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It l the only line wlth (Is own track from CHICAGO TO DENVER, Elther by way o( Omaha, Pacific June., St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots wilh throujh tralns from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastern points. It Is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND 4 CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx nreat States of ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO wlthbranch Unes to all their Important citlcs and towns From CHICAGO. PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, it runs every day In the year from one to threo elegantly equlpped through tralns over lts own tracks bctween Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll BlufTs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rapids, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council BlufTs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Scuthwest. ltsequipment Is complete and fust class in every particular, and at all Important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates, General Informatlnn. etc. regarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Tlckel Agent In the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER tsT V.P. 4. Ge. Mo., Chicmmï. HENRY B. STONE, Amt. Oen. Mo., Ck:oo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, GiK. Pam. Aar., CwCAOO. Atfaclimeni Jiotlci. Thk circuit court korthecountt OF WASHTHS WV-si. W'i Ham P. Uroves vu Uoorge H .Irnes. In attacliment. No let) is hereby elven that on the 'wentyflrst day of November, V D. IX8-. a wrlt of attMcUment whh tlul.v lssued out ol 1 he Circuit Court for the Uounty of WaHli enaw. at the sult ol Willlam P, Groves, Hip Hbove named plalntifl". aiialust tho lanilH.teiianieiits, goods and chattels, money and efTerts f i ii'i r Holmes, the defendant nbove named. for the Hum of two hnudred and four dollars H", whleli sald wnl was returuabie on the flflli day of January, A. D MM. Daled tlils 14th day of January, A D. 1886. E. D. KINNK, Attorney for PlainttfT. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WasnO tcnaw. sa. In the matter of the estáte of John Q. Davis, deceasi'd NOTICE is hereby glven, that In pursuanee of an order eranted to the derned i i ministra tor of the estáte of suld John O. Davls, hy the Hon. Judge of Probate Tor the County of Washtenaw, on the 4th day of .lanuary, A. L l&Sö, there wlll be sold at publio vendtie, to tht' hllit-st, bidder, at the iittc resldencft of ml (leivitscl, on the prcmlses below dt scrlbed, In the townshlp of York, In the Couuty of Washlenaw In sald State, on Tnesday, the 23d day of F'ebniary, A. D. 18Sj, at 10 o'cloek in the foienoor, of that day (subject to all oncumbrances by mortgage or otberwlae exlsilng nt the time of the u-üili of sMil decoaaod the followlng docribed Real Kstate, to-wlt: Tie South east quurler of Secttou flve 'S) In town four (4) South range slx (H) easl (Vork) In Michigan. COVSTOCK F. HIIX, Dated January 4th. 1S86 Admlnlstrator. 7w 12'0 Notice to Creditors. S'i ATK OF MICHIGAN.County or Notice is hereby jfivi-n. thal by ar order of the Probate Court for the Connty of Waahtenaw, on the sixth duy of -Knuiry, A. t. lSi. stx months from that date were allowed forcTedlIora lo pt st-iit thelr auainst the estáte of Henrv Oolclaier late of t ie cily of Pu lndelphia n the 8tnte of PeiinaylvMnia, hot havi g ptat iihiu salil C(iunt, deccaed. Hiirt ihit all creditore of said deccaed are required to prt'pcnt Ibclr claime lo saul Prohaie Court. at the Pre- bato office, in the clly f Aun Arbor. for exaiufn at.ion ar allowauce. on or ihtr Hlh ilo of Julv ni'xt. and ihat BQCb chiini9 will be heard oetore aaid court, ou Tosay. the tirh day of A;inl, aad on Tueeday. fith day ot Jnlv next, at ten o'eloek In tüe forenoou ui e'ach ol eald davH. Üated, Anu Arbor, .lauuary 6, A. D. 18J-6. WILLIAM D. HAKHIMAN, 1281-1284 Judi;e of Probate. Estatp or Archibald cott. STATU üPMICHIUaN.i ouniyot At a Bcíston of the Probate Cmirt for the County of Wa?bteiiaw, holdru nt thf l'niha.e iffl e In t'ie city of Ann Arbor. on Monday, the twentyflilh day of Jnnnary, tn the year onc tin u-;ind uiKhi huiulr.d and six. PreseDt, William D. Harrimrtii, Jadn ol PrubftM. In the matter ot the estáte ol Archibald Scott, deceaed. George N. ill