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I was serioiisly Hfflicted with rhcumaUsm n my liips and lower limbs. I have now used one bottle of Atholphoros wilh tbe most satisfuctory results, beins; almost entirely tree from pain. R. L. Dimock, of Dimock & Hayner, Janesville YVif. Knowledge must bo made vital In tlie heait before it can blossom into conduct, and tbe continual passing of right teeling Into rightaction alone can form a worthy cliaracter. Au Enterprising, Keliable House. Eberbach & Son can aiways be relied upon, nut only to carry in stock the best of fverytliinfr, bilt to secure the Agency for siich articles b have well-known meriis and are popular with the people, tliereby sostalnlng the reputation of belng always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for thecelebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuinptlon, will sell iton a positlvc ruaran lee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lungs, and Chest, and to show our coiifldenoe, we invite you to cali and get a Trial Bottle Free. Leaves are light, and usoless, and idle. and wavering, and cbangeablc, and even dance ; yet God bas niadé them part of the oak; in o doing he has given us a lesson not to deny tlie Btoutheaitednfss wiihin beeause we sce the lightsomeness without. Aft.r Dlphtherla. Dlphthtria is a terrible ilisease, requiring tlie greatesl medical skill to effect a complete cure. Even when its power is broken, it clings to the patiënt with great persistency, atid often leuves the system pofsoned and próstrated. Just here Hood's Sarsaparilla does a vast ainonnt oj good, expelling impurities from the blood, giving it ríe lineas and vitality, while it renovuteg and strengtheng the system. The man wlio will notexecute hls resolutions when they are fresh upon him can tiBTe no hope fromtbetn nfterwards; they will be ilisxipatod, lost, and perish in tl e Uurryof the world, or in the slough f iudolence. Au Answer Wantcil. Cnn any one bring us a case of Kldney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedity cure? We say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently curod and who are dally recom mending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Dlsease, Diabetes, Wenk Back.or any nrinary complaint quickly curtd. They purity the blood, regúlate the bowelf, and actdirectly on the diseased parts. Every bottle jfiiaranteed. For sile at ñOa a bottle by Eberbach & Son. Men who eoinplain most loudly iliout the inequalities of tho human lot are -nerally a little blind to those great Itonl of wealth and blesirigs that no class can monopolize, and no wealth can buy. Bucklen's Árnica Sal re. The Best Salie in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilhlains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is gtiarauteed to give perfect satislaction, or inoney refnnded. Price 25 cents per box. For Saté by Eberbach & Sou. When Bby n dek, we garre her C A8T0BIA ¦Vben he wm a Chüd, he criad tm CASTO RÍA When abe bccome Miss, Bho cloug to C A8T0BLA. vrm al bM 0M14NB. U ptT% MA C A?.


Ann Arbor Courier
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