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The New Depot

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Lm) Satnrday Mr. ll-iukc-, the En-iincr of Ibe Michigan (Vntral cfime oul with tlie plans propOMd for the new depot building at this place. Tlicy represen! u very handsoma strueture t stone, cut from the field stone hereabonts, Unix 10 tn t. Onlshed In oak on the Instde, with ladlea1 and men's waltlng-room sépante and Wfeet square. It will be ,ui tliesouth hkle of the tracks, so that passengen do not iiave to cross In front Of, or between tniins. The committee of ooomIIumb and cltizeng appointed for this matter met, &od the Collowing propoalUon was made ly the company to the city: PROPOSITION. .1n Ami.ii;, Midi., 1 .li. 1 To the commtttee OD station buildings for the Michigan Central Ratlway : m:Ti.i.MK5 :- 1 propose tor Hip tfioblgan ( lentral Rallway loerectanowitatlonatAnn Arbor aa per plans submltted In oonnectlon with au overhead oroeaing ai Pontiacand Detroit streets, on llic toliowing t.riiis : The city of Aun Arborto close State streel from Fuller treet t" the north siüe of the rallroadrigbt of way ofthe M. C'. R. K. anti Page itreel between Foller itreel and Broadway, and obange the grade of Detroit and Poñtiac streets sous to permit an overhead bridge with approachesóf tbe same grade ai the PonUacand Detroil itreet hiii lusl below Fuller street, and pay the Mlohlgan Central Hallway Co. 3,UÜU. The Michigan Central Rallway Oo, to ereel aslation al B cos! ol ttbont M0,00U, i" grade tin aoproaehei for the bridar and croct thohridire ui wonden ipani - saiil approacbe t beM feet wlde for tbe roadway an.a 6feel wlde tor Uie sldewalk. Allo toopen and malntaln In good condltlou a roadway and sldewalk from siati street to the station. Saiil bridge to have a tigbt high fenoe on aaota lde, the sldewalk on approaebea to bAA 8 a hanarall along theli ouufde,aDd theoppoeltesld Iwayto h:t ¦ b stroog guard 0enee aïong it. The Bewer i'ii"1 dow running nnder the tracks of this rallróad to be extended io a nol to obstruct the ii'v of water. J. D. HAWK8, Clilef Knglnecr .Midi. Oenbal R II. Now, f the railroad delires to ereet a line depot here, therc are mutual obligations and benefits on the part of botb city and Corporation. In the first place theie is only oue other station along the II. C. E. K. that gives the road so mach passenger business U Anti Arbor, and no otlier place lias so poor a depot. In fact the railroad commlsgloner In liis last report alluded to it ns one of the: rant In the state. Then too, the crossings on Detroit and State streets are dangerous oues, so that the latter mijrlit well beclosed np and the former brldged. This would be greatly to the advautaKe of both city and railroad, for it malies the Uves of its cltizens, Who have to CNN the track, safer, and at the sume time would relieve the road ofthe necessity of keeping a man at that point, or else of paying heavy damagei for lilo or limb. It ia USURÜy the CD8tom ia cities, we anderstand, tor the road to lay the stone abutments and the city to bnild tbe bridge. Sc, in thto case, il' the city grauts the road $5,000, that would pay for ¦ line iion bridge. Therefore the road should be willing to construct not wooden rapporti, hut permanent stoue ones, and not a cheap wooden bridge whlcb would last only seven or eight years, but a good iron one. Indeed, the contrast between an elegant stODe depot building and a sliabby wooden bridge propped np with los, would not be a pieasant one either for the citizens or tor the eouipany itself. In otlier respects the proposiüon is a fair one, and the eity coukl affiord to vote $5,000 to aceomplish the two resulta, vi: Of getting an elegant $20,000 building, half of which auiottnt would be spent here, and also f getting a crossing wliich would bc safe an 1 also oln-iate tedious delays waltlng for traint to gel out of the road.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News