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I MOST PERFECTMÁÜl I'ri-parcd with mirard to hcalth. 14 or Jfflum. PRICE BAW9 POWDER CO., CHICACO. ST, OOIS. SPECIAL Uextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Paraat uidMron ¦ I ruil PlaTon. Tullía i u delictiteij ¦ fnill. OBBkM. Price Baking Powder Co. st. luns. CURES ALL HUMORS, írora a common Hlotrh, or Kruptlon, worst scrofula. Sal t-r li mi iii, "IVvir-ixircV'Scaly or Itonuli Skin, ui short, all diseases caused by bad blond in omjuered by thw powertul, purifying, and oratinir medicine, ireat Kaling II it lanidly beal under its lwniifn innuenoe. I .spociully has it raaniftistbd if potonoy in i'iiriiiK Tcttrr, Itoe Itn-li, Ifoilx, ( arxiiiirli-o, sorn li)O, Norofliloil Sores and swrlliiiK-, Ilip-Joint Disease, VVliIte swillini:-., ;itrr, or Tliirk Ncck, and lOnlarfced .huido. Send tin Qt8 in Btampi for u lurfje treutise, with colored platea, n skin Uiscuses, or tho same nmount t'oratn-ntiRO on Scrofulous Aflfections. "TUK HI.OOD IS THE I.1FK. Thoroughly cJeanse 11 by usiiik Dr. Pieroc' ¦iiUIiii ilidiiul üiscovcry, umi (ood liyc! ion, a fair skin, buoyant spirIta, Tital -il rnulli, and ou udnes of oiisliliilioii, will bu establisbed. CONSUMPTION, v.hicli 8 Srrofiilou Disease of the Linie, is promptly anil oortainly arrrstcd and curéd by tliis Ooil-privon remody, if taken e the lafli Btaveeof the discaseare reached. f'roin ita wondorl'ul power over this terribly fatal disease, wliun Üi-st otferintf thia now celcbratcrl remedy to the pabilo, Dr. Pmtci tbougrht seriously 'f calliner it his "C'oii. tiuinptloii Cure," tuit nbahdonod tbat name as too limtl for a nirduine. which, from its wondert ui oombüiation oJ tonld or streuo-theni'iy:, altcratie, or bjood-cleanping, anti-bilious, l'fctoral, and DUUiUvti proporties, is unequaled, not only us a remedy tor consumption of tho lunga, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. ' ff j-ou feel dull, drowsy, debllitatod, have sullow color of skin, or yillowiHli-brown spots on faee or body, frequent headache or dtzziness, bad taste In mouth, internal heat or chilla, altërnatlng with hot flashes, low spirits and grloomy borebodings, irregular appetiU', and eoaWil tnnjrue. you are sufferinff from IndiKCKtion, UjspepKia, und Torpid I.iver, or "Itiliouim-s." lu many cases only part of theso symptoms are eiperleneed. A a remedy for all sueh oases. Dr, Pierce's (ioWi-ii medical Discovory has no iqual. VorAVeak lunes spiiiinc of Blood, Dhortnesa r Breath, Krom liilia. Severo onulis, Couau mplioii, anu kindred affections, it íh a sovereign remedy. Send ten oents In stamns for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. sold by Drufrglsts. DDIPC t I Olí OR 6 BOTTIES rnlut 4 I .UU, urn $5.00. World's Oispensary Medical issociation, Proprietors, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. SEVöVCe'S LITTLE SSisíWíí LIVER lkOot?a pills. ANTI-BIMOI S and CATHARTIC. Sold by Druggistg. 25 cents a vial. ï$500 RËWARD Rm is offered by the proprietore MkI of Dr. Stage's Catarrh Remedy ƒ ' UV for a case of catarrh which they e:mnot cure. 1 f you havo n discharge from uk the nose, offeri8i"e or otherf kj wise, pnrtial lossofsmell. taste, orhearinfr, wcakeyes. dull pain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. ThouKiii'lK of cases tenninate in eonBumption. Dr. Bage's I 'ATAHHU Kkmf.pv om-es the worst cases of Catarrh, "C'old in tlic Head," and 'atarrlial Meadacbe. M cents. MMUNITYfFomANNOYANCE ha il L imio onl.vof the flnoKt nnil brotqnaláty oru'lass for nlthxtauOluK beat. Every good thingr is Counterfeited, and consumere are CAUTIOlíED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GL ASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney aa above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Slauufnctarcd OX1T by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Ilttbargl I.oad GIiui Works. FOR BAT.m EY DEALER3._ tttit r tot ""ikin" people. Bnd lOcenti I Ij 1 II po-in-', and wt will you frte ¦ roya], vHluuMe ampio box oí goodi I ihai will put yon In the ff Ol m.h Dg mors BODey in n bw days than laat ;my htiilneen. Capí ttil not required. You can Itvfl at and work Ín h[í ri' iimr only, or all the time. AH ol both f"X'P, of all Age, tfrin(ily iQCCMêfal. Ö0 cents to i'hat all who want work i ! n-ii' s-, we nakfl thip unparalU'l I i'lf : ; not well Mtliflcdw will teod 1 i" pay tor th' troable f writlng u. Full tioHB, f te, sent free. Immeneo fot all wbo atart 'it onco. Don l de'ay. Addrwee Stinö'n & Co., Portland, Malne. TUIC PflPFR ÍT.7 ï? S V. I III V I HI bll KOWBLL & CO8 Kewspaper Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spruca B m Mnif 1 1 .' contracta iuny W k H V 1 1 K K Be made for It m Hbfff ¦ U lilla WTien Baby ml Blek, -we gave her CASTOBIA Vhai she iras a Chüd, he cried for CASTOEIA AHien the twczm illss, sko clung to CASTOBIA ¦TCTienslielüidCliflcIren, BhogarsthemCAST'A


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