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A HKsoi.irrnN uros adopted ni th iiniirii BtHM si'n.ii' iii 'i"' IWh eztandlsfl Hm ln i i i pésol tt.e Moor U Mi1. Moody, ot Ortkoiu. a joint molutlon m pntn t appoinl Giuirrnl Johu K. tlartmiift, of Punn; I viinm, a muiin'-cr o' the National Soltlert' Home I n (.laoo ¦( General McClollan, daoeaaed. The Prcsldentlal-Count bilí u callea iip. lm: ui'díiiiiiIIv luid Mide. Mr. VelIcriiiaiiea Long kddreui 011 thc silvor qucstion. Mr. Inalls otrored a resolution whtoh, without débale, vns aprcod to, directinjr the Seciemrv ni ihe Treasurv to inl'nrin the SenMe w lint ainoun tol silvr hu Ilion had bounpurohMad for oolnxge ln oaob nionth sinco July 1, 18(t5 I n lio House bilis were reportod back: By Mr. flisgjí. 'o place Fita John Portcr on tira retirad l'&t usaColonel; by Mr. Matson, to inciense the pension of widows trom eil't ' twelve dollars per month: by Mr. Cobb, fo! tmiitir oerlalB erante of land mude to South': ii Siatds to aid in tlie coastruetlon ol rilri:t'lK A resolution was adopteil acceptlnir tlie statue of Jifines A. Guille Id prescnteil bv lbo Statu of Ohio. Bills were introduced in thf Sennte ou tho mi: By Mr. WUson dowa), to facilítate the business of tho Supremo Court, the Clroult Court and the Court of Clnlms; by Mr. Toller, to próvido forthe colnngc of half dollars, quarterdollnrs atul 'linos, to contatn, respectively, one-lialf, ont'-qiiartcr and one-tenth the uiuount of silver contained in the standard silver dollars; by Mr. I .oirán, to extond the provlsions of the act Cor the relief of purchaaers and loeateM ot swnmp and overllowed lands The Bllvcr question s turther debated. A lame nurabcr of President ;il DomlMtUoni wore conflrmed InexocutivtseMlOA... .In the House a bilí wh pa--seü mitliorizing the voluutary retiremeni o. mivai oflicers who havo served fOr thirty years orwho have büeii-Hispicuous For berolsm A livelv debate took piuco on the Uil to mercase tho pension of wldows frota eitrlit dollars to twelve dollars por month. The minority report of the Coinmittee o ii Hültarj AlTairs on the blll lor tho rolief of itz John Portcr was presentod, in wliich 8tron(f(rrounds were tiiken tigmnit the measore. Amono the bilis introduced In the Senate on the 81t wero thc followlnjr: By Mr. Butler, to onable the people of Dakota to form a State Ooveintiunt; liy Mr Van VVyck, to provent the deinonetlzatioii or Aniprican ooin by makIng contracts for gold paymetits vold. A long dlSCUMlon over the Kleetoral-Count bilí took place. Ad joiirnedto the atli .In the House . ihc vrhoto su-sion was oceupied in dtsouMlug tlie bilí luoreaslng the pensions of soUUci-s' widowe and the flnanoíai mcasure. Senatt not in -e-iSiou o the -L'A In the Hotlfe, íifter a debato wbicb oceupiod the entiic iosíion, the lesolutlqn olfered by Mr. Boutalle, ot Malue, Milllni en the Seoretary of theN;:'y for int'oimation íexurllntr the eraflttre of iuscriptions and the diseharjfe of Cnion soldier ut the Norfolk navy-yard was ).:i-rd Al th" evBnlntf sesión slxteen ,;, bilis rere pasted. Adjonrnsn to the DOMES! IC. la the C'ouuty Court at Kahoka, Mo., David T Howern vleadedguilty on the lílth of murder and was sentenced to the penitentinry at Jeffeiaon City for a térra of ninetynine yers. The lock-out of eigav-makers at New York City was begun on the 19th, the ten thotisand' employés of fifteen factoiies being infortnod tliat there was no more "stoi'k.Til ': btMlDi s port-iOn if Tipton, Mo., ws destmyed by fire on the lOth. (4. L. Hopkins. a prominent farmer of Mapleoberg, Ey., shot the top of his son's heal ott'on the löth bOHM he was lazy in trom bed. Baoitol K.-iin. the most notonous burglar. hiKliwaynian and bank thief in Ohio, lio-,, operattouü entended over Ohio. Inili.'iu i. Bicbigan and PBiinylvania, was ¦hol dead at Cleveland on the lth Viy Officer Oeorge E. Corner, of the pólice forcé, wliiln rosistinu arrest. Wrci.t.