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Clover seed is comino; in quite freely, with $5.25 the ruling figure per bushel. Therfi have been ninetcen aecessions te the M. K. cliurcU by letter and otherwisc sinee Jan. Ist. Phebe Wykoff, of Salem, widow of the late Joseph Wykoff, died Jan. 14. aged 86 yesrs, of oíd age. The evening meetings are being coutinued at the M. E. church, and are attracting considerable interest. The Mondelssohn Quintette Club, at university huil, SatimUy eveuiug, Jan. 30, should be held in meinory The inmates of the county house devoured 12.000 Ibs. of pork and 10,000 lbs. of beef last year at a cost of $364. Snpt. Ashley says that Ann Arbor people can step on to the T. & A. A. cara and ride through to Evart by uext August. The picture and picture frame departuient of the Lewis & Gibson gallery Is to be closed out, and only the gallery retained. Do not forget the grand entertainment at Uie M. E. chureh Saturday evening. It will be instructivo as well as enterUinlf. Am. Robison in company with his son Ja., contemplates the erectlon of a uew livery and sale atable on Fourth st., next iprtng. That Chinese collection still attracts the penells of reporters but not the eyes of the public to any great extent. It Is safely caged. L. L. Cobb has been arrested for selling liquor to minors and students, and the trial will come off Suturday before Justlce Breiman. Last Saturday S W. Saxton pald $22.50 fine and costs forselling liquor to high school boys, and ,he don't propose to do so any more. The lesson given by Rt. Rev. Geo. D. Gillespie at 8t. Andrew's church Sunday evening, before the Hobart Gulld, was a very fineone. The remains ot Mrs. Fanny Hyatt May, of Grand Rapids, were brought to Ann Arbor and Interred in Forest Hill cemetery last Thur-iday. The building of the link of the T. & A. A. R. 1Í. between here and Hamburg via either Whitmore or Si her Lake is coming m the near future. The school board secured oak body wood for $3.75 per cord ; sugar niuple $4.25; hlckory for $4.50@r00; and onk chunks, stove length for$l 75 per cord. The remains of John F. Miller, who died in Washington gome weeks since, arrived here Tuesdav morning and were interred In Forest Hill cemetery. Supt. Ashley of the T , A. A.. & N. M. R. R., is an ezpeit In rulroad riots, and seems to alway come out ahead in his attempts to cross the tracks of other railroads. A wagon attaclii d toa runawav furra team collided with the hydrant at the northwest corner oí the couriliouse square, and took it off slick and clean, Saturday afternoon. Justice Brennan says no man can accomplish anything in lavv while being a justice of the pence, consequently he does not propoe to have anything more to do with it after his term expires. The school board are doing wood work in ferreting out and punishing those guilty of stil ing liquor to high school students, and thelr efforts in that direction should be commended by all rightralnilcd people. A decisión has been rendered by Judge Newton in the case of Junius E. Beal and Phoebe B. Beal plaintiffs, vs. Jacob A. Polhemus. The decision is a good strong one, and will be given in full in the Codkier next week. A. D. Seyler sent a box containing 20 or 30 pairs of boots and shoea to the Ladies' Charitable Union the other day, and the lndic-8 have distributed them in a way that has made many a foot comfortable, that before was iilyclad. The First National Bank will be offlcered as follows for the coming year : President, Philip Baeh ; cashier, S. W. Clarkson ; directora, P. IWh, Wtn. McCref ry, C H. Richmond, J. M. Whe.ler, E. Treadwell, H. C.rnwll, J. J. Ellis, A. Felch, Jas. Clements. Aid. Lawrence has gtrock the riL'ht thing in uavinjf a snow plow make a circuit of the principal streets lu the 4th ward. It is just what should be done all over the city, and the sooner our city fathers take tliis view of it and act thereon, the sooner they will please the public. Rev. Dr. 8teele, on New Yeare was presented witli a beautiful study desk and chair by the members of bis Bible class, and by several friends in the congregatimi with a very liberal rollöf bank bilis. For iill of which he exprewed his erateful thanks on laft Sabbath morning. Herman Armbruster will wcar the crown of the 3chutzen Köeng or the coming year, he h'ávjñjc n the prize at tbe shootinjr match Momlay. Armbruster and Fred Gakle were a tie each having a score of]?9 rings in ten shots, but In shooting off Fred got left by six rings. The Chronicle takes a pessimistic view of fhe new depot pnject of the M. C. R. R. Co. Hear it: "There is a rumor floatIng about that the Michigan Central is going to build a new depot in place of the antiquated and tumbl tíown stracture which has done duty as such ever gince the road was completeil. We have our doubte whether any one in college at tbe present time will ever see the change." The Scliutzenbund is to glve a prize sboot on the Ï8d of February. The Unltarian society has engaged Rev. J. T. Bixby, and he will flll the pulpit of that church permanently hereafter. Wm. Gutekunst, of Pittsfield, plead guilty to beating bis wife, before Juatice Frueauff Monday, and paid a fine of On January 30, Saturday evening, the Mendelssohn Quintette Club at Untversity hall. Everybody can go by paylng the usual admission. The cotnniittee for the Am. Science Association has turned over $292 left in lts hands and not willed for by contributors, to the Ladies' Library Association. City Marshal Fall says there is a greater demand upon him for aid than ever before, and that investigaron provea the cases to be such as are needy and deserving. Mack & Schmid are changing tlicir new wool house, on Liberty at., into a dwelling house. They had several applications