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WFj% ¦ POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThlB powder never varíen. A marvel of purity, streiiKth and wliolesorueoess. More economical than the ordlnary k Inris, aml cannot be sold Id competltlon wlth the mnltitude of low test, Hhort welght, alum or phospliate powders. Sold only Ín cans. Royal Baklne Powder Co . 1O Wall st.. N. Y. ECZEMA! And Every Species of Itching and Ituinin DUeases Posltively Cured. ErZBMA.orSalt Rhi'um.wlthitaasonizinjitch. hil' sud hurning, ni-! Hinly relteveü by a warm baih wlth Cunen SoAP.and aslnirleapplicatioii of Citiciira, the great skin Cure. This repcated iImüv, with two or three doaee of Cotioura Iík holvbnt, the New Blood l'uriflr, lo keep the blood cool, the peroplration pure nuil nnirrftatini;, the howel open, the liver and kldneve activo, will puedily enre Kczem ', Tetter, Ringworm, Psorlax, Llchen, Pruritus, Scald Heari, Dandruff ai d every -pecles of Itch mr, Scaly aud Picnply llumore or the 8calp and Skin, when the bent pbysiciaos nd all known rem dha fail. Will mrDonald. -M.' Doarhorn ?t., chioiir.i. ffratffully acknowlt-direa a cure of Kcaema or Salt Rheum O" head, ni-ck, face, armí and leu for geventeen yt-ar? ; not able to w ilk except "ii handt aml kneeü foi one year ; not able to help himi-ell for eliht ycara; trled hundreds "f remedies ; doe ron prinu(refl hls cas hopelea- ; p-rmaneLtly cured hy Coticua Hksolvent (blood puruien internaily, ainlCuTicüBA and Cut ici'Ra Soat (the greit ikln curepi ex t-inallv. 4 'toarles Uoughton, i:., lawver, 28 State Struet. Boeton, ie ion a case ol .-alt Khenm ander nis obs'rva'lon for ten yt-ara, whlch coveit'ii the pat'ent'x body and limbi. and to which all known mrihods of treitmen! ba1 heen applied without beii'fit. which was completety cured solely by ihe Cuticurjv Remedies, leaving a clean and healthy ?kin. Mr. John Thl"l, Wllkcsharre. Pa., writea : "I have a ffered from Slt Rtieum fur over ¦ i ur 1 1 r yeflii, at ttme-'flo h d thit I could n' attend to my hu-ineas fr week at a time. Tbrw boxea ol ifncuRA and fonr bottlea of iíi-polvent bave entlrelv ciirt-d me of thla dreadful diseape." Mr. Isaar Phelp, Ravena, O., writes : 'For tlie la?t year 1 have bad a species of itchlng, scly and pimply humora on my tace to w ich I liave applii-d a i;reat many raeihods of treatmen i without aucceas, and which waa epcedily and entirely cured by rDTicuR. PhyHiclan'H Pr-cribe Tliem.- I have othin bnt the hlglM-at uraiie for Si reaults' obtalned from yonrCuicuRA Rempik, of which 1 bave sold more than all othera of he kind. MOM4t H ND, M. D., Phllaclelphla, Pa. 2,5V0 Broad street. Hold by alldruKgists. Prlco: Cuticura, 50 C .; Rkolvknt, t-1; Soap, 25ct. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chkhical Co., Boston, Ma-. Send for Phamphlet. T5T7 A TT lFY the Complexion nnd Sïln by OHiii U M r 'he CrncnRA Soap. CATARRH Complete Treatnient, wlth Iuhaler, for Every Furm or Catarrli, $1. A8K POR SANDFORD'S RADICAL CURE _ sj Hcad Colds, Watery DlsO f vN i f charjroB from the Noe C fáfiJv:fc?yE and Eyes, Klnulng Nolsos 2 Vff i? _jy 'n thc Head. Nervousand lJly -JTJfeJiiHeailache and Fevir In ( Jr" irw thoklng mucu dlloftcd, - y4 "íV mt'mbrane clfftniM'd and fi) _JjL healcd, breath Rweetened, S rS smell, tato, and hearing restored. and ravage checkcd. CoukIi, Bronchltla, Droppings Into the Throat.Palns In thc Chest. Dyapepsla, Waattng of Strength and Flesh, Los of llëep, ¦te. cured. One bottle Radical Cure, onc box Catarrhal Solvont and one Dr. Sanford'a Inhaler, In one package. of all drugglits. forti. Ask for Sanford1 Radical Cure, a puredlatlllatlonof Witch Haiel. Am. PIne, Ca. Flr, Marlgold, Clovcr Blosaoms. etc. Pottik Dkco and CiiKHirALCo., Boston. Potter lruiL and Chemical o . Boston. ''KIDNüY FAIBÍS." and that HiD weary senxation ever prei-ent with tho?e Znk of palnlul kidnevn, weak hack-, overT ü wmk r worn out by tandlni;, walkine, 1 or the newlng machine, cnred by ( im JlcnKAAhTiPAiN Pla-tkr, aneworls:Inal.elcüantand speedyanttdote to pain and lonammarion. A t drngeiatB. 2.V ; flv" for $1.00. Malled free Po t'h Urdu and Chimical Co, Boeton. SCOTTS" EMUÜIOM OF PÜSE CÖD LIYER OIL And Hypophosphltes of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milk. The only pnpmtlon of ton V'TEB.0IL,tÍ!Í can bo taken , f Vla tolcratod for a long time b'ATs 6T".Tr-:bv ron osTMPTIO siïïïïïTi.i: s .v;:mia, (íkxHiAL m.r.ü.iTV, (H'ii:s AM) THUOAT AF. ri.rno.N iwi niij;5TTIir"l'''"""':RS m (H1I,[)KI:N it is inT:vrllQ'l_ijij.'1ioiÏJr tWKrJWd ana en-lrVed by IS best 1'uyalcUiu In tho countrn s (.L : s.oild. For Sale: rv all druggists. i UNIVERSAL !"" #) V3i" d Waler - m B A T H . LiéW ?ÖhiiiM( Z . Cnwnnil Award, MaM3PfC _rt 't Lïa j. jf SSU JU A COMPLETE ARRAENGMENT FOB Physician and Families. Neiter and Cheaper AND MOKC CONVB3STIEKT THAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB, WITH NO EXPEN8K OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURES.


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