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Report Of A Farmer's Meeting Held At Cherry Vale Farm On The Evening Of February 11th

Report Of A Farmer's Meeting Held At Cherry Vale Farm On The Evening Of February 11th image
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meeting was ca) led by the late iwner :iml present occupani of i J 10 Chcrry Vale ft the pnrpoM of introductng lts present owncr and futuro occupant - Mr. JoeT. Jacobs- to his fellow crafUmeu redding in the Ticlnity, and allowing him itu opportuniiy ti aoqulra some )ractical Information in what is to him ;i ncw proFomIod. Your reporter was prouiptly on hand for the opening exercises, wtalob oonsisted of a discussion (In whtch all took part rxeept two pages who were kopt pretty busy) of dlnlng-room duties incident to farm llfe. 'l'lie dtacQMton m Intereatlng and anlmated but rat .-non over, owing to absolute unauiniity of sentiment wblch ipeedlly left llttle to discuss. The fact that your reporter lias no notes of thai portion of the proceedings, wiil be, to thongutful mlndi, prooi positive that he devotes himself with conscientious assiduity to that duty which is, at the moment, most pressinjr, and being nhilosophlcnlly inclined he has spent sonie leisure hours in calculating how long it will take sueh devotion to result in an InoreaM of salary. The equation still oontains an uuknown quanlity under the radical. An informal conversaüon as to the best time to plant boileil ham elicited the opinión that open winter weather wal the most favorable, and as Mr. Codlogton bad alittle of his mvn scod left over hepresented it to Mr. Jacobs with the udvice to plant it at ODCfl In B hot bed - which he did. c! (.Muir a paper by Mr. Bain Mlller on the bes) varlety of the 8oianum Vdongena vulyuris egg-plant to be use.l in the manufacture of ejrg-nog. ptpM was -ulliiieutly lucid uutil it ri-achcd the depredations of angle-worma, at which point ilie writer secmed to lose siyht of hlmaelf - so to apeale - and ihunted off into a warm ulvocacy of breedlng pickerel or black bass and living them free acceM to the garden plat. The rambling liti r.iry st ylo cannot bu too everely coudemued. An infonnal discussion on hogs drew from M r. Jacobs the novel and startling theory that Michigan should be able to drive the great west out of the business on account of the superior kdaptabillty of our soil and climate to the growth of plg-weed. Under the head of oats i sad-voiced stranger from a neighboring eounty remarked that he had always been triendly to the erop uutil ba plantod the Boliemian DOte, whlcb had soured on his mimi and produced dry rot in the weasel skin. 11e now pinned his faith to bemp, and was fain to rmlgrate to some othcr state whtre there was a bet ut boma markit. The presence on the preuiises of severa! varieties of fir suggested tlie topic of winter piotectlon from bleak winds and this subject was turued over to the ladies exclusivcly. I eau ouly jive couclusions in the small space allotted altkough a verbatnn report would be intenwly interesting. Minz fur was voted quite too "loudHoM krat too lloren ly, öay bill too ttreet-samtng for culta rad people, Beeve her too daugerous, as i mlght cover a tavorite heifer, 8tone Marton too barbarous, Sigh-bee-rian tquirrel veiy tender and sweet, suited to higli-sohool jfirls. Cone-y too seicnlilic t'nr the farmer's wife, but Se-al quite fll's the bill of reqairementa for the brlght, Intelligent woniau and the careful home-keeper. This verdict ïeceived universal sunctlon except from the masculines who were barred from voting under the rules. The little cob-webs that gather on the tenipers of men wheu robbed of tlieir rigbt to vote rere spcedily bxnahed away by the Misses Anderson and Mi'. Jaooba, who touk their places at the piano and clowd the evening wilh itscnielcsi chai ni.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News