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We will give to the boy or girl, nlan or woinan, who will Bend in the longest list of nouns formed out of tue letten posing the natte of iliN paper "The Ann Arbor Courieb," a free copy of tlie paper one year, and to the one sending the second lougest list we will .-end tlie paper for nine montlis. Ttie lists to bo alphabetlcally arranged, and handed In oa or before March löth, 1886. Only one more of the K. T. socials after that of next Friday night. Aid. Martin bas a brotlier who is fortyeight years old and bas only had twelve birthdays. The Co. A. parade and masquerade next Monday p. m., aud evening, will be an enjoyable affair. The Cocker League held another fine program laat Momlay evoning. Prof. Steere's lecture on Formosa was an interesting one. The railroads give half fare bo mtmbeis of the Michigan Club attending the lirst annual meeting and banquet at Detroit next Monday. It isannounced that HoB. 15. K. Shiveley, of South Bcnd, hul., will address the KnighU of Labor, Thursday evening at their hall in this cityMiss Jennie M. Cook, of Ann Arbor, and Mr. Lee ('. Ilarnson, of ïpsUanti, were married on the .iOth of January al the home of the bride' párente. The official report of reccipts from postofiiees gives the Ann Arbor uffiee credit for $19,148.10, the bighest in the state, and YpsiUiui 13,559.63. At the Cuitaiiaii Cburcli, next Suuday evening, Bev. .1. T. Bixby will spcak of "The of Washington as an Example to Americans of To-d iy." Dr. Ridgeway, president l' the Garrett Uiblical Institute, adUreawa the Cocker League next Sunday evenilfjg !n tlie M. E. church. He il wel! koown as an orator and scholar. The tempéranos pecple. of VashCen aw county will hold a " mas conference" in this city March lat. Leading piohibitionists from different paris of' ihe tate will be in attendauce. Mr. E. V. ('oddiugton iirip'-i- tohave an auction sale of agricultura) iniplements, grain, household lïirnituie, etc, at his farm on the South Ypsilanti road Thursday, the 26th in?t. The ladies of the Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church will give a Lady Washington Reception in the parlors of the church. next Saturday evening, February '20th, 18S6, cúiinuciicingat seven o'clock standard time. Rt. Rev. David B. Knickerbacker, Bishop of Indiana, will occupy the pulpit at öt. Andrew's church next Sunday morning and evenini. In tlie evenlng he will deliver the ütth address in tht seriesgiveu under the anspioes of tbe Hobaxt OulM. When Protection Fire Co. No. 1 was legislated out of existence by the council al itó last meeting, Mr. C. H. Worden was the only nu me upou the ruil, who also answered to his name af the fir.-t roll caliHe bas continued liis nieinbcrship over twenty yeHi. And Btill they come. The Milau Leader calis attentioii to an omluioo lp our list of legislators, as foliowi : "In publisliing a list ol the representatives in the state legislature from WMbtooav county now living the Courier omitted to mentiou tion Lovatus C Allen, of Vork, who was a representative In ]803-4." The exhibitionsglv'ten by Prof. Crocker and his trained bonea at the link for tbe pact few days, have been greeted with crowded houses, and everybody bas gone away satistied. Many have lett the hall myltifled, not coinprehendliig hovv the marvelous things witnesscd could be performcd. No one, after witncssing one of thefe entertal nraents, can doubt for a minute that theie is rteh a thing as "horse sene." The professor seems to have a peculiar faeully for training these dumb animáis, and makiiig them öbey his süffhte8t command, whethcr grren by word of mouth or by movemcuts of hls hand or wbip. N. C. Lowe, the ge::eral manager of the Southern Michigan Inderwriters Union, wliich includcs :is -ities and vlllages in the three southein tiers of counties of thU rtate, was in the city last Thursday and Friday, apen rdquest of Alex. W. Hamilton, to look over the water works, and see if this city was not entitled to a rtduction In Inwrauce ratee. Mr. Lowe seemed favorably kbpreed with what he saw, and ihoiigh not grantlnn the 10 per cent. riflUOtlon askcd for did agree to give some rcduction, but just how mach he did not state. The reduction will be on buildings. On stocks of goods the risks are cansidercd as hazardous as bfore, because of the damafie water is Hable to produce. "We understand that the milis in this city, being placed in the extra liaardous cluss, will receive a reduction of B6 per cent. providecl that each one puts in a stand pipe. Thiswill be good newi to those who iuur. Only two liours a áy at present is i ¦- quired for pumping at the water work. Rev. A. T. Bruske, of Saginaw City, gave two learned nml eloquent discourses Ui large audienees at the PreBbyterlu church last Sunday. The choir at the Methodist Sunday School uutubers over thlrty, witli scyeral orchestral pieces. The whole school now numbers about 350. Dr. H. B. Ridgeway, president of the Garrett Biblical Iustitute, of Evanston, 111., will deliver an address before the Cocker League next Sunday evening, in the M. E. church. The young people's society of tho Pre8bytcrian church give a social to the 8. C. A. of the U. of M. next Friday night. All are invited to asslst in entertaining tlie guests. AVill F. Stimson and C. B. Üavison have e;ieh purchased building lots of S. P. Jewett, on West Huron street, and each expects to erect on the same a fine new