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MlGHIGAN fTENTRAL The JJiagara Falls (Route. 4'eutral stniilnrl Time. Time tahle takinnt effect Nov. üth, 1885. CHICAGO TO DKTBOIT. j "Tí "51 15 II 8 Ü í II ""¦ . íf ; j L J H _íjsj_ f l_ II g_ i a.M. A. V. r.m I.M.P. M. P. M.ÍA.M. Chicago.. I.v. i 650l 00 8: 4 00 9 U5 95o! MlchiKanflty; 1 11 II 5 17 fi 32 11 13 12 02 Nllf li : 12 IS S18 7 5' 125 1 ü Kalamazoo. .. 142 7 2i 90 2 U0 8 f:{ fl 4: Bnttle C'reek. ¦¦ I 2 2? 8 01 2 60 3 50 7 31 "&::::. l$ kzz ¦ .[ Alhlon p m.I 382 8 39 3 43 4 40' 8 21) Jaikson S 10 4 16 1" ISS 555 9 15 OrnmUke....l 3 8 6 47Í 9 38 'helara 355 608 9 .",7 Dexter 4 12 . 622 1012 Aun Arbor.... 4 33! 530 1009 5 45 C, 4 lli 2K Ynsllanti 4 50 5 45 10 21 .... 0 00 6 55 10 45 WayneJunc. 5 15 605 11 0 .... ! 02u 747 1106 D'r .1 ....Ar. 6 00 6 45 1115 7 00 8 Olll 45 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. .. i íE i ai ft j S_ _ LWC M á_ L_ A.M 4..M P.M P M. r.M P.M.! Detroit... I.v 7 00 9 10 130 4 U0 8 00 0 15' WayneJunc, 7 40 58 2i 4 45 8 40 965Í Ypsilanll .... 801 I0 1X 2 20 5 lí 905 1021.... Ano Arbor... 8 I'. 1028 232 530 23 1038 DexbT 885 5MI 9 65 Chülüfi 848 6H6 1UI.9 OraeLakc. 10 87I10S8 ........ Jackeon 9 36 1143 3 2" 7 lö'll 55 12 08J Marhll. ... lu.'(8 124' 422H22:U55 1 1h . ... BattleCreek.. II 031 1 3 4 4018 5211220 ISOia.m. Kalamazoo... 11 W i 15 5 15 451 11" 2 40 4 45 Nata 147.34 632, 30 4 13 6 40 M.ihifcal.Clty 310457 7301... 4 : 5 40 8 08 Chlcago...Ar. 545710 9 api 7008061086 Canada Ulvlalon. tietroit TO BurrALo.- Standard Time. Lsi ki ! ¦ STAT.O.VS. lIpifIilil IW'l ÏH isa. IfiÍíS l w 3 P. M.' P. M. A. . A. M. Detroit ...Lv 7 3U' 11 25 5 00 7 IB 12 05 p.M t.Tliomiu Ar 11 10 2 45 10 20] 10 45 '! 10 A. M. P. M. Tnronto...Ar 8 4.) 5 05 8 20 p. x. Oitüwa pm6J5 'i 88 a. m. Montreal 10 00 i 8 18 Quebfc ía63cI p. . a m 2 20 p. m. '. ihomai.Lv 1115 3 45 100 10 86 8 5 Weiland ; 153 5 17 5 12 154 8 28 Falle View... .. .. 5 45 I.... M. Fllí.Oit. 2 22 6 4 2336 51) SuD'nBdíre. 2 35 6 00 i 2 50 7 10 p. m. N.FalH.N.Y j ¦ j.. ;.... Eaatern time A. M. A. M. P.M. i P.M. P.M. Buffilo....Lv 4 60 8 10 9 00 4 45' 8 Ou Rocheter..Ar 6 50 55 11 00 ' 6 45 11 00 Syracose 9 30 12 15r 1 30a 0 30 1 30am Ltica .... 11 :'O 2 1 8 0! 11 : 3 0 Albany pv 2 2.1 5 00 H 10 Ai U 6 10 Trny r 2 35 (55 6 25 2 0(1 6 d íprlDgBel ... 6 3' 1240a10 57 6 15:lO57am n orcester. . . . 8 28 5 0 I I 18p 8 20 1 ISpm Boston 9 45 6 25 S K ' 9 40 2 r. New York Ar 7 00 9 00p10 30a! 7 3(1 10 :Wam t'hlladi-lphla. 10 35 10 35 ' 7 05 .."..... mirpALO TO drtroit- Standard Time. ai A íí -i II Mi STATIONS. d ?r =J J.M -í : S A. M. p .1. Phlladel'a. Lv 00 P. u 8 JO New York... 10 30 6 00 .. .. 9 5 B.ii-ton, 8 30 3 00 . . 7 W oceter... 950 4 20 8 Sprinufleld. . . 11 M tí 05 10 J5p Albaoy S UOpm 10 05 ! .. .. S '6a Uíica s 45 I233m .... 6 Jt Syrcue 7 40 2 00 7'2O Rocheeter.... 9 f5 4 00 .. . 10 00 Huffalo ...Ar 12 15 5 50 12 lóp a. m. a. M. Buffalo. ...Lv 11 30pra 5 SO 6 05 9 00 1185 N.HÜh.NY ...n ubu'ii B'ti'e i2 31 31 13 38 N. KnllK.Out. 12 51 tí . . ..'.... 1Ï 51 Kalls Vii-w 8 06 I 02 Weiland J 16 7 21 10 15 138 St.lhoaias Ar 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 10 4 35 Qnebec....L 2 30 10 00 Montreal, 800 900 Jtlawa 1140 12 23 TwuBto, 8 ;o ' 8 20 St Thcmael.v 4 15 9 55 2 55 ' 1 Ts I 4 45 i' 8 05am 1 00pm 8 45 i 5 20y 8 ló t Stops only to let off pussengc rs. ? Stopa only on M'nul. O. W. RUGGLE8, H. W. HAYKS. O. P. & T. Agent Aüt.. Ann Arbor. Chlcato. To edo, Aun Arbor & Noriii Michigan Kullnay. riMB BCHBOUIX To liike elfect it, 12 o'clock, noon, on Sundy, September 27, 1885. (Southern División.) Tmlus ran by Standard Time. GOINQ NdRTH. GOINQ SOUTH 6 4 2 1 i B ?