-iNFMKMKU fruit men in Montgomeiy County, EU., stuted on the l'.'lu that peaoha hnd all heen killed by the seveie cold weather of the past few weekt. A tuais nf rifteen cars, loaded with silb, valuod ut 11,000,000, was on the ltb making fast timo from San r'raneiseo to New York. Etiiki. öi'ooXF.n, oE Orange, N. J., aged ten yeis. wlio lost a leg while crossing the DelanHiv, T,ackawanna & Western Railroad irack. waon tUeUib awarded $J0,000 dunst Thb managers of all the theater in Cincinnati except Heuck's have signad au agreemeut not to give Sundny performances. (tKxekai. Howakii, cortimander of the Department of the Platte, received instructions fiiin the War Department at Washingtou on the 'JOt,b to reiuain with his troops at Salt Lake City tu protect the country against any Hormon outbreak. The Executive Committee of the Irish National League of America met in Chicago on the 2()th to make arrangements for a National Convention. In the evening a public meeting was held, whichwas largely attended. Nike cowboys visited Burlington, Tex., the other night and terrorized the citizens by riding through the principal streets and flring iuto Windows. A Deputy Sheriff with a posse succeeded iu driving the ruffians from the town, but not until four of their number had been killed. ArsTiN öiieldos, who for f orty-flve years had lived in a cave at Dingman's Kerry, Pa., died on the 20th. His mode of life was inspired by the deatb of his young wife at Brantford, Conn. Thrbe oil warehouses at Philftdelphia were gutted by fire on the 20th. One mau was seriously burned, another perished in the Dames and two young women had naiTow escapes. Advices of the 30th from Pittsburgh, Pa. say that the strike in the coke región was assuming serious proportions. Four thou sand ovens and six thousand men were idle. At Morewood sixty-two Deputy Sher iffs and policemen had a fight with two hundred and fif ty Hungarian strikers, re sulting in thirteen men and one woman be ing arrested. Over a hundred shots were fired and niany of the strikers were wounded. Thk mail boats on the Mississippi River were detained at Natchei, Miss., on the 20th by running ice, which was the heaviest known there for flfty-three years. The National Board of Trade met in an nual session at Washington on the 20th The association was formed sixteen year ago, and is composed of delegates from the various Chambers of Commerce of the United States in all the leading cities. : Advicïs of the aoth say that the lates gas well, developed at Findlay, O., roar like Niágara Falls, and no one dares to light the flow. Charles H. Vïbnon, of Dyersberg, Tenn., seventeen years of age, the heir-apparent to an estáte valued at $300,000, killed himself on the 20th with a revolver, at Lonisville, because his father ordered him to leave the Kentucky Military Institute for a Southern college. An offleer o2 the Illinois Humane Society caused the arrest and punishment on the íuth of a commission merchant in Chicago forpluoking a live turkey. The fact was develo; ed on the trial that the practice was tho nlnv method in South Water street A snow-stokm which prevailed on tue 'Jüth was one of the most extensivo of the season. It reached from Omaha and Leavenworth to the Ohio Valley and northeast to the upper lake región. A sNow-sLiDE on the Slat near Salt Lake, Utah, killed A. O. Patterson and his wife and a miner named Thorstrom. At Booneville, Mo., a frame tenementoccupied by negro families was destroyed by fire on tho 21st, Anna Reed and her two little children perishing in the flanes. An explosión occurred on the 21t in the Oriel coal mine, at Newburg, W. Va., resulting in the imprisonment of thirty -seven persons in the ubaft, and it was feared that all would perisb from flre-damp. Mies Riser and her escort, James Marshall, were drowned on the 21st near Dawson, Pa., while skating. Excitement at Vandalia, Mo., in regard to the presence of niad dogs led to the