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Common Council Proceedings

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' At the regular monthly meeting of the ;ommon council Monday eveuing, jugt a juorum presentad itself, but Mayor Kapp, who has never inissed a meeting yet ws in hi3 accustomed place - ia the chair. The tirst business in order was the presen tation of PETITIONB AND COMMUNICATIONS. AM. Henderson, as chairman of the flre cominittee, preseuted the foüowing communication : To Honor tht Mayor, Rtcordtr and Council of the Vity of Arm Aroor : Gentlemen- The underslgned havlng the Interefit of the Flre departraent in view would respect íully cali your attentlon to a few tilinga In that deparlment wlilch we think If adopted would mcrease lts efficiency, and not In any way inórense lta expenses, bat In ihe opinión of the underslgned lessen them. uur water works are now ready lor use lu case of flre, and we are enabled to do effective work at lires wlth a less number of men i imii rui nipriy , mul wo would recoommend tbe dlubanding of Proteotlon Engine Co. No. 1, and reduclng the number of flremen and Itoseraen to aoout eventy-flve or less, and we would iImi recoinmend the payraent to each flreman and hoseman the im of $10 per year. Respeotfully aubmitted, Moses Sbabojlt, Cu'f of Fiie Dep., .1. H. JlKNDKKÜON, A. F. Maktin, Chas. A. Poland, Committee Flre Dept. So much of the report as referred to the disbanding of Protection Fire Co. No. 1 was adopted and the balance referred to the flre committee. The next petition was one from Frederick Wagner, who had had the care of Conrad Schneider a workmen at the Keek factory who had the misfortune to injure him8elf so badly that he has been ill since, asking that the council allow $5 per week for room and board, and $4 per week for a nurse until restored. On motion of Aid. Heinzman the sum of $5 pur week for four weeks wasallowed. The Ann Arbor Gas Llght Co. sent in a proposition to light the court house tower clock for the period of 1,620 hours during a year with a burner of 223.88 canrlle power for $50 per year, or at the rate of $2 per thousand. Or they would furnisli the same light 2,258 hours a year for $73, or at the same rute per thousand. After considerable discussion the matter was referred to the General Fund Committee, in order that the system of the University library clock might be investigated. Aid. Henüerson brought up the matter of nuniberiug the residences in the lirat ward, siid moved that some person be authorized to see that the gtreet in that wnrd be properly numbered. VVhlch was carried, and on further motion Aid. Henderson was empowered to attend to the matter. REPORTS OF COMHITTEKS, ETC. Aid. Hiscock being absent the monthly report of the fioance committee was read by the Recorder, showlng the followlng expenditures for the month : KECAPITULATION. 1st ward $ 6 85 31 s 50 6th " „ i 90 gtn " ,. „ 32 88 Ueneral Street Fund _... 50 General Kund, „ 3JU 76 Contingent Fuud 837 53 ïotal __ $1,210 82 On motion of Alü. Martin, C. M. Thompson wa9 allowed a bilí of $39, for labor in the 6tu ward. And the numes of the rnembers of the various fire companies to the number of 128 were preseuted and each allowed $5. City Attorney Kinne reported in the matter of a new ordinance to preserve peace and quiet at the post-offlee tbat tbe present ordinances were sufflclent if ent'orced, and thought that quiet could never be maintained at our post-offlee as long as a news depot was allowed to run in the same room. The City Attorney also reported the outcome of the cases of Wm. Burke and the Qott Estáte, against the city, the fornier in favor, the latter against, but did not advocate the carrying up of the latter case. The City Recorder reported thai the license committee had agreed to rent the lot in t he rear of the opera house for a wood miirket at au annual rental of $50. On inotion the committee was instructed to procure a lease of the lot to that effect. Aid. Birgs offered a resolution in reference to the water hydrant located near liis place, but the same jvas not acted upon. Aid. Kenrns offered the following ¦ Resolved, That the Recorder be lnstruced to firocure the publieatlon of bis annual report o tae Coürikr and Democrat the name as last year, and that be be allowed the game compensation as fonaerly allowed recorders for th.'lr iinnual report. Aid. Kearn3 presented the route which the Bültimore & Ohio Telegraph Co. desired to stretch their wires upon tbroogh the city, as follows : Corae In on street west slde of fair ground to HUI street : west on II111 street to Grove or Packard, on Grove or Packard to Main street; nortli on Mata street, one square, to Willlam street; west on Wltliam to Second street; north on Socond street to llunm; thence west out of city. Wlll need two poles on Hurou street eastward frora seoond treet to office. Whicli was referred to Street committue with power toact. The monthly report of the City Marshal showed the following expeuditure of the poor fuud for the month : KBCAPITÜLATION. lst ward hm . 22 82 M " „ 35 61 3d " 57 87 4tk " 127 33 5th " - 1 IS 6th " 5 21 Total S 330 00 The City Treasurer's monthly report showed the receipts to have been f587.96, disbursements $1,836.55, and amount on hand $5,4G8.79, with the following jbalances : BALAKCI ON HAND. Contingent fund, on hand $ í,59T 07 General fund, overdraft 2,974 UI General street fund overdratt 39 77 lat ward fund on hand - ia; 60 2d " " OTerdraft 161 32 8d " " f'4 4 4th " " 20 8S 5t.h " " 187 83 8tb " " overdrait 5 H City Csmetery Td, overdraft 21 87 Doe tax fund 100 OU Delinquent tax, overdraft 842 6S Water Work Fuud 4,000 00 ToUl overdrafti f 4.048 05 Grand total 5,468 7 Council theu adjourned.


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