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The B. A O. have opened a telegraph onVe ut Chelsea. Milan is just now rocelrlng thousands of bolts ter its tliree stavc fuctoiïes. Chelsea lias been all broke ap for the pa.t few weeks over a dig law suit. The Y. P. C. A. of Chelse take thelr musie now outor a brand new orgaa. The Brown-Dorr ISohemian nat snit lias been settled, by the compiiny it is sakl. Manchester sliippers sliipped tliree car loads of cattle to Buffel o, N. Y., recently. F. Rose, of Eaton fíapltin. líflTié new station agent of EEe L. S. R'y at Bridgewater. The Mflan school district lias liad an addition of over 200 books to its libiary recently. A benefit to the poorgiven at the Milan rink by Mi. (Jamülett, netted S.4O, alst Wednesday. An old and young folk'l dsMM II annoiineed to take place ;it liomlyeur' hall, Manchester, IYh. lth. The ladies' society of the Presbyteriao chureb iu Mauchestei meet Frlday p du, with Mr. .1. a. Lynch. The Saline MatlOtacttiring On. turnng out a ntimber of lm., mw tablea ootnilete, says the Observe r. A large number of niMOOI of Manclu ¦-- er, expect to go to Adrián to-night to see the third deirree workcd. A donatiou wlll begiven Rev. J. A. Mc[Iwaln at the town ball, Chelsea, eveniug, the 18th inst. Geo. Haarer, of l'leasant Lake, Freelotn, hasrented his farm, and wlll sell oll' all his personal property. It is asserted that Geo. S. Hawson has got his old farm back agftln and wilJ Btay n Hridgewatcrcontented herealter. Two eharcoal kilns are to be built near the T., A. A. i N. AI. R'y tracks at Milan, y Warren Letrisand Chas. Pallen, soon. The lOtb inarriage anniversary of Mr. tnd Mrs. Harmon Clark, of Manchester. wlll be observed to-day by a tin wedding. Revival services condneted by IW. J. . Odell, ot the Milan Union chiirch, for the past tive weeks, baa resultad la iOconver.-ions. Mrs. Jane Crlppen of Superior, Watfatenaw coiinty, is vlsiting her brother, David Ingalls, and Dun Jee friends.- Dundee Ueporter. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spafard, who live ;hree miles west of Manchester, celebrated the lOth anniversary of their marriagc Monuay evenlng last. The handsomest and homeliestcostumed lady and gentleman will receive a prize at a raasquerade ball at Goodyear"s hall, Manchester, on the 22d. Rev. O. F. A. Spinning has been employed by the Baptist society of this village to dispense the word unto theui. Mr. S. is frotn Qrass Lake. - Milan Journal. A new poultry scheme is on tap just west of the T. A. A. & N. M. depot; Mr. Slmon Ball hasrented grounds from 'm. Whaley for this purpose. - Milan Journal. There, t has cominenced again ! Sonie one has seen robins already thi? year. Rohius had betterstay in their holes a few weeks longer, and not show up until they are expected.- Milan Leader. A fellow struck Milan the other day and attempted to work the scalded arm racket. Was "pulled ' by the authorities, pronounced a fraud by a physician, and given tive minutes to leave town. Goodrich Conklln, who has lived In Sharon and Manchester si nee he was a mere lad, the Enterprise say9, will remove to Tecumseh soon, and wants to dispose of hls property in the former places. A foot race has been arranged, and for feit money pledged, between Ryan, the Chelsea runner, and Chas. Vogel, of Manchester. The race will be for $:!.'¦ a side, the distance 300 feet, with Vogel 20 feet start. One of the very oldest inhabitants to the vicinity ot' Chelsea, Mr. Jehiel White, of Lima, die Tuesday last after a short illne8s. He was a hale, vigorous old gantleman, and very muc estemed by his neighbors. An orchestra has been organized this week, composed of the following pieces : HUI. lstviolin; Rhodes, 2d violin; Rouse, cornet ; Van Euzer, trombone: Corden, piano. They will commence practicing at once- Saline Observer. Saline has in the genial personages of A. Kast and Postiuaster Gillen, a case of " the lellow that looks like me," and me like the other fellow. The simllarity is frequently remarked upon, and extends even to business qualitiea and politics, espcially the latter. - Observer. The North Lake lyceum stlll keeps up its interest. It isoneof the bestorgauizations In the county, and does a great deal of good to the people thereabouts, especially