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W ROYAL KVSit 2k B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdernever varíes. A marvel of piirlty. btrensth ond wnoleFomeness. More eoonomloftl than the ordlDary kludx.and cannot be Bold in competitlon wlth the multitude of luw teKt, Kimri welüht, slum or phoRphate powders. Sold only In cans. Koyal Haklng Powder Co . KM Wall st., N. Y. ECZEMA! And Evory Spopies of ItchinL and Burnin Diseases I'ositivelT ('nred. IOZBMA, orSall Hhi'um, wiih lt asouiriiig llchj ing Hnrt bnrnini:. iustatilly relieve i b a wurm bath with Cuticura Soap, Hiíl a single applicatiou of Cl TicrKA.the (freat ikln Cure. Thi repeated daily, with two or three doses of Clticce He solvknt, the New Blood Purlfler. to k ep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and nnirruiitlnii, the bowelf open, the llver and ktdnoys ctivc, will speedily cure Eczenu, Tetter. Ringworm, Pori.9K, Llenen, Pruritui, Scald Hed, Datidrnft hi d every ipeci sof Itch nu, Scaly aud Ploiply llumors or the Hcalo and Skin, whn the beet physicianB ¦nul all known rt-ra di' s tui!. MI McDonald. IM3 Dearborn tt.,Chlctao, Kratefully nckiuwlU' a cure of tCczema or balt Khi-uin on head, nick, face, arma and leg for seventeen yearc ; not able to wnlk except on handt and kneee for one year ; not able to help himnelf for elüht yeani: tried Iiundreon of remedie ; doe tor iinnnonred hls cas" ; p ¦rtnuneutly cnred by CirnctHA Kkpoltknt (hlood pnrifler) lnternaily, buUCoticuba and Cut iccra (ihe gn a tkln cares) exteinally. 'hurle Houghton, Kq., lawyer, 2S State Street, lïoeton, le.iurií a case ol alt Khenra uüder bis obo'TTa'lon for ten reara, whlcb. covered the paren!' body and limbü, and to whlch all knciuii meihods of tre-nmini had been applted without beni fit. whtch wa completely cnred loWy by the Coticora Kemkdies. leaviig a clean and heallhy aklu. If r. John Thlel, Wllkeehrre. Pa., writes : "I have n .ffered rrom Salt Khenm for over eiiht yeura, at timen bo bid ttvit 1 could n t attend lo my itn-'ittesa fir weeks at a time. Three boxea ol UT10UBA and four boltles of Kksolvknt havo eutlrelv carid me of thls dreadful dlseaee." Jim. laaao Phelp. Ravena, O., writng: '¦Fir the 1hi yiwr I have had a specie of itchlni scaly and pimply humors on my lace to wi ich 1 have appll'd a (jreat many method of treatmen I without snecesi, and hich waa epeedily and entlrely cured by out:cub. PhyHlclan'8 Pr-crlbe Thfm.-I have rothiiiif bot the hi(theat iraie lor th reêult obtalned from your 'rj icura Hikidiw, of which 1 have eo'd more than all oUiera of the kind. MO.NRO B"ND, M. D., Philarlelphla, Pa. :,600 Broad streef. ! SoldbviilldniirtB. Prlce: Cctticüba. 50 C .; I RKmn.VKNT, fc "P. aicts. Prepare! br the Pottkr lKfo and CuiaiCAL Co., Boston, Ma"?. Sd for Puamphlet. W A TT "' tne Complexión find Sïln by ijülil U inin ' ihe Cuticura Soap. CATARRH Complpte Trcatmput. nith Inlialer, tor Every Form or Catarrh, $1. ABK TOR SAKDFDRD'S RADICAL CURE Ov ky , f charges from the None 'V"v.r5S. anl K-Vl". Klnitlng Noles Tf % , '" '"' Head, Nerrouand íyt -CÍfeiQHeadache and Kcvei luyj-í S atefeístantly relleved. f'fiT JïwS Choklng macus dlêloged, - oi X -LX$ mimhrmne rli'anaed and yi) J&L healed,breathweetenei, íy" nmcll, tasti', and hearing nstored. and ravages checked. Cough. Bronchitis, Dropplngs Into the Throat. Pain In tlic Chest. Dyspepsla. Wastlng of Strength and FlMb, Loss of Sleep, etc., cured. ' One bottle Radical Cure, one bor Catarrhal 8olvent and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler. In one package, of all drugglsts, for 1 . Ask for Sanford's Radical Core, a pure dist Illatlon of Wltch Hasel, Am Plne, Ca. Flr, Marlgold, Clover BloMom. etc. Pott Dki' and Chimical Co., Boston. Potter Orng and Chemie! o.. Boston. T" ' KIDNt V P 4 1X8.'' and that MS wnry senaation everpre-ent Wth thoi-e Êê of palnlul kidneys. weak , over r JH wok orwornont by standing, walki"?, IK or the iewlnL machine, rured bjr ("uti AcchaAmiPiv Pla-tik, a neworlL-Inai.eieirantsnd speedyantldote to psln and lnflammation. At dniKelats. 2Sc ; flv for $1.110. Mulled fre ¦. Po T-" IRÜ ARD Cbemicai, Co., Boi-ton. 1OÖTT'"S" EMULSIÓN of pueeTod uver on ; And Hypcphosphltes of Lime & Soda Almost as Palaiakleas Milk. The onlv pwp ratl n of 000 MVER Olt that caubeukcui. iu-i rutl Cor a lung tun b,deUc.;,Ti.:. ,tiv ro,i f0.snlPTUt, ¦iiniin-'iiIÜL'" At:-M1A' GKX' prnrKTiïii.iTV. :on.ns am TllltQAT AF. KK(1IO,ÜT"'V"V(' lIVRI)rS OK ( HIl.llltlN il K ni'.'-vrllors in lli rw'l. 1'rn.scnlK-i et. r ..I i,y tüo bes 1-liyaiclan In the countrics oí tho woild. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ilSBh. i KNOWLIot AVrbor. L. ' A COMPLETE ABBAEWOMENT FOB , : Physiciaa aai Familias. Neater ui Cbeaper ANO MOBI ' coKVEisrrEiirT THAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB, WITH NO EXPENSE OF BA-TH ROOM ANC FEXTUnKS.


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