shooting a few days ago of thirty seven anímate liy their owners in the public The recent l.lizzanl caused raany deaths u the ricinity of Oberlin, Kan. Men wero ound in their huts and dngoiits, with bread n their handsv frozen stiH". The relief nommittee at Nanticoke, Fa, ïad up to the 31st received from the public at large the sura of $8,534 to aid twenty ainilies left destitute by the recent coalmine disaster. By an explosión in a distiltery at Terre lauto, Ind., the other moming two men were killed and flve injured. The hip Frank N. Thayer, hemp laden, rom Manila to New York, was burned at sea receiitly, mitailing a losr of (310,000. The State Workingmen's Convention at Albany, N. Y., on the 21st decided to boycott all Chinese labor and the producís of Buch labor, and also all cittzens who may n any inanner assist the Chinese. An avalanche in Maroon Pass, Col., on the Sist buried a party of men and mulea, and ix of the men and a like number of the animale perished. Near Silverton a snow-slide swept away the houses, plant and machinery of tb. Dutton mine, four men being killed. Noble B. Judah and other Chicagoans ïave incorporated the American Press As sociation, wíth a capital of $300,000, to colleot and distribute news. Governor HuanES, of Arkansas, on the 21st pardoned thirty colored men known as the Howard County riotere, who were servng sentences ranging from flve to flf teen years. A hprricane raged on the Faciflc coast on the 21st, the wind at San Francisco reaching a velocity of eighty-two miles per lour. In the city buildings, church spires and chimneys were blown down, and streets and basements were flooded by the aeavy rain. Two women were killed and 8everal persons were injured by falling bouses. In a house of bad repute in Chicago on the night of the 21st Charles A. Clowes, a weulthy young man, shot and killed bis mistress, Blanche Oray, and then shot himself dead. The cause of the deed was unknown. Clowes' mother now lives in Hyde Park, and with her is Glowes' young wife, whom he married only threo months ago in New York. Fires on the 21st in cotton storebouses at Tompkinsville, 8. I., caused losses aggregating $150,000. WlLLIAM PlTTMAN shot 8U(1 killed Ilis brother Herbert on the 22d. They were farmers, lived near Petersburg, Va., and quarreled over the loan of a horse. The State of Pennsylvania has eighteen schools for soldiere' orpUans, on which $8,000,000 has been expended during th past twenty years. In the northern portion of Berks County, Pa., diphtheria bas swept away thirty persons withiu a short period, and the disease was on the 23d still spreading. TnE total number of busiuess failures in the United States and Canada during the seven days ended on the 23d was 394, against 334 for the previous seveu days. Hesrt Jackson (colored) was executed in Webster Parisb. La., on the 22d for thf minder of a procer named H. A. Britten. MUS. fcrBOROIE UUAVENKR, Of CovillgtOU, Ky., drowned hemelf and babe in a cistern on the '."M while temporarily intiane. Advhks of the '2-d say that no less thaD forty-one lives were lost by the recent mint diuater t Nawburg, W. Va. The Carrollton cotton-seed oil milis, ir the upper portion of New Orleans, valuei at $1UO,000, were destroyed by a recent fire. Gueat exoitement prevailed on the 22d ir Searcy Couuty, Ark , over the reported dis eovery of ricb copper mines. Dknnis Jackson, a farmer living at Pilol Grove, Mo., was shot dead on the 2M bj his fourteenyear-old son because he had severely whippeil the boy. The damage to property in the city and county of Los Angeles, Cal., by the recent floods was on the 22d estimated at $500,000. Over fcix persons are known to have lost tbeir li M At a camp-Hre ou the 22d at Upper Sandusky. O., held for the relief of indigent soldiers and their families, Lowell B. Harrijiaiil one tiiousand dollars for bis supper. Whii.e coasting at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 