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The Great Banquet

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Suecos s is the word depcribing the celebration of the tirst anniversary of tho Michigan club, and its aggressive members may be proud of its holiday. The city Monda; wis tilled with the sterling republioan leaders of the state, the lobbies of the hotels and the streets showing that Michigan was in Detroit for the day. The Michigan club of one year oíd has nearly 1,200 members, representintr the fihting element of the party. Itwas born on Washington' birthday. lftV). nearly four months after the preaidential election, thus evincing the trae Fpirit of never-saj-die. There were a dozen active workers, and it might be nnjnst to say just wlio was the IfMng pirit. esnecially as noboity claims that honor,each modestly giviog the honors to his feUows. Siu'ii men as Col. Atkinson, Mayor Grumsmond,C. H. Hulil..l. L. Edson, to tlie number of twentyfive. sitjiied tlieir namestothe charter. It grew from the start under good miniBement. and toward the close of 1886 it was BO tliriving that it determinad to celébrate it? tirst birthday, and it has now entered on its second year with the brishtest ,of hojies. the most owerful poUtiwd aiganizatíon ia Michigan, and is bound to mnke h big mark in future elections. lts mraibi r.-liip is Largel; from the state, and á gjanoe at the list whosatinthe Princesa theater last night will show the element which has made it what it is. From an early liour yesterday mornins; the Michigan club rooms on Fort street were the scène of unusual life and aotivity. Bustling preparations for the banqnetl'.v tbc various committees were in progress all daj , and the rooms were also kept constant ly filled by visitors ar riving from tlie interior of the state. The club was the scène of many fraternal reunióos and congratulatious, and a hearty republican handshaking was indnlged in all round. The club boisted the national colors at an early hour in the day, and visitors from the interior found uo difficulty in tinding the place. At noon all the tickets for the tables at the banquet had been disposed of, besides a hundred eitra chairs on the ground floor. The utmost enthoeiasm and eipectation was prevalent during the day, the delegates from the interior expressinj; themfelvcs with wholfiFonled lieartiness, as hugely in favor of the banquet and the committee's work.' COV. FORAKÉR ARRIVÉS. Oulo's MasiHtrate ltoelved by the Mlchlsnn (overnor. The receptiou of Gov. Foraker of Ohio was the first prominent feature of the day. Judge Foraker's famous debate with Gov. Hoadly, and the overwhelming defeat of the latter at the polls, has given him a name and a place among the most prominent men of the country. Gov. Foraker also was not without his following at the Chicago national convention a year aso last summer. The prominence thus gained, and his large majorities la-4 fall, have placed him in the front rank of national importance. Gov. Foraker telegraphed Gov. Alger that he would arrive via the Michigan Central railroad Monday morniug at 11:40 o'clock. It had iirevioiisly been deUrmined to give the governor such a military and civil reeeption as would do the distinguished visitor honor and its projectors credit. The public having been informed through the press that his excellency of Ohio would arrive at 11:40, a large number of spectators asgembled at the depot to witness the reception and demonstration. The waiting rooms were crowded with people, and around the ticket gates they were huddled together in n perfect jam. Among the crowd were Beveral aldermen and other city officials, the city hall being aloaed B8 ,i-liiiigton's birthday was a national holiday. The employés of many of the stores which closed their doors in honor of the day and occasion were also present in forcé. Numerous visiting republicana from the otate at large deserted the corridors of the Russell house for the time being and rujiaired to the depot. All watched the clock and looked for the appearance of the military. Abont 11:35 o'clock the sagle eye of the ubiquitous newsboy caught sight of the coinpnTiy of gray-coated militia inardiing down Jeffersou Hvenue. A scampering of numerous smal! boys to the point of view attracted general attention, and the sidewalks were inntantly crowded witli numerous and more difrnified spectators. Jhe aquad of soldier was the quick-moving, handxome Detroit cadet. The bright barrels of their guns and slender polished bayoneta Sashed in the sunlight aud gleametl above the snow. Thecompany nppeared in heimet hats and lons, bluish-gray surtouts. lts complement of firearms is among the handaomest in the state. The cadets marched down Woodbridge street by fours, and ut the corner of the depot broke into twos in recponse to a rínging command, wheeled sharply arouud to the sidewalk on Third street, marched np iu front of the main en trance to the depot, and carne to a halt. After deploying in different direcons and ueeütblg several maneuver of the manual of arma to the admiration of all qweteton and the hilarious delight of the "kid" element, the squad broke ranks and ned from the cold into the depot. There their armn were atacked in field style for 8 few minutes. Gov. Aiger, who had arrived in the meantime with hi carriage, was saluted. The governor returned the salute and nodded apiirovingly to the captain and other members of his acquaintance. Hoveral other cnrringes also drow np to the cnrb-stone atircast, carriage amilgements having been made for any imm ber of Ohio visitors. A Xow minutes bcf oro the train, was duo the cndets were formed in line on the platform inside the trates at parade rest. As the train was near rolling into the depot Gov. Alger, the Hou. Isaac Marston, Maj. George H. Hopkins, Mr. Fred E. Farnsworth and Frank E. Snow ndvnnced down the plRtform with the receptiou coinmittee. A large nuinber of passengers preceded the gnbernatorinl party down the platform into the depot. Attracted and interested by the demonatfation they halted andwaited the development of events. Gov. Alger and his friends were nmong the last to leave the coacheR. Gov. Foraker was acDompanied by hís wiía. When the party was seen advancinj; down the platform Gov. Foraker and Gov. Alger were escortlng Mrs. Foraker betweon tlicm. The tall. commamüng prcsence and handsome face of the Ohio governor was not more noticeable than the tall and rosj and vivacioiis ooiintenance and elegailt appeanmoe of hiswife. Botfa nemed jileas(!d with the reception. As the party neared the gate the command ¦¦Attention!" rang out loud and clear, followed by "l'rescnt arms!" which was repeated down the line. The corrpany stood motionless, hokU ing thcir gtau In front of them hs Gov. Alger. his ynests. and the reception committee paaaed in front. Gov. Foraker raised his hat with dinity. Mrs. Foraker smiled and also bowed. The sqund wheeled aro'and and followed to the carriage?. aml tlien touk B position in the street. Gov. Forabet and ladyentered Gov. Alger's oarriage, the governor himself holding the dooi and asaisting them to enter. Introductions then followed. Jadgé Maratón, Maj. Hopkius, James L. Èdson and othera were presented. Oor. Aigei then entered the oarriage and dirpeted the coachman to follow the soluiers, who were leadinu the way op Third strcet. A large orowd of persous nlsofollowedon the .sidewnlks. The cadeta proceeded in the lead op Third streel t Fon street, where they wheeled Rracefully tothe east, direct for the gOTernor'c mansión, two blocks distant. Arrived therr, the cnrriage stopped :i little distance frote the steps and thecompany formed into a line stretching frora one curb stono to snother. An opeaing wn nci m the ranks for the oarriage to drive throujih. It Uien drove up to tlni trance. The goveinor and gneëtt then alighted. The oompanj agaio presented arma. They turued toward the soldiere, bowed several times and eutered the mHnsion. The cadets. the crowds of people and the carriages then dispersed, and in two minutes no evidences of the tiaoog ÜllA had looked uoon the distiuguished HUMtl were to be seen. Among the other arrivals at the same time was the Hon. E. S. Lacey of Charlotte, ex-cougressman. A very !arge proportion of the arrivals turned into the Michigan club rooms, a few blocks eaai of the góvernor's mansion. Several local memberR stood at the door receiving the arriving visitors from the state. Gov. Foraker was seen by a TninuNE reporter soon after his arrival at the govírnor's mansión. He is i yoongex man than appears at first or distant sight. His face is fair and clean-shavcn, with the exception of a medium-sized mutache, which droops over a clear-cut and decisive looking month. His must'iche is brown. His hair is heavily threaded with gray and combed back from a high and noble forchead. The manner of dressing his hair doulitlcss ïiiakfs the governor appear several years older than he f. His eye is grey, and the whole expression of his ccuntcnaficc shows great intellectual force and extensive experience. The governor expressed himself as fatiu'ucdwith lus journey and siifferiiiL' from a headache. Whtn askcd abont prison reform as inaugurated in ( )hio Gov. Foraker said: " l'lii' sjstem is yet experimental and not fully nnderway. We have begnn tlie erection of an intermediary prison, but its foundation is not yet oompleted. fhe ideas of reform in the treatment of iirisoners will then bo put into pratieal a]iplicatiou. o particular system nf treatment has yet been detenniuid iipon for general prectioe. We reoognue the ïiccd and the importanoe of the work of réforniing crimináis, and think the penitentiary is as good a place as any, if not a better plaoe, totryit. Those who have promnlgated the reformatory ideas feel greatly cncouragi d. qrftem f parole is consid ercd EU befalg licneficial both to the criminal and the commuuity. In oor state a man rnay be sentenced to from one to twenty years for manslaughter. Under (Ma ¦yrtem if, aftor he serves the mini mum f his sentenc.e, hii has shown evidriicc s oi rapentance and roformatioii sufficient to warrant lus r leai . h' is paroled. l'tider that ) ia role he muy becomo I nseful and Qpiighi cili.en. I Hlier tilines In the way of an inducement - rewards for good be havior - are held out. Kor lutuMi a convict is allowed to itai liis mnstaob or his huir lon', r VodiHcard the pi laOB garb for citizens' clothes while still couliucd. i0 the prison garb has not been wholly abandoned." "wnat are the prospecta for conviction in the ('inciniiiiti election-frand cases?" "Eieellenf, I think. Dalton, clerk of Hnmilton oourity, 'you romember, was ordqrad by tho legislature to appear before tlie investifjating committee nnd produce the Toltng records of precinct A in the Fourth ward, where the frauds were coinmitted. Ée appeáred, bnt did not produce the records. He was then committed for contempt, but released on babeas corpus. Dalton's attorneys claimed thiit hc had no right to take the records out of his own county." "I just received a telegram a few minutes ago from my private secretary," said the Rovernor, producins the dispatch, "saving that Judge Wylie, of the common pleas, before whom the arguments were made, had just decided with tho investigatiug committee. Dalton will now have to produce the rocords or go to jail.' "The republicana have got Ohio perily reelaimnl." '['tii-ro is no better evidence of that than the niüjorities of last fall. Ühio is a republican Btate." GOV. ALGER'S RECEPTION. Citlzcns Generan y A reept Hls I'ublle Iuvitatfon. The popularity of Jlichigan's chief executive reoëived a freofa tribute at the erqwdad reoeption Monday inthegabeTnatorial mansion. Standing witliin the lHt.'.]s of that hospitable residence duriug the reception an observer could not fail to be impressed with the personal ijnalities whieh have made Gov. Alu'i t ;i favorito wilh the rank and file of Michigan republioanjem, and the genial, kindly nature which makes hosta of friends of an opposite political faith. The governor1 reoeptdons liave alwayi boen largely attended by democrats as well as republicans, and Monday was no exception to the rule. Men of all partios, public officials and private citiens, crowded to tlie spacious rodmi to do honor to the governor and his disHnguished gneaU. J'recisely at four o'clock the oallers begiin to arrive. At ach iwtag of the masaive doqr groa&i of f rom two to half a' dozen gentlemen passedio and were at once ushered into thp reception room on the eust side of the hall, where the govamorand party stood to receivothem. From this hour until after six a steady Btream of viaitors paued in andoat, the eetimated number benig about 2,500. At tho door of tli reception room Mr. Heury A. Newland and Maj. Sil M. Osimin, tlie goveroor's privute seöretary, arted aa ashen. Handfome Harry Conant, the state secretary, who ipparently knows the face of every repnblican in Michigan, made the intro,luctons. Close to the doorfitood Gov. Alprer, who gxeeted each caller with a hearty shake of the hand. The goveruor was dressed in a plain Princc Albert suit. At liis ritfht stood Senator Logan, ittired in an eveniii suit of black, who made each visitor I feel at home t once by hisfriendly I graap and p'easnnt words of welcome. Shortly after 4 o'clock Senator Evarts ariivid and at once töok up hi popition in the lino of celebrities who were receivin.ï tlic t:ue?ts. 'l'lie senator stood at (in. tógan'a ri'ht andadI i few words of familiar conversation to eaoh person introduced to him. ii t ;is dr(s?ed in a plain oldEashionfid Biait of black, high collar with turned front and necktie of the seventeenthoentury. (iov. Foraker stood next to Senator Eviuts and reeted the callers with a cordial "buckeye" grip of the band. (inv. Foraker is oue of the most iiffalile and courteousof gentlemen and makes f rier.ds at sigbt. Later in ihc niteinoon Senators derson aud Palmer arrived and joined the line of governors nüdsenntors in tho duty of ihulrlng hands. ïhere was a Hdellghtfnl nbscnce of tormality in the rejfoeption. Hosts and guests met in n orcüuary rcpubliciin way, and thègOTemon nnd senators frequeutly dropped out of the line to convene a few moment with a friend. Senator &miU would not stay "puf anywbere, and "bobbed up serenely" in Bil qoarteni of the r(Xm at once. lt wae amtuing t wateh tho diferent methodfc of salutatiou. Senator !,a a habit of retajning the hand of b gentleman to whom heis introduced until hi' toished tallcing to him. He yee Ute hand au extra military ,,'i-ip beíore he lela o. He is jocular in oonvereaüon and keept erery one in Bood hmnOT. Senator Kvarts invanably B half bow, lialf-courtosy, no mati, , ¦!,, u!„,in !i' i, introduced. He gives the hand a short, crisp shake. üov. Foraker, yoongei than the others menüonèd, has liad less experienee in ahaking bands, bat he perform it gnwefully. thestendy stream of visitors flled throiif;h the reecrtion-room they passed out by the cloors on the northside and Iduiul their way into the hall again throoghthedinipg-room. The majority i directly out ot front door, but a larce number remained and went into the drawinn-toom on ÖW west side, where ¦ted by mwbJ ladies, was waittoB to receive them. A verv few [adiea we mong ílíe ciiUers, but a [a.-u-e of the gentlemen visitors tooi adv.intae of the opportunity to pay their respects to Gov. Alger's amiable wtfea Mrs. Alger, who wore n plftin black silk dress with jet ornamenta, was assisted during the afternoon by Mrs. Foraker, Mrs. Col. Duffield, Miss Carrie Alger, Miss Fay Alger, and Mrs. i'latt. Mrs. Foraker, who came from Cincinnati with her hnsband, Gov. Foraker, Monday, wore a handsome black dress of brocaded velvet with jet ornaments. and carried a bouquet(Hf roses. Mrs. Dufñeld wore a black satin dress trimmed plainly. Miss Carrie Alger was dlMMd in a dark-brown silk with brown velvet trimmings. Miss Fay Alger wore a very dark-green silk dress trimmed plainly. Mrs. Alger and Mrs. Foriker stood in the center of the room to receive their iruests, the introductions heing made by Col. Duffield and other ci He ¦men. As the visitors passed out of the ladies' room their places were quickly tillfd by others, and for ot two hou-s botli rooms were crowded to their utmost capacity. At f o'clock the crush u great that a person entering tlie front door oceupied ten or fifteen minute. In reaching the point of introduction in the gentlemen's reception room. The la liet calling passed directly into Mrs. Alger's reception room, the crush bciiii.' .i great that they would not venture intu UM other room. As a consequence, shortly after 6 o'clock Gov. Alger, follon-ed by Senators Logan, Evarts, Manderaon aru! PalmSr, and Gov. Foraker, pateed across the hall into the dining-rootr. and were mtroduced to those of the lady callera who were in the room at the time. They remoined in tho drswing-rooxn for some time,and the stream of gentlemen callan was quickly turneJ into the latter room. The reception now became still more informal, and senators, goveruors. judges, legislators, and a host of lessei lights, minglrd freely and conversed among themselves or with tlie hulies. Several prominent local repnblicaHI held little juceptions of their own in various corners of tlie sacious drnwingroom. A the afternoon wore on tho number of callers began to lessen, but still carriage nfter carriage rolled up to the door nuddepositöd its load. As G o'clock approached, and after that hour, a large number of peilestrians, mauy of them poople returniiiiï from work, passed in to pay their respecta to the govenior and bis tl i guests. As the crowd slackened the latter came out mto the hall and distributed tliemsehes in various places, Uilking to all corners. A few minutes before i fdoek Senator Evarts left for Col. Dnmeld'M reidence in the liittei's cnrriai'i . About hiüf an hour later Srnatom Mandi'ixjn and 1'nlnu -r took their lciive. The ladies remiiiiH'd in ttte ilrawing room imtil 7 'o'clock. (iovs. Alger aiid Forakcr and Senator Logan chatted pleasantly with those who continuea u rnve nin m last mentioned hour. When tlie little Frcnrlidoek on the mantel chimed seven strokes the last caller had departed, and the solemn-visaed porter r#vit the door to with a sigh of relief as the mmble of the last retreating carriage died away in the frosty air. The lame gathering which took possession of the gubernatorial mansión Monday nfternoon was as truly representativo of Michigan republicana as any that has ever como together in Detroit. While a large number of staunch demorrats were present, the masa were republicana of greater or Iess prominence. As Gov. Alger introdnoed some of the lattei to Gen. Logan he would f renuently say: "This is n thoroughbred, Genwal." "I liKe to meet thoroutiM'rocK " was tho general's invariable resi)onse,with an extra shake of the hand. One white-hniml HlrtlmilHn from tlu; interior of the state, who was flfty yta n old whcn the repulilioan pnrty was formed, came forward tottorina witli the weisht of years and greeted the youthful governorsi and senators with an air of dignity and pride. Several colored gentlemen met with a most cordial reeeption. Workmen, one or two with lunch luiskcts in thcir hands, prOMad in to gZMp t'l hands of the leaden ot their party. It was universally acknowledged that the reception was an anquaHfled kaoo Th, (O&oirms Detroit gfiitlcniuu were introduced to the gMitW Col. Lrnl. Phü ï'".1?0""' , . W T.Dust, M;u. (i. 1!. lloi.k.ns W (. CarKnter, ll.inultoii ö, How.-irci, Jnstice Campbell, J. W. Donovan, Dr Venían-, Aid. II C. A. Nimocks, 1. R A.liichinoii.l. Col, Dnffield, Willim K. ErartB, Jodw ( tiMinl, TiKko.Icnnixon, Vrnnk Hifl Mrown A wifc, Jodgp M. II Kraznr, F! A.'Kobertaon, W. H. Stevans, Samóel WfiM, C. A. lnnbar, O. B. Btebbln, A N. Moffat, eorKoH. Cl.urch, D. ft. Herce, Fruncís B. Kgun, H. ( !. ilmuliMnl, I ; ) Jotm DealasB, H. E. Knimone, (hurle"iir, JamaeWard. U. 0. Benüey, (i W. Hannon, B. B.OIllepie, KS. Hannon, Oarrotaon, CELChaw, g ..enm„, Willinm llolly, 1. èÖp". L.H. CHlmO, ö. ' AnKull, K. W. ClBWm.n, ( n'. J. W. Davi, MSimtor, Biobird Pool H. lgler. D M Kicluirdson, I-.i,t Wöoaruff, H 1) (Mark '- HolalMiveü, l'hil.Tai.r, ¦¦¦". H. J.Ural.a.u. W. Knox, Capt. Btanlsy. Snlhvnn, e. ll.i urlis. I I McGrath, (Mom May. F. N. Voorhis, Col. H. Il) mond, A. H. Kaymond, A.A.BaUu. - Ji. 1'. Aüeii. H. P. McDonald, S. Bnttars, P. Hatos,,n. a L. Braith, F. Hnnviirll, ( '. ). HimrhiT, J. Marshall, Thomaa llurst, J. C. i . Bnrk, H.C.Brlghamandwife Mre. J. H. Lncas of of Madison, N. Y„ . ., E. H. Jnokion, W. 1!. Rot, J. ('.