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The Nation's Disgrace

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While the national administratiou Is engaged ia curryini out tlie ante-election cry of 'turn the rascáis out," lt might be well for it to turn the reflector of public opinión upoii itself, and ascertain just liow many members of the cabinet deserve to be turned out. According to the New York World and the New York Sun, (both democratie), the "rascáis" are not all conflned to republican otlicials. Iu fact, while the democratie administration has searched the records from Alpha to Omega with a line tooth comb, in the hope of unearthingS'ime fraudulent transactions, it hua signally failed in tínding anything even censurable. But half of the democratie administration is not yet ended, wlien one of the most disgraceful sclicmes of fraud and speculation that was ever couceived is brought to light, with the nest-egg under the very nose of President Cleveland, being none other than Attorney General Garland, whose official influence was needed and purchased by thousands of dollars worth of stock in a company which requircd only the word ot' his mouth to make hun immensely rich, or tho reverse. It was a terrible tempt at ion but an honest mau onght to have resisted it. The good name of Mr. Cleveland's admiuiatration, the good name of Mr. ('leveland'á cabinet, the good name of the American nation demanded that Mr_ Gai land should re.-iat this temptatioD, and the moment he suecumbed to it, he should have stepped down and out, and not allowed disgrace to come upon the president, cabinet and nation. The scheme of the Pan-Electric Co., which Mr. Garland allowed himself to become a party to is one before which all other schenies pale into insignifleance. It seeks not only to enrich a number of congressmen, members of the cabinet and high ofticials, but will rob others of that which rishtfully belongs to them. It aunuls, practically, the use and value of an invention by its discoverer, and will seriously cripple men wlio invested in a legitímate pursuit to develop and build up the telephone business. A partía! list of stockholders in this scheme, the World says, reads "alniost like a page from the government Blue Book " : A. H. Garland, Attorney General. Josepn E. Jolmston, Kuilroad Comniisloner. i. I). C. Atklns, Inclian Commissloucr. lsimtn G. llanis, U. s. 8. Teanessee. Oeorge G. Vest, U. S. 8. Missouri. Zebulon G. Vanee, U. 8. 8. Norlh Carolina. Kobert Klotz. Kx-M. C, Penosylvania. EU J. Henk Ie, Ex-M. C , Muryland. Cauey Youn, Ex-M. C. Tennesaee. Mr. Upsuaw, Chlet Clerk, Indian Bureau. Krank Armstrong, InüUtn Inspector. John C. Brown, Ex-Uov. Teuuessee. Of course this is only a few who have happened to come to light, but shows how thorouglily the stock penneatesthe places where intluence is needed Will enngress investígate thia scandal, or allow this admlni-tration tn pass into history with it clineinjr about it as a shroud to a corpse ? Mr. Cleveland, injustice tohis memory, and placo in hibtory should demand a thnrou:h cleaniug out of his already flltliy Augeau stables.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News