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C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! o. i Sontli Main St. A nn Arlioi, TIip oldest ageney in the city. Kstabllslicl vir ii quarter of acentury ago. Represeatlng tb1 ioFlowing titsL-rlHSH oompun lew, witb oyer ü.()(M,oo Capital and Assets. HuMK INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL Ui. CO., oí New York. NIÁGARA. IN3. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT 1N.S. CO.,or Hartford. UuMMEKClAL UNION, of London. 1 .1 V I : R POOL. rON DON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MAKINK, of Boston. Kut - I,dt as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjiistt'd aud promptly Paid. C. H. MILI.EN. A Pretty Woman s Secret. Fear of discover?, w hen slio resorts to false bnir aml vs is i sonrio of conutant anxiety tu her. The very persons frorn wbom she most delire to liide the waninsr of lier cburms are the ones most likely to mako the disioverv. But there Is no rfH,-on why tbfl suould not regain and Main all liie Uaiuty of hair that wan her pi-'ili in j-oitth. I.ct her use AYER'S Hair Vioor, anti, not only wilt her hair cense to fall out, but a new growth will appear whorp the scalp has been denuded ; and locks that ara turninc gray, or have actually grown white, wil! return to thetr pristine freslines and brllliance oí color. Ayeh's Haik Vigor curca Hereditary Baldness. George AIayer. Flatonia, Texas.-rra bahl m 23 year o( age, as nis sneestors had bopn for sevpral gonemtions. One bottle of Hu k Vir.oi! starled a (rrowth of Boft, downy huir uil over hls scalp, which boou became tliick, lonjr, and vigorouj. Ayer's Hair Vigor to nu o rfyr, but, by healthful sttmulatlon of the rout.4 im! (,i„„i., „„.-uiuy restores to its original color huir that Is Turning Cray. Mus. Catherixk Peamkr, Point of Itocks, Md., had her hair suddenlr blanched by fright, durinj: the late clvll wtr. Ayer's IIair Vigor rertored it to lts natural color, and made it softer, glossler, and more abuiulunt than It had been beiore. Scalp Diseases ¦Whlch cause dmjcfs, brittleness, and fallIng of the hair, dandruif, itching, and annoying sorps, are all quickly cured by Ayes'8 Hair Vigor. It cured Hirbert BOYn, Minneapolia, JUinn., of intolerable Itrbinx of the Scalp; J. N. Cartee, Jr., Occoguan, Va., of 8eald Hearl; Mrs. 1). V. S. LOVF.LACE, Xocelacetille.KV; of Tetter Sores; Miss Bkssie II. ISkdloe, Burlington, of Scalp Disease and Dundrutf. Torpldlty of the roots of the hair, whlch, lf neglecteü, may reuilt in incurable baldness, is readily cured by Ayeh's Hair Vigok. As A Toilet Luxury Ayer'8 Hair Vigor has no equal. It la colurless, cleanly, delifrhtfully períumect, Hiul lias the effect of making the hair soft, pltent, aiul glossy. Ayer's Hair Vig-or, r;:riutr.D by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. SoUl by aü DrUfeistS. "CONSlPATIONI There Is no medium thxongh wMch disease so often attacks the iystem as by Constipation, and there is no other UI fieah is helr to,more apt to be neglected, from the iact matirial lBCon-ronlouvo luajr nul be lBimedlftttf ly feit fron Irregular aotion of the bowels. Wien there is not regular act ion, the retentlon of decayed and effete matter, wlth its polsonoue gases, soon polsons the whole lyitem j beíng absorbed lato it, caoslmg piles, fistola, headaehe, impura blood and many other eerloos aflectloni BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS will lmmediately reliere, and one bottle positively cure or relieve any case of Constipation. - tr"Was troubled for a year with torpid liver and indigestión, and after trylng eTerytklmg imaginable, uaed BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. The Brst bottle mired me and the second Bured me entirely."- J. S. Wliüatasoa. Boohester. N. L THE BEST Eulte Overshoes TO WEAR OVEK YOÜtt WOOI. MOOT8, are tho now mdo by the "Odte KobbT Co ., erpreMiy for Urchlgin trde for the ieon ofl3SSand6. ErkKT TAIll WABHANTEDagiintcoinInj apart In clther olc or upper and gnaranteeU to glve BatUfactlon in crery respect. Made for RepuUtlon, clving thi wearer more for hi money than he cn jet In any uther mako of goods. Of BliST HUOT STOCK, and net ol oVainary overshoe stoet:. The soleo made tho same as Rubber Boot Boles having a thick ole aüd tUca aap sole apon that. Tuis tap sole Is thickened in the niiddlc, aud il IMII HIK THICK ON THKBAIX. Thi 1 th great wearing point. The Doubl Thlck Ball and the Boot Stook upper, gire a shne whlch will potMvtly outieatr ai.y otAer hoo In tho market even of tho very bost brand. NO HIGHEH IN PRiCE. Thonsands of dollars aavcd to Wool Boot earera thia Don't bu nfruid of the qnalltr. THE WARRANT SEOURES YOU. Cali for the 'Oandte DcntbU TMck Ball goode." Warrant ttampfd on enurythoe. For sale to the trade by B. k J. CUMMINGS & CO., Detroit. ¦ TTiiji Send 10 cents postage, and we ll'ill will raallyonraröyal, val0 ItI H I uable. Hample box of K""ds nl I tbfttwlll put you in the wny iv1 of raaking more monty at once than any thlng else In Amerlea. Both xes of all ages can Uve at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not requlred. We will start you. Immenno pay uure for those who start at onc. Siisson 4 Co., Portland. Malne. SUBSCRIBE FOR ik Aon Arbor Courier.


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