( 'hattim, [i rÍB, W. Wei, Dr. En & N. Miirray, Olivor HI11..111. C. S. YütM, George Winslow, I ii.lil. F. B. Diokenon, lieorgn Hopkins, 8. II. Jones, V Y. (Iras-, E. tfoFall. Foéeph A. Marah, JampsS. Joy, ffqyl IW, J. T. Cowlm, ¦ W. Hoon, Dr. A. L. Hlunohard, ". K. Montgomery, 1!. l!. lioxl. I. I'. St;iin8ou. Bot. V. A. Bindes, H. A. W.tzoU, 1 B. SftTáM, (i. S. Davia, tViUiam L. Hraith, Jamea A. C'oe, W. Llyinsstone ir, F. Hulil. S. W. 1A. S. Piirkor, VV. A. UUchle, .1. BI MrKinlock, V. Suover, Kllwood T. Honce, -i. tí. lineen, 11. . i;ere, 1'. I). IKÍkIiI, IL r. D'vitht, U I'. llailiT. Mr. Killimin, '. J. It.'illy. l)r. Cantona, Ma. 1'. Sli.tliprvül, SeorgeW. Moore, oré, V. K. M II. r. t .ibb, , Morse Bohaart, W. A. Angpr. A. J. (' . E. Hl, ,.n W. C. Mc-Kinlock. ;. W. Vernor. E. H. Butler. .'. Krmiugton J. H. Beed. Dr. Eiiiorv. . E. Holt. J. F. Mcúulin. l,uko Wells. .1. II. Dunlap. I. 1). l'errj. W. V (arnll. ft'illinm Ijimbrrt Tosepfa M. Weiw. . . in. All.-ui Shirlfm and wife. K. ' . Walker J. ('. Hi.linci.. leo. W BriK's, ('luis. Ki.R-lmm, llmrléa BwarU, F. Taller, I. Ilill. II. K. Clchind, Dr. Jamce Cleland, Maj. G.H. l'cnniman, I.T. Lea . A. Shalej, liov W. II. DaTis, M. DdiHivan, :.. 11. Qale, Ï.W. Thompson, [ioo. H. Mor.', Fred E. Kiimhworth, [liver ÍTí.luwmith. William A. Bloore, [Hm; 3, E. l'iinnun, V. li. Baboock, i. 1 . Kunt, (ieorKo V. BissflU, ::. K. Ki-trliam, JndgeO. I. Walker, II. s. Pinree, Platt, Uatliereon, I). 1). Thorp, Mi büitüeClark, Mre. 11. D. I lark, W.E. Sai Mr. M. 8. Smlth, C. .1. Lowiï. '' Hinnet, öeorge Smith, A. W. Smlth, W. 0. SpraRne. lïislmi (larris, HeorppT. BoUbod, V. 11. Hawke, 8. (',,lw,'li. Georee II B L. II. '. W. II. Coota, Bcnjiimiu Veraor, Eüber Wanl, nnan, ('. 1'. W.ilrnff, J. 8. Parrand; HimRobb, öaa. U8.TrOTbride. .1.. S. Farrand, Jr., The following gentleman f rom otlier points in tw stato availed Ihenistdvus t..f the opportunity oflerod: . A. A. ('anijihi'll. 11. S. Dean, H. WT Woodtrorth. F. B. Btack. J. I!. Barkhart. J. I'. Jaoobs. J. 1'. Hcal, nn Arbor: F.W.Coomer, .1. T. Bimt, A. H. Kgabroad. Sylveeter Pna, W]randotte;0. W.lioring, W. U. KUpatnck, B. K. Hmith, H. ii. Dewey, John Harper, Owobbo: !¦:. H. Belden, J. C. Bliarp, Jaokl'Unin McEvoy, Marine i'y; P. F. Power, a. I . Evans, II. 8. BoatelL V. H. Fatter, F.' B.Fialey, C. H. Osband, Willii.-ind, Vrlfe and danahter, E. 11. öreen, Yiil:mli; (. S. Avri'S, JamBB Kakins. Port lliirnn: Hu-i. 11. A. Cima'it, Wm. Btagg, Ij. A. Boller, Oapt. (Spencer, William Vaa Hun n. II. l;. Bak.r. ('. A. liowor. J. M. Van HartiG. D. Wight; Dr. Ronney, Lanatng;B J. llui'kin. (. Ij. ( ]i;iiinau, Chesaoinff; Öw Hou. E. 1!. Darragh, C. W. öid dinas. .Turnen Paddock, St. Lonie, Uich. 0. H. BilN. Tecnme. lyon, Howell A.H. Winner. Orion; .1 . S. Siuith. Trenton A. Ühapmnn, liai...r: (1 ge VV. Keyee, Oh¦. .-i : A. I.. D.weii and L. A. Clark, Har!. SlJrinc: 0. 1!. Orosby, Plymouth; 1Í. E Krcucli Fort Hratiut; 11. I.. Benderson, Stantey W. Tnrner, and Joseph Watson, Koscommem: F. E. HamiU, Cheboygan; J. 1). Button irpenter, J. B. ChBpman, ('aro; . w indrnj, ütioa: .1. A. Stut7, Alma; J. S. Madlson, Manotee: H. I'. Boston, .1. A. llnpkiii Vaüfar; A. A. Taft and E. J. Tuft, Plymmith l..x. (rani, 8. Brownell, E. W. Lawrenee Saoomb connty; James Wilkinson. l.-iki Superior: S. B. Daboll, BL Jol :i-;K O. Owon l'. l). Warner, .[. I!. Webster, I'. I'. Bioi FarminiiluM: S. U. l'rideaux, 1.. L Koon. SuUdala; J. l. Btrkweather 3. S. Hitiugs. Kompo; B. 11. Lawaon H.ri(thti.n: 11. S. Wilson, Ëasi Bagmaw W.H. Aoker, Bichmond: S. B. SpierFrank K. NellLs, Mt. ripmens; J. Q. BtookweU, I. I! Marriti, Pontiac; (i. A. Smith. HiUsdale s. F. Hr.iv.n. K I City; M. Eatabrook. A. J Bsoott. A. T. Blie, E. B. Finney. Sagjnaw B. li. II. .w. !1. Booth Lyon; V. Ö. M. rej county; S. S. Potter, Klat Rook rhomae LanRlay. Greonfield; A. Hentley Ovid; II. K. Stoflot, Horon; C. D. Dickeej Hacin.-.Wi.M . Wakely, J. C. Barber, E. C Niclloll BattleC k;A. (I. Hyd, Marshall I). Hobart, Crosby; J. C. Ealow. Albion;W.fl Sniith, Kast8ai?inaw:A. II Klliott, Footiac .) r Patter-on iicorjte Colemans. Kar nhaU; A. J. Wel r. loni; 1!. 11 Btanton: W. H. Well, toni Ovid: the Hon. NswcombClark .-.i BaïCity; I!. Kemp, Ann Arbor: Hou. I U II ine, Kent: Wil) A.Smitl,. (.rand Bapidl n. .1. K. Boies. (i. A. James, Mml ion 1 (' WitHiey. Adria i dl Blooam. Tm oola: V .1 l'eit. .lar-l,all: S. M. liiehal.l-on W. M. West, ). M. Van ïanell, Caro; M. S h, Uillsdale L. M. 8hwood, J. W. (Hlb ooonty: W. H. Marku, Pontiac; W. II Hnii-k'way, Albion; ( Dr. o„iii Dt. Niel.ol, ( ol.Iwat'i: 3. W. Fltz i . . lor, Col. Mc naiy.Flint WUliam Hall, Uambur; L. A. Sliernian l'r.rl lluion: .1. M. ('rai?. ('rostiy; UOSM; WiUiam Lawoon, Sandn-ky -;.(,. Pattenon, J. H. Huil, H. .f. Hoek l'nrt Huron; T. V. Bacon. St. ('lair; K 1). Bervis, B. 1). Yrk, WilliamsTille; l)i Wilson, ¦¦ T. Warrant, stephen Hatthewsoa T II H. Van Huron. Ow en Btone, F. H. Baa kin, .Ir., I'. Seott, II. C. McCalL Klim; Dl Caldwell, Pontiac; .1. B. Müler, Waahinston rolcl. oliio; (i. .1. Baohei kion, Ohio; W. M, Bami i-, Dearbom; Juin T Kien, O. L. Spaudlng, Krank Millor, La ! N. Merrill, Coldwstet i, w itwood.J. V. Wilsey, Dr. Bloh, K Btrong, C'arq; E. II. Parker, Btorgi; J. I -nli, (i. W. Ciirpenter Charles Muntninu1, (.orgj A BandTÓsood; C+. W. Jonk, E. F. Baooi tíandBeaoh; O. 11. Baokett, John Matliei ¦ Hothprington, SI. Claircounty; Hot, Helleville, Out.; I'. I ). H. l'ielH,,n, n, 1, I Chase, ('aio:. I. W . Ittoore, K. II. Potrip, MtM B W. IMwar.1,1 arle:..;,, llenr K.n.l Calumet; Dr Swift, N.uthvdle; W. B. Ui Urlan; Bev. V.(. Roberto, UK-hejter Madi...n, N. ï.; John Wil Bhip.ElbajJerrj Bpanlding, Cliwininc; ü. l Boftrta, .1. W, Bherw I, B. W. ; ory. w i; Ki;,hP, Lapeer; James Birney, Ba] Ut A S. Ke.r (rand Haven; B. M Harvoï. Bellerille: Artlioi Jones, Martini rilla; 3. lí. Donahty, Mt. IMcnsant; D. 8 an, WUliamston; J. C. Simonsoi . w. O'Ke.fe. Bandnsky; Mt. (.. Dm ham. Cadillao: ltoberl S.nitli, lthara;.l.( Holmes, Qiand Ledge; J. 1' Banborn, J. W Averv, KT. W.IK, r-il Hnron; B. W. Jenk R il. .leuks, Si. Olalr; Bamnel W.Smltl C V. Kimball, ' Pontiao: J. B. Lapeer; Williain MoPhi Watson. IL F. Peareon, B. K. Smith, Reube L. S. Montagne, J. Browning, Howel W e! Clifl Tt, BvanBton, JU.,: f. Iwtae Mt. Pleaiant; thu Hun. b. B. Lacej Charlotte; Jage 1. T. Van ile Charlotte; C. A. Town. (hirlew.ix; N. B Boston, Mats.; Maj. HuckiuRham . halmnaz.K Van Vle.ek L. A. Doñean i„ i ;, .,. i ,. . Maj. Baboock, Nüee; W. own, Mt. PleaaaiitiLient (.o Huttiir-, (liarl.n.ix: W.N. Haibour Lbppp tinT.C.Wood,F. 11. Aruell, Kort iiraiiclii ü. U. ttiae. iturwulk, Oluo; ltev ornnplius Ijoirnoix; (;¦. Strayer, M. llïunds Montju'ütT, Ohio; M. 1. ('hatterton, uon;8. I. Honsnx, ('nrunnn; (i. W. HopdliH, Mt. rkmHiint: (eo. H. (llinn, (i. C. , Parsman, Kitst Haginaw; J. 1Í. arrie, Harrv; W. J. Worden, (iralul R ni. .lililíes H. Kidd, loniti: ('. EL Wgpver, lrinn; Nelsnn Daniels, WSOOfUtai b'. H. .iiiKer, Hturgiii; E. H. Spoor, Dowiwnc; the cm. Hoaaa Tanart Orand Ü-.-11 icl- - 1!. H. die. ljapeer: M. A. QiddijQflB,C, FeMenden, omeo; .1. W. üililinirs, Cadulao; Senator onteer, llenry Howaul, lien, jlari-uli, i'Yank 'olcott, l'oii Harem; Dr. Tnylor J. A. helpe, Mt. ('lenieiiH; K. H. Van Housen, icmgan; Maj. ,1. II. Loük, t r : n l ïpidi; T; I.. Btewam, Dayton, Ohio; onii (', New. IniliuiijipoliK; Harcaa ollusky, Alma,Tlich.: li. I'. Williams. MM, iiïin; T. I). Mower, EtiRt Siicinaw: .ludsco H. . Lofpll, Flint; (Horge il. Pratt, OtMrïake; r. James A. R 8tae, Kalamnzoo;! W. II. 'ottle, Manchester. Fort Wayne and United Stafw nrmy: Col. Jk, Cni.t. Hask.-ll. (ien. K. K. Mijner, Npw exico; Capt Heyl,M. C. Wyeth, Capt CoolgQ, Fiirt Larainie; ('a)t. !t. A. EnkridKO. READY FOR THE BANQUET. lic Club and Guests Gathcr at tlic I'rinceBS. It was something bef ore 8 o'clock when ie guests begnn to arrive. They camo on oot, on cars, in private carriages and ired hacks, but they came in a stream ud they came close together. This na Rood thing. It made promptness reaonably po?sible, nlthouKh it fllled tlie treet with a Rrnmbling crowd who, imitient of delay, swore in soft, low ndertones, and asked questions (is to ie canse which uobody could answer ud to which they expected no replies. ne would think that at a bimquet, or ither with a bauquet in prospect, peole could come in something like a good iiimor. It is true the tiger growl most ¦rociiiusly is it draws near its food, but no accountiug for the human rowl. Well, the WRiagM came in ptrrams, iovíiil; iuto Scoond streot and drsofas rg tg their c&rgoee onto the sidewalk just t the northeast corner. A oarpet or natting stretched to tho door-way, ud tlio nwinging doors of Ilie estibóle or lobby were held [en, so that, barriug tho obstructivo lirong, the way was easy. Of course the su:il crowd of lookers-on were there. í oíd soldicrs among tliem, too, ongry for a look at John A. Logan, and I when he Btepped otit of Oor. l;er's carriagï and stood orect in the ittie sptUW that was made for him he "iked the soldier and c.hieitain, and the eady clieer that went up was as heurty ml (ordinl as it was spontaueous mul rathoaiastfa, "Hiurah, boys, for nur uext president," cried out a cheery voice. "Yes, threo cheers for him," sant; out i i i i i i i _y 1 4 u another, anjthi' voioes went up with n roíir. Mennwhilo tlio crowd pn dOMTi imd ;i hundrcd liaiuls wero stretched out to grasp thnt of the senator of Illinois. lie r.'iised lii top bat mui jowed and sn.iled, and lookeil as pleased as Punch on the cover of a holidny nuniber. Likely enough his miad went back totha Uithof last Muy, whcn in his rooms in the Leiand house, in Bpringfleld, lili nois, he reeeived the COngratulatlons of his sopportotis. In front o! Senator Billy Masón, his race Snahed witli exeitemont, and stained' with the effort of the oratoricnl delivery with wliich he was nominatiug ''Gen John A. Losan of the glorious state of Illinois" as the presidential candidate of the repnblican party for 1888. It muy have been a lit-tle previons on the part of Blasón, bul Logan smilad then jus! as he smiled this night, and the grip of liis hand was as firm and manly at thai whicb he closed upon the waving fin of lill Maon at the end of the flerce senatorial agbt whicli Iet Lambert Tree into Belgiom as minister, aiul opDad the way into the sonate for John A. Logan. If the general liad any reminiscenoes oí tliis sort they were briefly entertained, for a moment later lic was ushered into the hall, and the eyes of the people were turned npon Kvarts, who bobbed out of and skipped as blithely across the sidcwalk as though he were nearer 16 thau CO, Mr. Duilield following him with fine dignity and good composure. Then came Ohio's handsoine COvernor- -recoynized ly ; few and cheered by the lol- and Senators Conger and Palmer and tlio rest, while the crowd thnt held the spaces at the intersection of High street and Second waa all in a fine state of excitement and glowed with cnthtisiasm. Why, an OV( rllow meeting without bread and meat wonld have been hailed as a splendid incident by the throng tliat pushed and jostled cach other in mad desire to see the distingnifihed gnects of the Michigan club. And the Michigan club! How did it feel? Wall, we might as well underst.uul eaeh other right here. If the public must know that they will have to get another boy to teil them, for tlie journaliBtifl ien is not held over this screed that can reveal any part of their priilc and delight. Why should not its members feel good? They stood upon the threshold of realizing the reward of months of earnest andeavor, they wore the liosts of the most distingnislied iiun of the great party of wbioh tli.'j are such an important element in this state, and the glow of self-satistactin scttlcd into linea of complaceucy on their faces and they HN happy. It is just as easy to jump the Intermedíate to raakethe statement ha ving stood for ,i moment at the threthold of reward they crossed it with firm step and grasped it tinnly. They met with uo untoward aooident, their anangementa resnlted in complete inOOeflS, and they have the earn est and hearty congratulations of all their guests, the peoj)le of the state, and the rcpablican party generally. After this brief excursión this narrative takes up tlu: movement of the who, until uovr, have stood paüently at the door and tiltered past the ticket tak. era into the hall. There can benothing viiin-ijlorious in the Btatament i)f M r. Miiek of the reoeption cominittee, that h hand omer banqaet luid n e v e r b een ui in this state, and few il imy in the conntry. It was a beautiful cene. The decorater and the caterer, suiruni; witli tho best foundation for effi work- ampie spaces framed in gracefal line8_had lost no opportunity. One luiiulred-thonpand square feet of rnulticolored flags caught up in mei ful fettoonR and draped in wavin I color, Rwayed npon the walls and hung f rom the oeilings. On a raised was the table of the goests, back of it the open etage set in a parlor scène. tver it the prosceninm archoiiliniiniting with a picture of Washington, and floatina down on each side two ureat llngs of the United States. A. great bold dash of color circled the hall on the bnlcony rail and framed the ïablea below, while it set off the gay costtd pretty faces of the ladies, who sat above and smiled with animated faces on the scène below. Aronnd the guests' table, where sat Senator Tom Palmer as chairman, nanked by Logan, Evarts and Foraker, stood pots and hot-house boxes of palm, cactus, fern, tráiling vines and olean ders. liich flowers in delightful profusión huns over the great silver ejyerqne in the center, and the sheen of the dnmask linen, tho flash of the orystal il ie softer tones of color of the china imd the silver gave ásense af lnxuryalmost oriental in its first impression, but beautiful Biuiply in the taste witli which it was arranged, and effeetive because of tlie occasion Rnd surroundings. Tlien on the floer below the other tables stood, every one in line at end and direction with its fellow, every castor in range so that to cast the eye upon one was to include a number in perfect order - every saH dish, overy butter plat. every celery urn. every knife and fork, every jriecee monte, standing just in tlie same relation io eaoh othor on every table. There, too, wera the wuiters, as fine a lot of 6wallowtailed men as you oould find in a diiy's ride, every ono erect, arms folded and headq np. Tho fine head waiters, too, their authority indioated by boutxmierea on the Ispela of their cont and their position at tho ends of the tables. It would require pomethin? more than b paBsWe glanos to rasp the details that went to fonn tho wholo picture, but if the unfortunntc rmapln WtW were absent could only onderstand that it was a comliination of tasteful colors in a splendid interior, lianüsoine well-dressed men liad gatbered there - that there was the indiciition of a strong appeal to the jialato, jmd tho promise of a heap of uraüticfilion to the stomach, that woman numerous in qimntity, glowing in beanty and fine dross looked down from the gaUeries, thai delightfol musio gave estranoing irtflncnoe to the scène, and that the lustre of half a dozen electrio litrht were shed over all, he may catch a passing reüeotion of the beauty of the piclurc, which evun as a tableau rirant has liad no rival in this city. Ü the gueats filed in at the door they were directed to the left, along the north Bnd of the hall. Htre the mueic;tand had been built, under which they liad to jiasR. It was iinhowered in Hagft, ind the "unseen mei odies'' that üoated. out f rom it ,virt' of thp best Prof. Speil could furnish. The program fits neatly in just here. March, "Liwl On" Boyer ( ii ¦¦run , ¦ 1'miu!' Dame" Hupjie si en arranged by B. Bpeil (ivutti'. "Oohlen Stiws" EilenberK I .1. "Parol" 1' Vmoiir," Zithoff ntrodoction urn f Walteoa l'dlkn ('ipiic.-, "lie Óoeeethe" C.MaJet Thb pmgttot was Bdded to by several Belectiohfi appopriate ebongh; fcir eiimple, when Logai stood up and fuced his o'.vn iiicttirb hi{(É abore the iiiusic, w h ut power coukl -;ilenoethe mijjlity ao&K Of "Marehï ii u Tlirough Georgia." Why, Logiin kuows Hint tune alinost, if uot Miiiti'iswell, as Sbèrman himmIí, and then other nntional airs were givfen, and Speil iUhI hi bruid was at his beat. The cloak-rooms were too limited in space tor the great number of coatí, aud lints and ambrollas and canes, so that many gaeste oarried their possessions to their places and put tliotn under the chairs. The cadets gave great aid iu rahering, aud of them it can be eaid, ing Shakespeare, "At ushering match them wlm can; the ladies oalled them sweet" 01 oooise the receition oommittée, and, indeed, all the members of the club, greeted tliem heartily, and gave their hospitable efforts to aid everyone to be at home. Wliat a pity it was that the ladies who lilk'd the gallery could not have come down and helped Utose Óshera. More than tliat, it is fair to think they would liked to have done it - some of them at least. There is nothint; that lacks chivalry so maoh as politics, but if a vote could have been taken last niyht of the guesta whellier the ladies should be asked onto the floor, there would have been a tremendous aye, to shake the roof of l'rincess, and a step would have been taken townriLs rcmovin;; the stigma apon the social courtesies missed out of the swirl of politics. SEATED AT THE TABLES. Tlio Dtnner Itsolf and How It "Was I njoyeti by the DIüith. It was only a little nfter 8 o'clock wheu the. gBMti wore all in. The eonstruotion of the huil is such and the demanda f the spaoen for the tables trere su ezHctiuK that aothlns conld be sl)!irod for reoeption ¦ upon entering every rutowbs inrried off to his seat. The route to sach tnble was around by the passage undor the music stand,' f orward by the aloak-room, and tlu-n along the west íide and back of the railint; that separutes (he skating Hoor from the observíition chairs when the building i osed a 11 rink. There is a passage that onts thw railing and lends directly opposite the door on the Second street aide of thu hoase. Throngh this thnffnests were adraitted to the tables. l'lic-i en i'laoed with ampie room beicli and wíth the chaire as olosa ble to (pora any degree of coinluri. The chnir were easily reached. Kvi ry tnhl( was lettered aud every seat was uninbiTiil, and access to each place direct and ready a oonld be wiabed, Baaidw,thot tli ushers, helped by tha well-trtíiMd servante from the Bmatwiok and Ehusell houses and the Ín st hotels and tho restaurants, gave every MafotUlM und untanffled erery ccinlusiiiK' knot thiit threatenod to entanrIh the crowd. It was just here that Oaterer lianen -rfcr Rot in his fine work. His executivi! torco was aeventy-flve with five hoadwaiters, and hiinstU ut the huaá üL all. JBut at hia base of j)iMif.ion, tlie kitchen,thereweretwentyfive ttsnistailt ntid a mi er more of dishwnsliera, swelling his attny to oonthlerábly over 100. Howevor, ho h3 dealt ¦w'ltli the nniverRity boys, and ït would M funny if he oould not deal with Hip ri'iuiblican pcililioiaii of the ¦Mtt, umi it wh not funny. He flenlt witli tliem in f miiftefful mnnner, and his staff of aitprs wns uiulcr lulniiiahli control. Indeed, the exceptionnl tliinn was shown of A Rreat poaipany (Uiting la onlfi and with nttendanee ampie to meet every domniid. '!his, after the eharncter and amonnt of : 1 1 1 ! ul anco 'were agreed npon, was a matter of tome npnrehension, not only on the part of the caterer, but of the city members of the club who have been bo anxious to take every moasure to ceenre the comfort and enjoyment oftheviitors, whether metnbers Or not. In this dt-purtment of the entertainment they werp bettainly not disappointcd, and tho öfttertr, who ftnthered his forco of servants from the hotels and rest :mrant-. had a corps of walters that the bestmanaged hostlery neefl not havo been ashamed of. The headwaitevs wero snave, mctioit-, ntteutive, dignined and mitlioritative in their domain of command. The waiters were faultlessly attiivd in evpnint; dre=. light-handed. agile of foot and ()niek of ey6i ,o there woro uo delays or tiresome waitintis for any guests, pvpryliody bring ?orvod with prcrtnptneia and dispatch. Altogether this fcaturo was one of the marked sucocssos of the affair. Ii wonld have been impos.Mblo to serre snch dinners ns are only given toril} .mil to smaller companies. Thero was lots to eat hik! it was ;:ood. If one planees at this l,ill of fare he will seo that the variety was groat: MKNü. Os"6torp : Eecnlloprd. Haw (N. Y. counte). KoastTnrkw. Chloken, Cmnhcrrv Simen. Cold li h Slicpil Ham. ToiiRoe. Pressed Vpal. Salj l'hirkpn. Slirimp. liobstpr. BiBooits. Bons. ltolls. HrPHtl. ('rlcry. Pioldaa. ('how ( 'hi.w. VanillnniKl ChooolAte Icp-('rn. Cocnannt Cnko, ( 'litu-olntn Caira, Ansl Fooil, DvUcato Cnkr, Bponm Cato, lutni Uu, Violorin Cok, Kruit Cako, Mnccar(K)ü3, Lady Kinacr. Fruils: OraiiRP. tUhnnrtA, Malafm G rapes. Aeortl Nat. Assorted t'reurhC'onfci-tionery. Ti'ii lü'l ( 'uilrf. Thé qnantity and (jnality was excellent. Ju6t think for a momont what it monns to feed erver 'J00 persons. Wcll, thrrr were 100 dozen bnnches of celery, 2 dozens of oysters, 138 turkeys, H.'" chickens, .TOO gallons of Balad and no end of other thinse. but all upon the MOM Breat scale of liborality. Now complícalo thi with the addition of hot Bont), fUh. and the rest of it, and the itnpossilnlity of a mor elabórate dinuer for such a number is seen at once. Most of tho food was placed on the table, that is, so far as jt was pomibie. The ham were sliced, and on generovi plattétq wen eet npon lho cloth, mul at each pers on's sent was a píate of oystere (New York countn), fresh, eucenlcnt bivulve to 'serve ns S o n e to the (?ood tilines to follow. Tlicy were of eourse. aud as each man iswept lus out of siaht the "dtuk-browed fÍRrymede carne, each hand laden with fair store of food" - the qnotation ends hore, they brouht no wine - brinRiii!; MKMjlQped oysters, and thenthe ordor of dislies was lost. Thai and mbaruBtteni of mannorwith which the human animal continuously eyps his fellow-feeder whenthey nre sti anders heyan to disappear. Tlu: barriera oí diffldprence were swept away. the (lood cates of conversation wpre opeued and the babble of taügatt licúan. Evcry now itnd agttin nomo country memher would cat his i-licpp's eyos in admiritij} lOnging Rn.e M thp allery, but the gustatory passion prevailed and in one brief slmrt hour - just the leimth of time Ripnzi's brother was ulain in - that pretty flowerdei'krd table was a wreek. Demolished were the pyramids of salud, the Rraceful molding of cake frostinj; ,and broken and ñhattpved beyond recosnition were the shapelv massesof iee cream th;it ortwliile stood likesmiliihirrd marlilc bifore the hungry crowd. In their plaep flowod plncid pools of colorless cream, the riud of the bnnana, the skin of the ornnse, the heil of the lllbert, the the walnut. tttA tlio almond tiiive the finishing touch of confusión to the scène. The diners had relaxad their position of riL.'ii! formality, co-it wero tlirown oikii, cliairs twislcd out of their straight lines, aii'i mpn faced each otlipr and "spoke to Bill and Joe with quip and jeBt." Of course tliere were no cinnrs. Thai nmcli dflr -c ¦ii" .