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' L'TWo'gSLWER0yTTE5gB?ATSHTAfLOOV'T It Is the only line wllh lts own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June., St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with through trslnsfrom NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern points. It Is the principal line to SAN FRAHCISCO, PORTLAND 4. CITY OF MEXICO II traversos all of the si areat States of ILLINOIS, I0WA MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch lines to all their important citles and '"""ni CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, It run every day In the year from one to three elegantly equipped through trains over lts own tracks bctween Chicago and Donver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll BlufTs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council BlufTs, Peoria and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest. ltsequipment is complete and flrst class In every particular, and at all important points Interlocklna. Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insuring com"por'Vickets1', Rates, General Information, etc, reqarding the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent inlhe United States or Canada, or address T J POTTER 18T V.P. 4. GLn. Mor., Cmicaoo. HENRY B. STONE, Amt. Oen. Mor., Chicaoo. PERCEVAU LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Aot., Cmicaoo. Attaelimciit Notice. rpHE CIRCUIT OOTJRT I'OH THE COUNTY I OF WASH M. Wi liura P. Groves vu. üeorge Holmes, in attaobment. No'lce is hereby iriven that on the twentyrlratday of November, A. I. 1988, wrlt of uttschment was duly Issiu-d oat of the Circuit Court for ttie County of Wushtenaw, t the sult ot Willlatn I'. Grove, ihe above nnmed plaln tlff, alnat tne innds.tenements, Soüs and cbattflli, money and effect "f eorge HolmeH, the defendant tbove named, for the siun of two hiindred and four dollars (¦KM) whlcli sald writ was returnable on the tl ft h day of January, A. D me. Duted thls lUh day of January, A D. 1886. E. I. KINNE, Attorney for PlKiutlff. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of WaslT Li tenaw, eB. In the matter of the estáte of Jolrn O. Davis ieo'ast-il NOTICE is hereby given, that In pursuanee of ao order aranted to the u'-dersinned administra tor of the f-Ktate of sald John G. Darle, by the Bon. Judge of Probate for the Coanty of Wushtenaw, on the 4th day of Janaary, A. li !-¦. there will be sold at puhItovendue, to thahlghest bulder, at the late resldence of said deceased, on the premises below descrllicd, in Uie townshlp of York, In the County of Washtenaw in said f-'tate, on Tuesday. the 23d day of February, A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbranceR by mortguge or ottierwlse exlsling at the time of the dealt f sald deoetsed the following denortbed Keal Kstate, lo-wlt : The out ii eat qnarter of Seotlon flvpiiUn town four (4) South range slx (6 eaKl (York) iu Michigan. COMSTOCK F. III IX, Davted January 4th, WH AdmlnlHtrator. 7w 1:M Estáte or Archlbald Scott. STATU OF MICHIGAN, Coumyol Wahtenaw,ss At a sesston of the Probate Cour! for the County of Was-lituiiaw, holden at th' Probate otll e lu the city of Ann Arbor. on Monday, the twentyfltlh day of Jxnuary, iu the year one th"Uand eight huiidri'rt and eighty-six. Present, William D. Harriman, Jndge oJ l'ruhute. In tbe matter of the estáte ol Archibald Scoit, deceased. George !. ïill ailroinistiator of sald Mtatfis comea u tu court and represente that he is now prcpaieii to ie.nue.rhis flnal account as such arlminislrator. Tiiereavon it is ordcred, that WednesilAT, the twemy-iourlh day of Fehruary next, al ten o'clock in the forenoon, beaaetened tor examinlng and allowli gsuch account, and that theheirs at law, fsaid deceased, and alloiherpersouslniercsted in sald estateare required to appenrat a suosion of ;iid court, thsn tu be bolden at tne Prubate office, in the city al Ann Arbor. and show canee il any there be, why the eaid account shoold not be al'owd : And it is turiher ordpred, that said Atlminietiator gve notice to the persons intereeted in said catate, ot the peDdency of eaid account, ml th' btariiiü theruof, t)y causing a copy of this order to ''t' pub liht-d in the Ann Arhor Liuritr,& newspttper printed and circulaiin in caid countj. three euccissive weeks previoue to said day of hearing. (A truc copy.) WILLlAMD. HAKKlMAS, .Iii'ige ol Hrobat. WM. G.DOTY Probate Renister. 1283 vm Estáte or Aastin A. Wood. