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Having suffered with rheumatism md ¦ml debility for yeara, I procura! a bottle of Atlilophoros. After live doses I sli'pt and the next tnorning could dress mvsclf Mini walk without a cañe. Samuel Barttow, Lancaster, Wiseonsin. Those tliat would be safe have need to bc sns)itious of the temper. The farrison that sounds a parley is not far f rom being aurrendered. A WalUng Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Mechanicsburjr, Pa., w.ites : "I was afflicted with Huif; fever and abscess on lung, and reduced to a ictilking Sheleton. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Conelimptloii, whicli dld me so niuch good that I bouht a dollar bottle. After usiiiff three bottlee, found syself once more a man, completely restored to liealth, with a hearty appetite. and a gain ia flesh of 48 lbs." Cali at Eberbach & Sop 's drug store and get a free trial bottle of thiscertain cure for all Lung Disuases. Large boules $1.00. Who is wise f Hfl that learns from every one. Who is powerful ? He that govf rns Ma pastions. Who is rich ? He that is content. Captain Mitcuell, of the bark Antonio Sala, New York and Havana trade, carne home in May, eotirely helpless with rheuniatism. He weut to the mountains, but rectjiviug no benetit, at his wife's request btaik to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. He iininediately began to improve ; in two monthB lus rUeumatism was all goue, and lie sailed in commandof his vossel a well man. Hood's Sarsaparilla will üelp you: iiuld by all dru$;uta. To avenge öne's éelf is to confesa that one bas been wounded, but itanot the part of a nuble miiid to be woundeü by an injury. riKiiisniHls Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Kan., writeq: "I neverliesitate to recommetul your Electric Bitters to my cnBtomers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purity the blood and regúlate tlie bowels. No family can n fiord to be without them. They wü! save liuudreds of dollars in doctor' billa every year, Sold ut lilty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Son. Givo no quarter to those vices whicli are of thine inward fainily, and havinj; a root in temper plead a rijjht and pnprietary in tfooe. Try It. Ií you are sick and can flnd no relief Iniy a bottle of Dr. J. B. Henion's Sure ('me foi Malaria of your druggist and laUe it. Uuy a Bottle. ïfo matter what your discase niay be, if yon live in a Malaria! d9trict, buy a botilc of 1). Henion's Sur e Cure for Malaria, and you will receive great benefit. Speedily Cured. All dtWMM that are canscd by Malaria will be speedily cured by taking a bottle of Dr. J. B. Henion's Sure Cure for Malaria ; it is also a positive cure for all kinds of pain. All druggist8 keep it. Toerr is human, but you make no mistake ii you use Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonie for dyspepsia, costivenesa, bad breai.h, piles, pimples, agüe and malaria, poor ap petite, low spirits, or dlseases of the kidneyt, tomach nd llrer. 60 cenU.


Ann Arbor Courier
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