-is paid the lndies who werp not Hk0d to M1 with their lords and mnster-, liut it WM jint as wpll, for the air was clearer for the real enjoyment of the evenins;. Tlie speeches was now in order. The dinner, ns Suoh, was over, Hiere was no voico to say it was uot a complete success. THE FEAST FOR THE EAR. When the Club Knjoycd tho Trcat ol tile KventllK. After all, the dinner was o:ily an adjunct of the iueetiu'. Tho Michisuti club is a political one with racial MOMMIfies. Thfsp latter took forin iutho dinner, and followinB it as the noxt step were the gpfeeches. It ws like old timpR to mnny who had heard the old orators wheu COpoblicAniiim was a new pilrment on the country. Those were tho days wliou M'illiam A. Howard, the ptump-speeeh tarror, cairicil his eloquenco into the hearts of uien, when Charles Sumnor came to Michigan to lift the baby party iu the stront mms of his DlUeUUh, iiatriotic jmrpose; and James A. Van Uyke, Jacob M. Bownrd. Vichuyler Colfai and that yreat soore of fosterfnthers of rcpublionnisin kiiïb liieir efforts and their oraliiry to the Mnio. 'l'hcre Reems to liave liccn ii hfntns since KOM time?!, luit the wnril-; thnt were spoken lat niu'lit hftd to the ears of nicni)ry the old-timc rins, ana nacrgiiit; hcarts were clieerect ana nrw iiBÜJltw nwakened by LoRiin, Ëvarts, Foraker and the lint of speakers wliose iiames appear iu this toa.-t-card and order of exereises: ORDKR (ir EXEnCISES. I. AH(]rws of Wolconif1: íiov. H. A. Alprr. 1! Washington ti' Nnlionalint: TIip fitlrml nnion the coDBOniniation of his wurk. Tlie Hon. Wm. M. Evarte. 3. Our Statu Uuverumcots: Tholr relations tu tln' iintinnnl aovernment and toeach otlier. (iov. J. It. loi.ik. r. Mtísir. I. Tin Antfricrin Citizen í nativo and Adoptad): Ho sliouM nade happjr ana iinixTcmn ut home ana secare abroaa. The Hon. llú'lianl Oaenther. a. Wnsliiiiiítiui tlM RepnbUoan: Hebehered in lili VO1C6 f the pi-opl ¦, whioh i-nn nhly ) hoanl through p fmr ciiiint umi an hIm ballot, Gen. John A. Loín. . Our N.'w Empire: "THe Rowdy Wout," Th." Hun. C. F. M( At 8:ir o'olork, Seuntor Thomns W. Palmer rnppcd for order, nnd iinnuiiiiml tlmt iraro wonld be lid liy the Rev. Wallare Radoliffo. The followiüg ig Dr. Rftdoliffe's invocntion: Almiality (Jod, our Henvonlj' Fnther, Thon nrt tho jjiverof every good and perfeot gift. In Tliee wd live and ruove and have our being. M"e aoknowlcdge Thy hand in tho joy nud fcllowchip of thi liour. Hln-s ng in our coming kogvthm and kerp us in pvcrythin; from pin. tlint wliether wo ent or drink, 01 irhlrtltttTlIT we do, wc inay do all to the glory of God. Give U8 th3 day our daily bread. BlenR ns iu nll tilines, (od, ont nativtland; for Thy nnie's sake, amen. Senator Palmer said: "I do not suppose, my friends, that it is necessary for me to nsk yon to fnll to." Before the QMMltM tMSftS tliere xvas mnch of mteroRt to be observed. For ixample, the kind treatment :iven to Comimmder Cheyne, R. N., wlio reccivcil the cordial creetiiiKS of Gen. Logan, Mr. Kvarts, and by thoin wils introdiicr.l to Gov. Foraker, Senator OOÜftef, and tho rest of the party, to whom tho kntrwlédge of Iiír brilliant service gave him tl commeudntion. It was nftrr aiijietitis MD satinfied nnd il rlattir of knife and fork had died away in the cracking of ' wnlnnts tlint Senator Palmer aróse to say that in fivo minutes tho speakinct wonld l)ein. At this time tlie gtnclt' table was stnkinly doübobtive of thnt sreat picture of Leniirdo di Vinci. in which those who sit have their Fmi toshow to the spectntur. In the original the title ír not given. As has always beeii from timo out of mind customary in similar affairs, tlie MI ved for the newspuper reportera were ruthlewsly invaded by those whose claim to fill themwa-. ntiito out of place, and as has al ways been tho cnse the committee in cha rao of this departmont had their own friends to occupy them and take up the needed room. I Precedent has established this custom mul protest ia of course valuelesa, for as it has been so will it nlways be in snch Caaes and so it was last evening. WhMJ the Rpeeehat bogan, however, the reporters took iiospession of the front of the table oocupied by the distingnishcd guests, aud had the bost posüible opportuuity to hear the speeches. As necessory to the musical part of the entertainment, the quartet of the Arion club sang from the stage behind the raiseil talilc. and receiyed part of the gcnerous that was given to l'rof. Spiel's orchostra. It was worth while to listen to the cotnmentson Logan and Evarts, who shared with Palmer, Congor, and Foraker the attention of the throng. They sat within plain view of the cutiré company, nnd bore the scrntiny well. Perhap hnlf of the guests had seen them before, bnt their stronglymarked faces left no doubt in the minds of all others as to their identity, and they beeame the object of nnrelenting ObseF T vation. In ttie early part óf the flinner the stage, which had been set t a parlor, admitted so many drafta that the people shivered, andjthe curtain was rang down. exposing the iceberg, the wreeked ship, and the enormons bout behind it in attractive and highly cntertainiug perspective. Senator J'ahner oponed the feast of ¦ rrason in this nianner : Frllntr líft:ihlii-(iu, ,miVs mul Gen Uemfn: - By favor Of the committee of nrn'iigonients, tho linnor of presidillg at this ooUaílon has fallen to mo. It is a doublé nnnivoiiary wliich we celébrate - that of the birth of Wnslungton and of the Michigan MpabUean club. The coincidence is auspicimis. Vi hile I will uot attempt auy ciicnraiums on Washington, furttu-r tlian to say that if he were here on earth tonight be WOtlld probably be with us, in spirit if not in pérson. it may be proper to say gomethin of the club. Wiuk' its youlli permita of only a name and purpose thus far, we believe time uill add a record of efficiënt patnotism. It is no looal coteiie. representa no private entarprise, will rabstrre no selfieh interMto. Kaction will tind no congenial Himosphcre within it. lts aim is the prosperity of the republican pa'ty M long M that party continuos to rapn sent the best i;Uerests of the peóple. ithin lts hoepitable walls are welcomed ;ill wlio believe that tho rejmblioan party has yet a miíion to perform - that it still remaina the chief agent of a new civilization - a civilizaüon not merely of material economies, but wliich reco;;nizes and utilizes all moral lawa as economic lawa. The repnblioan party ha been oalled in derigoa "the ;d and mornlity part .'' in aivvpt this sobriquet, menut as a tina, niid bind it on as :i badgo of bonor. Whenthercpablioan party abniIdii- its dependance upon God anJ moralit' . 'út requiem may wel) ie toog, lime Waa when tho republloan aomtöi'.'.iv in Michigan rMnlfMl no hiiiIi ajjpnc.v as thi cluh. When the horn tM windrd nu' spning to action lik, 'the olaosmenof liodcric Dim. aml earried e. rythiiig before their impatient, patriotic treail: but times are changed. What Was evjirrienee to most of mis history to i hi' ritmK genei -ation, and !oo freiiieiitly history mis-rpad or unheeded. The enthufiasm, the lire which swept ur to victory for thirty years mnst now be -Mceceued by oi ;,'ani.ed. njsleinatic effort if we desiro and LCCess. ThO sayina that "etaraal Tigüanoe Utht price of liberty'' is as trun today as ever. Il has been said tl'.Bt "revolutions never go backward:" bnt it is oqually true that tlie rpults of revolntiöns never liave Irtd their fullest fruition because of relaxed effort aud iudifference in guccecding goncrations. It was thp fortune of many of M èO sce the political utar in the easi which hernldcd the birth of the republican party. I he awnkened conscience of tho nineteenth century welcomed it. Strong men boreitin their nrms. watehed over iN youth, ;uarded it. aaolescettCe,a&d stood amnzcd at a defeat in lts early mnnhood. As to the omiso of that rpvprse, men difTer: I nm willinK to accept the sohitimi tliat Viotor Hugo fmiml tbr the dcfeut of Hapoteon at Waterloo. Aftcr oitintr mnny reusons, amone which ere UM OhAlgt of the Cninauen into tlx smikcu rond of Ihaiu and the non-arrlval of Orouohy, he muns il uil up in Iliis: "ItWMthe hand of God." lf I feltcomjK'lloil to select a single subonli unto reason, it would be thst in the last eampaign we fnilod t emphatice tha mornl and issues in Ameiicnnpolitirs. No party can be continumly triumiihant in our country wliicli diii'j nut jiivo the jieople a promise of Miniilhinit besido the bread which periahetlL The consideration of tlio labor prolilem: tlia public domain, the currency, the taritf . our foreign relations, munt be supplemented by pometliin,' hitfher thau thom all, which will inspiin the hearts of men and kiudle the eiithui.i-Tu of youtli. Vliat made the repnblicarl party the robust. invincible ayent that it has been, was the fact that it took in cbargt the heart of humanity, inspired it with lofty pttTpOM and made rül material niirstions subordínate. ThoH material qupstions have in tnru been hábdled with au Intel ligenoe bom of that purposo. which has bronghl our country to her present mmmanaing staten amana tlie natious. The triumph of the republiean party was ouo of tho epochs of uil times. The emerSence of christendom from the dark BAQJ and thp revival of learning marked the iicw birth of thé intellect. The revival of art tüarked the new birth, sentiment nnd spiritual aspiratiou- the advent of the ropubliean party was the new birih of the I of the Arynn race. lts oontinned trinmfih meana that sousoie&M ta "üll being ednpatéd, gttarded and exaltad; Hs defeat indieates that that BonMietioe is raif ering degredationi or that we have been derelict in workiim up to its highest diotatee. It is for us to determino which is the oase. If ttie nation is beinj degraded it is the province of the reptibUcan party to appïy a counter force. If the republican party has not met the reqnirempnta oi itposition, M tho uardian of the pnbhc run-cicnoo. tot na at once set about re1 (ii in i ri _r il from within. A party oannot live on its record rury more than a nicehorse oh its peditfret, a country on ils lu-tory or : family 011 its traditions. The history of tlie rcpiililican party has been so alorious, its achievements o unpraoedented, that oue may well stnnd abashed hen aaked to blnze for it a pathway worty of itn past; but we mnst remèmbM that althongh the decisive bctttes of the world liavo been (oaeht at loim intervals, tlio torces, of which the] are the eulmination, have been and are in daily operation. Althonsh we may not iiave so dr.tmi'lica futuro as out past, we can and must put ourselves at the hebdofthe ffréat moral que?tiotis of the dayj imi fanatically, nofc with a disregard for tlie rights of any, but jndiciously. tirmly, protfrenlv!], with onr fucea ever Zionwaid. The party which heard and nnswered thecry for free speech, free soil, nnd the eqnaUtv of 11 mwa betorethc law, in and must bê tho power to which the. money of the people, the protection of Inbor asainst nncle.m ooinpotition, nhorteutng the houri of toil and the ekvatlon f oitizonBhip, hall be enírusted. The re publicnn party is and shall be the ot' our new civilizatiou, which, hayins been snbmitted to tlie urbitrainent of the sword, shall stand as the civilizni i.m ..r the massesi and notof the few; the civilizatiou of law, and not of foroe. Asainst us is arraypd a . tty which, Ohiuese-Uke, is looking over its shotuder, wedded not to the glories, but to the errors of the past. It is uot savory in the nostrils of the American peoplo. What the Austrian empire ia to Europe the democratie party is to American politics. It is composed of poli! ie d 11 tui-, i SUivs, Macyars. kopt toether by oommon nnimosities, common fears and common nppetite, and dominated by an intellittent. implacable and uncrnpulona aiintocracy. The disaffected from our party and tlie political birds oi prey which hover over every Unttlefiokl, help it to qccsional viotory. It has no fixed principlee. Itisapartyof negation. It has been drawn iu the wnke of the republican party for twenty-nve Like the shark followiny the Easl Indiamen it is viailant, wary and voracious. It swallows with avidity whatcver fiillsor is thrown overboard, whetherit be broad, arbafre, or the bodies which we eau keep no loner to pollute the atmospherp of our decks. It is in power today, and we are iu winter nuarters, bnt we nre reminded by thia anniversary that the winter of Valley Forge was the forernn net of victories which made us a nation. With such an antagonist tts the democratie party, our duty and our future cannot bc doubted. Bnt, gentlemen, I did not intond to mak a speech. I moroly oot up to say oinetliinji by way of brealuiii.' tlie ice. I now have the honor to present to you his excellency, Gov. R. A. Al;er, who will makc an address of welcorae. Senator l'alnipr's speeoh was ptinctuated with chcers and applauso at its salieni points. und tho appearance of (iov. Alger was the sin for more applause. Tho Kovernor said: Mr. Chairman and (imtlrmrn : - The very pleasant part has been assisnied to mp this evenins of welcominu to our midst the several ) "- - - - AA Ai KEI! t Itfillll ÍHme who luwe come hyyour invitution to address us toniffht. We have with us ttiHt great soldier nnd a!.itihii who, in w;ir, dared to lead where others daipd to tol riow. . Whose deeds I iicril not here rehearse, and whose voice, durintt ad sílice 1 lie wiir. Mus iven no anowtain Bonnd conceming th irreal principios whioh to maintain cost the desolatiou of so mniiy thoasand loyal northern hornos. What loyal soldier, or citizen, doefl not feel the weleome thrill of pride and love at the mention of tho name of John A. Logad? 'c liave that great jurist and stad man, irho tana almost without a peer tu bis profusión, audwho so ably representa the empire state in the Cnitei States sunale, the Hon. William M. Evarts. Wi havo tliat gallnnt soldier, who won Mi way frotn captain to colonelcy thioosfa many a bloody field, and who now BObbl] representa th great and growiui: stad of Nebraska in the senate of the United States. Wc have n distinguished Germán fellow-eitizen. who very nbly representa lus district in congress from the great tato of Wisconsin. Who is not fumiliai with the name of the Hon. Kichard Uuenther? Wc haTe another also, who enlistod in the army as apriT&ts soldier ai the a. -r of II! years, oanïed and usd his mudtel in many a hiMcl fonUt batllc, and wou his ronimissiou liy his yallantr. lic has. witli grent abiíity ana lidciity, filied liiiih linces of trngt and honor, and now, ai the aas ol only 43 year., till tbscx (¦(¦titivo éhair of me ñwt tato o) Voiiiill knowtowhuin 1 rvíov, iny frlunds, the Hon. J. B. Pornker of Ohio. l'rom our own statu we have our hoüOred senators who belong In our ranks, and whose ñames and faces are familiar to us all. And now to you, gentlemen, who have honored us with jour presence Ik ie to night, inthe name and in behalf of the Michigan olnb. rmd in lx hall of the Hreai army of república]] Of thiti crpat state. we bid you all Rnd each of you a most cordial welcomo. SENATOR EVARTS SPEAKS. The nmpniarn of Hcpubllcan l'nrty lB t)llly liceuil. Senator Palmer thcn assinned his position as toastmastor, and the vast audipnce Htttod back to enjoy what foüoved. The senator Jicüan: "Tho ftrst toast to be ri'ponded to is 'Washington, the Nationalist; the Fcbpral Union tho Consummation of his'.W'ork." In ether words, we believo that Washington belie,.l with Hamilton in a strom central government, and differed very decidedly from Thomas Jefferson. The gentleman who will respond to that toast has been fltly chnrnctorized by onr governor as an eniiiipnt jurist, and I would add the distinguished diplomatist;thc man who bore a very important part in the (leneva award, formerly seoretary of state, and who now represent tho great stato of New York in the United States enate. I think I have doseribed him so that I need not repeat his name, the Hon. William M. Evarts. Fow men conld exoite more intcret in their apiiearanoe in Detroit than M r. Kvnrts. Tho fact that Americalis havn come to know their public men rather by cartoon than faithful likeness is respousible for the feeling of dinappointmetit showed by evoryone who saw the New Vork senator for the first time. Here was the iutelloctual face, amooth shaveu ad set in liiea of repose and Mlf-pcx ¦c- iim, theclear rut fe;ttiiri. tlm dormito ntiumml of hand and body that indiattodtht ccTtiin purpose of inind in ev?ry triflina iw well as every important acúon, Rud is invariably the pOBRessiou of every reuil;" rsnt lawyer. It was shared by Clioiti bj r.onjiimm Marshall and Rynn, and was of their strongeít charaoternUoi. Druwaii fa the conven" lioiKil color aud cntof oloth of the lawvr. Mi. l'.vart's preence commended 1 i only iu lesscr doeree H1411 bia speech. Whntever Mr. 'Kvarts says MS not fail of beia intorestin. His hih placo ÍB affíürs, as lnwyer, cotinwlor, leoratery of nttite, ptMtdedi of khe Union clul) of New York and senator of tho United BtetbS) have gHhSÜ liim ;m oniinence for ObMttVattop which has been shared liy few, find from which ho has lookod down and into that whicli most ilion havo nazi-d ip to, lilankly and without understanding. Oiftcd with a rara facility of expression ttld an pffective dolivi-ry. i- it iiny wonder t h:t liis ;.ddress last nicht was listeued to with iiInr ¦', and dsUght! Mr. Etarts arttë in Ui -edate style, folded his hands before him, raised back his hrad imd spoke softly at f.rst, but incrpasins his tono so that he conld be Ëlainly heard in all iarts of ths theater. [e bepan: int. iitunui una Qtntlemm ƒ thé Michigan CTuft, Ladie nnd Gentlemen '¦Ihiiv Citizmx: - I thank yon liartily for the kind tttetl tíon by which yonr committee o( man auement includec me in tho list o: i tlnwe thnt werc askec Hn Come lo' inrticipaic in your UtatA undertakinn. A lici I henrd thiit this Michigan club wat founiteS nfter onr great defeat, I knpw that that ineant that it was founded, not to lament dcfeat but to secare future anc a speedy triumpli. And when I fonnd that as thü year tarued rounc and bronght your anniversary ajrain, in I conjnnction with the birthday of Washington, and that you, unaffected by any pondintr elections. moved by no impulses but thoae which belong to the love ol country and ftdelity to the gretLt política! party, und when I was assured, as I approached your beautiful city, thut ampU preparationt had been mude, and Ilmi earnest and zoalous and choerful crowds wero to meet us, and thnt not only froin the body of your own popnlation here, but throushout glMJ state tliere were contributions to cqpie to the stalnrt republicana oí every eounty of Michigan, I knew that it could be of litte importnnoe wlmt ] should say, but it would be a great thing what I phould see, and as I see before me now. I am not accnstomed to such laree nnd nch earnest asspmblages {of politica 1 ootopany, sxoept in conueotion with MUttpakml nnd with eleotions: but it coueurs with niy own jndginant - aud you have anticipated it in yonr own action - that the campaign of the repiiblican party hetjau on the nisht of the day the republican party waa defeated. I think I am justified in thia, afl no mero phrase of rhetoric, wheu I point your attention to the resolute and manly array that has been made in overy state where we had an issue, a place in tho senafe of the United States, nnder whaterer ili(1iltieí and ondef Whatorer diBOonragernectt, Ondef wtitovpr ;inimositic-; ;nul vi:;itevor niethodsof dpfeat. mi haa orowned the republican ]nrty in the OTMt statps of Illinois aud of Oliio and of New York iu aecnring a ,represontatiou of the prinoipln and tho interestsof the repttbUORfi party. What liavp wc lost since ttlAB? Wha( indeed have we lost - unless it may be thougbt timt in the statu électiOB of our own greal state of New York, by n majority, to be sure, trivial in compari.