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Naval History Of The Civil War

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Thia long looked for volume tells the naval sitie of the story of the civil war. It does for the navy what Oen. Grant's "Personal Meinoirs" does for the army. Together tliese two unrlvalled works give & most. tli rilling and authentic account of how the grvat buttle was lought, the victory won. SKKTCH OF ADMIKAL 1AVID DIX02Í I'ORTBR. II is gramlfathor was apppinted by GeoWashington, a matter in [ba American Navy durintr the Ilevolutionary War. His fatlier, Captain David Porter, in the fauious frlgmte Essex, capturad the first man-of-war taken from the Britiah la the war of 1812, and wa Commander-inchiei of the Nayy of Mexico iu its war for independence. Admira! David Dixon Porter came of a race of naval héroes. He did bis lirst service for Mexico; but lie afterward entered the United Status service, and iMinsed througli all grades, trom midshipinan to admira!. Ue assisted in the operations agaln.-t Vera Cruz, and gave new lustre to a name already synonynious with valor. His ehief exploits. however, have been piTforiued in the great American Civil War. They began with the relief of Fort Pickens in Pensacola Harbor, andended with the capture of Fort Fisher, ,the niain defonw of the Port of Wilmiujiton, North Carolina. He comumntled the inortar tlitUla whieh retttirfff "the forts uardinK the approach to .Ni'W Orleans, and after the capture of that city co-opperated with the arniy of Gen. U-rant in the capture of Vieksbuiff and the opening ot the M8SÍ9sippi. Wherever there was water enou!h to üoat a gunhoat, the flag of the Uniou was carried under his command. He held rank second only to the glorious Fafrugut, and on the death of that illustrious mau sik'ceeded him as ad mi ral of the United States Navy, whlch position he iiow holds. A. MARVELOt'8 FACT! Marvelous as it may seem, the story of hazanlg and aehieveinents ia the army bas been told by liUDdred9 of writers, while the ten-fokl more perilous duties and grand victories of the navy have liitherto been but brielly sketclied. But for the navy, the Union wonld have been destroyed bv the kiel of foreign sympathizcis pourinjf in money, provisions and munitions of war to the confederacy. The navy captured New Orleans, the great city of the South, controllini; the entranee to the Mississippi river, and but tor the navy, Graut saya lie could not have taken Vicksburg nor operated successfully as he did, against Ricbinond. The growth of our navy was one of the marvels of the age, and it was a power of no sinall magnitude In criiihlng the rebellion. It was second only to the army itsilf, and was absolutely indispensable to the efficiency of the latter, and has a florious record in the salvation ot' the uatiou. LOOK AT THE FOOTINGS. It cost the government, in round numbers, $180.000,000, or $120,000,000 for each year of the war, or $10,000,000 per month, or nearly a third of a milliou of dollars for every day of the war. It employed over 600 vessels of war and over 50,000 men, which force greatly exceed that of any other nation in the world. It puarded over 7,000 miles of coast, including hays, rivera, etc., etlectually prtventing the importation of arma and nunitions of war, and so cotnpellin the earlier exhaustion of the confedérate torces. It captured the Immense number of 1,164 blockade runners, many of which were fine steauiers, a ratio of nearly Ü00 captured per annum, or almost one eacb day duiing the entire war. The money value of its captuiea was at least $60,000,000, or $15,000,000 each year of the war, and oue aud a quarter niillious in value for each month of the war from first to last. It co-operated with the army wherever there was water enouah to tíoat a gunioat, while on the hijfh seas, our navy coverd itself with glory. The river work f the navy on tlie Potomnc, the York, the James and the Mississippi, wlth lts ranches; the co;ist-line work, from the ;iii:ijakf to the Mlsaissippi, and iu work on the high seas, total'y eclipsed in nurtial valor aud brilllant gucoeëses all other naval achievements of the world. While history records the name of Fort ¦lenry, Fort Donelson, Ixhtntl No. 10, Vickñburg. Port Hudson, Fort Juckson, Fort St. Philip, Mobile Bay, Hatteras niet, l'ort Iloyal, Fort Fishor, and a score more of nicli fumoue nmacs, the American navy will be universally honred; while such deeds as the sinking of lie "Alabama" in square naval battle will ever be named lunong the most briliiint victories of any age. It opened the harbors by the perilous work of remoring owtructlons, torpedoes, te. and by utterly destroyinr the hostile mtteries which commanded them. It uld in chuck the treasonable element of uitiny a city and rural sectiou while a ivaileil gunboat quletly lay before it; in n short, it disilayed heroiam of the loblest type and made our reputation on he sens equal thnt of ony nation. Such was the vajue of the navy iti the freat strufrglo that General Grant ac!nowledjLed tho immense importance of ;8 co-operation iu the following words: "Without the help of the navy I could ot liave succeeded at Vicksburg with tiree times the nuniber of men; in fact, vithout the navy I could not have 911ceeded at all." 8. C. Stacey, of Tecuinseta, holds the eseral agency of this work for the ounties of Monroe, Wiishtciiaw, Lenavee and llillsdale. Address him it once ör territory and terins.


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