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. At asesBion of the Probate Conrt for the Count) ol Wsshtenaw. holden at the l'robute Oflicc In thi city of Anu Arbor, on Widnt;8day, the 27th day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and el;hty-a;z. Present William D. Harrlman, .Tudge of Probate. In the matter ol the estáte of Auatin A. Wood. decMused. Leonhard (rniier, the adminlstrator with the will annexed of ssid estáte, comes into court and represents that he Is now prepared to renrier bis annual account as such administraior. Therenpoult isurdered, that P'riday.the twelfth day of February ntxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be asigned for examinina and alluwlng snch account, and that the devleeeu, leñatee? and helr at law ol said deceafed, and all other persons inlcrested in said esute,are required tí) appearat a som "ii of said court, then to be nolden at Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbm , In suid county. and show causei, if any there be, wny the suid accimnt shoald not b; allowed : And it is J'urihcr ordered.thit aid admlüistrator gi,ve notice to tbu persons interesled in said estáte, of the pendeucy of Huid account and the hearing thereot, 'y o uinu' n copy of this order tobe published in the Ann Arbor CourU-r, anewspaper printed andcirculating in sald couuiy two successivc weeks previous to said dny of hearing (A true couy.) 'WM. D. HARIilVAN, .ludyu "! Probate. WM G. DOTY, Probate Ret isler. 1283-1286 Kotice to ('reditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County ol, ¦s. Notice Is hereby Elven, ttat by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 25th day of January. A. D. lKSti, slx montes Irnrn that date were alionad for to present their claims against ttie estáte of T'mthy R. Amsden, late of eaid county, de' eascd. and tbat all credltore of said deo'aïu'd :,re required to present their claims to sid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor for examiuatlou and allowance,on or before the asrh day of Juiy next, and that snch claims will be heard belore said Court, on Monday the 2Hth day of April, and on Monaay the twenty slxth day ot Juiy next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each ol said days. Datcd, Ann Arbor, January 2(ith, A. I). 186. WILLIAM D HAKKlMAN, 1283-8 Judge of Probata. Estáte of Aaron F. Gay. STATU OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa. At a sesion of the Probate Court for the County ol Waehtenaw, holden at the Prohnt" Omc in the City of Anu Arbor, on Wednesday, the tenth day of Febrnary, in the year one thotisnnd t-iiht hundred and eijihtyeix. Piesent.Wllllam 1). Hairiman, Jndge ol Probate. Iu the matter ol the estáte of Aaron F. Gay, deceased. William C. Stevens and Mary L. Gay, the edminlst nors of said eslate, come iiito court and represent that they are now prepared to rcndi-r their flnal account as such admlnlstrators. Ttiereupon It is ordered, that aturdr.y, the C'h day of Maren next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, be aasigned for examining and nllowing suc'.r account, and that h irs at law of saici de Maatdy and all other persons interested in said estrtte, are reiiuirud to apprar at h st-sfion ol aid court. then tobe holden .:t the Probate ofluv. in the cltv of Ann Arbor, in said county, and shu cause, II any there bc, wliy the siu aicount rhould not bc vllowf!. And it is lurther ordcred, thut said adminisirator give notice to the penom ictl In -aid estatQ ol the pendencj Of suid account, and the hearing thi'u-i'i, by caoslng a cupy of ibis order to br pub lisheil in iheAiui ThorCouritr,n newfmi.ief printed and drcDlatlng In said county. threo mo weeks pravlonf to ?ni'l (ay of h'-arlni:. (Atruecopy.) WILLIAM 1. HARRIMAN, .liultre ol 1 róbate. WM G. DOTY, l'rnbnte Bm Estáte of Hciiry ('olclaz' r. STATU OF MICHIGAN. Couuty of Wahte naw, se. At a session of the Probate Court for the County ot Washteuaw, httlden at the l'rolntte .tttcf, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Tnetdaj, the flxieen'h diaof Februnry, in the year one thousand eiglit hundred and eighiy -ix. Present, William D. Harrimnn, Judge ot Probate. In the matter of the estáte of lïcnry Colcliizer, deceased. On readiug and Billis tho petltlon, duly verlfled, of William W. Whedon, admintrator, pra Ing thnt ho muy be licensed to se.l the real estáte wherrof aid deoeased ilcd Tberenpon il Is ordered, Unit Friday. the twelfth day oí Marca m-st, at ton o'clock in lori'noon, bc asfigi.i'il lor the hearing of tald petítion, and that tho heirs at law ol' sald deceastd and all other persons Interaeted in said e6tate, are reqnlred to appearal a session of said court, then to beholdenal the ProliHtr otl'n-e, in the city of Ann Arbor. In said county and show cause. ii auy there be, why Üio prayer of rhe petilionersliuiild i or no granted And it Is further ordered, thut said peti looi r glve notice to tAe pweoni Interested Is ald eetate, of the oendencv of snid petition.and the hearing therool', by causlng n copy of thle order to be published in lúe Aun Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and rirculatlug ín said county, three succcsflvu weeks pwiuo to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. (A trae copy.) Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 1888-1289.


Ann Arbor Courier
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