-.on with onr reat Kuffrage of 1,200,000 votcrs- by a vote of soincthint; like 10,000, with all the federal sovernment, with the state executive, with the trovernment of the prest city of New York, with all the mass of votera there fonnd, under combinntions that can sonreely be called politie!, for theydo not discuas and they do not divide upon these oreat iiuestions; it osa Boaícely be ealled a defeat, when that ten thousand only marka tho majority, under the triumpliitiit tread of Um iMl viotofy of the democratie party, on the great day of our defral . Now, connt the suffraííe as it was then cast; consider how it was made up, and how nuch of discouragement thero was in Ihi-i particular form in which the Rsues andtlie presentation of thp argument on both sidcs were prcspiitcd. and tliat thero wero X),000 repablioatu behind, that are roady, when the issue is presentpd in,feder:tl (]Up?tions.and in an entirely bold nnd brave rnovement, New York is nol unccrtain. You have roferred in the toast, towhch you have d(jne tne the honor to ask BkQ to speak. to the greatnera of WaBhinffton, in hls life, ltl his character, in hla Bonduet. as bsaring uiion his lovo nnd liis labors for the union, nnd the consumuiation of it in the production of the (TM1 uniU'd peopla tliat ia now kuown as the United States ot Affiorica. It does not beoome ttt, Slr. ChairmaA, to claim the crpatness. the character. the oondnot, and the fame of wuh inston as belOögül to one part or soctioii of tlic pco;.lo of the United States. His charaoter and his fame, let os hope. Heter wil] lc disoWned ot diihonorea by any Americana; ana all natiiwis tliat surround us and behold hirn and onr uation aa the fruiis of his patriotism, his valor, his viitue, hia atrncity, lus wisdom, thcy olaim, s well as wc. ;i ihafa in tbo honor which his luster snede Dpon all the people of tho world. NercrtheleiS, without exatterating and Ithcrat boaetlüff, in iobernB8 and humility. we, ai the republican party, can say that from the moment that we Oolleti into n [lolitical oraniatiou to help our emmtry, t BftTI liirnation, to protect tho honor and the name of all the illustrions mpn that foundcd the tiitiiui. then Dál ncver been ono st.iin upon thcir chanicter, their fame before the world, and lieforo our own conntry immediately, from any net or any shorteomine, or any dp'ortion of duty on tho part OI the ï'i'puMic'iu party. From tho time that Hen. Washington drew his svord u Cambridge common. til, inf the txjmmaud of the armir oí the United Stutes nnder a spreadlnfl lm tree, which, however, ahattered and torn by storm nnd time, still remnins to mark the ilaco, till the lalt act iu the permanent establishment of the nnion by his siRnatnrc to the federal oonstitutioo in the convention, Hnd till the laei weekt of the last month of the last f tot in the last century he died, from the tirst birth of tho ideaa of independence nntil tho ('mal enrolled aud consecrated charters of perpetual MOOfity for our independence, WashitiRton was a patriot and a lover of his conntry, but n lover of it hrough its unioti, aud ils permanence, and its strength. Not oae Uno, not one word can be fnuiicl in any iortio!i of his public mani feetatiOba in the muy ör m civil life that hai' an.v of thoe Vfcjme an( vain imaginations thai ili" oenntry (lin ho loved and the eonnljy for wlii'cli h labored and expoeed hu liffe, could b rnaintaimd tlio fruits of lus sacriflee and his labore, thrtt it GOTlld lx; torn i partor dividod among póSteiily. He, iu rci j onl. spoke the warhings and gav the wisdom and taoplrêd the courog thai should havo Iwcn pnough for ever; Amerioan in m nation and for ai tho crowding pilgriOM trom othèr Iftud th u oame bere m the home of lilx'rt niid the hopo of lifc and hapninees fo 1 lu-ir i-elvfs: hut, alas, in loss than thrce qnarton of a oontury after the death of wasuitigton' this greal tu tion w.ts reBt and torn by ;:rc:it( ¦!¦ ci il war tlian all mod'Tii nation 'ii. and Ofl a división of pur p064 and of Kt'iitimi nt that wito as widelj di vidod ai ln'twrcn thal which lm iiud that which destroyj life. liu as the tlmat. great M the peril, dreiit a tho panm, greaf u the alalrtns, títere a soraolhiin; groiitor Ihnn Ml. The -h.-idi tho nami'. th" faino, toe power, the glory of Washington lirod evory loya with now dotormination tint th taino of that great man md all the com patriota in counoil and in wnr tha held np his Dandi shonld not be disgraoed in the records of hiítoí; and in the fao of the afltonlshftd wori( by eff aciu tticir trinmplis and dcstroy inj; thcir naint'?. Nor did thu propio riêlnu, not in a ílamo, but in a stoadj bur nintr of iialriotini. and tho wide, un equaled miiver.iality of the offprinu o lifo and of w.'alth. of ihe present a mi o the hopen bf future to secure the pastam I give it now foundations and ampio domo and wider habitation for justioo and llb erty for all time - this ereat' fabric tha this reat American, this (,'reat man has as your toat intinmti'.;. founded - the consumination of all that he pfOposei nnd all that he executed in the goyem ment of the country. My acquaintance with this beaulifu city of yonrs is vory limited. I find the tnarhs in yonr history which yonr nam connecis with the oarly FrenCh Bêttle menta, and which our own proarress shows youas a fronlier post, as a militar; station, as a small town, as an importan port of eommerce is, as I now see it, al swallowed up to my eye in thu aroat am beautiful city which it ia now; Ent 1 can not, now visitins it, but reeall th] only occasion upon which I over pasme through it, and that wus on mj way out (ind on tny way home, to and returnin'fromthep!reat republioan oonTeS tion held tin ChicaRO, at which Abraham Lincoln was nominated. I had nover before participatod in any convention, either of my own state or of the nation. I have never participated in either sinco, bot if I could name a convontion that came nearer in its importance to the M semblttKe which issued the Declaration of Independence and the convention which f ramed the constitution than any in oui history ince of our people, and of our political progress and movements, J should say that that convention at Chicago was the supplement and fulfillment of the convention nnd of the Declaration of Independence. What wo ottl oondition tUen? Wo were out of power, the country was in danger. The issues that hnd been pushed on unperceived had at lnst forced themselves upon tlie nttention of the sober, the quiot, t lic thonghtful, tho peaceful massea of the north; but thoy had discorned, in the culminatiou of debate, and of logic, and of interest, and of lust of power, the poini that threatened the unity of tho country, and that convontion undertook frotn th'd moment that everything else in our politics must Btnnd asido, and all agftektiOnol the ]'iillii-mind must be stillod nntil thal oue qnestion was settled, whethcr this was our country, a home of liberty and a defensa of justice, or whether it was to be rollod awny as a ecroll and be no longer the admiration of the world. We are out of power now. Nover have we been sinco. thank (iod. untilnow. The domocriitic party v:isinpOwer then. The democratie ])arty is in power now. What does the republican party propoxe to do about it? We know what we proposed to do then and we know what we did. But what are we goins to do howf Has there been a ohange in tho situation of things by which our motivos and our dtttiefl thnt impelled us, and are the responsibilitios which w then assumed no lonor at work in the hearts and minds of thp AmericaH people, and no longor wi'k'h our party wíth tho same rosponsibilitic.-y I cannot scan the horizon nor listón to Ihe mutterings that foretell the storm if I must not say now that the duty of the republican party is tho same now that it was in 1800; that tho same motives and the same duties and the samo responsibllitios should be assumed, and let me say to you tho soonor thi is dotormined upon the soouer all minor issues in our party, and all minor luttel .Imt really coneur and sympathizo with tho uroat movoincnt of the republican party in tho past - for it has a fui'thor movement forward - will sympathizewith it. Thoy nm-t lay nside cvorythiiif.' nntil promptly, and with decisivo tihimph in the suffrnire we should regain as quickly as possible the control of tho affairs of this nation, on the lame neerssitios that urged un to IHtSU iliom thon for the iir-t time. I.' I dl look at the situntion. The demo'raiic party. What aro its principies? tt had no principios that woro worthy of he niino onder tha scrutiny and by the neasure of jiatríotism nuil the lovo of iho union. What are iw principie ttow? What havo they to propose for the welfare, for tho strenyth. for the hapiiinoss, for the good fameoi this sreal nation of rarsthat has been enoblea by th eftortg md the triumphs of the (epnblioan larty. horo is thoro a word utterod Imt risos aboVe the imiiortnuce of postessing the fforerntnetrl lor the ordinary iuriose of the trinmpli of a party and or redrMsiagi as (u u laajrBe, all the riumph of tlio repnbUomn iiarty over the inenuse of tho country. Tak" the mnko-np of the democratie irty. Where does its stréngüi lic? Wlioro are it reprosontativos.' Wh re are the forces in the electoral ooilege! whpre the maJority uithiu that party n the house of representativos? A here, vhin tho ayp.s and nays aretken. ar. the senators that range on thatfMsr Is not hen tho principies, ib not then the animating purpoees, is not than the strength loliliciil in overy form, that our oonsti tion recognizes, an exhibition, and a omowhat ostentatious exhibition, of tho samo oomlilions. the same antagonisms uní lun .-vuur" ir-ut'Bi How i it wil ii mir party? Aa W6 stuud ïow todiiy, what are our pftnoiples? Vhat are öur oontifcüeneiesï What are our combinatious of stronth and force n the electoral ooUwe or in the two louses oí OOngNM) bul tlrawn froin the lame sou roes. animHted and justiticd liy he Ramo ¦totives nudthi' saiiii-cniisiderniolis? WhiTc thcn Rhall we find, in tija arwy, any jnstification of our ¦;¦ ïcss, or our indifference, or the carelessïess or indiffrreuoe of even the loast of he men that hnve feit the impulues and acted uijon thcm in 1N). that ifaontd uot actúate them uow? No, eutlemen, no. It is not wortli our whilo, either here or elsewhere, to be inealy mouthed nbout the snbjeots that arp b) erfmtini; the community? You may ay that "ilealy moutlied" i's on oiiiirubrious term. No, it is a good, well-underatood. well-uspd phrBM, ot tfood English, and I.Min.l in tile standard iiulhurit ies, the dictiuiiü' i' ¦. Suditsays in these olear Wordt tliat it is "an nnfeillingi speek the trnth in plain words." Now is iliere anything criminal on the part of the, American peoplo, to 1)0 willing t . iho trnth in pl.-iin tormr.? If there is nnybody here, nnwilliiitf, M R part of the ritrht of every American fraetnan, to speak the tnith in plnin words, let him HM nnd let us Beè Dim. Hut, nltlionsfli wc have not the grave nor the perilons circumstances whicli attended our awumption of power, our si rife tu obtain it in 1880, yet it must bo anderstood noither any "man ly liimsOlf nor in the l,"' i u'ri.'il aation can stand still. We must either m ward or nmst decline. And if this repnbliOan party lias no henrt tot lurthcr htToism and is weary of well-doinL'. th past is not secare, nor eau th present ie preserved. Either we must decline or wo muil o forWatd and extend i every portion of our repttblic tin principies of American liberty. . :. equality and American right that we have estnblished in tho greater part of tliis country of ours. 'l'he thrce grent under-l.vinií principies and quantities tliaUniake up a freo people in modern times, and luider our circumstances, are eduoation, indmtry .and suffriw. iod tlnise musl work upon Um mW limwu t refractory and however i -eludan! it muy be to receive those impressions, in order to acconiplish that actual and fnll iimt in he.'irl nnd mind. whicli il the parpos of the ivpublican party, and is, when gainad, the Saai end of war, and consumination of peaoe forever. 1 shall not trespass upon any of the topic that belang to other and better speakers thau nyselt: Irat I wish it un.lei-tood tliat instant and pressiun subare boforn tbia American people. 'I will uot wuit for a solution. If we are to have this country ïnaintained OpOD asystom of lnbor that is commensnrate with (hcdiirnity and rihts of Citizen, the repnliliciin party mnSl ivow its attherenue to the system of protectiou to American industries. If she is to under-laiiit thal when fellowship in our poliücs is coinmuniratcd to every citizen, on equal shares, f hen edneation must be UniTcrsal as tlmt; nnd that thetiuffrage it mU urn-i bc not n luiine and a form luit a possess.ion absoluto and unchallenged in every art of the conutrj'. Now. íontlemen, I have exhausted too nmch (jf your attention; hut this lag -il iintion of tho reatcst importance. Your faces show jou to have been in f uil share and part of the hope of the republie;in jiarty. I cannot connt you in your citizenR clothes but aiuopg you there must be innny who followed Gen. Loffan and other leaders like him on the battle field. And you must have all close councetions in feelins and purposes with the crowds of those loynl men who tramped over lhii coimtiy as beinji their country, Rfter they had faoght for it, ns the possession ofevri-, ümerioaa. Thereíore, wèi must know andundersland that minor consideratious are not to deter us: that iquestions thnt do not concern federal questions shr.ll not be nllowed to seduce men on election day from adhesión to the republican party. and that we aré reêponsible- yBê, we are responsible, for the conduct of this government. certaiuly responsible to the men that ïnaintained the unión and condncted affiiirs until this chance carne. The wist' (Jipases, when he had deenntod to the Greek leaders as to why the discords, why the disuffections, why the coldness amon the leaders of the host had lef t Troy still Htanding, closud in (ew words, as Um meanint; of it all: "Troy in our weakness, not in her strength, stands." And if, in the next oampaign, tbeoontrol of the federal overnment in the hon-n-s of oonffrêas and in the exex'ntive, are uot in the hands of the republican party, it will be on account of our weakneas and not the democratie etrength. [l'rolonged applause.] FORAKER TO THE FORE. The Dashinsr (overnor on the (iovcriuncn! ol statca. A slight pause followed Senator Evart's address. His eurnestness had been of such a quiet kind, thoucrh none the lesB etrong, aR not to compel any extraordinary Outbursts of approbntion, but when he had resumed his chair the full toree of his reasoninp; seemed to come to the audience all at once, and ever.y man in tho hall, without waiting for his neighbor to takethe initiative, applauded wilh the frMtMÉ enthusiasm. When the Olapping of hands and the OheeriUghad died away, Senator Palmer annouuced the next toast. Ladies and QéYLtUmèh: Virginia has been called the mother of presidente; tut We hae a Bister andan adjoinin;; state which bidt fair to relégate oíd Virginia to the position of grandmother, and take the position of mother herself. But if she does, she will then not have Jiccomplished any more than she has airead done, in being the mother of three presidenta, and the mother (rf numberless héroes. She is tho mother of Stanton, of Grant, of Sherman, of Sheridan, of Garfield, of McPherson, of numberless others, whom I cannot recaí] at present. And from thnt stfUewehaye a (jentleman toni?ht who has t;iven up other nokgamanta to be with na, who will speak to this toast: "(hir State (iovernments: Their Relations to the National Government and to Other." I have the honor to introduce to you Gov. J. B. Foraker of Ohio. A man above medium hifiht. somewhat tender, who had been sittins at Gov. Alu'ei's left. nrose. His fnee was oval and retined, his nose long and slender. his chin i'irm. A dark. drooping mustache Bhaded his mouth. His tonhend was a rmuniiticont one - brond, high, well rounded. smooth. His hair would have been dark but for the rr.iv strands Hberally sprinkled throdgh it. Yi 't ha seemad a yonng man, and one 'uil of spirit nnd resolve. This was Gov. Foraker. There was a clear rinjj in his strong tenor voice which challenyod instant attention. and a forcefulness in his delivery which bespoke honesty. As he poks he eniphasized with Iiír right arm. Vb tlniinl) of his left hand he kept 'astened in the pocket of his pantaloous. rio said: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Viehigirn Chtb, Ladia n,,,i Ovritfomen '"'I wish I knew how better trmu 1 uo to mnke iitiiiiLr aoknowledse ment of so cordial i . and liow Mtter thnn I do to mnko a fitting reapoBM to tho kiml compliment y o u r ohairman has seen (it to )my to the reiQbllcani of ohio. For it pppms to me ns I tand betore on. thnt i oan tlnnk of notmng further r lx Itir lo MB in thnt belialf than siml] thnt old-f a-hioned aiul plein, I thnuk ou. But tlint I do moBt enrnestly. ineed, and if you will let me add one otlier rord, on behalf of the republicana of )liio, a to why they hould mve tichirvcd the reputatie n for thnt stnto thnt has baan nlluded to, lel me m; it is all tobo íoaad in the one Himplo word thnt they nru rcpoblioant and never nshnmod of their repnblioanism. Their lnst Hohieveuiont. the victory of last ()ctolpr, wns bocause when they inangocated chat can they did it by Hdojitiiii; a platform that was full of repbbuoanum from the top to the bottom, and then proccedod to "flgh( it ont on thnt line." They belicved in the protective tnriff, Mr. Kvails; nnd, unlike rspabliosna in nomo othcr Places, the) wan uot ashnmed to i They belioved in a free lnllot nnd a fair count, and thoy never lost anopportanity to procl.iim it. [AppUnm.J They believedin tlio pmtHotk reoolleotionn of tho war. .¦ind they n.