adminiBiíator of ald estáte, comee i uto curt sid rt-premn that he fs Box iirepared to reuder his final account as .j:b. aclniinir-trator. Taereupou tt le ordered, that Wednesuay, Ihe twenty-iourlh day of Kebruary next, ut ten o'clH:k tu theforenoon, beasalxned tnr exaniinlng and al lowii g8uchaccoum. and th tt the heirn at law i f aid deceaied, and all other pertooaintarMtad in natd estáte are required lo appe'irat a gession of b lid conrt, then to be holden t tue Pmbatu ofllie, in i he City ol Ann Arbor, and show caue itany there be, whj the said account shoald not be aliow t : And It Is Inrther ordtred, that sald Artminlattator glve notice to tlie persone Interested tu raid enlate, of the pendency of eaid account, htaihuí thereof, ty canulní; a copy of ibis order to ' e publisbed in the Ann Arbor Couritr,& newapper prmted and circnlailue lu said county, three sacc. sive weeks prevíous to taid day of hearing. (A trae copy.) WILL1AM D. UAKRIMA, Jui2e ot í'ri'bjite. WM. G. DOTT Probs.e Remeter. 1283 1286 Notice to Creditor. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Couoty ol Waíhtenaw, tm. Notice Ís hereby nlvcn, tt by an ordr of th Probate Cou-t for the C'iunty of Wahtenaw, made on the 25th day of Jinnary, A. D. 188i, flx montas trom thitditu wen allooüd for to present theircLiims a. ain-t tueestaieol T m thjr K. Amsden, I . t of said cu ty, de eafi-d. anu tbai all credltors of eaid dflC(aved irfl requued to p eseut thi Ir claims to said P" 'bate Oouit. at me Probate office i u the city o Aun A b r for examl atlo.. aud allowauce, ou or bfore ihe 26 h day ol J n "¦ next, and that hucIi cliimit wlil be beaid helorsaid Court, on Monday me 'JtStn day ol April and on Monuay tba tw-i ty pIi h day o Ju j ext, at 10 o'clock in the furnoon of each ol aid days. üati d, Ann Arbor, Jauuir 26ih, A. U. lfoö. Wll.LIAM O HAltiíiMAN, 12S3-8 Jndüe of Prohut. Estáte or AiinIíii A. Wood. STATU OF MICHIGAN, Couuty oí Washtenaw. B3. At a sesslon of the Probate Court for the Count) ot Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, In thi city of Ann Arbor. on Wt tlnesdav, the 27th day of -lannary, in the year one thousand eight hnndred and etdhty s'X. Present William D. Harrlman, Jndge of Probate. In the matter ol theestate of Austin A. Wood. decesed. Leonhard Gruner, the adminlstrator with the wlll annt'zed of sald estáte, comes into court and repicseutt that he in now prepared to render hls annuul account as mich admlnistrator. Theretipun it 1 ordered, that Friday,the iwulith day of February ntxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be astned for examining aud allowlug such account, and that the devieees, leñatee and tieír at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required t appenr al a session of said court. then to be riolden al tiu Probate office, ín the city of Anu Arborflu suid county. and snov, cnusi.ii any therc be, why ihe aid account ahould not be allowed : And it m t urtht r ordered. ihai eaid idministrator give notice to Ibe persou." intmesled Id said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing tnereof, by causlny a copy ot ibis order tobe publihed in the Ann Arbor Courier, i newspaper printed andeireulatiug in said county two successive weeks prevíous to said day ol aearing. (A true cotty.) WM. D. H ARRIMAN, Judtfe of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Reüeier. 1JH3-1186 ?LFT777Tm Mblet t-a and om mf LJf) I Y I Tiitametiu at le n than ƒ n W L. I A ' -3 prlceaof üio Lna ÍÍHP) rt'l '" tho Eugllsh 'n tyiM, 'it DI LJ l_Ll J iapur,prtntmi,-andaivu #ÍA v E D Ë3Ë rtPrt9 oí order at eti-ry KVERSION.Êm enante for agnts to nn: ;.' 0 r A'.M monpy. fiend $1.00 for out&ÊÊ(3 ly.KMS vi KT LÜTKU. WW 2A JJenry Di'l 7Vf. O., -Vvrwic-A, C'm. -UiilliU Obtaiocd in the United States and ForcicnCountrio. l.lli.ll.liillllllir, 10 OrUwold St., Petrott, Bllch. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Toa are allowed afrt triol o fMrfv daya of th use of Dr. Djro's Oelabratcd Voltaío BU wltb Electrlo SuspeMory AppUanras, for the epeídy relief and permanent cure of toruow DibiHty. Iota of YUalUy and ilanhood, and ail klndred troabtaa, Also for manr other dlaeas. Complet rtorar tion to Health. Vigor and Machnod KuarantenJ, No rlsk la Incurred. nintrt-d pamptüet In italté


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