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l'iic Sailne Germán cliiirch has two ncw bclls- largc ones. A ina-querade at Gaunllut'.s link, Milan, Kriduy cvenillg. 'l'here is to bc n farmers1 Inttitute held at (r,-isi Lake, Ffeb. M and 10. (Mdgewater lian a KI club. Wi if it is composcd of old hickory. John Koch a Lima fermer, raised :30 bushels ot clover wad on 1 1 acres of land. Butter is qnoted at 10á IJ1 ,¦ pur Jb. In Uu' Saline market. Age KM strength not a'ivuii. Byron Hopkina of l nadill.i nnd Miss Aeeliii Freneh, of Dextcr townshlp, were married Jiin. 17th. Remember the entertainment of the MtHion IJand it.silPs hall. Dexter, on the eveoiogof Jaa.SSth. Auiong the reemi postmasten Rppointed we Dotice 1{. N. LeonurJ, Plttsield; F. '. Hammond, Whlttaker. Benedict Weluett, of S-ilinc. diei! Jan. 1", agod B2 years. He came to Saline in 1834, where li' hoa resided over .since. TIn; loe erop hüs (juitü generally liarvested. It is of ttue cjuality about ou'e foot thltk, ri'ht to li.uidio uicely. Ij. D. VVatklus of Manchester, i toread a paper upon " Short lloni Talk " before tho breeders' nitctinr at .lacksou ti morïow. Lisie Crune teacher of tlu; BridfSmtor i liter,- ii, ii ii ha. iicM'ii .ii.i' ¦ii'ii for allegad assaultand battery upon h boj named .Stelienowski. A douattón party j;ivcu the Hcv. Dan Shire, at the Center cbureb, Shsrou, recently, uetteel $l.i Inoasb fbrhlm, aud an exceedingly ood time. One of our citi.ens thinks the oew rail oad v i 1 1 leave tor Ami Arlmr itiree: trom lie jiinetiun with B station iiear Patrlck fiilliger's.- South Ljren Excelsior. It Imbuís to look as thongli the ladies" vimld resuscitale the lvislein Star lotlge of adoptad masón ry, Dow that the gentlcnen are in favor of It.- Manchester Enerprlse. 'I'he monthly erop report for January howB tliat 14 out of B9 milis and elevtiors in this eounty took in 10.".. 13 [ luchéis 1' wheat, and Í3O,O38 busbttls sinoe Au". st, last. The Enterprise is anthority for the stateïent that the diflerences exlsttOg between wo Oermau chnrch soeicties of Atancheser are about beiugr ndjusted, thusfonning ne verv strone society. Rasin River lodge, Xo. 27, I. O. O. F. will be offlcered as follows tor the cnsuing terin : N. ö.- W. Kimblw; V (.:.- M.Onrpenter; treae.- John Kcnsfer; sec'y- John Roller; periu. - A. Conkliii Jas. Frawley, one of our best known young men, lolt last week for Obeboypan, be baring aecepted a position as clerk In one of the larjiest dry ;oods housesin that place. We wish hiffl watttm. - DextiT Leader. Cassius Kobison, of Cooperstowu, Dakota, makes a practice of coming to Michigan to spend the winters, and a few days since lie gave us a cali. He likes Dákota with the exeeption of tlie cold weatlier. - Manchester Enterprise. Meridian Ctaapter, R. A. M., held an exaltation at their hall in Manchester last Saturday night, and companioos were present from Tecumseh, Clinton, Grasa Lake and Chelsea. All partook of a fine Slipper at the Uoodyear house after being exalted. Warren Babcock took possession of the postoffice Tuesday afternoon, and is now performing the duties of pnstmaster. The office has boen in the hands of the Palmers for nearly 15 years, the salary in that time nuigimr from $00 to f600 per year, -In v ing that there is now 10 times as inuch business trausacted Ihere now asthert; was at the time it was taken by Dr. l'almer. - Milan Leader. . Manypeoplc inWashtcnaw county will regret to k';trn of the dcath of Önin Tnatcher, oí Chelilêa, lic died of consumptton, on Tuesday last, aged 62 years in California, whither lie had gone in the liope of lming benelited. Mr. Thatchcr had served his towntblp livo years as supen isor, had been president ot the village of (Jhclsea sevoral teiuis, aml was promineut in the rauks of the democratie party. He was a live, wide awako citizeu, and bis loss will bc deplored by ïuanv people lhrouj;bout the county as well as in ( 'helMM. Last Wodneeday a couplc who had reccntly purcha8ed a farm near Ypsilauti were arrerted by oflicers from tbc oast, on the charge of having stolen property. The mini's name was Win, A. Pruce, aud the womun who passed for his wife was the wife of a Mr. Colé from ncar Rochester, N. Y., who had eluped with Prlce, the couple having stolen some $0,000 lu casb and 2,000 in personal property fromColo. 