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Aid. Biggs Is expected home f rom England next Saturday. Mrs. .1. F. Spaford of Manchester, is visiting her oousin, Mrs. W. O. Doty. John Hall, of Dexter, was in the city Tucsday, and a caller at the Courier office. Mrs. Hansoin and Miss Kandolpli of Toledo have been rtttting Mr. T. F. llaudolph on Clmrch streel. Clark Witherby, of Watertown, N. Y., who has been visiting hts son O. C. Witherby, returned home Monday. Capt. J. F. Schuh of Ann Arbor, was in town Wcdnesday looking after some business matters.- -Dundee Reporter. Mrs. C. J. Kintner dld not go to Washington as she expected to bccause Mr. Kintner expects tobe here on business soon. Ex-Gov. Felch expects to start forFlor'da the first of next week. He will be accompanied by his son-in-iaw, ex-Regent Grant. Anión? the speakers at the celebratlon of the democratie St. Jackson's day, at Jackson, Mich., was Chas. R. Whitman, of Ypsilanti. O. F. Hunt spent Sunday with his mother on Maynard street. He haB a good position in Griffln & Warner's law office in Detroit. Miss GraccHalI, ofN. Statest., was given a very pleasant surprise party oue evening last week. The occasion being her birth-day anniversary. J. A. Case who bas been callcd home by the sicknessof hls mother, left for Washington Saturday to resume his position in the treasury department. Miss Anna Oarling, who has been staying some months at the home of her brother Dr. C. G. Darllng, will return to her home in New York, Monday. Fred S. Hubbard returned yesterday to complete his course in Bryant's Business College in Chicago. He is making a specialty of short-ham! aud type writing. Dr. A. L. Worden and fainily of Des Muines, Iowa, arrived in the city Monday for a few days stay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ÍI. Worden. The Doctor look prosperou? and happy. Kben S Sauiiders. of Waterloo, Iowa, son of Wm. S. Saunders, a former resident of Ann Arbor. has been In the city several days, visiting relativas and frienis. This is his visit to the city in nlneteen years. Ou Saturday evening Bishop Gillcspie will be at Dr. Palmer's residence, corner of N. División and E. Ann sts., where he will be pleased to meet auy of his old parishoners and friends who muy dcsiic to cali upon ii i in. II. N. Hicks who lives about threc miles east of the city, has lived sixty years on the farm he now occupies. His father received the de ed of the land f rom the government, and the name of John Quiney Adams is attached to the U. S. iand patent. Mr. Harriet A. Harwood, ofS. División st., has been called upon to mouru the loss of lier sister, Mrs. Henry Tower, of Saline, who died SatunUy i "ter a long contiiuied tllness from typhoid fever. The ileceased was also a sister ot Nelson Sutherland and Mrs C. T, Henion, of this city. The last Milan Jourual had the followIng personal items: O. C. Jenkins of Ann Arbor, was in town on Thursday, pulling eeth iis usual.- Miss Flora Dent and Miss rlattie Woolcott, visited Ann Arbor on J'hurfday. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snauble f A n u Arbor were over to Clinton Ia9t rteek.- Miss Florenee Brigham of Ann Arbor was the guest of Mms Onie Wilams, Thurday.


Ann Arbor Courier
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