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Funeral Of J. Emmet Robison

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in our last issue we announced the sad news of the death of Emmet Robison, in Detroit, on Wednesday morning. Death resulted from the use of chloroform taken to alleviate insomnia, with which he was troubled. The amount used was not sufficient in itself to produce death, but it is thought the effect of the anresthetic upon the heart caused the fatal result, as his heart was known to have jeen effected somewhat. The remains were brought to this city on Thursday p. m., and on Friday at 11 o'clock a. m., funeral rites were held at the residence of the father of the deceased, Hon. John J. Robison, on N. Division st. The services were conducted by Rev. S. Clemena, an old friend of the family, assisted by Rev. W. W. Ramsay. The pall bearers were personal friends rrom the Detroit press, and the honorary bearers former classmates and friends in this city. The floral tributes were beautiful indeed, and reflected the sweetness and loveable qualities of the life of the one who was sleeping so peacefully the long gleep in the easket they surrounded. A floral desk and scroll with a broken pencil, Trom the press of Detroit; a broken triangle with the inscription " We Three," from his college chums Harry E. Palmer and Morse Robnert; a floral knapsack from Co. A (one of the liuest pieces) ; a pillow of carnations from members of his class of '84 ; a cross of calla lillies resting on a background of green ivy made u pleasing contrast, and was from the Washtenaw county oftkials ; a erown of roses, hyucinths, and carnations, surmounted by a cross of purple imniortelles, was the tribute of the members of the Ann Arbor press. Tin-re were otlivr tributes representing other friendl, but those euumcratcd givo an idea of the magnitude and beauty of these offerings of God's sweet messimgers of love, to the memory ot the deputed son, brother and 'riecid. The fact that thU is the tirst break in the family circle lends an additional sadness to this death. All of the children were present at the funeral services, consisting of Qco. F. RoBlaon and family of Detroit; Cassius C, of Dakota ; James A ., of this city, und the only daughter, Urn. Gertrude Eaman, of Livingston County, with her family. Co. A attended the funeral witli full ranks. The city press attended in a ody, and also the county officials. A large delegation of newspaper men from Detroit, and many old classmates were also in attendance. ACTION OF TUE COliNTY OKKICK.RS. Thureday luorning a meeting of the county offleers was held in Judge Harri man's oftice to take action upon Mr. Robion's death. Wni. G. Doty presided, and f, H. Belser acted as secretary. It was ¦solved to attend the funeral in a body, and a committee was appointed to draft appropriate resolutloni', which thcy did as follows: Whkrkah, We bave learned with ücepeHt rniw of the sudden death of our beloved associate nod frlend, J. Ktnmet Robison, orraerly deputy clerk of Washtcnaw Couuty, and latterly a member of the press of the city of Detroit; and Whkkeah, During our acqualnlance with he deoeased, we have learued to love umi admire his MterlliiK rnanhood, filial nature and ezcelleut busluei capaclly, and liave watcned with prlde iiis steady progresa upward In the rauks of hls chonen profewtou. Now, tüerefore, lietolved, That we liereby ixtend lo the ffllcted párente and relatlveeol our depivrted frlend our deepesl sympathy In UxttïgMat oreavement. May Uod have .thera in hls tender keeping. Be U furthir Resolved, That we atteud the funeral service In a body. L. DA VIS, WM. (i. UOTY, KHED. H. BttXSER, Commlttir. Last Sunday morning Wm. Connivan, iving in the Gregory house, 011 Bowery street, took arsenic in place of rochelle salta, and carne near climbing tho goldeu talrs.