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ill Haten is on the Riek Hst. .Imlge Cooloy has gone to New York. Dr. T'. B, Rota h:is returned from a trip tu Washington. F. M. Warner of Karmingtou was iu tlie city Thursday. J. J. (íoodyear's mother from Groton N. Y., Ui visiting him. Mayor J. II. Kingsley of Manchester, was iu the city Friday. Probate Register Doty took a trip orcr to Manchester yesterday. Mrs. Dr. VV. W. Nichols is very iöw with oo&ramptiOD, with little hopes of recovery. Mrs. Chas. Uenry nee Miss Flora Parsliall, of Au Sable, has ticen in the city duriiig the past week. Mis. Johnston wlio has been east scveral weeks, returned to tho home of her danghter, Mrs. Earp, last Friday. J. II. Griffith of Fairport, N. Y., stopped overaday last Friday whilegoingthrough the city. He is an enthusiastic microscopist. Dr. D.A, Mc Lachlan lias taken rooms for the balance of the winter, at Mrs. Prof. illians, on Ann st. E., and hts fatnily are now with hiin. E. Donovan, class of '76, law '78, is loented at Kansas City, Mo., where he has charge of the tea department of the McCord & Nan mercatitilc company. iMat. D. Blosser of the Manchester Enïerpriqe accompanied by Mrs. Blosser, were in Un city Tuesday, in attendauee upon the funeral of Jay Emmetltobinson. Miss Lizzie Dean was unfortunate enoagh to full through an opening in the Miliwalk in front of Gibson's gallery, on [Iuron st., last Tuesday, but fortunately was not spiiously injured. A. J. Sawyer, Esq., made a fishing trip ïereaway on Tuesday, and - well, ask him what he caught.- Chelsea Herald. We know what he caught, but wlll never jlre him away. No, never. i'. J Scaman of Cleveland spent Sunday in town. He is the originator of the idea of the Beta Theta Pi club house at Wooglin-onChautauqua, the first and only general club-house built and owned by a college fraternity. It is finely situitcd on a high blufl'on the eastern shore of Lake (Jliautanqua opposite Mayville, and last year's season, althoueh the first after the completion of tbc house was a ¦uodeaa. Otlly members of the fraternity and their friends are entitlcd to the privïlifjes ot the place.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News