to rent the same for a saloon, but deel ined. The Salvation army has folded its tents and vanished. The sin-crowned heights of Una Athens was too stubbornly guarded for it to make any impression with its guns of salvation. At the Unitarian church next Sunday morning, Rev. James T. Bixby will preach on the subject, What is truth f In the evening, Mr. Bixby will give a lecture entitled, Personal Observations of Germán Religión. The Uchuetzenbund officers for the jear are: President- Dr. C. Qeorge. Vice President- John Walz. 8ecretry- Fred Oraf. Treaaurer- C. Krapf. Schuetxan Juhn Mayer and H. Armbruüter. It has just leaked out that Mr. G. Gili leR)ie and Miss Lizzie Binder, both of whom have been employed at the same store, were married several months ago. As all ministers have to rnnke returns to the county clerk by Jan. lst, it had to be known at last and congratulations are now being received. It is quite noticeable that successful business men waste very little breath in bragging about themselves, or In telling how much superior they are to thelr neighbors that are in the same line of business; but if they enter into an honorable agreement with others they are particular to keep tbeir word. We have receired the initial number of the Shepherd Review, pubiUhed at Balt River, Isabella Co., by C. F. Overacker, formerly of the Saline Observer. It Is a neat flve column quarto, and lts patrónaire speaks well for the enterprlte of the town. Salt river can't be such a bad town af ter all thefuss, as sorne politicians try to make it out to be. An attempt was made to hold a meeting of the common council last Friday evening, but it was not successful, only slz of its members showing up. The mayor, however, informally appotnted as a cominittee to rlsit Detroit and investígate the plans of the M. C. P" for lmprovements at thls place, tne following persons: Mayor Kapp, Aids. Hender?on,and Lawrence, City Attorney Klnne, Messrs. P. G. Suekey, J. B. Davis, C. Mack, P. Bach and J. E. Beal. The opening address before the Cocker League will be delivered in the Methodist Episcopal church, nezt Sumlay evening by Dr. C. H. Payne, president of the Ohio Wesleyan University. Dr. Payne will also preach at the same place on Sabbath niorning, thus affbrdiug our cltizens the opportunity of enjoylhg two addressea from this original thinker, and ]U3tly famoua orator. The officers of the league extend a cordial inrltation to all to attend. Capt. C. H. Manly had a surprise party last night, in which a cañe played a prominent part. In fact the Capt. was the second Odd Fellow who was referred to week before last. The members of Otseningo lodge presented him with a beautiful gold headed cañe, Dewitt C. Fall making the presentation speech, which he did in a very happy veln. But the Captain was completely taken by surprise, and for once in his Ufe didn't know what to say. The animal meeting of the stockI holciers of the Keek Furoiture Co., for the election of directora was held at the office of Judge Harrioian last evening and resulted in the re-election of the full board as follows : W. D. Harriman, Moses Seabolt, J. J. Ellis, C. E. Hiscock, A. W. Hamilton and E. E. Beal. The annual report was read and approved, showing that the business for the past year under the efficiënt management of its superintendent, Mr. Snauble, had been proRperous. A six per cent. diyidend was declared payable on the tirst of February at the Savings Bank. The board subsequently met and re-elected W. D. Harriman, president ; L. Gruner, Tice president ; C. E. Hiscock, secretary and treasurur; Paul Snauble, superintendent. Sudden Death. Last Sunday morning Mrs. Lucy A. Howe, as was her uniform custom, started for church. Upon arriving at the Baptist church she was greeting her frlends in the vestibule when, without any warning, she gave a gasp and feil forward dead. It was a stroke of apoplexy, and no human help availed to save a useful llfe. Friends quickly gathered around and conveyed the body to the home on Maynard street, which she had left only a few minutes before full of health. The funeral was held Tuesday at 3 p. m. at the Baptist church where It was conducted by Rev. S. Haskel and attended by a large number of relativos, friendi of the W C. T. U., the ChariUble Union and the children of the Industrial School, where she had been a teacher. Mrs. Howe had alwayi been ao particularly active in all benevolent enterprlses, as well as in church work, that it will be some time befnre the vacancy ceases to be noticed. The poor of the city, ai well as all the unfortunate, lose in her a warm hearted, ever sympathetic friend. But she died as she had wished - in church - where she was to be fouad whenever there was service. Mrs. Howe, whose maiden name was Wickham, was boni In Albion, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1822. She was twice married, her tir-t husband, Lewis F. Butts, dying in 1852. In 1854 she was married to Charles Howe of Fairport, N. Y., with whom she passed twenty-flve years of marriel lifr. Soon after his decease she moved tn Ann Arbor where she bas been remarked for her untiring zeal in gcod workl. Her own childreo, Willian L. and Louis B., were unable to be present, as the former is in Western Kansas and the latt r in Colorado, too far away to get here. Prof. Alonzo Howe of Chicago Unirersity, her step-son, was present and accompanied the remains, which were taken last night, to Albion, N. Y., for interment. She was a near relative of the Beal families of thiR city, Dexter and Northville. The warm thanks of the relatlves are due to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snauble, to Mr. and Mis. M. J. Bllss, and others, for their constant and unremitting kindly attention.