-vi-r hcsitatcd to appcal to them; [appliiust'l - ccrtainly never for fear they mijiht crample the feelings of ome osthetk miiKwunip. The; were deeidedly mnlrl- a thnt in tlm progresa of the rampaiRn they anc 'Rally Round the Flag, Boys,1' nnd "Maiching Throngh Georgia." AnU I might add one thing else there, they did not have any patience with this preténge of n democratie reform ndministration at Washington, ,-uid they did not hesitate to Bay Ihat. eithqr. Nobody in Ohio appcaled to republicana to voto the rBpttD. lioan ticket in order that they might indorse n demoeratio ndministration, and as I said n maniuit agO, going npOD that line, they worked out the victory that has been alluded to, lint I did uot come hero to talk nbont the republicana of ( )hio. I havo said that mrrob because of what yonr chairman ha Men tittosayof the illustrious leader nf our jnn-ty in days that aro gone by. 1 Ih'.v won their repvUSttoU by alwaye standing for republicauism, without apolograng to dnybody whateqever. Bnt I raini' here, I fim reminded, to respond to the toast that the senator ha just ii ¦¦ui. And it is n most excellent toast, too; most excellent, not only because of Hm sentiment it broathps. bui becanse of the splendid way in which it divides itselt np. For it is not simply one sentiment, bot thrve. In the first place, w are given "Out State Governmonts," pure and simple, withont regard to anything else,' in the second plaoe, we have thoáe governmenti in their relations to the national government; and in the third place, they are ïiiuned in thoir mutual relations toeach oil" i. Now, 1 do not uitend f o talk more than forty-nve minutes on each of thesa branches. I would not midcr my eircumstances. Hut I will take tho liberty of saj-ing to you, at the outset, in order that you muy be relieved tharsby, lis I know you will be, that I do not deern it neeessary on un OOG&èion "f thll charaeter, to sny Rnything ut all about two of these divisions, tlua tint tmd the third. And I fcel this way about these división. becausB outside of their relations to tha general goverument there has never been inucli, if any. eontroversy as to the charneter of our state governnicnts, or their relatlon to each other. All agre that withiu tlieir nppropriate Rpherei nnr state goveinniputs are sovereign, that their eoif-t it tit ons aru not in the nature of contract, ns are sometimes elaimeil wit li re-pect to the national constitution. bul raat thpy are, on tha '¦""'''¦. U'iieral ordinances of government, ordained nnd eetablifldtd by the people. And this being true, there eannot. in the nature of thingx. be any 1 eontroversy aliout their authority or ny political difference as to their construction. Therefore it that all one cnnsay abont these mntters at a time like this wonld be by wajf of comment upon the ndmitted eharacter of our state governmeiits nnd llu'ir dutieatoward each other. And now, speaking about our state governments in this way. what Fhall I say of thei&r Vheu Thomas Corwin was governor of Ohio, it is reported that he once said, speaking of hi official duties, that they oonsisted chiefly of issuing commisnions to notaries public nüd pi-rdoning demócrata out of the uenitciitiary. It has been thoujjhl tlmt w:is sieakin.T in disparagement of thrir fnnctions and power! if so I would not speak iis thnt way: bnt the little experience I have had in connection with state goverutnents has made me feel it my dut. tri .-],( uk of them in terms of much higher appreciation. It is true they cannot declare war, very much to the chagrin and mortification of the govtrnor's military stad; nor eau they conclude treatics of peace - which would again, if wc happenedto have war, be still more to their chagrin and disappointinent; nor can they eoin money, which is very n mch againsi the interest of the governors. for if they could they would be Sble to _'et bettei 'salaries thau. they do, jiossibly: nor can they do, seriously Rpeaking. many other things thut properly partain to independent sovpruignty; but by tlieir legislatures they do provide the laws. and by their judicial tribunal? they do settle the disputes that pertain to the domestic concerns of the 60,01)0.000 of people wiio constimto íhe American natiou; and as agenta for this purpose they constituía the most important feature of our somewhat complex, but most fortúnate ditrilmtion of that tremendous poHtioa) power ar to eovern this L'reat repnblto. In Ohio nlone, and I refertothat state siniply beemse 1 huppen to kno7 something about it there, and ttiat you niay mt an idea of what thut power amounis to, we have today more people, more intcrests, more varied industrie', L're.iter wealth, and a thousand timet more btuaem transaoUona in a minute than they had in the whole of the thirteen colonies when the declaration of independence waa adopted. And as it is with i 'hio, so. too, is it. in greater or lesa degree, with ftvers other state of tho unión. Hut in thinking Of those dutic you do not get tho full mensure of tho powers and duties of tkeM governments; yon get thai only when you beur in mind also that in aililition our stale ;;nv. provide fot the poor, t.-ke care of the afHictcd, deal witli the life and liberty of the criminal etaMMi regúlate the eiereise of the elective franchise -and by looking through ( Ihio you will 8ee how important that Fiaa beoome- educate our cfiildren, and sustain and promote onr civil and religioim liberty." It is only when all these mattere are borne fa mind that we have the fnll measare of the powers and duties of our state governments. and learn and uuderstand why it U they have alwaya enjoyed, and deserved to enioy, a warm placo in tha heaats, and r ealous defense at the hands of the American people. But that is enough on a subject tliat I did not intend to say anything abont. As to their relations to enen other - for I must go throngh the toast in order- they are pointed out, I might say, and dtauiM the matter tliere. and defined in tlic constitution of the rnitcd BtetM) and any oue who may go and read may learn. So you eau. so far as oold legal provisions are concerned; but the duties of state to state are not fully understood and appreciated until something else is taken into account: not fully understood and appreciated until thd oharaeter of our uniou is fully cousidered and fully appreciated: only when we renicmber that we are bound togetlier by indissohible tics, that what affects ons sectkm of this great country, whpther tty or adverslty, Rffeotu the other, no matter f-om whnt -tate a man comes; v.hether nn Mr. Evarts lias, from New York, or asCieti. bogan has, f rom Illinois, m are rtill part and )arcel of one comnuin people. No matter where you may go in all tliis broad land, win! her to Ohio, Pcniisylvauia, New New Enaland, Virginia, or tho Oarolinas, Georgia, Mississlppt, oracross the Itoeky Mountiiins to the l'acific slope, you still have all the while the same con-liintiou beneath your feet, the same Sag flontiug over vour heail, and t'ip same destiny béfore you in comtnou with the I ¦ "pie among whom yon mingle, and it is only, I say. when all this is borne in mind tliat tho duties of state to state and their relations in all the fullness of meaniug are understood and appreciated. Bnt whon that feeling obtains, then it becomes au easy matter to give fnll faith and credit, as the cqnntitution enjoins, to the judicial proi-et-dingi of other states, to t-urreudpr fugitivos to justicp, to acoord the rights of citizciiphip. aud to do evorything else that a stateought todo, for the effect of sueh a feeling is to inspire a patriotism that blotsout the petty pre.indiceRimd jcalousips that are only tod hkely toarise withm the cireumseribsd hmits of a state aaaiust other states, imd tills a maii's miad and his soul, too, with that larger. higher, better, broader, nobler thought that niak.s him forget thai he isa Michigander, a New Yorker, a Penngylvanian, a MluiMippian, or a Oalifornian, and ramembw only that he is a citixen of the United State of America, When that is remembered, then it is eaj] for si to do hordutyto tato, For tluse duties nre then rendered with a fcnljrhtly courtesy and a Msterly affpetion that makes the staíes a veritnble blessing to each other and a constant Mipport to the union. And now i come to the other branch of my subject, the one I intended partioulariy to speak about, and want to gay something about, if I have not nlready talkedaway allmy time and more, to- for I find it is ehsj when a man gets to talkin;: to a republican audience to go on nnd not know just when to stop I wtmted especially to talk about thi Öüid branoh, rather tlmn those other two branches of tlii sentiment, hecause of tho oharactftr of this occasion, fur this is not only n politicrvl oooasion, but it is a republican politica] ¦ md it will forover accounted one of the ohief mul crowniiur glories of reputjliotuiiam that oorpartj inoald have for the ft#t tdme inthehuton of onr oountoy, and, as we trust, for nil linio, tu oome, nutlioritntiM'iy (ictin(.l and eetablished the relations of i' i ilu1 general uovrrnment. l'nlikc thee other two división of my sentiment, this has been a poUtioal question from iIk vim-, beginning of our gOTernment. Foï Bei entyyears it w;i:. a constant eource of oontention mul a mo.t alMnjiiui: oause oi prebonsioo io Vmericnu politii's. rJ'he ttonble wrtí wi' oodIcI qoI aree sbout that urc-it work of CSeorge Wa and his aseociates in the convention to which Mr. Kvarta has so beantifnlly oonld not agree ai the on even as to who had made it, whether il had been made ty the statisor bj people: mul not being able t; ngrpp About that, we wero at 1 varianre about everything The trouble was that all previi tempta. to bring aboat unityof itrength and action for the American people had ? in the name of and by the state, or the oolonies hoiore them. The] made the continental coH(rre8e, they made the conn and the t' ny of the British governneni i the statet 30 distrostfui and jealoM i controlling authority - that the ínt i was tu t;ivi Hie confedera! i";i bo nigRardly a grant of power ai to o .:h!ent npon and Babordinatt to the sliites for all practical pUTposea. Henee it was that the idea was bi continually cnltivatcl. so fa: wrs anything practicable in attomptaof govemment, mat thete oooM c no eral goveniment exoept as it gtoceeded from the states - they were the Dreatoro, and it was the croature. But ili" fallare of theconfederation tanght a lasson, the most importar" . that has ever been taoght tothe Lmerlcan people, for it was the leMoo trom which was born our preeent t'onn of governinent, and from whioh has come all the glory and nandenr of the Americnn naiae. Il made the constitution not only nere.isftry, but possible. for it made enoiifjli of tiic at that time like Washinidon and Hamilton. to Onderstand thaf ihero could neyer be American Uationality without nnion, and there could not bé American nnion without a t,'enei"'.l government, which as to the k wils not only supreme over the itat( ¦well as the people. but which alko and even more partacularly Bhould latei; independent of the statek as I creation and authority. And henee it was that the framere of the constituüon proceeded fróm tho ürst npon the idea that the coustitution their representativos, but by therepregentatives of the people, electsd hy the people. and iu convention aasembled for that parpóse, and that in like inanner, when should be ratiiied and adopted, not by the statp: or their represpiitatives, lint by the people acting throügh their d ed for I parpóse: and henoe - for it was cxecuted M designed- the eoncluBiveness and signiflcanca of the declaratiqn with which'itbeains: "W e, the people ef the Unitpd Btate, in order to form a moro perfect unión " With sach ; declare - tion, with such a lii-tory. it teems incrediblethat thsreéoold evw! bnve been serioua controversy as to the relations of the staten to the general govorrmipiH. Much stransef still does it appê&r that it i'vcr could have been necessary to resort to war and bloodshed to -ettle snob a dispute, and yet euoh is liisiory. Andwhy? Somebody refërred to Thomas Jefferson this ereuins- the sr'-iatoror Mr. Evarts. One re that we had sonie eminently good men of that time who as to the matter of the constitution wi inentlj wiong. All patriotir American citizenü Will forever honor th n ef fer;-on and hold his tnemory iri rrcollccuon. bui they will do U beoanse he was the author of the Heclaratlon ol int!, . the o! thenni si iv of Virginia, and for eight years the etnef magietrate ot thia nation, n o]ie moment becanée pf whai he nffectcd to heli. ve and undartook to teach as to tho clr.iracter of the constitution of the luit Only the domocriitic party will honor him for that. and tlu-y will continue liis name in their oalendarol pátroo future. a tl bare kepl it there in the pant. only becatlse when oontendiift the constitution of the United Sl.ite was not made by tho pcople,l!H DJ he wns sowii ron whioh ripened that I : war and bloodshed we were compi ;' ner in 'i'1 -(¦",. The idea he was implantins constituted the iharaoteristio áad diatínguishina (Bato f cratic party, that tlieoustittition va as to the powers by it flron to the genera] gavOTnment, over the states as well as the peoble, bot a meraleMne that could bc roUed ü] S, , ;:.,, Evi rte i'aid. like a eoroll and put out of sitfht fortver. Thai Mi the i They pnssed it opon Dt for lifty yeare In dei.. a to the contrary was unavnilin:;, until ftnally there carne a new champion into the Beid, i new Champion who nii;;lit bc likened to a .lid David, deetined like David of old 1 (toliatli who vas mouaciu' onr institiitions. champion was tho repubhean party. It came when Mr. Ev íhrOOgh the city of Detroit out to tho Chicairo convention in 1860. li came with Abraham Lincoln at its head? And with Ohese, and Suinner, and Giddinge; and Wade. and Seward, and your Own irioui old Zach Cnandler. it carne ilcdicated to the saored caune of Eraman libprty, bot it came nlao, and if po mi "more particularly BOttaeoratod to raus, of the union and the preaerration of the constitution. ur democratie Mende at once shifted the controy to the field of battle, but it never healtated fOr a moment, but met tl sue with a million men, a milüon men wiio. on the 300 battle-fieldB of the i !ic. amid the storm cloiidu of war. in the blood of our heroic slain, wrote it with tl,., hayon.t as :i final juüRment and put an end to this controversy tkai had Waged for uearly a centaiy, that the constitution of the United Si a to the powers by it iven to the general governmer.t was tho snpreme law of the land, nnd that the ideas ofignty, in so far as they conflict theréwith, were b vile heresy, and that seoedsion and diounion were treason. 'I hal is the whole of the. matter that you would have jne respond to. and henee, when you ask me to teü yon of the relations of We itatei to the Keuera1 .",-, ernment, I-point you with the pride and pati iotism of a n publican, to Appomatox a the wholo EinsWer. GUENTHER'S ELOQUENCE. Thé WiHconsiii (oneroBsman Bpaaka i ClttEenWp. As soon ns the applllttM which followed Gov. Foraker's speech had subsided Sriiator Palmer introduced the next in the foUowiag terms: The next toast ip, "The Americïin Citizen, Native anc Adopted: He Shouldbe Mad Prosperóos at I lome and Beo will be responded to by a younf rhO li'ft the fatlierland i. ¦ the republicaa party was bom, whooami to this country without friends and without money nd fonnd a home both politioally and Bociallj . and. 1 hope domestio ally, in the1 rep'.iblican party, and wlio bas been retnrned to oonoress, whieh, I think, 18 a pretty SUie i. ulieat. on that he is beiiig well tréated. I have the honoi of introducint! to you tho Hen. Richard her, representativa in ooügrest from Wisconiln. Mr. Ooenther spoke aR follows: 'I his '_'..m rnment of onn, founded by that illnstriotis patriot to whosememory wepay the i m Formsá forthi protection of life. the enjoytnefit of liberty and the pursuit of happini American citu-.ens, whether native oi Kloifited, we look to thia üt', whoMgraO ful folds udorn theso walls. to gaal o ik these privileges. Win and pratriotic .('irisliiiion wüi mak ui proeperoas and npnj. il just mul impartial administratton Of IM will make ii - ripie ii our ii(,'lits ;it home, :i fi rlion of our power MatUkttOU v. ii! every citieen -irniv abroada Havo we tis a nation iii'veil ut -ncli :i st;ite is the qui'stion tha1 foroee Itcelf npon u ut ihis moment f government doing whoj ii Bhould to briiks aboutthe condilions mentioned in tliis toast? Diie ii prötec) every one. the humblesi eitisen, in the fnll enjoTmeni of hit riirhls? Are our DAtíonal i:tvs faithfully ¦ I umi fbatledaly eftteentecH li i - of n commrei oonntry enaaranteed bj the conBtltution JUiii ite anuiuiinem . ¦ ¦diciii of the land at Well u w-t, norili as wU as sonth? One in vast nndienoe wliose Is in tho afAnnatitef Dn on believe tliüt today ïob ooold ga to bui of bhe statea soutli of tfason and Dixon's liiu . sssert jour rlght of the freedom r poecht state vuur politiciil conviotion. , and le at serure :is in the aurthï ïon know yoo oannot Do jrou wish to 'Man.:" thÍ8 steil :f affaiit? 1 11. .lik v reeil to that. linw. tlien. onn il !e AcoomplUhedT To wluït ]t;n(y musí we look tor m reint'il ? the Bemocpitio party that today ¦¦ of tliis government willIng to lnstitate mich refortAt m we ni-iH. i i ¦; - n-i Lawfl th&1 every i t i ¦ en. whether nutivo-born or adopted, rioh or poor, white ot blaok, oaa eBjoy cqiial politioal privilegee and righteï l. i on 1 'lieve itt No, my friends, you all fcel lilnyonr iluit the only party that 1 oonrage '¦""' ""' "'¦" '" protect every oitizen in i i'of his rights, is the repnblicnn party. If it is ever dono it will be thinuzli tlie j;irly to wtiii'h we betongi and th:it ís the reasou why 1 have heen and (im today a rcpnli'ican. The American oitizen prlioe lus Hl biffhlj as his life. Your adoiited '.¦ e.une tothis country tor liberty'a sake. For libertyfs Rske be lef t al! that Sr and near to liini; voluntaiil. he i ïll the liol that boond him to the land of lii birth. With uioistened bade farpwell to those hel to kindred and friends, vel thfooghhia teers he [jreeted the Góddaas of Llberty who smiles lier welcomo to all who come i:i LToinl Faith. Wheu his fpot touched the hallowed soil of freedom he vowechin his hcart t Btattd by his country in ruin OT sim in distreae or prosperity, for betteror for worse. '1 his vow he has kepi and 'v he will keep to the laud of tiie tri e. 1 was n retroblican in the American ,( o me bo thii country. 1 ¦ ii repnblioan beoat ie the republican partj was tl eqiial rlghta tor all, the party opposed to liinmin slavery. I well ïeincmber how my youthful heart was tlnillcd with indlgnation when I n ui ui the barbaron atroaitieg prooticed onder tliat inhuman system apheld and defended bj democratie parto. 1 well remembel how. wfaeo a bb] my heart beat with enthnsristic I lion for that noble mnn, the immortal Lincoln, when l read extracts f rom one of his speeohee in southern Illinois, in which with mntchless hut unmerciful d the monster slotry and wbs Interrupted by tumultuous veiling andhusina. Ondaunted he stoot) on the platform innr.ov.ible. like a mai$le statue of Jnpiter, and when oni. tinnlly purtially rentored lie MÍ4: "ïes, you may hiw, bnt yourhissing catinot overthrow th wall of justice." [baoaisea repubüoan, I could never ¦ympsthtM with a party in favor of human slayerf, b part; opposed to free and dignifled labor, a iirty whoae las! president before tho wal vetoed the homettead 1 -iw. whioh was intended to Kive free home-i to eter citizen and every tmmigrant. toe of the Bist official aote cif Ábrahatn LüicolawaB to sitrn thw law, audhndri-iiiifti lye, milllons, of native and foreign-born citizens enjoy loday the blegsiugs of this republicun In. pobr Immigrant who oro ocean to seek a home in free America is today treatad lik a human bUngand moh fr?ÍL'ht. To the rciuibli. i indebted for the passage of that law, tha( gnaranftea to him humane treatment and thiows the strong protectivi arm ot this country arouud I i he leaves the shoics of ¦;e. And, riüht here. Mr. President, in the of hum ble foreigners, in my own bèhalf as one of those who i v isfa i" aoknowlOWD Senator. Mr. Congor, ful thanks for hisnneelflsh and ive aid in poseingthatmuoh-nwaed imi humane law. n left his native . to botter his oondttion, to be ene a Ufe worthy of a human be iperity and betb - hanhe oomdpossibly hare earned had lestayed in ín land, Norway, Sweden, Oenmark, or Oermany. Kvory one of hem oves a debt of gratitude to the proectivi pelioy ol the repubUcan party. repnblican partj is the true f riend of the merioan workingman, whother he be . i' the ooaloriron mines, in the lumber oompii. or in t!ie fao !c for the republioan No conoeasions to English anii other European manufaotaiew. free raw material dootnni whioh itisdeolaredtiaal the labor of the Ameriean workinymen in your mil :l vorks. in your lumbar campa, or employed in the production of wool, isentitledto no consideratiou and proteetion. I echo. Mr. President, the owmetion of my heart, when I asserl thai the re pnbnoan party has been, and is today, latural homa "f tt Kreal bulkol our adopted citizens. of all who love hberty. and who want to see American labor dignifled and well paid. elrdeeda partiea mast be ju not by shallow pretenges or idle dBClarademooratio party, in order t oatch votes, promises most evi m fact, but where ha it eyer kept it proaii the labóring man? where bas tl ever instlfoted real reform? 