22d two boys ran into a heavy wagon and were fatally injured. TnE weatber tbroughout the Northwest on the 2'id was the most severe thus far this winter. In Chicago and otber portions of Illinois the mercury feil to twenty-three degrees below zero, in Iowa it ranged from twelve to twenty-six below, in Wisconsin twenty -flve below was reported, and in Minnesota thirty below. Uailway travel was suspended at many points, owing to the driftinft snow. The iesdenee of the widow of General Henry Storms, at Tarrytown, N. Y., was robbed th other night by six masked umi, who carried off the family plate, valuable relies, jewel-hilted swords and the accumulated sil verware of three generations. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The funeral of Miss Katharme Lee Bayard took place at Wilmington, Del., on the 19th. The Supreme Court of Illinois has afflrmea the decisiou of the lower court that the Kiection law adopted last fall by the Toteis of Chicago is constitutional. The Mary land Legislature on the 19th relected Senator Gorman as United States Senator. The Kansas Legislature began a tbirtyday extra session on the 19th. The principal business will be the reapportionment of the State into Legislativo distriets. The President on the 19th approved the Presidential-Succession bill and the act legalizing the Wyoming Territorial Legislature. Ia the United States Court at Keokuk on the lflth Judge Love said he had received a decisiou from Judge Brewer to the effect that the Iowu Prohibitory law was unconstitutional as applied to breweries erected hefore the Uw was passed. Hkniit Lx.oïr) waa on the 30tb ehosi Governor of Maiyland by the Legislaturi to fill the unexpired term of Governor Mc Lane, now Miüixter to Franee. The President on the SOth sent to the Senate the name of Charles J. Canda to be Assistant Treasurr at New York. The Mississippi Legislature on the Sist re-elected E. O. Waltball and J: F. George United States Senators, the term of the former expiring March 4, 1830, and that of the latter commencing March 4, 1887. Hunhï Lloïh was on the 21st inaugurated Govemor of Maryland. The Iowa Prohibitionists, in State Convention at Des Moines on the 21st, decided to raise a fund of $50,000 to aid in enforcing the Prohibitory law. In the Oliio Seríate on the 22d General Kennedy, the President, ruledthat tbe tour members from Hamilton County, whose seats are in dispute, were not entitled to vote, tbereby placing the Sonate in control of tbe Republicans, wbo causad an adjournment to the 23d un'ler the President's ruling. Th Democrats remained in the hall, organized another Senate, and passed a motion of adjournment until the evening of the 25th. A long fight for possession of the Senate chamber was anticipated. There are twenty Democratie Senatora (counting the four from Hamilton County), and seventeen Republicans. Secketaky Lamau has decided that all the appropriittions made by the Legislature of Arizona in excess of the sum appropriated by Congres were in violation of law and void. .1 am km T. Farlkt, ex-United States Senator, died at Jackson, Cal., on the 22d, aged Ilíty-seven years. FOREIGN. The 8t. Petersburg polioe on the 19th dicovered another Nihilist resort and seized a lot of explowres Hd treasonable doeiments. At the regu'ar fortnightly inoecing ob the 19th of the National League, iu Dublin, Jolin Deasy prdipted that before the end of the year lmland would hava it8 own Pnrliav"' ADTTCti or th Mtu rrom Mandatay, Bm mah, nay that the pretended Alompr Prince and two of his adhernts had been tried, found guilty of rebellion and shot. The prcss of Servia denouncos the union of Bulgaria and Easteni Roumelio, and charges the Government with getting up ! pretended petitions for resuming the war j with Bulgaria. William Shbbhan, who in 1877 murdered bis mother, sister and brother to obtain possaMlon oí nomo property, and was only recentlv convicted, was hanged