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The Fellow's eRtate of Sharon has beet settled up amlcably. Misa Alta Parker, of Lima, is altendinj; school In Ann Arbor.; Thos. Birkett of Birketr, has been visiting liis daughtcr at Williumsburg, Ky. Eight of Manchester's high school studenu of the pa9t year are uow teaching. Win. J. Sitt of Manchester and Miss KHia Potneroy of Bridgewater, married Jan. 12. There were 303 car loads or 1,'250,000 bus. of wheut shipped froiu Chelsea during 1885. A new road has been laid out in Lima running from E. A. Nordman's to Stooking's coruerg. Mrs. R. Matteíon, aged 80 years, an olí pioneer of the county dled at her home ia Ann Arbor town. Mrs. T. Pressley, of Itrr, has recelved a legacv nt orveral hundred dollars e-om ner father's estáte in England. John M. Welsli of Doxter township dled Jan. Oth, and was buried from tbe Pinckney Catholic church the Oth. Senator Jaines Hueston, formorly ol Wayne Co., has eonoludcd to take np his his residtnee in Ypsilanti for the future. On the cvoningot Jan. 27, the Mission Band of Dexter will give an entertainment on which occasion i coinfortcr will be drawn. A reward of $250 is offered for cvicknue which will lead to the conviction of the person who 6et üre to the Unadilla mili - Pinckney Dispatch. Mrs. Henry Bishop, agcd 88, of Ypsilanti, and James W. Nichols, aged 70, of Pittstleld are numbered among the recent deaths of old settlers. This county hasonegraiuof salt among Its editora, at least. Editor Smith of the Milsu Leader Is worthj' chief templar of the lodge in that place. The owners of the Ypsilanti opera In. use have afreed to sell the same for $7,r00, and the offer will probably be uccepted by soiue of Ypsilanti"s solid citlzens, Inatead of forminga stock company as at llrst proposed. The report of the executive committee of the Kasteru (Ypsilanti) Agricultura! Society ' indícate the society about $200 behind ; but in reality they are $500 aheiiü as $700 was expeuded on the grounds."- Deïter Leader. W. K. Allen, onrskillful printer, who has been in this oftlce about four months and set up some of the most artistic jobs of composltion ever done In Chelsea, left us lastWednesday morning, with hls wife and baby, for Atlanta, Georgia.- Clielsea Heralu. The executive committee of the Queen Esther cuntata, waited upon D. A. Bennett, Tuesday evening and presented him a a surprise an easy rockins chair, and a large picture ia appreciation of his services in couducting so successfully the cantata. - Saline Observer. Rev. Seth Reed, who was pastor of the Methodist church here thirty yeara ago, and who served In the same capacity several years later, was visitlng hi friend Mr. Watsoa Snyder here last week, his yUit being connected wlth business concerning the Bay View Associntion at Petoskey. - Ypsllantlan. Mr. Hoyland offers $100 for the man who set Üre to his gristmill. Quite a num3er lost wheat in the mili left for their year's flour. Mr Piper the mlller loses a luantity of biiokwlicat Qour. Ttifnrmera arouuü feil tomourn itsloss. It will prove a senous loss to all Interested. - North Lake cor. Chelsea Herald. " Herb" Reed was the recipiënt of a very fine present Tuesday from his best girl in Ann Arbor. It was a genulne, real, live nnd turtle, nioely laid in a very nent box. 3f course, when he opened It he was hot, jut that dldn't prevent the crowd from aughing and he is still issulng cigars to the boys.- South Lyon Picket. This evening, at the Ypsilanti opera ïouBe, the G. A. R. post of that city will De presented with a memorial record book. 'ot which a fine program has been arranged. The donors of the book are Messrs, T. C. Owen, E. Samson. H. IL Dodge, ü. Putnam, Dan'l L. Quirk, Chat. Kiug, H. P. Glover, Frank Smith, Don C. Üatchelder, and Chas. R. Whitman. We learn that John Brown, through his attorney, John W. Patchin, has brought suit in the circuit courtagatnst S. W. Dorr for money clalmed to be due for 40 bush:ls of Bohemian oats which he alleges Dorr bought of him. An attachment wa jut on Dorr's farm a few diiys ago, and there is likely to be a big fight over the matter. - Manchester Enterprise. The Dexter Opera House will have n grand opening entertainment about tha 27th January, on whlch occasion the "Dexter McCullough Dramatic Club" will present, for the. first time in Dexter, the comedy of a " SnUliar nf KnrtunA.T' Thia comedy is brim full of humor and pleasantries, and occasions sixty langhs to every minute. W. H. Fields, asslsted by that veteran scenic artist. Vet Armstrong, is palnting the scenery.- Dexter Leader. There have been 712 money orders issued from the Chelsea postofflee dnringthe past year amounting to $8,851.71; and 1,249 postal notes, amouuting to $3,370.63. There were 321 money orders and 197 postal notes paid amounting t $6,344.80. Besides thls there were 315 repistered letters sent; 64,972 doniestic letters; 746 foreign letters; 18,400 postal cards; 6,000 transient papers, and 6,795 drop letters anti circulare. There were 49 i m mediato dclivery stamps sold, and 3,130 lbs. of mail matter sent besides the above. Mr. E. C Bowling of of our city is preparing to cotnraence the manufacture on a small scale of a compurativoly insigniAoant article, dross stays, which it is more than probable may soon grow to prolitable proportions. Thestay to be manufactured by hlm is made of fine elastic strips of whalebone covered with Une satin. It ; is an article for which there is a great domand, and the prominent wholesale dealers whohave cxaininvd the stay manufuctured by Mr. Kowling assure him that a ready market can be provided for all he can furnUh. - Ypsilantian. Our community was sadly pained last Saturday to hear of the death of Wüliam Watts. He had lived among us all hls lif, until a few y ears igo hesold his farm in Lrndon to Mr. Heatïy, and parchased another near Dansvillu. He was one of the most honored members of the Presbyterian church in this place for many years. He will be sadly missed by hinfamily, for he was a kind and loving husband and father. He will aUo be missed by hia fiiendsand neighbors, for he wr.s ever reudy wlth pleasant word and good udvice io those who came to him in trouble. - Unadilla eor. Dexter Leader. From the Harlelan M88. In the Brltifjh Mu scum.copled frora Weatber Proverbn, pag 121 : "If ChrlRtmaH day on Frlday be, The flrnt ol winter hard hnll be Wlth frostand snow. and wlth gratflood, But the end thereof U sball be good. Agalu, the snramer shall be good also , Kolk In their eres nlinll have groat woe' Woinen with cliHd, beafiU, and corti Bhall multlply and be lont, none. The chlld that In born on that day Hhall llTe long and lecherous be alway. WIio stealeth ought shall be foand out ¦ It thougnt besick It lwteth not."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News