1 tte repub artyhaa don what it promised. I roriaion in onr laws of beneiit to kingman, oí benefit to the immigrant, of benefit to f ree labor, ib of republiean orürfn. The repnblioan stntos hnve mndethe (HÚ to the immi. They "ave hiin uil the ri'hl of tl' ¦ zriilii)) after ; rrsideuco of on montlis or one year. The republican prtywill solve all the greatci the day that affect the j ;nul welfare of the laborins man- nol bj meïnaiiogioalpromise and phrsBe. but by wise and wcll-mafured leiiiBlation. The repttbUoao prty, . ly 011 this eartli. hM mistake. There is nothing pi-rfocton onr plant ¦!. luit every oandid person mnst bear tettimony to the factthnt svi tniifiit that UtnoblM, very sentiment that bei I (sentiment that offects thenational and moral welfare oi the hnman mee tinds a jirompt nnd favorable n tha ii publican party. I; ga "rand party, and to tluwedemocrats who pneer and try to beUttle that. vrbioh in their elegant vsrnaotuar, ttiey the. o. p., Isa. fO niaj hÏM, vouniay sneer, yon laay mi Ugn. but truth ftiid jnstice will prevalí. aud lona after yon mul we are gonetbe principie and the aohievment o oor parta engraTed in indestrnctible lettersui)oii the colden rf htotorr, wtn live, while poitoritj wi look in n the record of any deed in the Utj liuinamty and progresslTe diTiUzauon CommemmOratiT of the democratie ab foreisn-boni citizen I ay to my forei-n born triend Of cvery nationality v.ho Gelieve in advaaoement and pro.-II - ïvc ideas. Btattd b. tbe party that has done what the república!, party ha and yon muy re-t asrorea that your ti are safer in its hands I !V that has stjadilyopposedaU thebenefloèni h tslatiou of the la-t twenty-flve yeara. Now Str. rrc-sid.nt. a few words more and I will-clo-e. As a eiti.en ot (iermail nt, 1 ma wltn propnety on tnw on, try to dfüiis tlie politicul 't of the German-American, and illy that of tho (icnnm repobThe ritizon of Qerman ntraotion loTea hu adoptad aountrj witn all thedevotion, all khe affectioñ, all the fervor, and nll tlio punty with whioh a hie bride orthe wife !'"'""- He is proud dl his elioiep, nnd zealously he guarda the honor of lus country, its govenunenJ andite offlcers. nave il and them as I wantod hia wife tol. Thi iimran may perhaps be an idealist abont government He ma not alwaye act with that pradenoewhloh forthvrith rcsnlls. He may in hi juilsinu'iit, but even if hedpe,hi8 motirsa will bi' puri' and '.idiotie. Be di thinkiug for himself. He worshipe no political Pan, and blindly follows the mellow tunes df 'nis Ilute. Yon eiinnot allure him by shmn piet. íi.í oí' reform and .leifersonian Slrnplicity. (o to Washington now oudst democratie rule, nnd aai' apon Blmplitity oí tliat kind. i lie Germán oiUwn i ho politioal samblrr. Hm does not deal In Credit Mobilierot Pan-eleotric utook. He doos n om that wiiy. }lc may at timos imlirTerent wlien the old ship of iils [iroudly on over ealm ahd unnitlled waters, nndiv R sUy lïii',rlr. and stond appMr on the horizon nnd yon will ünd-him ut lus post: let th political storm Tage and tos tlie noble vcssel and fotiOOA Wftvoi sliiike its vpry sinictiire, then you will find him on ilnty. nnd his eyes will not close till all danger is pat$. .. hen free trmle hereslei ate agaio threatening oot national peiily aml welfare, the thinking, intollisent Germán cítíxen, ba oomtnon witb the intelligent ritizen oí every nationality, in. i-t stand on the aide of his country, will. onhis banner he inêeribie the wordfi: "Protection to American indnstriea mean-, nkppmess and natíona] prosperity." Mr. 'rrsident, I fearnot forthe future. The repubUcan party and its principies must trinmph ajiHiti. Let us one man, (tand by tho old party, the party Oi equal ritrhts, of univiTsal liuman litierty, of hone I money. of pure and free eleoiioni nnd iroteetion to American labor and Ameriean indutriep. l.ei repnblioan prwoiples governthis I oonntry, UI the stars aadstripea proclaini to tho world that there la 110 room land for Kni.'lish notior.s of free trade. secure to every citien. whether at home or ibroad, tlie protection of the stront' arm of this (iovurnmeut and hap I, peace and prosperity will be tlie reduit. GEN. LOGAN'S DEMANDS. lie Cali for tlic safesuard of Amoricnii L.lbrty. As Mr. Guenther ceaíed speaking the glee club sang "Hárohing Thrcragh a," in honor of the next speaker, (in. Logan. Senator Palmer, referring to the song, saldi . Lodies and gentleften, there It hardt; uiy need of aniunmeint,' who will speak ïext, to the sentiment wbiofa the time we inve just been singing brings home .hitliy. I see him at Donelson. I see urn on the march from the moantaini to ;he Rea, aud we shall see him in i :o-niyht. 1 introduce to you Gen. Losan of Illinois, who will speak to the toast, "Washington, the Bepnblican; He Believed in the Voire of the People', 'hich Can Only lio Heard Throagh a air Ballot and an Honest Count." Prolongad applause and r heers]. John A. Logan stond upto speak the cinc was one long to be rememliored by 11 who saw it. The man himself- so clf-relinnt, calm nud resolute, ererj estnre, every word betraying the trengthofhia mind and earnestaess oi ií parpóse -the central figure. Here tood the ideal Americau senator. His ress - a oIom litiin' boek setting o the curves oí his shonlders, mve them the gnuv at Btrength - Ma ilaok mustaohe droopinj; around the of his rtrongly ''ut iiiouth, and _ the bold, determtnea ohm, the hisliin-,', dark eye, the broad, high foreead fiomwhich the once raven hair, mow 1 here and there with gray, vajoldly pu-hed Vwck, called overy beejH ut to the man in ftdmiration beore he opened his lils to Bpeak. And when he spoke he held his istener enthralled. (JlOwing syntheeee ollowed one apon another in a marvelius artangement of eloquenoe, no j ence involved, no rhetorical pausen iverriden, ever intiection giring weight 0 the Nsamè&t the tentenoe oonveyed, nail his listenen wr ¦ iWftyed ander the lotcnt magical inflnnc of lus words. worth while to take r. ma vhile the thanders of applaase i hrough tin' building to eonsider v.hat ajasnoeii are done nu-u in the hot b inshlpB of political lifo. Here was 1 man of whom it was said his metophon and símiles dropped from his lips in hongh lumblod out of a dice-box; no arrangement, no asreement, all of a jumble and ruiaapplication. Here was a speaker whose use of the English lan, it lacking tic polish of Lowell, iad tho foree of a nd the togio of Randolph. It was as earnest as Snmler's, and as incisive and oonviiicini: as Kdimmds's. It was the product oí a man -.f,,ti]( - ai a speaker oame outof l, oot greatnesê of efi.i n. effeet #as recogniaed on the instant. He sai4: Mr. Chairman, Qenttemtn oftht ,„ . publiean 'iitft, LadU rns: i oan only say that I thunk jou from the dvpths of my heul fof the kindly manlier in which I hsvvc n-ccivi'd the - 1 oí' the citizcns at' ihis gnind st;it#. I am ver; thnnkfnl to you for ,the invitation to atf:ii tiii banqnet And in coming do nol ('unit' ' yen, bul to betaneht ,,n. Vthon I ser (De mu;iiittence beaming from the cduntenanoee of this vast iradience tonilit, il to methal H l ás uo to teil the ol this proud rtate. ïonr man tonlght aaid to us tliat parties could not live u,i' m pas records. Thai is true; buttbatpast lu-ior. tVi.-ii reoord made iv a in rty in the pathway of truth, (r iuMieo. of libérty to onr fellow-maii, of patrlotic devotion to this grand repnblio of ours. M uot to'bo forKotten. We maynotgain victories by linaciiuK in the past, tra( n ptttatíon of Man. If twoindividnala ÏB iil;ired before the country. we sar, "Principien, not men." Vet we to Inquire into the private eharaoter of those hro individnWB, ta r or not they ure fittod to hll tho Btation o whioh they may be MUedby the voices of the American people. UU noerntic party may have B reputa tion that tille the breastnof its owu members with pride, yet thnt reputntion would not till tho heart Hnd breast of a pntnot with the Oharftotet of pride thnt causea us to go forth beforo onr fellow men and be williiin' to lonk thetn in the {ace without beoomins ashamed ol' any act that we ,(¦:¦ dons, ('Ulier in n lYrence toour croTernmenl r our neivrhboraor friendo. The repoblican party has traTeled alona the foad that has iven peao nrosperity to a dutraoted and nnhappy land. It ha travelcd alón;: a pathway ,snot been trewn on citlur sidc with the wreek of private fortunoi, be caii-f of bowinto tho dictation of lor eian powers in refereaoe to onr owu ao mistio atfait and in retcrenre to our own material wealth. in rpference to onr own material proipenty, and the mnnner in which we ourselves sball produce the revenuen for onr jrovt rnn i and aid and as-ist m foi manufaotaring.'lftbor, and all thejinduiitrieH of our tand. Whüe travellns on tliat piithway. the liuht that Ims boen refleotod f ram the cours and obndnot of the repnbUoaa party along tnal road of : nty. peaoe and bappineea, naa Lding of lory opon the nathway of man. tlmt lias given oi peaoe and proiperity that no otter naüon ever enioyéd. n.n wh1 la the toast? Öiiuator Palmer, I thuutfht he did not know whnt he, was to talk about. The toast was."YíuhinTton the Repnblfoan. He Holieved in tlw Yoiceoftho I'oople, Vvhioh Can OnlybeBeardThrooghs Fait Ballot andan Honeft ('ount.'1 (Jen. Lognn - I was aboul tu remnrk that it made bol vcry littlu ilifl . wliat the tuat was. so tSX as tlmt was concerned. Cel 1 propose to talk about anj how. I see beforo me soino of my. friends who are ministers, wiio tcach us the way we ahould walk. Hut thoy know. and I do not mean any oflense wlien 1 .my. that even in the pulpit texts are mere pretests. In t!ic paine waj . are onls intendcd to lire a fellow olf, tliat Jva liim n start. . this is n republican fisBpmbly. and wr LH'ntli'incu liavc bftr6 from the city of Washington, as I unid in tho " iiiiï. not to t-iilihton you. lnt to liarn something onrsclvas, imd as it is b family of rcpublioans. wo had B talk plainly to onc auotlicr and onderstand wliat there is before usin th" fteld. l Bid that ths caiwi of the republican part] has fallad temporarily, nol on aorount of the wisdom, (latriotism or justici' of the dfmocraüciiarty. There does not exist in the á ¦ arts the intelliffOQoo or the ppW6r td dtifeal Mie re ]iullican party. Hut there Soei is( in the npulilicaii party. hoWyW, th power todsteal itsclf. T!ie republican partyluis been al) from the time of its ürit orgeniaation. Whilfi the repnbJJ was an aggUggtVB party, worrlng upon Ihv nrinoiplea of the cfemocrnisy of thls country, the republicai partj was ftlways succosslul: but whcncvci' th;vt i;.r!y. ulvHIlt-iim fromoilelillt' of woiks to anotlier ajiainst thi npib!ica!i party, and tliat )iart. besan to rnvclr from its own works and a-kcil not ri defi thi ca lonRer, bnt in instam au ftpologetic monner, ivin'u away wliat aadoained, instem oí standinsbjp ii and sroinit furtherin the advanco, they Iokí ilie garrió. Borne persons mightaak me rhy did they do this? Tliat is a very hard qaestion to answei-: Imt T will teil you one thinö that strike mewithsorne force. Whilë the democratie party, espteially ir. the BOttth, have been trained to desiro power, control, to havo position, if you will give them position you can cake the money. Theto traüüna is to seek for power and oontrol in tneir state andin their ixovernment. Our training lias been aiffratBt, and whenever trade opeued in the south. in s'ime of those - tonnd that the better trade was openedwin the merohant who was a democrat thau with tho repobliean. anti we flnd democrats were made vcry fastall over this nortliern country. 1 kñow men will say. "Logan is saying soinething he oiiijht not to say bout his own friends." I am alwayfl sayins,' those sorl of curióos tilines - thingsthat [ooghi not to say. and I guesi it is about as well for me to say those thlngs aa for anybody else. tor 1 havo become so nccustomed to beins abuseu tor these tli;it :t aoes mu liurl me n partióla, imd it may hnrt soms othet men who mit;!it U] itbet they would not perliapn have received the amouut of abuse tlmt [ have. 'l'hat is one reason , in my jadgment, and IoónldgJTeplentj of ñames ifit was neoeMary. Whüe we in the north hip lookinjt more to our own individual interest! and oarinjj bot lbont the interets oí the government, our enormes ara takiag our intrenehmeuts, aad we are giving them up. I hear a íii'eat miiny gentlemen say "What is the difterenec; what issue ia between the repnblioan and tlie democratie parties todayf" Can you not gee au issue that onght to be between honest men and dishonest men? Lot i D tam. Obi friend F.varis of New York said tliat we had to make this flht, lo mnke it in enrnest on insues in referenoe to our BOTernmeoi ! asseri lu're tonijrht tli.-U tl'.is repoblisthat you and l liave ahvays BtofeMed tobe proud of, and should be, is. in its present oondition a sham, and is not a repnblie in fact. What do I mean by thatf I mean this. that this government, aoooidiügtoite Idimi Biven by om [athua, ana the frarm -work that was thrown by tln-ir hands. by whioh we have been ffoided and controlled, WM báaed upon the rorner-stone of the pwple's consent. In other word?, thia repnblic is of, by and for the people. It la based ipon the ODtisent of tlie people. How the consent of the people? Not the consent of a towi meeting, not the OOB sent of a cancos, nol the consent of n ooovaationt but of the people. How is iii-i-nt tci be ascertained? Throngh and by the forma prescribed for the B8certainraent of that fai-t. By the ballot of the man who has R right to vote, depositim: tliat ballot uut having il oonnted, to see where the müul of themajorlty i-; traveliügi and whal couree Ihej desire to pursue for the benefit of the people of thii oonntry. wheneret this goremment ibee its modes, or the staten do, for ; the nscertaiument of tliat tac-t. th-n ly luw that tact should be asoertained, and . wheo asoertained, the decisión oí the majority of the people oi oonntrj ie th( will ot this ri'imblic. Now. has the will of majority of the people of this yovernment. been tained at any üme withln the !a-t wveral ycar ou auy qnestion whatcver.' va ij that it Is the taalt of the republic mi párty. Ño matter whose fanlt. It is the faalt, iti mi judgment, of thi ooratio party. Whyf H I go to the palta to fot and am aoing to rote the repubiloan ticket. noBoay inferieres with me. My vote is ca-t. Cc -rLiinly norepablicnn wül iaterfere with me. If adeinocrnt m- with me and prerenti me from votin. just that nmch be detraoi the aaoertainmeni that the laws of the ooontry delire !ki11 be jpade from tlie people, in order to decfJe any ivin question. l desiratogiva soma ínet upon this subject, because X am pohu to daal in toniaht Bofar atheflrsi part of i, in reference to Washington as a republioan, lus oharacter hae been deali (fith and inenlooy oud that whioh my powersooaw employ. 1 oan only enoe to hiin thfti the hi nire thrown trom the hands of man that stands in the trorld today stands to thai man, the of his country. Thai Is the' estímate of th peopleofthai man. Then, as a republioan, in referenoe to a fres battot and e fait connt When I have myself upon the stamp spoken of the -wrongs thal have been perpetrated ín violatiou of the law, against the rihts of American oitiïens, t have bad H thrown in my teeth that I was swmsms langmnary garmeni or othel in tlie faoe of the AtnMiean oeople. [JJaughter.] [dseiretosayjbttttnis; If the trutli camiot le old so that justice tnaj be dom tlifii justicowill bleed and error triumph. beat WJ) tO Mb or nnderRtand whether or not wc aro inoUned to falalfy the record or to state tilines without n foundation is to ive the fac'fe, and I havo thrown towther BOme üirmes have done Ithaniediy, but oórteoüy, and figures are thlngB uut persons oanttot carry in their niiiids, and I have brpttght them with me to ive the [acts to lliis audience tonight. Perhapl tfieykno them now. II tlny do, my trouble will only be at my du expense. - I aaid. l aRsert that tbis today M a Rham repnblio, that is accordiiiR to the theory apon whieh we, as repobUoana and demoorat, too, olalm tbai thia aoverninent stands, Imsed ou theWul 01 il' people. Not only that, it i today n inockcry. notbecause of tho conduct of the repi'iblican party, not because of the oourseofUta republiotoi of thisconnt:y. hut bccause of the course of the rats, bpcause democrats have Bpilled the blood Of fellow-eitiwns that the] taiaki attaln power, not in war', Imt to prevent power I from their hands liy tho ballot. The repnblloan party lias heen opnosed to bafidozina, Imve been opposed to niur der. to riot nnd violation of law tor tl. e ! i.nrpose of oarrying eleotions; hut whei ever fraud are aseertained todaji where 1 men are driven from the polls 111 Btates throushoiit this country, and where returns are forged and where elections are red ín favor of men who wero Uofeated at the polls, t hfcj ben done by democrats throUghöttt thi country and not by repnbUoMW. Tlio i)eniteutiary of my owa state holds within its walls a lcadins dnmocrat 1 ot ili il stntr ten forging returns iu order to c.ini the eleolion. Ko in ( hio today. 0 It in likn the Btc&U-poi. It has prend U trom one democratie camp to MMtnerj A HulUluziiiir in the soiith,. fraud m the ti soutn, tissue bailóte, forging returns - v ivebeén oarneddb foryesrs in i Ihftl portion of the country. nntU non ay in the nörthern states. n "We will try it ourselves over here," aud il BD thev have. o Keüow oiiizons, vvhile legislatures rnn i be enrrled nnd senators of the United S ii i'icil by frandulent returns, and d while majoriMe in oongrets can 1" ried bj fraud. iiy bnlldoxing, by 8 feriBg it the lallot-box, by fofged 7 tufns- while )hat can be done, and a t majority is reta raed in tliat way. il is ¦ s fraud, and it is not the consent of the a lu-iiplc. and to tliat extent your republic v lias t'a ili-il. , 1 Our democratie friends gay, ana they ' imve said -'i tome indlscnêslon recently, ï that theré were no frauds thsre. Letus v see. A littlc i'iimmnii sense is n very T Jood tnlng in innkiiitf ewninatioiii te ' well a ftnythinc pIsp. In ordpr to deal o perfectlj faiv Wfth the deinocratí, (or i s is witli the demócrata W at dealing - these domoorats in this ooontry uy we f are not dealins witli tlicin, that 1 We are dealina [witli the t erli democrat?. 'J'hewe democrats of the s nortti are what we naed to be of the p north. Vft were (lietailuf the pouthern r democratie kitd tlipn, and yon ure the ' teil "f thp southern aemooratio kite now. I Supprtse we teke Um popnlatton i -i Chir reprssetitatlon is baaed on : !n. l'o. in-1aiici. the state of Mii-liiaan 'r iü t'Ulitli'd to 8O many members ol ¦ ut it hu HO much popnlation. So ? has Florida, MisstBsippl and all the southern stutoí. But whou yon base ' that reppesentetlon apon popülatton, llic imuilifi' of men. the voti-rs in th.nt populfttlon are permittod to vote 1 at the poll in order to decide who your ' representatWes shall be; but out ot th ' BMlliona Of OH that are countc'.l as part 1 of the popnlation of many of onr onitto'statea in this country, votes are í not pcrmittfdtobi' casi, and if cast nre not coimted, so that tlie representa; ion I there is not based upon the population. ' 'I 'hoy iiiive a representation declared ' eordiiiK to tho population, but at the ' Nttne time that population doei not ' ercise the power in rotitttf at the ballot bdx. sO tM ás tastana the ballot is ', oeraed, and coanbns the ballot, but it ' exercte's tliat power and control ontside of tht' toto, and without tho vote, bul ¦ morel} on population. bul doclaring a aotethai h;r noi taken i SuppöM you lake three Btatefi. Florida lias 269.188 popolatidn, oasting ."'!.-'7l ,.i', ... sili ral votee. Misái-sippi. witli a population of 1,161,"':',', and a majorit) of colorod people. cast in 1884, 130,019 and i electoral votes. South OaroUna, popnlation 996,.r77; ehe v;:t 81,628 votes at the preeidential election and B oloctoral votes. 'ila' ansregftte popnlation of those three Buppose we take the toteol three BtatW north'. The aggresinte tote of the three sonthern whieh I have tnentioned ia 371,516, witli '.'l' votes in electoral college. Take your own state of Michigan. 8ne has a po;ulation of l,6!t(!,S87. Hor mote in I (Si m;is 101,186, and sho has IS TOtee in the electoral college. Michigan with nvor 100,000 votos oast lít votes in the electoral college, while tho Ihree southern states with 271,816 rotes, cast 22 Votee in the electoral college. I meiely ask the jui rtton. In South Carolina the majoritv of the popolatien is colored and also Mi-si-sipjiiinöt so in Florida, but BO mach so as to e.pialize it in the three states. Tob can jndgs tor mrselTes as to how those votes were cast. or whethei a full vote was permitted to be oast. Let us o on without stopping at 'Pake Michigan and Wiseonsin and put tho -e t wo states topjether. With nrarly three timoiï the votes cast by those they voted '_'! electoral votes to 2.'- as I gay with nearly three times the uiimber of votes cast that were theother three states by the two northern state, and theV cast bui two . lectora) votes than tlie three 3outhe: ii statMi Now, Iet us take Minnesota: it has a population oi T8Q.788: Totes cast, l'.Hl.OTK, than Florida, Mississiprji and South OaroUna, and nhe has , eleotorial rotea, and they have _'.' with only. as I have said. SI, IK) loss than those three states, yet she votes 7 to thoir -'-'. Ninv. tiieii. take lowa, population l.iL'l.iil"., votes. 