'J'hcy deeded the farm back to Cole and returned some of the personal property, luit when appeared to take them back to Xew York for trial tliey had both ili- appeared. Prace had wórkud on Cole's farm as a hand for lifteen year?, and it is amerted Imdbcen intímate with Mtb. Cole all that time The I)ctcr Leader bas entered upon lts 18th year, prosperous aud happy, and having a liberal patronage. In announcing the fact the Leader says : " We are cou- that we have iiot made it as interesting as it shoukl be locally- and we freely acknowledge it- although we have used our best endeavors. There may be somethinc; in the kind of Qtensll we have iwed in getting onr locáis on paper. We liaveused gold pens, Spencerian No. 1 pena, steel pens, brass pens, stub pens, iiiill pens, penclls, and all hHving fallcd to briiiR our locáis up to thecovetod standard, as a last resort we bave concluded to try what ellieiency therc is in a ' öilver ' in thatdlrection. Wcsball commenceour nèw departure next week, and we caution all evll doers to look well to their ways." T., A. A. ft N. M. SCHEME3. The last issue of the South Lyon Pieket gives the following anent this road : A Picket reporter was In conversation with a prominent olllolal of tbc T. & A. A. road Monday and during the conversatiou the iin siion was put to the p. o., as to how long it would be, before regular trains would be running throujrh over the new line from South Lyon to St. Louis. The p. o., replied tliat it would be tometlme. Ile said the company had a lease of the O. T. track from thi" place to Hamburg, but in all probabilities it would uevor be used as they would probably neyer run a train over the GK T. track. He sald the company would in the spring built] a track of thetr own from Hamburg to Whitmore Lake and from there to Worden station, eonnecting with their main line at tlmt point. The ijuestion was then asked what. would bei-ome of the track between here and WoTden, andlie replied that a dummy enghte would make the trips to and froni tliis place wltn passengere forthe conneutious, and freight business. We then asked tin; aforeMId official wlmt he thougbl our prospecta wefc for the ear tbopi and hc replied wlth i broad grln thar, on that subject he bad nothing tu gay. Kvidently tlie T. c A. A. people have our place in view aud about the best tiiiuir we eau do ia to keep the matter humming ripht n Don't let us say die muil we are obllged to. If we secure tliem the town is made, so to speak, and if we do not secure them w-e certuinJy are notliiii-; out aiul our effo'rta ni lio tued In a good canse. "I'.ITI .vi:v. WKPI'l','rDled ou Thursday, Jan. II, 1886 Phebe Wykoff, of Superior, ageii ge yeftrs, i montbi unusdays. Phebe W. Peterson was boni Sent '.) 1709, in Séneca Co., New ïork. At the age i 17, 8he vaa married to Joseph Wykoff, in the town of Etomolnai Séneca, Co N. V. vu the mothcr of 18 cuildreo live boysaml eiglitffirls. all of whoiu llveü to reaeli mature ye.-irs exceptllig tlirc, , who dicd In Infancy. She was grandmother to 86 childjren, and great ; mother to ii. Wiili her luiáband and flve ctiildren shecame to the state oi Mlcblgas in 1836, and MtUed In the town of Superior, Wiishteuaw Co., it beiug theu avant wilderuess. Öhe suflered all llie privations ot b p'.oneer's lile, for the sake of making a home for thcinselves and their chüdreu, and ou tliis homestead she lived until withiu the tast few yearsof her lile. 'I be old log ljiio rcared by them i:i still stand ing on the farm a lamí mark of their early days. She survived her husband seven yearg aud four montlis, he having died Sept. 7, 1878, al the advanoed age of 85 years and 3 moutiu, .She was formerly a Presbyterlan In aentlment. but for the conveniente of berself and i.nnUy, (olnd the CooBHgMlonal church, of which she remamecl a member until her devtü. j !.¦ i ehtldren and grandchlldren were all Btroogly attached to her, and tliev wil) deeply moarn and miss her. She waa held in high esteem i. all who knew her, and wal ¦ woman of more thau Cömmou ' abllities. A.lthough the infirmities eommon to old a;e had impalred her bodily Strength, w her mind was full of energv and unclouded almost to the day of her death. She lived a long, uscful aud Christian lile, but at last the shadow of death encircled her; sho has reached the other shore and is t real 8 w INC rrxus. Qco. Sberman has been Blek the pat) week. Mr. Frank Humphre; is rlaUIng relativcs liere. The tvo ncn lic li t.-r iln i.ui:. chürcn have arrlvëd and been placed in position. A surprise party and dance wusgivcii Chas. Khodes Thursdny eve. I1Ü1 wen) down and iiddlod. A live müc race at tlie link Wednesday iiight, between Johnson on .-; aud Ford on UU bicycle. Arthur Brown, Austiu Liesimer and Austin Rliinefrank took the 3nd degree in Jiulli Secundus Monday eveiiing. Airs. Heniy Mlller and danghter Daiq . of Tower City, Dakota, are vlsitiim friends herc. .Mr. Mlller forraerh sided In Saline hut remored to DulftiU In 1878. The Chouagven play attlie rink Wediic---day evening, at Milan rinlc Triday evening. The Chouagven boys seem to be getting the lead of the cornet boys considerably. Hdrry up boys, don't get left.