dwelling house the coming season. Rev. Ilaynes, of Kalamazoo, preached Sunday in the Baptist church. On Monday a cominittee, of which Rev. S. Haskell is also a tnember, niet to sce about procuring a president for Kalnmazoo college. The lecture of Bill Nye ut Uuivcrsity liall last Saturday evening, was disappointing in two ways, viz : in the nunil)ers atteuding and tbc brillianc}1 of the lecture. Wliile the lecture was a fair one, it ilid not meet expectations. In the suit of Mr?. Foster, of this city, against the Detroit Post and Tribune Co., for libel, on trial last week, the jury fiuled to agree. It wlll be remetubcred that apon the former trial a judgnient of sis cents damages was rendered. Chas. H. Worden would be pleased to ibtain any Information tbat may lead him to ascertain the whereabouts of the orignal secretary's book of Protection Fire Co. No. 1. If you know anything about t, drop in and talk it over with Mr. W, Prof. Spaulding baving made extensivo and satisfactory vestigations respecting the potato rot, has turned bis attention to the grape rot, and desires all the Information he enn obtain from grape raisers. If jou know anything about it, just write ïim. Th e Knights Templar Commandery uu! a solid evening last Friday when they conferrcd tbc Red Cross degree on John II. Kingsley, of Manchester, and Win. F. Reimeuschneidcr, of Francisco. After a banquet the former was niado a inight Templar. The B. !fc O. Tel. Co. hasestablished an office in this city in the building just east of the Farmer's and Mechanic's bank. It s reported tbat war has already been commenced against this line, and that its wires have been cut in many places beween here and Jackson. John Allman, the fruit man on the west side of the city, stated at the last jomological meeting that last season, when the rot nearly dettroyed the grape erop, he raised on 132 Concord vine?, ree from rot, 2,640 pounds of grapes for the market, besides using 200 pounds for lis ow n use. The Rev. Denias Dawe, who it will bé emeinbered had a church trial in this city last 3'ear, is now haring anotlnr rial, tliis time at Teeumseh. Aecording o the papers inucli bad feeling is being engendered. The question naturally suggests itself. Should not the result of ¦OOM of these trials be final ? and not ;cu) the people and society interested In constant turmoil. About twenty-five members of the Commandery of this city contémplate going to St. Louis, Mo., in company with )etroit Commandery, next September, In attendance upon the grand triennial con¦lavc tobe held there at that time. The )etroit Commandery, Appollo of Chicago, Monroeof Rochester, N. Y.,and the New fork City Commandery have engagcd all of the rooms in the Soothern hotel for hemselves, and it is needless to say they will have a magniñeent time. One thing is certain, the manager of Prof. Crocker's Equirationals understands and appreciates the value of newspaper friendship. He is liberal to the press, uiJ we believe tbat the liberality of the ress in return fully compensates him for lis fair treatment of them Not that lewspaper men can be bought up by a how ticket, but that he having what he tnows to be a good thlng believes tbat he newspaper is the best avenue through which to coinuiunicate that fact to the eople. There appcars to be a gang of youngters doing the city that ought to be cap ured by the pólice. The boys range in age from 12 to 16, and from that on to nan grown. Their modus operandi is to go to people's bouses, and teil some pitiul tuy and if poasible collect 25 cents r lesrf "to pay for lodgings for the night,'g they assert. The scheme is worked vit h the greatest zest in the extreme cold weather. They should be captured and roperly puuished. Some families in the vicinity of State street have complaiiud f tlicir visits recently. Speaking about the free delivery or arriersystem which many people think would be such a nice thing for Ann Albor, a gentleman from East Saginaw imarked a few days since that "this city vas foolish to desire it, for outside of the ccommodation it is to business houses It s a perfect nuisance to a place of this ze." He said that they had had it sevral years there and had not come to like t yet. "In large cities where the numbering of houses was a necessity, and very person was forced to remember his ïumber, it was all right, but in smaller laces where strict attention is not pald o that the mail becoraes sadly mixed up t times. Several divorce suts had aleady grown out of the delivery of the wile's mail to the husband, and rice -rs;i, aml it made lots of trouble. The surprise party consisting of menijcis of the G. A. R. Post, of Cbelsea, and ome twenty-flve or thirty memebrs of Welch Post, G. A. B., of Ann Arbor, net at the depot in Dexter, on Tueqday vcning last, and proceeded to the hotel, vhere, after partaking of supper, they gain feil into line under command of ;apt. Manly, of this city, and proceeded o the hall of the Dexter Ü. A. R. Post, akiug the latter Post completely by sui)rise. The evening rapidly dtappeand nd midnigbt dawned upon the "comades" ere rest was thought of. Speechn:king, story-telling, etc, made up the nterUiinnient. Each person in the room being called upon to do his part in the Bumé? Most of the boys returned to tob ity on the 7:00 a. PB. train, though it is eported that some got homesick and tartod homa toward mornlng afoot.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News