377.153; her vote iu the electorial eoUege is i:; sh votos a larger vote, as does Michigan, than all three of these . n statte; she has the same mimber in the electoral ooilege a Michigan, a littlu more than North Carolina, where they only vote two-thirds of the rote of the state of lowa and the s' Michigan' Take Illinois with ;;.0777l popnlation. with i;7i,ÍHH votes: sho lias bnt L'l votes. Compare hor with these three litt'n state?, where the popu s half-oolored and more, thej rote me number in the electoral college that she roten, with 271,000 votes, when she votes 0T3,8OB. Let usgo on wilh it- for thi table, Whet) we OOtne to examine it,,thoiiüh it is very JMfy, is vety lntereating. The population Of Alabama is 1,262,803, hor -votes oart were lö4,0U8. her electoral vote was 10. N.i.v, Ilf-.HlX) of the votei-s in Alaare eoloi-ml people, 186,0 white votprs. but she votos 154,000, a 30,000 moro than she has . : so the 118,000 Totere in the OI Alalii'.üia who are colored - if you takB 20,000 and add to the white i roten you have the vote of Alaban i the balance perhaps do uot vote, or if the blaekü aft voto tho veintes do not- yon can judgd , OUfseli as to who did the . voii', bter.] I . i !.- i i. ¦ :i In another shape: Let us take nlni ! I cali your at' (ontiou particularly to this -lot us take niiie states without Jumping b '. without mixingthemup. Takethenine 1 Houthera siat's that have a oolored popu' lotion in them: rtttuni Florida, ' Siiutli Carolina, N'orth Carolina. Qeotgia, Ai.ih;nu;i. MissisBÍppi, Louisiana. 'I . Take tho . run Ui,, line sumiré aoross where the colored population mostly reside, and take the popnlatlon, take tte vcá in; power and thon take the rotes, mul wint thpy havo : rejfreseutation in -- mul in the eleotoral college. The nine state-; which I have nientioned havo in votes !,:v.N.uu I, and they cast 88 electoral v(),c-. No.v the nlas northweftern stnteB, tnolading Michigan and Ohio, the nme nortliwestoni state, inölading Kansaa and Nebraska, they rote 8,40,MC, and cast toni 118 votes in the eleotoral oollege, only 86 morethan 1,:CO,OU pive. There we vote mora than two Hiul one-lmll times more than thejr do iu tho nine southern state-, and yot bot 86 more electoral votes tío Oaíl tli;in thcy iM-st. Let us take u;d iivrraye it. Tf you make thii oomuntation jronreelrea youwill hml that 16,8] votMin those nine southern [ivBSthpman electoral vote: ron take tlie nine northern statei nnd it cacea ;K),in")2 votes in the last election to give yoa nn elortoral vote. Le us ro on a ïittle furtuer: It reqnires to (jive them a metttberof congress, if they were eleoted on thp basis of the votes caat, 21,884 votes: and in the nine northern states wlii'li I hnvn mentioned it would require ;jit. ()." votes to elect a inember of OdagMH Take it in anotheruay: Tak the iopulation nnd Kreante it: take these nine louthern states, and tlu'ir popttlanon is -J; take the nine northera tint W are rompanntf witli tliem and the population is 1B,OOÖ,BB. Of those nine northern states, with IS,000S54, on the population, then we come to the vote: the total vote ea-t In the nine northern states wal 8,640,-546; the nnmbei ¦( peopu entjtled ti) vote in the nine northern states was 8)854,789 Ijcím a ots in that election ot 314,194 votes, that ia, the nine northeru states cama w'ithin 814,194 out of 16,0MM pppulaUott of eastinsj every vota they Were cinitedtiieast by the census of li80. W.-ll. jou take the nine southern states, ththeir 9,986,682, they hadvot Mee, accordinu to the census, aniountiug to 1,170,085, but they cast 1,3)0.014 votes. Of the votes, 2.170,065, i vvhicli T hnve mentioned, 898,942 were i colored voters - that is, persons entitled i to vote. Now, how does tlie vote Rtandï I As l have !-aiil. thej roted i Irnrt that from tlie 2, 170,085 that lln y 1 were cntit! il tú oost aud it leaves 780,071 t tlmt were not cast. I ( (ut of r votinK population, in ronnd i aamben, of a liitle over twoinili they lose 70,000 votes, whiofa nre not 1 east; And out of over three1 million ¦ entitled to vote in the nine nortMrn i st.-itcs, we lose a little over three dred thousnnd. Take the colored vote rapare it; it ainounted to Mi'..:l IL', Iml the vote not voting was 1 being 118,271 more votes oast thau the nagro TOM added to the white, i su thert is la all 700,000 votes ] aecounted for in those nine ptaies, and with wliat yoo know, therebeins ouly a little over 600,000 colorad voters in the i whole nine stiltes, and 780,000 not votinn. yon fan fonn your own conrlu-ion as i whether the white peoplo or the colored people voted; in other words, you aan form your own conclusión ns to whethsr n reuillicaii is allowed to votu in tlioso stafes or in many of them. Now, I have a ijl'OSi inany timin i here, but l wil! nol detniiiyou with thi'in, bul I dsfj .iiiy man. I oarenot whohe if, to tnke the noriheru states aud Fouthern to bakf thaaa all togethtt or separate them, as you have a mind to, it no diff'erence whether you toko them by nines or ly tium hy a dozen, or tako all the stiltes thai were in thü rebellion, and all the and thcir population. aud pat it all to(jether, and 1 toll you th.a tlie dsoreasa in the vote will come very naat fttting tho number of oolored men tliat are entilled to vote so close that any man eau see whother or uot they are permitted to vote. Now, my follow oitizens. it will not do for auy man to say that these colored mea have not the right to vote. If you did not intuid them to vote you ou::ht not to have put it in the constitution that they should vote. You t;ave them the trift, and in öod's name do not tnke it froni them. You made them citizens, you made them voters. and they were made roten while these men were not entitled to vote, if the truc rulo liad been enforced. But now they daro to come forward and claim control of the government, and take poMi of the government with the Qsacei ahowing tnnt theit voten did not KO the iolllir northefn roten dia. ïod aan judae whether the colored men are demócrata. The state of South Carolina. with a lm 'it eolored population than white. . slie had 81,000 white in the .-tale, and a lar'er ec-lnnd population than white. The oolored Teinthe niajority. but they do not rote. The repnbucans are in the tnaiority in South Carolina, in Mlssissippi, in Louisiana. in Alabama, if they dan tl : the polls. Now, my countiynien, say what you please, but the time is mre to com ns surely as tomorrow's sim will rise. when this thiflg will have to stop. Some day some man will be eandidate at the t igntl narty in this country that will not submit to his followers being driven trom the polls and to the othor side galnibg rictory by fraud and vi'ilence. Thej had better learn this Iesson now than to have a mttM dearet one in the future. I hope to God the time will never come when blood will be shed in this country again, for any reaion of thst kind or any other: bol the very same conrse of conducl that brottght on the war is followed by the democracj today. They_ precipitatea war apon this nationby tryingtororoetiorthern people tosnbini' toslaveiy when they were opposrd to it. nntil the exoitemont (rrew, nuil war (ollöwi Now, ihe have oommenoed dein -iviiur the republicana of tbe Bouth of the right to vote, thal Is, they deprive-them of th depoiitingof bailóte, and of the, rinht to have their ballot counted. Tliey have done thal until they have succeeded in vtnifyini; the whole soutli. in makint; it like one Btate, a BOlid, compact body. Now tlui menced trnvelinff nortttvww; i'.Tpy have visitad Chicago' and ('iiK'imií'ti and have i-onmienoed the ..uur tnoTBtnent in order to o,.] possession of tlús government that they undertook before. Now they attempt to take possession by fraud. Then attempted it by foreiiiR slavery U[ion the people. The people will stamt snob thiiiL's just, so long and no louter: min teil you. my coontrymen, I fear for the future. That ík to ¦ay, I fear that thil thing will so on until it will produce the result that I have ¦tated. Bo, 1 say, il better be stoput d. And let me iiive warning here toni ont repnblioan Iriendi in the north who ; an apology f or their own honor and their own people, and who prefer the trade of the south to thcir own patriotism. To evory such repnblican I sny that he. better join this band of law-brcakers, and be oueof them. Hul let every repnblican that loves his fiiiru r . ei rj man that believes in repnblioan ideas, etery man that believes in tlüs grein tuüon and lts benefits, wl 'i fhowered iwm all men. that here, ! nul .-tripes, cvery rían th;it believi - th&l he glory of thismighty country bete o eftch and eYerj on of her Bont), (veryone who believen t hal the future shall ' ring pfosperito anti happinesa to the sonuiig generntions, and who desihelp in reaching thia result, let h'm tf" ' forward and 11 I hiiu lay, "J BOT tor law nul order, I atn for peaoe. Iamagainsi lln' vioLitmn and brettkinff of lnws: llicrcfore I air 8gins( the liemoonitic party. Wiiy. m.v oounttymèu, thif demoo party - but 1 have spoken too long already ol go on, goon)- why, utm taid by the gentleman trom New ïórk, wliat principie hare the demcx party? Wliat ptlnoiplea dia il nooratio pari'., na I said, bowed to l'nu'la'id so fel m hertheonee ooncemeü o) : naattew of out OWn nade and our own labor. was one of the grent ideas; buuiaolee f ot the UmbeofmSn was nn(Ulier of theit great ideas. Those tWO ideas (¦)¦.¦ the mast prominent. : trade anti slarery, mul tlieir deSlre to powei li'Ti'ïi1!1 they oonid do it. It is the same parly thal we lind today. Wlmt luive they done, my oountrymen, (hal they control this government I ¦ That they oontrol it is trne: but why? How did they attain power? liy hating BUBtained th union? Certainly not. By haring sustoined the industries and Laboi f this oonntry? Oertainly not. l!y havins sustaincd the credit of this govemment? Certainly not By haring oustained our. tinaucinl system? Oei tainly not. What. theT, hai pul them in power? It is on DO idea that the democratie party haa ever irinnd','ated, 110 proposnion they have erat advanoi ee't tlui one hypoOritioal oant thn heard all over the land: "BefOrminthe civil s, rvice." nd abeaiitiful reform it i.. lietorm! If Mr. and I ha e hanght to say thal tl offouBive aboiit liitn as vresideut- wantR to i, I cnntell himhow he can do it and bring oy totht beuti of the American people. Let him reform th democmtie jmrty, the lirst thing he does. Let forin the votinu in the south. Let him ia; to the democratie party: " Iheae people must vote.'' That la the greatee reform, tind if would save more troublo tliüu any reform that he can commence to cnrrv out. As far ns the civil Berrice reform is concernid, tliere is nobody tlmt 1 know of but wants tho civil service reforrned wherever it needs reformintf. , Nobody Iliat 1 kBOWOl "l'jects to that: bat this pretense, this btunbng, this tattng the i'liild of the repnbüoan party and hugging it tu liis bosom iintil he s;ets laaide of the f;unily miinsiou, iind tlicn turnin it out had puttinü it Da to MUM nm-se tliat never heard of it bef ore, nud then on in; out. "I mn the projortor of reform in th eltu aertisa," tlmt 1 bbJ ii not what we want. Anil they are leformini; mnch further, ray country ineu. l'Yom HM time of Vnsliinton down to the present ii lm alwan dnd an idea amona the people of this country that thepeople were entitled to know somethiuii BbOtti the marnier of d.iiiLr the bnsin tliis areat government. That the people were entitled to htar whnt was done. Now, let ns see, for one moment Wnj'. Thecry ha beeu aauiust the publican party for years that it was oonsolidating the power of the gOYerment and rtntrmlirinfl it in congres?, and in the execntive departmcnt of the govêrnTTuiit. Thu ery was that we, the republican party, were bringing about a centraliztd forra of povernment. Well, a grent many republicana thought eo, too. Bnt how is it now, ou demócrata that lo not want centralization? Your president and lus oabinei have sluit themselves tip in Ihoir shelh and ha. s&id to the people, "You ciin i sce any papen tlint we have got. We wilt lix-k up the departments. You oannot examine the reeotdg. YönOannot know what has been snid nbont tliis man. You ennnot teil whether he lias tu i ooaed of beina a thlef or not. ion ehall not know nnyihiug about it. The people bars 110 ruht to know." Now, my fellow citizens, t havetalked ff) you n greatdeal longor (lian I intendcd. il go mi, go on]. No, when I got iii I did not Intend to make inuch of a speech. A Veil, I haven't either, much of au une. I havo detained you somewhat, r. I thought thut, inasrauch a we liad come from Washington, one for onc porpose and nnother for anothor, I would teil you what I came for. Of oomse we uil cnme to see you, bnt a couple of us came for auother purpose. My frïi'iid Kvarts onmo here to correct bis Bentenoea, and 1 cnme here to correct, my grammar. [ Lnughter and applS.nM.1 1 viil nol account for any of the visits of the other gentlemen. I was induced to ,do it from tho fact that I had heard a lood manj nood stories about it, undl thouglit I wonld comeoutto Michigan to fiiid out about it. I traveled over this state a oouple of yearR aso, and so thongbi I would try and tind out whethcr they liked my kindof fframnnr or not. I found an [rishoaan laat fall, and be had found nnother, so there were two oftlium, walkiuji along, both demoorata. On iaid to the other: "Pat, T am i.'oiiv to vote for that fellow Lóftan. "i), no, you won't," said the othor: "Why, lie is B republican." Said the tirst oni'.' Duin thp ilivil 8 bit do I care about that. lam oing to vote for liini. Do ye know what he did when hO went over tö Londonf "No," taidthS other, "ha1 did he do?" "Why, he was diud by all tho lords and digmtane. and nll the high people over there; but do ye know. he was murtlieriu' the king'S EñgÚsh all tlio time." Ho I thought perbaps ii might help me to come out here amohg my friends in tlie west and see whethef 1 had itnproved any or not since I bad i'; n away. Now, my fellow citizens, layins jest aside, I am truly glad to have been here Luncht. I feel that I am much betterby my comiug, and tbat yoO will be much better by my gOmg. But I hope that repttbllcaftisln in your proud state will ruw like a youug and vigprous shoot, that you will decide tho cause of republicanisin is not old and totterim; on the road. but that it ís youuR, buoyant and strong, and that you will in the future carry republican ideas, in the reptlblican party, in the only way that it oañ be done, and that is by ndyocating republicHii iriuciples, by telling the truth in favor of your neighbor, and against ypur neighbor if he does wrong, and that you wilïnot be aslmmed to do it. It requires bold men, men of nervp. men that are not afraid of the truth, and men that are not afraid to assert the rights of the people. So let the republican party be wliat it wa?, a few years ago, fearles-. liforoas, enerijetic, ooid, full of pütriotism, full of deteniiiniition, of the iron will that belonps to men. Let it be developed and let it go forward in that way, iihd victory is just as oertaintoperoh upon republican bannen at the next election as that eleotion comes around. I tliank you, ludies and gentlemen, very kindly tor giviog me ao ".-enerous and courtëous a hearing tonight. For baving detained yon so very much longer than I iutended, so muuhlonger than the time allowed to me, í nixilogize to to you and hope you will pardon me for doiug it. A tempest of npplause rewarded the ¦ repuMiCui (eader as he sat down after lus mnstorly efTorf. and looked ealinly thé aísembly. It soon broke iato terriflc oheering. a votae cried: "ïhree cheem foi Logan!" The members Belzed the napkins oa tables and whirled thfin round and round over their heads; others .umpc 1 ; npou ctiairs and waved their liats and handkerchiefa. Kucli musiiifr cheers were never Heard in the theater before. t (jOgall's statement that the republican part] wpnld have a candidato soms day wlio would not permit the election ids in thi' south. lii-. listeners saw the i meanilig and signiftoance of the remark. ¦ and cries of "Logan!" "Yes, Logan! .'i wen! np. an. I the excitement and i applanse did no! expend themselves for - serernl momentn. MANDERSON'S ROWDY WEST. , Thr N'chrasU.i siiuitir"s Short and Splcy Speech. "The Iflsl n'L'uhir toast of the eveuinj;, aid SentitOr Palmer, "will be MepofflMd u by fchai gallani soldier. OOOíteOúS xenlemnn and iliscrot lei-hitur. Sonntop '. F. Mandersou of Aichnt-kü - ' Our iowdy Empire: the lïowdy West.' " Mr. Mandarson said; ir. clinuui'in, Lculies, fYUow Republi¦ií,iN and Vi ntiw r of tka Michigan ht: Tii. I.-4H-. -niniversary of the birthdny ingtoa, and MllliviTf iry if the birth of your lub, are evento of lic pMt, for theyocuircd upun yestor hiy. (The senator esnn speakini; at .". minutos lifter 12. ) F h a t fact ftlono viMild bo ufficieut ;-; -iim why I sliould i itt bnt a few aoments. (itn. Uinn happily ed hi i Bajring that our friend Mr. Hitarto faafl eome hefe to leud a lesBonintl ationofhi eenteucos, andtha i.ognn) had come here tooorrcot grammar. I tlunk, hs I realize Iho lateuess of tliu hour mul Ma Ure patiënt attentiou tliat you have ivi-ii to the Varióos speakers, I min' ver' properly lere toteara a lesson of patience. I wonld 1)0 doing violence to my own sense of Uio proprietiefl, on interest¦i-ion. if I failed tO t'ivo yoii most hearty thatiM tot the invitution tlmt brought me hertj and the tlatteriug compliment wliioh you have paid me. 