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A HAND BOOK OP WHIST-and Ueady Beferenrr Manual of the Modern Scienilne Clame By "Miijor Tenace.1 Publisned by . P. Putnam'iHoDs. Prlce76cU. For sale hy Andrews & Wltherby, Ann Arbor. This little book of 110 pages will be of great value to those who are Interested n thls gutne- and what towu or city that does not have its wli ist club t The author enters into the minute detnils of the game and gives rules to go by tb at must be of great value to players if folJowed out. The woi-k wlll certainly become popular at whist clubs and with whist playera, and its author, the Major, be referredto as familiarly and frequently as Pole, Hoyle, T?ttnpfT R OF HUBERT HOWE BAN"30-1885. W itb inaps and plans. 8 vo. pp. Tío. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft 4 Co. The astonlehing feat of Mr. Bancroft in gtving to the world ao complete, eo thoroujfh and at the sume time so interestinj; a history of the entire región ia North America washed by the Paciöc shores, loges nothlng in interest in this latest volume, the History of Alaska. From the time that England, Spain, France and Russia were all claiming this northeru territory, up to the present year, this history ík given in a manner that will retaiii onc's interest to the end. We can give uo better description of the volume than to quote the following.: " The history of this important and valuable acquisltion has been written by Mr. Bancroft with all the thoroughness and care which characterize his former volumes. The reader is made to feel that each topic has been esamlned exhausUvely, that every piece of eyidence has been duly weighed, and that the conclusions reached are probably as nearly rlght and just as human judgment can make them. No pains or precautions hare been spared in obtainingthe amplest Information. The historian has dlspatched his agents from Kamschatka to St. Petersburih, from Sltka to London, to verify facts, and to complete records. The notes contain an extraordlnary mass of minor yet interestinsr facts. No details of the least 8igniücance are omitted. No statistics likely to be of the least use are forgotteu. The breadth of the survey included moreover adds greatly to the interest and clmirness of the work. The evolution of the Alaskan fur trade is traced with singular lucidity. The limitations of Riisslan civilization are shown plalnly. A subject which in uiany if not most hands would be dry, and eveu tedious, has been filled with interest and attractiveness by skill of treatment. The style is simple, clear and fit. On the whole, the hook is an exceedingly good pieco of work, and the publishers have, as usual, reinforced the author by the tboroughuess and beauty of the mechanical depurtment. It is well furnished with maps Inferted in the text and has an excellent index."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News