Í lij _¦ ;! .U - " i á STATIONS. -til!-" j Pa - s a ' a A. n. p. m a. M Lea ve. Arrtve a. r. pi. t 9 50 rt 40 7 06 Toledo 9 305 00 5 00 9 54 3 45 7 14 ManhuCui) .Innct'n 9 2X4 ." (iOW) 352 7 23 Alexis Jnnciion 9 16Í4 47 ... (10 U7 4 00 7 35 Hawtnor . 9 loU 40 . ri" l;ï 4 07 7 4 Samaría 9 U0 4 30 ín 4 1 8 Ott Lu o. 8 47i4 2' !IOSO425 8 15 Monroe Juncüon 8 42 4 14 .... 1037 4 33 8 30 Diinilee 8 31) 4 044 04 rio 43 140 8 37 Macón 's 28 4 nol... + iO47 4 45 8 46 Azalia 8WM64.... tl! 00 4 551 59 Milán .liinciion S 0n 3 45 345 a.m, -son 9 OBI Milán '8 Oh!) 41'F. 5 08 22 I rinia 7 .',-: g 80 "5 1! 9 32 Pittslield Junctiou 7 40 8 22 S ) 9 60 Aun Arlxir 7 278 10 5J5 10 20 L lan I 7 12 2 60 r 05 10 30 Worden 17 06'2 40 aOlC 4.3 ï __8ouih_L)on_ 502_55 _ Connectlons: At Toledo, with railroad t df vcrgn;: at .Maubat'an Jui.cti-.n, wlth Wbeeline A Lafce Erle K. R.; at Alexia Junction, wiih M. C. . lt., L. S. & M. S Ry. and F. P. M R. B.; at Monroe Junction. with L. S. & M. S. Rv.; at Dnndee, with L. . A M. S. Ry., M. & O. Ry.; a( Milán Junction. with Wabanh, St. Lonis & Pacific Ky.; t PittsSeld, with L.. M. S. Hy.; at Anu Arbor wiih Michigan Central R. H., and at South Lyoa with Detroit, Lancine A Northern R. R., and Mich. A. L. Oiv. of Grand l'runk Ky. Traína ti and 3 runB hetween Detioi' and Toledo, daily eicept Sundav, vi Milán Junction ; No. 6 nrriven at Ueiruit l00 noon. ho. 31eave Detroit a 2:35 p. m. Plag rationa. t Daily, except Snndays. i Tralus do not atop, H. W. ASHLEY, General Supt. W. H. BKNNEiT. GenM. Pan. Aeent. frfj fínn'1 p resenJ. given away vil I lili íend us5 cení p.)8tHK",nd 01 Ib mail you wlll Ket ree a U J U U J ckae of goods oí large w v Talac._ that wl1 etart jou fn work that wlll at once brlng you in mon-y faster han anythin else in America. All ahont tbe í)0,000 in presiMits with each box. Agenta wanted verywhere. of cither fex. of nll agen, fi r all ihe me, or upare time only, to work lor na at their wn home1. Fortunes lor all workera abaohitely ured. Doo't dolay. H. IIalleit A CO., Portud, M line The moat popular Wekly newsptper devoted toscienc. monaniof,enfnneeriDK discoveries. invontiona and patenta everpublished. Every Dumber illustrated with aplendid enffraTings. This PQblicationftirniihea a moBtvalnabtp encyclopedie of inforrattíon which no person ahould be without. Th popularit7 of tbe Bcnimnc American ís fcuoh that iu ciroulatioD nearly quali that of all other papers of its claas combinad. Price. 93.20 ayear. Disoonntto Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MüNN 00., Publishers. No. 361Broadwy. N. Y. ¦¦w asi ai w g% MunnACo. hará LfATtNIS alohadThlrtH mmmmm practica beforo ¦ th Patent Office and hare prtpared ¦ more than One Hundred ThouHvand Applications for patontn id the _B United States and foreign oountríes. v Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copy-rightp. ¦Auignments, and all other papers for ¦ securing to inventora their nchts iu th ¦ United States, Canada, England. France. H Genuany and other foreipn countries, pre¦ prod at short notice andón reasonable terms. H Information asto obtaining patents cheer¦ fullyiciTen without oharge. Rand-books of ¦¦"infiirniAtion ent free. Patenta obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed in the Scientiflo American free. The advantageof luch notie ia wU understood by 11 peraona who wish toditpos of their patents. Address IUSN t CO, Offics Scaul 1110 AltTUOAN. 961 Broidwy, New York. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT l ARBOK. Should advertise in THE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
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