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Th Centu ry is bringitifr out neveral Soutliern writois w lióse ñames hiivo uot been liitherto widely known. Mat ('riui Ib Mío aulhor of a Bouttferü story in cbe Kobruary Dutnber, aud in tlie Man h nuraber will appear a story of Louisianu, entitled "Johu Toner' Kxperimunt,'' by Mrs. Maryaretta Wctlierell Ktrnan, with a full-page illustration by Mr. Keroble. Mr. and Mis. Joscpli l'ennell, whOM clever little book, "A Ciinterbuiy Pilgritnage," lias been such a suecess, have written and illustrated a ncw work, entttled "Italy, from k Tricycle." It 8 a description of a pilgrimage on three wheels", recently made by tbeni frou) Florence to Rome, and it will appear in two tmtubers of The Century, bezinning with March. Cliilde Hirrold's Pilgrimage, by Lord Byion. Cassell & Co , (Limited), 739 and 741 Broadway, N. Y. Trice, 10 cents. This is a handsome little pocket, paper cover pdition. The price is wonderfully cheap considering tlie size of tbe book and its neatness. "Autobiograiby of Benjiimin Kranklin," is a mate lo ir. Thére is no excuse for not having íoikI n-adin matter at these pi ices. The March number ot' the Outins; is the fii-st one isëued under tbe new editorial manacement of Poiiltney Bigclow. It has nearly one hundred illustrationu, and r!ul!?es wliat has long been desired hert, a xentleinaii'é maiiazine of sport, travel, physical recreation, free from all objeclionable featuree. The new offices are in New York, the move trom Hoston havinjr beem made in January. "The Mountain Cmpaigns iti (eoigia," is a handüome pamphlet issued aml sent out wlth the tomplimeiits of öov. Brown, of Georgia, conUining a hninlouie steel plate of hlm, for tbe Western kAtlandc R.K., prol'usely illustrated with scènes of the war on the lioe Of that railroad. It is haudsouiely goitun up, umi fives a succient history of Gen. ShiTtumi ind Joe Johuston's Atlauta caaipalgn. Emilio Castelar is probably the most brilliant orator now living. A full-page nirir;iit of hiui will form the froutispiece )f the Marcli Century, with krtlclea by William Jacksou Ainitroiig and Alvey A. Ailee, of the State Department, Washngton. 'l'he latter was a uieiuber of the American Legation in Spain at the time of Castelars political ascendancy. The iro.sent situation in Spain makes these japers espectally tlmely. The Febrnary number of the Inland Architect and Builder, of Chicago, contains an editorial oomparison of Ëastern and Western Architecture, as exemplified by the reeent Exhibit of Architectural Drawings by the Salmagundi Club, of New York, and a report of the year's buildinir, for 1885, from seventy-tlvecities of tlie West, South and East. AmoiiK the illustrutions are several handsome designs for residences, and a doublé page engraving of the accepted design for the Grant Memorial, to be erected in Lincoln Park, Chicago. This number of the Inland Architect and Builder is the flrst Usue of its fourtu year. The March Wide Awake opens with one of Lungren's best frontispieces, "Inder the Electric Light," a brilliant nightscene of Sandham and Hassam also have full-page drawinjjs in this number, both with strong fire-etfects, but widely diverse; Hasam's illustrates Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' bailad, "The Tenement House Fire," while Snndham's accompanie.s Mrs. Huse's historlcal Seminóle story, "The Light of Key Biscayne," and represents the burnincr liglit-house. There are sonie excellent short sroriee, A Loaf of Cake," by 8phic May. "The Horse-Houso Deed," by Maiy E. Wilklns, "An Unintentlonul Ohase for a Polar Bear," by Lient. Schwatka, and "The Last of the Geraldines," by E. 8. Brooke, with picturos. Tlie "papers" of tliisjesue are brightand ntcrtaiuiiir: Kose Kiiifrsley's Alpino itrticle, ''Stoned by a Mountain," roterests botanist?. Mr. Sherwood's "Uoyal Girlè1' about the Empresa of Aiistrin," reads like a romance, and Mn. Fremont's "Souvenir" poiuU out souic of the mUcbievous mistakos made by the Empress Eugenie at the outse'. Miss Harris has m instructive "Little HiOLraphy"of Hawthoine. $3.00 ¦ year. D. IOtliropife Co., Publishera. Boston, Ma?s. Harper's MiRiiine for Marcb opcus with 11 graphic discrption of Krupp's irun-inaklng establisbnient at Essen, by Moncure D. Conwuy, effeciivuly illustrated. The subject is one of exceptional interest because this ia the largest maimfacturii:K establishment under private management in the world, employing over 20,000 meu and owning 574 mines; because of the social features connected with Krupp's provisión for the comfort of' nis workmeu and for the educ.ition of their children; and because the attention of all nations is now cspeciHlly directed to the manufacture of heavy ordnance. The article takes its place uaturally in the series bejrun by McOlellau's article on "The Militia and the Ariny,' coutinued in Sir Edward Reed's on "The British Navy," and to be stilt further extended in future contributlons. Edmund Kirke contributea an interesting nicle on the city of Cleveland, which is sutnptuously illustrated. C. II. Farnham continúes hisCanadian artlcleawilh anentertaining pa]eron "Cape Breton Folk," beautifully fllustrated by A. B. Frost- pne of the engravinxs, "The Open-air Sacrament," liaving the place of honor as the f ronlUpiece to the numb&r. "With the Alghan Unundary Commlssion " is the title of an interesting Central-Asian Wctch by Wm. Slmpsou, with illustrations by the author. David Ker, as the result of bis recent visit to África, coatributes a very instructivo and valuable descriptlon of the resources and opportunlties of the thrce jrreat river vulleys of África- those of the Nlle, the Niger, and the Congo. A good map accompaiiie8 the paper. A seriea of papers especially intereatlng to the owners of small holdings of land, under the title of "The Home Acre," by E. 1'. Koe, is bepun in this number.


Ann Arbor Courier
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