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L. D. Taylor has jone to New York Oí a business trip. Emory B. Wendell, of Detroit was in Ilic city Monday, n a business trip. Willis Boughtoa icinains in Detroit in charge of the lirm's store ia lliat city. Hou. 1). 15. AiiiRor, of the Charlotte Republican, was in (lic city Monday on business. Geo. Beadef and Mr. Bcbaeffer, of psilanti, ipeot Suuday at Mis. P. Clnitman'.s. Rov. Brooks Herford was tlic gueët ol Mrs. Gov. AshUy during liis stay i the city. Mrs. C. J. Kiutner returned to her home in Washington, D. C, last l'ridaj afternoon. Miss Nellie Kinr, of Adrián, is visiting Miss May Payne, on N. State st., for a couple of weeks. Ir. P. B. Rose carne to the city Thursday last, and has been visiting hit faniily aud friends during the week. Frank Woodruff, son of Chas.Woodruff ol tliis city, has been appoinlcd an operator in the train master's office in Ietroit. The name of the gentleman married was W. 8. Gabrielöki, and not Ö. Gillespie as Btated last week. Mr. G. is now in Detroit in the employ of Day, Campbell & Co. Michael Fohey, of this city, tdegraph operator at Manhattan Junction, Toledo, lias gone to Illinois, and is expected home in a day or two with Miss Maggie Conners as his bride. Charles Hicks of this city who ha sbeen stationed as agent and operator at Slocum'sJunction, in Wayne Co., for the past two years, has been appointed train dispatcher on the M. C. R. R. at Bay City. A handsome position. Lieut. lïobert Beecher Howell, U. S. N., son of Judge Howell, of Adrián, is vUltlOC Prof. W. H. Payne and other 'riends in the city. He luis been on a furlough for some weeks, but expects to be ordered upon a voyage sooii. J. W. Browcr has returned f rom a trij) to Danville ,111., wliere he went to see liis mother who wasquite UI, and Mrs. Brower has returned from a visit to her parent in Lapoer. J. W. will be fuiind with 8. & J. Banmgartuer liercafter. D. W. Hüiumo ld, publisher of tlie Vornon J,ake, was a pleasaiH caller at the Courier, ollice Tuesday morniug. Mr. Hammond iu a native of Superior, in this county, and retains a great affettion for old Washtenaw. His fathcr settled hcre in 1838.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News