at Cork, Ireland, on the 9Oth. Th Mersey tunnel between Liverpool and Birkenhead was formally opened on the aoth by the Prince of Wales and his sons Albert and George, who passed under the rirer in a special train. The suni of S5,000,000 was expended on the work, which is 1,230 yards in length. Thb distress among Chinese at Victoria, B. C, was on the 21st sald to be appalling, Many were starving. Pkesident Daklino, of the Toronto Board of Trade, rays that Canada's trade is generally batter than it was a year ago. The cable on the Sist reported the sus pension of the Briton Assurance Company, of London, whose capital was L750,000. In opening the British Parliament on tbs 21st Queen Victoria, in her speech, said she bad seen with sorrow the attempt to excite the people in Ireland to hostility against the legislativo union between that country and Great Britain, and said she was resolutely opposed to any disturbance of that fundamental law. Henky M. Stanlet, the African explorar, has been appointed manager of the work of building a line of railway into the Congo country. The unsettled condltion of affairs in Burmah is such that Lord Dufferin issued a circular on the 22d warning all foreigners in Mandalay against exposing tlvenuelve either singly or in small parties LATER NEWS Ocards aromid the principal buildings of London were doubled on the 23d, tor fear of dynauiite outrages, and the Cabinet Council was protected by an extra force of pólice. H. W. Cannox bas resigned the office of Comptroller of Curreney at Washington. The Republican members of the Ohio Senate inet on the 23d, but as erery Democratie seat was vacant, an adjourument to the 35th was taken. Ci.emf.nt Simpson, a mulatto, killed an aged white woman near Henderson, Ky., on the 34th because she would not pray. A mob soon lynched the murderer. A auLLinioN' of fieight trams a few days ago at Ringtown, Pa., owing to the blunder of a dispatcher, caused the doath of two men and the fatal wouuding of two others. Dormán B. Eaton, Civil-Service Commissioner, sent his resignation to the President, on the 28d, to take effect March 9. The uhiis house near Jackson, Mich., was hurneil on the night of the 24th, three aged nomen and two old men perishing in the Humes. The flre originated in the kitchen. Tim exchanges at twentysix leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week endöd on the 23d aggregated $96619,672, against tfti9,323,lÖ2 the previoua week. JosaPH C. Rankin, member of Coiiriosj, trom the Fifth Wisconsin District, died in Washington on the 24th, after a long and painful illuess, aged flfty-two years. Sivrv lirothers named Arnold, all made raring maniacs through the loss of property, were taken from tbeir home in ory County, Mo., on the 23d, to an asyluin. j The damageto the frait erop of Florida by the recent cold weather, accordiug to the wisest judges, is nearly !J,000,OI. C. h. Foss, treasurer of a trust oon pany at St. Paul, has baen arrested for the emln'ZZienient of f 10,000. Ui' to the 98d the United States Senate had confirmed three hundred and thirtynine Presidential postmastere. exactly onethirdof the total number nominated. Mits. Elizabeth Eaki.y, aged seveuty-flve, was burned to death at Johnstown, N. J., on the 24th, her clothing catching flre from a stove. Goveün'or Lahhabee, of Iowa, on the23d reinstated Auditor Brown, who was removed about a year ago by Governor Shermau on the charge of not making a complete report of all the moneys in his possession belonginT to the State. Thk cavalry stables at Fort Custer, M. T., were destroyed by flre a few nights ago, and flfty-eight horses perished in the flinm Foirteen bodies out of forty-one who perished in the recent mine explosión near Wewbury, W. Va., had been recovered on the 34th. The mothers, wives and sisters of the dead men were in gveat agony, and two hftd become insane.


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