock traiu for the Jackson prison. On account of the mild blizzard which prevailed Saturday, the horticultural society seetned to take it as a freeze out, umi consequently tlie potato rot was not dug out. The Lah-dah-tah club held a progressive euchre seance at Gilbert Bliss's last evening. Next Wednesday night they wlll meet at Eugene Mutschol's on Washington street. The Keek Furniture Co. wlll hold its regular annual meeting for the electiou of directors, etc, at the office .of Judge Hurriman, Jan. 19th, polls to be open from 7 to 8 o'cluck p. in. The gospel temperance meetings will be eontiiiued through next week, at the Baptist church, liev. Dr. Haskell speakIng Monday evening and Rev. Dr. Steele Wednesday eveuing. There is to bc a social at the residence of John Ferdon, on 8. State st., Saturday p. in., for the young people of tlie M. K. Sunday school. Refreshnients served. ?dmtsslon ten cents. Miss Bertha Scaddin, daughter of Wm. Scaddin, of Webster, died Saturday, at tlie bontfl of her parents. The funeral was beid Tuesday, and the services conducted by Rev. Mr. Allen, of Leslie. A subscriber, T. B. Freeman, writing trom Coldwater, says that he failed to reeeivu his aliuanac and sends a stamp for one, and in reference to the Coukikk adds : "Yourg for another quarter ol a century." A telegram was reocived yesterday announcing the death of Mrs. Fannie May, at her home in Grand Rapids. Mrs. May w;is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Hwyalt, of W. Huron street, and leaves a fmuily ot' f.nir children to mouru lier loss. The Knights Templar are making sume li íihImhih1 addltlons to the cliiua, silver and table cutlery of their etilinary departnient, and propose to have au outlit that will make a banquet sparkle. Amoug otlier new thlBga is to be a beautiful $150 ndeboard coprtructiH especially for their use. The so-c.illed Baltlinore jfc Ohio Tele[rapta Co. has post holes dug to this city, in.l experta soon to etibli--lj :iu ottice ïere. Wel], Milo bas ecii inany conipaiM s lumc arnl go iu the years he has nanipulated the lightnThg fiere the Western Union, and bil nervcs don't shake any yet. ¦ John Mclntyrc, father of Win. II Mc[ntyic, of this city, died at his home in Northiicld last Wednesday, Jan. 6th, at Ihe advancertl age of 90 years. He had iveil on his farm tor tlie past 55 years, and leaves a family of fonr daughters ind threc sous. He was highly respected Dy his ueiqlibors. I pon tlie first pifte of tliis issue willbe 'ound a brief synopsis of Miss Kate iield's views apon the Mormon creed as txpresaed before the Chantanqna Assemily la-t August. The article will be of especi; 1 interest just at present, as Miss ?ield U to lecture in l'niversity hall, Saiardiiy evening, Jan lGth. The insertion of a wrong date for the l. E. Sunday school entertainment to be Iflven Saturday evening, Jan. 23d, intead of 2Cth as stated, was a pretty good écheme after all. A large nuinber of people have taken pains to correct the edtor, and consequently have impressed he correct date upon their own minds in i manner not to be forgotten by them. The glass has been removed frora the Joors of the east and west corridors of the court house, ind wooden panels in3erted in their places. This bas been done because the great draught through he Jtiall broke so many lights of glass. Jat llffht will probubly break in on those corridors after the 2d of next November, hough it is so dark a place no;v - for re)ublicans. Tearing off the date of Jan. 9 froin our jonsfellow calender, we read from it this guotatton: "The every-day cares and iluties, which men cali drudgery, are 'the weights and counterpoises of the clock of time, giving its pendulum a true vibration, and its hands a regular motioii." [n wbich the wiiter is undoubtedly correct, jut it is a llttle 8tartliM;r at timeR to fincl that some of us need such an abundance of weigbts to efttct the true vibration. It is an encouraging sign ot progress when we see the city churches uniting for service as they did last week in their union meetings. All are practically working for the same end and they can accomplish far more with a united frout aain-t sin and crime than where cach draws into its shell and gives bigotry or ectarlantam n lodjrement. Nothing kil is these enemies to the cause quicker than the cordial intercominuuication of Christian churches. C. Mack, as director of the Michigan Pire & M irlne Ins. Co., attended the annual meeting of the company at Detroit, Monday, nd reports that a dividend of 4 percent, payable Feb. lst, was declind, a thing the company hope to continue every six months hereafter. The Company only lost $5,000 In the recent tire in Detroit, instead of $10,000 as commonlv reported. There are many interested parties in Ann Arbor, that will be glad to learn of this Ojd report. The annual meeting of the Washtenaw County Mutual Fire Insurance Company occurs to-day in the court-room. The report of Secretary Fairchild shows tlie nuinber of members belonging to the company to bc 2,073, an increase of 71. There were í K!4,29ö(io ri-Us added during the pretent year; riks canceled ?256, 705 00; net aniount now held by OOmpany, $4,378,509 00, belng an lacréala of $177,530. The total cash inc me for the yuar haa been $7,814.89. Losses paid during the year (of which $22.00 oocurred in prior years), $5,722.85; salaries and fees paid offleers and directors, $1,004.38 All other expeiiditures, 912.03, of which. $400.00 was of the previous year's indebtedness. But one asseasincni dnriiif; the year, ainouncing to $7,103.3); rate ot -ment, $1.75 per $1,000. Thcer were 35 loases during the year the largest boing $1,145.20 the smallest $2.00. Of this number 15 were caused by lightning taking nearly half the amount lost. The company Is $463.00 belter ofl tban last year. The total indebtedness of the company, less cash ou hand, $174.31. Taken altogether it is a yery favorable showing.