the younger class who are gaining an educatlon, and are led to study up questions that come up for discussion. The recent debate between the debating clubs of Chelsea and Bylvan Centre, upon the question : " lleaohed', That Gen Grant was a greater military genius than Gen. Lee," created much interest, and wasably handled by eaoh ide. The Chelsea club, who.had the atllrmative, and of course the best side, won the day, by uuunimous vote of the judges. Dr. GeorgeE. VVright, of Chelsea, who died Feb. 2d, was born iu New York in 1840, came to Ohio and lived until the war broke out, and then enlistad in the l_M Ohio regiment (Gen. Garfield's). He took part in 30 battlcs, and was shot through the body at Malvern Ilill, and was charged Nov. 19, 186-1. He Uien came to Michigan, graduated from the dental department of iw university in 1872 and settled In Chelsea, residing there ever since. Hediedofconsumption, and leaves an aged father, a wife and three clilidren, three brothers and three sisters to mourn his loss. Justice Webb of Saline, should have known better thnn lo have attempted to get an otHce under this admlnUtntlon. Washtenaw county demócrata don't get tlie presideHtial ear. Do you know the reason why? It is siniply because the democratie majority is so great that the leaders ilon't ask any odds of the party In this county. "Anybody canc arry Wmhtenaw county." is thecry. The republican party terrea Tuscola county the same way for years, and now there are several democratie county officials in Tnscota county, includlnga judge of probate. Too much confidence in majorities s nol tlwaya good to have. J. R. Gates, of Chelsea, is one of the most unfortunate and yet fortunate meo in Michigam. He seems to be as fund of accidents aa a boy does of molasses taffy. Within the memory of our younger people he has passed through numerous tmir breadth escapes, commencing by falling outofan apple tree- in which be mi searching alter- not blrds' nests- but crookecl and supertluous limbs that needed cutting out. Then tradition bas it that lie attempted to regúlate bis wlndmlll when au extra puft" of wind carne along that badu't been provided for, and be waa removed bodily from bis positiun to the earth below witb all tlie celerity that the force of gravity could matter tor tbe occasion. The next accident was more serlou. He had been using a mowlng machine and hearing tbe welcome sound ot' tbe din mr hora drove to tbe end of the field unhltched tbree tngs and ttepped betweaa the borses to adjust some portion of the harness wkao tbe team became scared at somethingand ran away, setting bin. ly mixed up witb the machine, and cnlting bis limbs ind brutolng bis bead badly. Tlie number of times he ha been run away witb and eaoaped without any material in jury to bimselt' is beyomi the meinory of our informant to enumérate. Tbe last incident of interest occurredin Olielsea on Frtday of lat week when the I be was driving ran away, clearing itsril trom tbe cuttcr, whicb baring attaineil a Boe (tart tcept on its oourse wlth ts ocriiliiil n u t i I it carne toa Bodden end near tbe corner of Park and Main sts., stopping - quiakly as to precipítate Mr. Gatea witb ¦ome violence iuto a convcnient snow bank that was awaiting to receivc bim. The borse made thiugs lively for a time knocked down anotber borsc, tcared ;i larm team attached to a load orwood (:ill of which wai dumped luto the gutter) sma8bed tbree cutters happening to be in bta way, and created a great sensation before being caught. Tbere is notbins; like a life of thrilling incident, and Mr. ¦ appeara to have tbe inside track and several yards the start of all oom pol i tors in that particular liue. FEB. CBOF BKPORT. Accordiiig to the Michigan erop report for February tbe coiidition of live stock m tbis i'ounty at oompared witb Feb. lst, 8S, 18 88 follOWB : Honei 100 percent., c.ittlf 99, sbeep 98, iwlae 89, Three correapondanti from tbis ooanty say that wheat was Injored tbrough Jannary by the cold, and 14 say it was not; flve say the ground was well covered witb suow ind 12 say not. The depth of snow on tbe level In fields was 5 inches. Twelve out f 88 milis and elevators report 40,529 bushels of wheat marketed during .lanuary, and 570,567 busbels marketed since August lst, '85.