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1 he C'horal l'nion Concert on Crida; evenlng next, wil! prove the best attraction of the wcek'scntertainments, for 110 only will the flrst part of the program present nutnbcis of a lij;ht aml plcasing charactcrs, with sucli favoritc soloists aa Miss Ida Helle Winchell and Mr. (V. Slocum nnd the assi.-tanee of the popular University Glee Club, bot ia the second part, "GounoJ's Messe Soleunellc " wil otbr a rare opportmiity lo liear wliat kind of musici uwd on the ooBtttieut u the Oatholic charchet, and ttudj how perfectly til; slraiiiH ;irr adaptad I" the thougfetl K ven in onr largc cities midi miisic is scldom haard. Wc would thercfore strongly uige every one and especially our Catholic friends not to miss this chance Wc now give the programme for the f rit part: Opening chorus irom Khiuhou, with oIun Trom Handel Miss Wincnell and Mr. Slocum. On the water Abt University Glee Club. Be Strong, Tenor Solo J. H. HaUn Mr. Slocum. Luaudo ira cenere Campaua MiNHeB Clark, Winchell and Mr. Slocum. The Night- seml-rhorus Rhelubergcr by 21 volees of the Choral Union. The uext meeting of the Ampyctionic Club, or Ohautauqua Hcadinx Circle, will be at the residencc of Miss Hill, 27 E. Liberty street, on Saturday evening Kcb. Z7th, for whicli the followlng program has been prepared : LONOKELLOW'S DAY. "O glorious thought ; that lifts me abovc the power oftime and chance, and t-lls me that I cannot pass away and leave jio mark of my existencc." Roll culi - Answereil by a verse from Longfellow. Bloxraphical Sketch- Miss May Payne. The tory teller- Kuch jieraber tellB a story from Lougfellow' worlcs. lxngreflow iu Ituly- Miss Carrle Watts. Hts plHiv among the poet -MIks Ella HUÍ. Kei 'ltatlon- 'lo H. W. L.-Mrs. L ü. Wines. Lontflellow's Home - Mi-. C. Q. Darllng. Kssay- Prisclllaand Evuugellne componed -Miss Allee Porter. Selectlons from Longfellow- Mr. Wlaes. Muslc- 1.- "The Day Is done." 2- Piano Solo. John B. Gough memorial services will be held at the old Baptist church Bunday at 8 p. m., Feb 28th. The W. C. T. IJ., and the two Good Templar Lodges are requested to be present in a body. The churches and ottier societies that teel that they owe a tribute of respect to the life and labore of Mr. Gough are asked to be represented in any way they may choose. Scripture reading by Rev. Mr. Spence ; singlng lead ly A. wn; , ¦iUlm- . usolutions, doxology, benediction. The Beethoven Society have completed arrangeraents for a grand fair to bc given ia their hall In the Stsebler block. It will commence on Tuesday p. m. next, and besides the sale ot articlea of all descriptions and kinds, refreslnnente will be served. The ladies of the society have everything in order, and wlll be glad to have you attend the fair they have taken so rauch pains to prepare. On the evening of March ."th the G. A. R. Post of tliis city will liold another public debate, tliis time the question beIng : "Resolved, That the ndualnistration was more to blame than was Gen. Geo. B. McClellan in the failure before RichiiiDi.d in the scven day's fight." Ladlca are especially invited to attend. No admission fee. Hall over Bach ft Abel's Btore. To-night Lyceum No. 1, of the High School, will give a Washington program for the benefit of the Mt. Veruon society. The Haydn sextette will rcndcr several pteces, and the program prouiises to be a vcry cnjovablc one, A small admittance fee of ten cents will be charged. Ad amateur compaiiy is in practicc for a play, entitled '"Nevada, or the Lost Mine," tu be produced omo time in Marcli. 1'. 1 T:irkitis is om l the cards. The oiïgnal Fisk Jubilee Slngers are to visit tliis city Monday eveniiifr March 8tli, and give one of their inimitable concerto in the Presbyterian church. Shrove Tuesday, the 9th of Marcli, the K. T's will give a Mardi Gras social at their temple. The Maple Leaf Social Club announce a dance nt armoiy hall Tuesday evening Marcli 2d. PAST TENSE. The masquerade of Co. A. at the link, 1 ut Monday evening, was a perfect success, both in numbers and in the variety, excellence and brülianey of the costumes. The oíd folk's social Saturday evening at the M. E. church, was fairly attended, and richly enjoyed by those who were there. Some of the costumes were really elegant. The Old Folks' concert at the Unltarian church last Monday evening was one of the picaban test events of the kind held in the city this season. The attendance was large, and the refreshments sel ved afterward were pronounced superb. The gymnasium fund did not increase ny by the procceds from the Koek Band concert, Monday eveuing, but the people who attended that entertainment went to their homes feeling well pleased with what they saw and heard. The rocks were truly made to sing, and in a wotiderful sweet way, too. There were also one or two other curious iustruuionts with which musicians hervabouts are not familiar. One of the youtijj uicu brought out a boot jack, and playcd upon a couple of nails driven into it, "The Last Rose of Sunimor," in such a marnier as to sosolicit rapturous applause. Some ot the audience expected him to pull oll' one of bis and play a tune tipon the nails in its heels, such a faculty had hc for bringlng uiusic out of everything. Accompanying tliis troupe is a "reader,'1 Miss Ida M. l.nuMi, by name, and she also struck the popular heart with her inimitable style and freah, piquant ways. One of the boys leaned over and pered into our ear : "Say, Mr. Keporter, wlien jou write thls up, please say Chat you saw suck au audienca as waa never before seen in l'niversity hall; they were all dead heads." "N'ot quite all," saiil bis companion, ,"some of them are bald heads." Where are tbe students and members of the gymnasium club? asked the astonished reporter, who saw but few of them present. Au abnormal silence was all that reached his ears.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News