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lOO Doses On Dollar. Hood'i Sarsaparilla is the only medicine of whlch thls can be truly said; and 1 li an unanswerable argument ai to the ïtrength and potlUre conomy of thls (Teat medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla is made of roots, herbs, barks, etc, long and f avorably known tor their power in purifying the blood ; and In combwatiun, proportion, and procesa, Hood'l Sarsaparilla Is peeuliar to itself. "For tconomv and comfort we use Hood's Bartaparilla." Hbs. C. Bbkwstbb, Buflalo. "Hood's Sarsaparilla takes Uu timt and guantitv to show lts effect than any other preparation I erer heard of. I woold not be without lt in the house." Mrs. C. A. M. UuBBAiU), North Chili, N. Y. loo Dote One Dollar Hood's Sarsaparilla cures ecrofula, salt rheum, all homors, boils, pimples, general deblllty, dyspepsia, billousness, slck headache, eatarrb, rbeomatism, kidney and livor oomplalnts, and all affections caused by Impura blood or low oondltlon of the system. Try lt 1 " I wal sererely afflicted wltb scrofnla, and tor oTer a year had two running sores on my neck. I took fw bottlet of Hood's Sarsapartlla, and oonslder myseif enttrely onrad C. E. Lovbjot, Lowell, Maïs. "Hood's Sarsapsrilla did me an Immens amonnt of goort. My whole system has been built np and strengthened, my digestión lmprored, and my head rellered of the bad teel ing. I conslder it the best medicine I hare erer used, and should not know how to do without it." Uabt L. Pxau, Salem, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by au drnggirts. 91 ; siz f or 5. Hade only by C L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass IOO Doses One Dollar. TUE OOOl l!iOCOHM taW__f_ Lamp ar Without Lift¦¦¦¦ ¦MftB 'ho fl Dingt ub aljutlnt t o ¦ uit lul gh 1 tl f GOOD 1 ofanylanip. HbSñpwHfl mout practical FAMILY CAN ver offered to the publle. FAMILY OIL CAN. EVEET FAMILY SHOÜLD HAVE ONE. uroiuiD ar Winflqld fflanufaeturlni %c, vLxZSíe?pylaf On tbe tooror Tablc: No EL?. or 5?1 k nockedopen to waste Cootenuor cause Explofilons. No ."orkR to "oRes Perfectly Air Tight. o Leakage-NoKvaporation-AlKOlutPly Rnfp. For Sale in Ann Arbor hj u r?r' Baumgartner. HenryWilMh. c. Eberbach. H Q. Horn, F. O. Sohleicher. RlnseyABeabolt. 1271-1284. AttMhment Notlce. To5 ViïïiïLï THE COÜNTT WUliam P. Grove v. Ueorge Holmes, In Bttacliment. Noiloe Is hereby glvea that on the twenty.. u y of NoTember, A.. D. 1885, a wrlt of atuchment was duly lsued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw. at the Bult ot WUllara r. OroveR, the ábove nainnd plalntlff.agalDstthe lands.tenements. gpodi and ohatleln, money and effect of Ueorge Iloluiea, the defendant nbove named F?i 8í.".of two hundred and four dollars HVK.whloh sald wrlt was returnable on the nftn day of January, A. D. 1886. uated thls Uth day of January, A. D. 1886. E. D. KINNE, Attorney for Plalntlff. SOLDIER'S_ATTENTION, A gentleman representlng Mllo B Stevens. rnÍÍoí.iD"ToUl wl" be at Ann Arbor, at Uounty Clerk's oIBce, Saturday, Jan. 30.1886, lorecclve claims (not now in thelr hands) for SThiïh?1. lncreaJe of Pension, bounty. eto., whlch lnterested partfe inayUcslre io hayè prosecuted by sald attorney a


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News