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Justin Mu Carthy bus brokeii all of nis American engagement?, and the Students' Lectuie Association ispretty mad about it. Tbe S. C. A. refused to expel ita lady members and bas been simt out of repre¦entaUoo in the state convention of the Y. M. C. A. hereafter. Dittobigh school asgocialioo. The lecture of Bill Nye, at university hall, next Saturday evening, will be one of ite events. He will probably not equal Justin McCarthy, but his audience will be coimilsed, as it were. One of the most fuccessful of the club courts is called the Hutchins, and at a recent election of officersthe following were ehoaon: C. H. Dudley, chief justice ; P .J. Bannon and J. W. Clark, associates; R. L. Aldrich, clerk ; A. D. Crozier, sheritf. The Alpha Nu haschosen new officers : President, H. J. Powell; vice president, O. Al. Hewey ; secretary, VV. H. Fairbank: treasurer, L. Connell; critic, W. H. Walker ; sibyl editore, G. A. Brown and Miss E. S. Gastman; librarían, F. B. Walker. At a meeting of the "Justice League' Tuesday evening the members voted to refund the money subscribed to the original contributors. There was a motion to turn the fund over to the gymnasium, and another to turn it over to a temperanee organizatlon, but neither prevailed. It is announced that the Washington Alumni of the University of Michigan 11 give its second annual dinner about the last of this montli. There are two U. S. senators, seven representatives, several professors, and a large Dumberof department oficial who are graduates of the U. of Al. The new Chronicle board has organized wlth F. W. Stevens, managing editorr Ed. C. Pitkiu, varlous topics; W. A. Blakely, things chronicled; W. M. Gilles, general litei ature; W. W. Campbell, exchanges; T. F. Moran, personáis; Geo. Canfield, lilerary notes; J. D. Hibbard, secretary and treasurer. The first issue of the Medical Counselor, which was glven tothe public f rom the Coukier presses last week, was a publicatioti of which the department mar well fcel proud. The article by Profs. Arndt, McLnchlan, Obetz, et al., how a markeil degiee of familiarlty with the subjects treated, and also prove to the HooKBopath of tbe stato that they have in the faculty of their department of the university some strong iiilnds, and experts in the professiou. División of sentiment bas worked umcli injury to this depurtment In the past, and It is to be hoped now that there will be complete unity and harmony. The Counselor aiuis to fuither the interesU of the department, and if n good publ catión will accomplish that desired object, the Counselor blds talr to perform it mission well. miLOAOFHICAL PUBBS. Messrs. Andrews & Witherby of tliif place, propose to undertakp, undcr the general editorial direction of Prof. ieo 8. Mom., the publicatiou f 11 series o( niouographs, ander the collective title ol 'Thilosophical Tapera." The flrst series, to bc issued froin the Coukiek presses during the preseut year- and possibly during the first half of the year- will cousist of four numbei's, containlng the followlug papers, read before the Pliilosophical Society of the university of Michigan : University Uducallou, rioieswi (. ,s. Moi$ Goethe and tho Conduct of Ufe, Professor O. Thomas. Kducatloual Value of tlie Different Ntudlos Professor W. H. Payne. Phtlosophy and Llterature, Professor B. O. Herbert Spencer as a lïiologist, Professor H. Such papers as these will, It is believed, be valuable and attractive to the largeand rapidly growing numberof those who are interested in the serious, yet not too technical, discussion of current problems in philo8ophy, both in thcmselves and in their bearing on leading questions in literature, science, education, art, and religión. The succe&s of the "first series'1 would be taken as an encouragement to go on in future, developing such Remis of usefultipss as thls venture in publication may contain. In that cuse the papers to be publisbed hereafter would not necessarily be conflned- ns In the present case- to those read before the I'hilosophical Society and wrltten by professors. Special prices will bo made to students. CHRISTIAN STUDENTS. The Students' ChrhtUa Association appointed a committee some time since to canvass all the departments of the University, with a view of ascertainlng the religious convictions of the students, and the committee bas completed its work, the same being glven the public in the last Argotiaut. The report is as follows : To the Students' Chriêtian Aitociatiov of thé University of Michigan : Tour committee appointed to prepare a statement of the religious conditiou of the students of the University, submit the following report : We have undertaken with the asslstance of the canvassing committee ot the Association, a religious census of the University. The following are the resulta obtained : Literary Dcpartintnl - No. of student, ö45 ; return recelved, 488; profesülng chrlntlang, 13; cburoh memoere, '2M ; 8. C. A. meuabers, 192. Medical Department- V o. of Btudents, X22 ; return recelved, -iW; prolesslng cbristians, 182; church membere, 140: 8. C. A. members, m. Law fíepayfmnf,-'So. of students, 276 ; return recelved, 225; professing cbristlans, U3; church uieiuber, Hl; B. C. A. meuibers, 17. Dental Department- No. of student, 82 ; returns recelved, 79; proresslnz chrlstlanlty, 76; church niembers, 37; 8. C. A. niembers, 7. Pharmacy Department- Ho. of students, 50 ; returns recelved, 52; piofesslnslcbristliuis, 36; cburch membere, 17 ; S. O. A. membere, 10. fomaopatMc Department- Na of students, 47 ; returns recetvéd, 47; professing christians, J8; church meinbers, 26; a. O. A. meinberü, 10. Totals of thé Univeriity - No. of Btudents 1,3)1 ; returns reoelved, 1.156; professing chrlstlans 730; church meinbers, 508; S. C. A. members, 204. The different denominations are represented as follows: The followiiift is an average of two week's attendance upon chapel, sucli attendance being voluntary, of coursc: Average dally attendance at chapel 106 Number of different students present per week 245 Average attendance at S. C. A. evening meeting per week 37 No. of different stucients at S. C. A. even meetings per week 194 Average attendance at S. C. A. Sunday morning meetings for the lirst eight weeks of the college year 239 Total attendance at the eight S. C. A. meetings 530 Total attendance at all Untverslty rellglous exercises per wenk 1,06(1 The comtnittee consisted ol Frank C. Wsjriier, Win. P. Munn and Georifo A. Brown.