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Wm. Straith of Dextoí has returned froa K h nsas. 'liolcea barben Uve quit shaving or, Sunday. Kx-Supervisor Jelele of Scio, is the fa tlier of a fine new boy. Kov. D. .r. Odeil, of Milan,;recpived 3Í at a donation receutly. J.Croarkin lias moved lüsolótiiiiig stock f'rom Dexter to Jaeluoa. .1. J. OibtOO of Ann Arbor hnsopened branob gallery in Dexter. Qeo. W. Oill li:i i)iiriit out thelumbet jsnl of Thos. Neat, at Ypsllanti. Tlie Superior grande is fast noreasing, and becoming a powerful society. A cin vas ig to be put on the opera house Hoor al Dexter lor dancing ocasiona. Freil. Tburber, of Webster, who was injured by a boar recently is recoveiing. Tliere wa.s h jolly cap socinlat Jas. McLuren's, in Lima, last Friday cvening. Thirteen persons werc reccivcd iutotlie M. E. church at Ypsllanü Siinday brfore last. Dr. O. E. Pratt, homeopathie pbyticua ot Chicago, bus declded to lócate ¦ Ypttlanti. Frank W. Carpenter and Miss May L. Stanton. of Webster, werc mairiod January 28th. Rev. O. C. Bailey of Dester, was givcn $60 as a donatiou on Thureday eveiiiug of last week. The young folks of Lima are preparing au entertainment tor the benetit of the M. E. cbuich. Herman Gates of Superior feil out of a tree, gome 83 feet, recently bruising himsel f very badly. Kev. J. Fisher, ofl Mooreville. is to have a donatiou visit next Friday nfternoon and evening. The Dexter young people announee a grand hop at their opera house, Friday e vening, Feb. 12th. C. II. Cady has sold out hls grocery business in Ypsilanti to Harrts Bros., formerly of Eaton Raplds. The hours for the Milán library to be pen is 3 to 5 o'clock p. m., Fridaya. and 7 to 9 o'clock Saturduy evenings. Frank Fisk of Lima, will commence the erectlon of a new house on bis farm, as soon as the weiither will permit. Adelbert Geer of Superior, is busy at work in venting a new harvester that sliall e superior to all other harvesters. Mrs. Patty Kenny, of Webster, died Feb. 3d, in her i4th ycar, at the uomc of ler daughter, Mrs. Reuben Queal. At 3 o'clock last Saturday afternoon here were 80 teams hitclicUon ourstreets. Who snys üexter ie dull ? - Leader. Rev. Mr. Wolf, the minister who founded the Germán church society in Suline, iow of Tacomii, Wash. Ter., visited Saine reeently. At the recent session of the grand lodge A. O. U. W , Wm. B. Seymour, of Ypsianti, was chosen grand ïoreman, the second olflcer in rank. The death of Dr. J. V. ühambeiialn. of Ypsilanti. recently, was a shock to many x-ople in the eastern portion of the county who knew and respected him. Elmer Hammond willbe the newclerk n the Chelsea post office, to take the place of Gilbert Gay whogoes to Stockbridge as caahicr of the Commercial bank. Rev. A W. Stalker pastor of the Dixboro M. E. church, was given S0 by a donation party In Superior last week, and $20 at a social given in Grange hall, the night bllowing. Robt. Shankland, aged 95, and who llves n Salem, feil and broke li is arm recently, .nd though 80 far advauced in years, bida 'air to draw bis pension as a soldier of 812 for many years to come. The Chouaguen band have had an offer o go to New Orleane, this month, by goiifi to Cinciiinati, and taking a boat down nd back, and playing for their expenses, ""bey are ia doubt, as ytt, about acceptng.- Saline Observcr. ' The Webster Raadtog Circle bold an lection Jan. 26th with the following reult : President, Mis. E. 8. Cushman ; vice-president, Hen ry Queal; secretary, rving G. McColI; treasurer, Munuis venny; librarían, Ida Kenuy. Wm. A. Pruce and Mrs. Lizzie Cole.tho ew York elopers who carne to Ypsilanti ecentlj-, and skipped out justas an offleer camo on to arrest them; appeared on the cene at Ypsilanti one day last week, and vere Immediately arrested and taken back o New York to await trial on two or three barges. The establishment of creameries is havng a boom just now. But before any of ur frieuds invest their money therein we idvise them to ascertain for themselvea iow much these investments are pnyinjr. l'here are few at least, which are drclarnga25% dividend- no, not even a 5% ividend. The Ypsilantian speakiiif; of the comin? ongressional nonilnation in this district, ays: " While It is none of our fight, we ope, in any contcst tor honors between D Ypeilauti deinocrut and a similar Binier from somo other town, that the Ypsianti man will come to the front.'1 lt uight be well to remember that the next ongressman from this district will be a epublican. Under the head of " Happy Families," lie last Chelsea Herald says: " Mr. and [n. Henry Hüfley, Jan. isth; Mr. and Irs. Wm. Stedman, Jan 20th ; Mr. and Jrs. Fred Canfield, Jan. ttd; and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hendricks, Jan. 25th, wre lade happy, each by the arrival of a son ; nd Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Jr., Jan. 38tb y the arrival of a daughter. Health and appiness to them all." C. R Pattison, the political editor of ie Commercial, delivered an address at Good Templars' Hall, Sunday afternoon n "The relation which the church does nd ought to sustain to the prohibition of he liquor traffle." The local editor beug present, would have booked up his adreu in good style had not the audience ot the start by unanimouslv votiiiK that he speech be publisbed in" full in the Commercial. Our readers may look for it ext week -Commercial. Wm. Lambie has the following in the ast Ypsllautiiiii : "Three robins made heir appearance in the town of Ypsilanti D Jauuary 20. Look ing back for over orty pears we never recollect oí having he pleasure of seeing the robins come to Iichigan before the middle of February. Vill some of the learned and wise men of fpsilanti or Ann Arbor, who get large alarles and cheap wheat to enlighten and nstruct us, please teil us whether the obins have made a mistake in coming so oon, or Is it a sign of an early spring.with isalth-reatoring ncw life and loy." Hieres many a slip 'twixt- here aud tho postoflice.- Manchester Enterprise. How many others could have trutlifully made the same reniark duriiiff the pasl year or two. The Toledo Sunday Democrat has a correspondent at Milán, and he has been saying some unkind things we should .jndge by the followlng, taken frora the Milán Leader : " Thcre are but few phaspg oL vileness that wlll justifv an ap plieation of a coat of tar and featliers and a free fence-rall ride, with a horsewhip finish, and the Milán correspondent of the Sunday Deraocrat has reached that loivness that merlts the above treatment. This thing that can walk the streets of our village and boldly face the rictims of hin slander has lost the last vestage of manhood, and should only be allowed to Inhabit the premisos no longer lit fr the liabitation of the desplsed polecat.'' SALfiJK ITEMS. Geo. Burkhart Snndayed in Ypsi. The editor of the Ohserver spent Suuday in Deerfield. The ChouagueD band play at the rink Wednesday eve. Miss Nellie Ward who hHS been vititin liere returned Sunday. John Warner and Barnest Davenport went fox hunting Monday. The funeral of Mrg. Linderman of Lodi took pioen at the German church Saturday. Messra. Warner fc Denni will start thcn ne engines of thelr own manufacturiuj,' thÍ8 week.