'I nis ürst amnversary of the birth of y.mi olnb, will, I hope, be succeeded by man; othen ahd as tlu years roll on, I fcel mire from whftt I pe hcre toniRht, thattheinterot of these occRnlouR will be preatly iucreased by rejoiciu'i lor victories won as the result of this orsanization. Senater Palmer has well said that organization is theneedof the honr. Iti go, and I hope that hut a short time will i laiwe beforafivory citizen of the pt.te i.f Michian who loves pnplic pnrity will tind his name enrolled among the mcniberahip of tliis club or ome of it numerous auxiliary branches. You are, I beUi m'. to aoBDrapUsh a rent work, and beilig in hearty syffipathj with yoa iuit, I bid you (iod spMCk "(lur New BOiplte: the Rowdy (e?t. Whete urn I to look for the seotion that fhould be so denominated, in all that tnsgniflóept ilomain, extendin from the reitera boandary of the original thirtera f-tati-s to theshores of the l'aritic. from the Ohio, the belle of rivers. to the (rolden gsto, all of wlurh has fprun: into life and bla&g tinoe the father of his country wrouyht his pert.rt wotk? ('ertainly not in the central west, with it mamifloent oitle, thrifty villaee. linly nol in Michigan, nor within the borders of the nsignborine rtatM M ohio, Indiana, Dlinoií, lowa and wisronsin. TfatM oommunitiea are too oíd and ttaid tobe either boisterous or turbulent. Rowdyism is an attribute of royigorona youth. I must u" farther wist than the States I have unmed to ftnd the country thal jou mean by the toast thftt has beeu propasad, l must o, 1 take it, U the country that lies west of that mighty river that heads where the geysers ebb and flow, and that drains the riohest continent npon God's footstool. I must go west of the Missouri, I take it, to flnd that element of rowdyism that you are pleased to characterize in the toast. I must go to Nebraska, my own state, I apprehend. Aud I presume, to giye a fitting response to this toast, aecording to the eastern idea, I should come here covered with the sombrero of the cowboy or the leather-breeches of the miner. I must go to Kansas or to Colorado. Will, let me for a few moments advert to those three states that 1 am willing to confess constitute the riotous. turbulent and rowdy west. What is their brief history? All of them have come into being si nee the birth of the republiean party. Kansas came into the union, with her strange. marvelous history, at the outbreak of the great war, when republican Bentiment beat democratie treason. She came to us under very remarkable circumstances, and those circumetances are the more remarkable in that history is repeatiug itself. Tlie very measures, the very means, the very motives that actuated the democratie party in 1861 are actuating the democratie party in the congress of the United States today m the case of that new and great empire of the nortnwest. the territory of Dakota. borne speaker said tonight. very happily, that the democratie ]arty seems to learn nothing. And in the twenty-hve years that have etapsed sinco the nttempted outrage upon Kansas, the democratie party have ceriamly learned nothing with referenco to the admission of states. Upon tlie northern border of tlie fair state from whence I come, is this territory of Dakota; settled in very largo degree, as the state of Nebraska is settled in large degree, by citizens of ( mo, Indinna. and of the península of Michigan; a thrifty people, a christian people, numbering south of the forty-sixth paralel nearly VAOOO with a ratio of literacy greater than that of any other territory or state in this uuion: demaudlng admission year after ycar at the hands 'of congress, coming in due and ancient form, coming as many another territory has come to congress bcfore, with a eonstitution republican ín form. and asking admission. And yet Dakota is to be denied admission, denied selfgovernment in this self-govornlng republic, for the same rèason that the democratie miuority in 19G1 voted agoinst the admission of the state of Kansas. But in the Bensteorthi Onited States, a short time a."o, when the Dnkota bill was bronght bf {ore that body, had the manlini'ss to vote for th( admission of that territory. I honor tlie Hon. Daniel Vorhees for that actlon. Whatthe fato of the in th house of ropresentatives it is not liaril U foretell. With the largo democratie majority there. this territory will be denied admission. and until some corrupt and villainous bargain can be made bj which, in the electoral collego and m tho senate of the United States, the democracy can see a chance for au even división of votes and the perpetuation of their power, Dakota will remain out m the cold. Why, my feUow republicana, if there was no other issuo than this upoi whieh to make the campaign of 1H88, it seems to me that would be all-sufficient for it is an outrage, the dimensions of , which will grow upon you as youthmk or hear more of it. But I do not prdpose to attempt, at this late hour, to make, any üetailed remarks. I want to congratúlate yon upon this rnagnificentpolitical feast which yol have had here tonight Late as tl hour is, I would very gladiy have re mained in my seat to hoar more of the senteuces of Evarts, and the stalwart, patriotic utterances of John A. Logan. do not take so gloomy a view of the tutu rt as does Gen. Logan. It seems to me the signs of the times are brighteuing for late. Ibelieve that that element of the republican party that brought to it defea in 1884 will acquire wisiloiii by Inss. do not refer to the rrnigwilmjj element I doubt whether, ' if one wottk come from the dead, he couli teach wisdom to that defectec part of the republican organization. Hu I refer to other elements Hrïthin ou ranks. I refer to the republican labo element. I believe that it will see, as ou friend Guenther said in the course of hi remarks, that tho proper home of the laboring man is within th ranks of the republicau party, refer to that other element, worthy o mach praise, for they are seeking, 1 think in a wrong marnier, to accomijlis] great and abundant good - I mean th prohibition element of the republieai party. Applaus-. ] I feel that they wil iee, by the year 188, that it is not wis dom, not the cause of true temperanet reform, to repeat the fiasco of a St. John candidato. DAnd so believing, as I think of th great issues that are to enter into tha canvas, as I think of the noble leaders whowill (raap the standard with tlmissues imprinted upon it, as I think tha we may march on again, iu 1888, uude the lead of James G.Blaine [applauie] or perhaps under the lead of Ver mont's great statesmau, Kdmuud applause]. or perhaps under the lead of this favored son, not ouly of th Empire state, but of the country at large Evarts - applause] - or perhaps ande the lead of the Black Eagle of the Wes - [prolouged cheersj - or perhaps goint, out into the country close to the rowdy west, under Allison of Iowa, or Ingnlls o Kansas, I say to you that with any o these or the other leaders I migh name to you, in 1888, the re publican party will, I believe, marel oji to victory, aiul that unde the gnidance of the Michigan club th state of Michigan will stand where sh stood when Zach Chandler bore her ban ner aloft. fProlonged applauee.] Anc when that time shall come you will tind standing shoulder to shoulder with you in the victorious host of states thos wMch do not defect, even in off years- the states of the rowdy west. MESSRS. HORR AND CONGER These Favorite Michigan Statestnen Say a Few AVords. In response to repeuted calis, the Hon Roswell G. Horr was introduoed ant Bpoke as follows: Ptílote CiÜsentof Michigan: I know you cannot expect that I shall occup your time at this late hour. I carne t listen, not to talk. Although I had beei told that they would require at my hand a few remarks upou the toast o "Washington the Protectionist," I am bound to carry that speech homo with m tonight. But having listened as I hav to the words of wisdom of our friend from Washington, I want to say on word to them on behalf of tlie people one of whose humble members I no am. I want to ask you, gentlemen o the United States senate, to go back t Washington and act just as plucky as yo have talked tonight. And I want to sa to you that we have shown you the kim of peopl that are at your backs When I think of the effort just beint, made to strike down the great industrie of the United States, and espeejally th great industries of the statr of Michigan I know that I only echo the sentiment not only of the republicans of our stati but also of large numbers of democrat who live within our borders, when f-uy (to1 blett the republican senati The country is looking to them now fo its relief. The country knows that tha body stands today true to the party tha has ilone so nmch for this nation in s many ypars gone by. And it has don me good to sit here aud listen to th wonderful words of courage that hav flown from the lips of these dignitiet senators. I eipected it to come from Logau's grammar, but further than tha I had fears. We leave here touight, all of us full o courage and full of hope. because w have heard nothing but the same sentí ment that in the past carried our part on to victory. Let each man of Mirln gan go to his home filled with hopa and jguewed courage, because we know thnt ay the principies that we lovo so much re not dead. Michigan republicism is livo. I know these gentlemen feel ít rom the presence of this meeting, banking jou for this kind greeting, and cnowing it ia time we all went home, I id you good night. Senator Conger being called loudly or, addressed the chib as follows: Mr.Pre$idmL and frllow memben of ie Michigan Club.' It was understood efore I left Wnshington, that I, as one f the early members of this club, and ther gentlemen belonging to it were not to speak tonight; but I came here to join with you as members of the Michigan lub in hearing on this occasion these listinguished gentlemen and others here expected to meet with us to fill out the rogram of tonight and hear what they lad to say to us. I do not need to talk, f I could spenk with the voice of an angel, to the men whose faces I see ïere touight, about republicanisin, about duty, and nbout the wants of he country, and about the protection of our labor and tho protection of all the nterests of this great fttate of Michigan, which sieepfl here surrounded by its border lakes and dotted by its interior akes, with all its great industries, vitli all its magnificent proporions, but, better than all, with hat grand army of republicana which, wheu the trumpet calis to real danger, to he institutions of the country, is nlways awake and alive, whether for the battleof he rebellion or for tho protection of the nterests of the American people in common with thcir own. Sonic time we will meet here to consult ind to talk in our owu way, make our )vn plans, devise our own methods, give hought and uttcrance to our own emoious, and hopes. and wishes, and give directiou to our own efforts. No man has sat around theee teblM tonight, none of the old war horses of he republican party, and none of the lioung members of that party, but what n looking over this vast crowd, knows within his heart that we have but to consult, we have bnt to organize the tremendoni streucth of tho republican party in the state of Michigan to carry it with a triumphant mnrch to victory. When that time comes we will need to talk, but toniííht we will retiect upon tho word-; of wisdom and eucouragement whioh have been given us by rjurmiestê whom we turra invited to come and join us ou this occasion, and I, iu behalf of tho club, and I know in full accord witli tho sentiment of every member here tonight, thank theee gentlemen for having left. the halls of Eegislation and spent a whole day and anothêr day in going and retarning to look upou our taces and join in our deliberations. I will not detain yon longer tonight. I have a great hope that sotne time in the future we may meet and gird on the armor for the coming light, andlhat we eau have such a crowd together as we have tonight, the old men for counsel, the young men for 8trenth and the republican party rrjuvenated and strengthened, panoplied for theeontest in this state for the next year, and strengthened for the great conU'st which will decide the fate of this country, in ray judgment, for years to come, that will be upon us in 1888. The fires of your patriotism are rekindled at the altar tonight. and when I meet you again, as we shall meet here and elsewhere the coming eampaign, I do not doubt that I shall find the glow of patriotism and the energv of character peculiar to Michigan men exhibiting itself in harmony, and in labor, and in struggle, and in endeavor to win back our state to the proud, old position which it occupied from the commencement of the war, as the birthplace of the republican party anil the state in which it has carried out its best principies to full fruition and to ]erfection among our own citizens. [Applausel. The banquet then broke up with three rODS&lg cheers for Logan, and dispersed with the band playing "Huil Columbia." LETTERS Or REGRET. Eminent Itepubllcans Who Were Present in tlie spirit. The majority of tlie letters following were not read at the supper but were tumed over to Thk Teirune for publica tion by the committee#on invitation: Augusta. Me., BUa 17, 1W Ihar Sir: - I Imvc poatpoaêd answerin yotir letter of Dec. 19, so long that 1 fenr yo may roübider mo diflCOQlteoQS; but t hope( theie migirt be some prohability of mj ao cepting jour invitutiou, and tfaeraion waite until the last moment. I am nnw compi'lhM to exinesB my sincere regret that 1 shaH no be ablo to Hhare with the BSiohigaD republj ins their interestins eeh'bnttio.i of tlie'JJc It will tiivi' pleasure tcj republieansthrouKh cmt the conntry tu observe uriíjinird detei mination on the part of their MichigHl brethn'ii to re-eetablish their oldwtrpucrth ant prehtiiif1 in the state, l am Kure joi will fint complete victory within yonr gnwp, and if do not mistake the sius of the timos yonwiJ 1-.CMÍVC in your good work Mme valuable ait from our politieal opponente, l'niy (;ive my cordial greotings to your asnociate-. in the mtinii. Ammg th,. name prominPiit in the nr.'iiiizat jon 1 obedrv thoee of mRny valued personal friends. Wit great respect. 1 am ver sinc-rely yourp. JammU. Blaine. John Atkinson. Eso., Detroit. Mich. Nf.w Youk. Vb. U, 1888. .U. ¦.m. C. H. Bulil, Omar l. Oonger, Bu eelt A. Alger, Hcni-y V. Haldwin. Thonuu II Palmer, úavid H. Jtrome. Auntin h'loii and FhiliptT. IV Ztte. Committee, ¦¦. Oentlemsn : 1 tltauk yoQ for your invitatio t bE presentas an iionorary jrnest at the firs annÍT6raaiy meetins iind banquet of th Michigan club at Detroit on the "2d of thi mohth. 1 have to regret that I cannot avai myself of your kind attention. I ehould hav been glad to meet aaiu my friendrt in De troit, and I sincerely regret to lose this plena ure, as albo the further nititícntion that Bhould huw had in hearing discussed tlie im portant subjects that are to Tgagn yim T ni tention, and more especiaily the quettioo o labor, which i serionsly threatening th peace of the country. 1 am, gentlemen, trui youre, .1. e. Fukmoxt. Vl( K-PllKSIDENT'S ('HAMBEK, I , Wvsiii.NiiTiiN, Jan. 28, 1886. f Your letter of the I invitin me lo tttenr) ttic aiinual mveting and baiHiue of the Michican club on the ''d of Februar 18 received. It woqu sive me creat pleasur to accept, but the necessity of my preeenc here U discharge ol ficial duties will m allow me to leave a the time. The birth day of Washington i a mile-etone in Amor cun history which ma well be celebratíMi with 1 wnqdet and j. I top for all who gather ogctíieron this crnnionin yotir bettatiftü City OÍ thegtmita hap. piness and lone lite. Very tnily yonrs, JOHN öHkumas. llenry A. Haih, Secretar}', etc., etc, Washington, i. ('., Fob. 11. 18S. Mr. Bdmandfl tycrcts his nability to ftooêpt tli ¦ jMiiilt' invitiitiou of the Michigan club to Httond ÍU flrst annivcrsary meetíng and buuquot at Detroit on theSBd inst. He been to itmnk üh offioéU ior theirkiml reoollectioD of Kim and to wish for thetr club and all Lts members that Imppiness and proe(Kirity whidh is Dtomlsed bj its present orpanizrition and by it locatioa in the stato of Michigan. Nkw York, Fob. 12, 18S6. Mr. ('fipeter A. Artlinr eincorely resretB tluit other oiiírafíomentR wili prevont liim trom itti-ndiiiii the inTtinKand hannuet f tho Michigan club at Detroit on the 22u inst. Unitkd States Senatk, Washington, D. '., Feb, J7 1880. Í - Memrt, H. V. Bafdwin, R. a. Algtr. O H. Jerome, r. If. BuhL f. r. FanZOe.Commttieeonlnn'x' on. Dettoit. Mieh.iOentlcm.en : I havo tlilayed niy rejily 6o yonr very obl i tfUlg favor of ulto. Sih, hopinff that my engUK&S&ta miglit perniit meto accept yonr invitation to ftttend the banijnot nf thfl MichiRiin club in the 22d infit., bofe to DBJ preat resret, I find that i t w i 1 1 he i m posbible to attand. With (hankfiforyoar 1 remain, most ro-IActfully, John J. Ingalls. Stat ofillinoih, ) Exkcutivk Office, Sl'BINOI 1KI.1), F.'li. Ut, In'i Senru A.Haigh, Sern tary,etc: DtarSir: - Your tettoi 'f thelSth invitins me to be preaeal at tlio nomine annivprsaryon tlui 2"il i r i-t ih rpceivod. l wnuld ndued be inuch ; Kfistifiod to nttend nioii that craaion, but do I uut bue how it will bo poeeiblo íor me lo leav ie city at that time, as I have one or two ositive engageniente for that day. Reepectully youn.. H. J. OQLKBBY. Hkadqdartkhs Akmï Unitkd States, ) Washington, D. C, Fob. 17 1886. J Tirar Sir: I am dosired by Laeut.-"'ii. Shcridan to acknowledgn jour invitatton to )6 present ut tho banquet of the MirhiElui lub on tho evening of the 22d inst., and to xpress hie rpgrets that his other eiicagements or that day will Dot permit h i in t o have the leuaure of beini? present. Yours truly, 8. K. Blunt, Lt.-Col. and Ad. D. C. ! WaXjL Btukkt, t New York, Feb. 10, lfwrt. S Oentlematu ricaao receive my thank for onr nvitation, and my renret for beint; comlled tofrp;c)(li' pleesure ot lt i'fi-ptuice. ïonr obedient servant, Kokcoe CONKUNO. J.H. Bahl, Ksi)., president, and others, mTitatiun committèe. Michigan clnb. C'OMMONWF.ALTH Oï MA88ACHUHETT8, ) KXECUTIVK DKI'AUTMKNT, Boston. Feb. 8, 18HB. ) Mr.C. H. Buhl, President Michigan Club, Detroit, Mich: Vear 8ir:-l am in rewipt of your favor inviting me to attpnd the nrst nnniversary meeting and t)anqnet oL the Michigan clutï on the oveniuK of ttie 22d nst. I regret that because of the i i of the leginlaturn and tho prrwsure of oficial lnties I cannot at Ihat time aecept jon jrofferedcourtcsy. Honini; tnat the eyent may tx succewíful and replete with onjoyment I am yourg very rpspert f ully, (O. D. ltOBINSON. The follèwins dispatch was received ate in the ufteruoon: Vsiiin.-,ton, D. C, Fob. 22. . m A. Haigh, Secret ary Mickimn chili: Dear air: .metime ago I ezpialned to fsouítlor t'iura'.'r una u wiíh quite ijRpoBsible for me i uitrinl the banqnet of the Mirliirau club this evoninR. lint 1 miist not npRlect. ii -i ccially and heartUiltiik the club for the tii;li liouor of tlio u itation. 1 lamfnt Mu' UM of tile KH';it ít woull Jen given to Dwtn s unny ciniíu-ni -t iV.ins and i" ("ontribut'', no mnttcr how BlighÜy to the liurposf'S Of llx' gathenng. Very respect fufly, JoSKTH lï. HAWLKY. United States Sen Ate, { Washington, I. , Feb. IS, UL Í Ih-fr 8ir: [regret exceedingly that pnblio and private business will debat me the pieosiro of attending the annirewery meeting of yonr club on the 22d inst. Wishlng yoa the fnllent measuro of nleannre Indjprosperity, lam, very respeetfully, yonr 'bedient nervant, 1). M. Sabin. C. HL Huhl, Esq., president Michigan club. Senvtk ('h.amdkb, l Vshin(;ton. bJ. 15, I88tt. C. lï. Tiuhi.r resident MivKiann f.;iuh, '¦- (mt, Mich.: Deav Sir: Senator Warner Millerdireetsme to aeknowlr'.igp ttie receipt rf the invitation of your dub to a b-ioqiut on Fob. 22, and to 'av that he reffrejM QÍ8 iniibility to attend by renson of business engagomente. Yours truly. Chas. S. Wii.nuu, Secrewry. UnITID STATBtí ÖEHA.TE, ) Washington, 1). ('..Fob. lt, 18. ) Drar Sir: -I havo die honor to acknowlBdgethe receipt of your kind invitation to ttteml the fin, annivprsary banqdei of the KUchlgaa club on .the 22d iust., mul greitly regret that 1 shali be unabietoí present on that pleasant occasion. Yours truly, W. POWKLL. C. H. linlil, president, etc. United States Senate, WVSHINÜTON. I). ('., Feb. '.. 1S. Í (?. H. liuhf. Presidentiële. Detroit, Mich.; Sr; -I nm jut in receipt of your invitation tometo bepresenj as as honorary guest on tho occasion of the fiwt anniveivary meeting and banoottt of the HichigBiL olab ai Detroit, on Moivtay evouiiiK', Féb. -, 1890. 1 ZBgrei that pfSvioQB (¦n-'au'cnu-iits niakc it LmpOSSlble for me to be present. Yoars trulv, J. N. DolPH. United Kt tks Skn tk, ) WAsanraroN, I). '. Feb. y, ih. " C. H. Buhk Eaq. Detroit, Michigan: Dear Sir:- I roceived your invitation tome to bc present on t!ie occasion of the first iinnivfrsarv meeting and banqari of the Miichiaan clno at Detroit on Mouday evening, Feb. 22d. Thunking yon for tbe OOtHteo t-xtended, I at th" same time regret toeay that 1 will bf3 unable to ! presen! on tUit infeTOBting oocasioii. owing to preBSÜkg public anüee which requirp my at tention here. it would tiMotd mJplauaratO met tUe nmborH of your clu and lts honorary gtLAetsoitbe OÖOBVion mentioiied, and only refrain from a realization the reo f bgoaose of the reafeoo BtatocL Yours truly, J mk.s Wilso.x. SFN TK ('HVMTiKR, ) Washington, Feb. 18, 1885. J M'l h-ar Sr ; 1 nhould te very glad to hccepi unir kind nvitatïon to attnd tho ban-' qtteA to be given by Üie Michigan rltibon the anniversary of Waahington'B birthday, hut my engagemeuts bero are o impeffTOVe that I rannot laave the bapftaX It would he a great pleeaare to me to meet the represestattTe re publicans of Michigan, and to bid tlifin (od¦pfted in tlicir effotto. While the state has bees v.t olose in late election, and in Bome cnoofl tho rnpnhlinnn pnrtT has met wifeh reverses there, 1 am BDTe that an earnest canTB upon the living issues of the day will rasult in restoring tho olil ri'uublican mpremacy. There isnothing which tho democratie party has done durin íha last yt.'ar where it nae Been in power t invite the coofidence of old Mn-hi-an repnblioani. There is nothing which the democrat arty incliin's to do or threaton to do that should awakbQ anythhig bot distruflt and fe;ir in the breaste of cftizens of Michigan. In no ttate liave promiiseetn tlie direct ion of civil service reform b'-en more plainly violated than In Michigan, for no state has the patronage been niore clearly bestowed a a reward for political service, and at the dictation of the one man power. In no other part of the union wil! the industries of the peoplfl be more unf&vorabb afft cted by oontemplated deinocratíc tarïff legislation than in Michigan. 1 am sure that Uwee and other great coiiMilenuumB will occupy the in inda of tho people of the stat in the coming canvas and out of it. I am full in tlu1 faith that the republkan party will emeru'1 victorious. From in y kuowledge of Michigan repubUcanisni 1 am ceitain of ono thine, tiij party in the coming contoet will not fïnd itself weakened by the Iops of politiciil offices held innlir the general government. Michigan republicanas are not made of the btnfl that 1. -penda apon politiral iwitronage. No republican holding office onder the present administrstion shonld deslre or wvk U remain in office. No friend of hts tiiould dettire or seek to knp him there. The bKner be is out and in the rankt and tsharing the fortunes of the party thi bet ter for him and the bettftf for ;irt. . 1 believo this ia the sentiment of aarnest republicans thronghout the country. Thm iepahlican party gained its finrt and frceat$s1 victories when all the powem of a hostile administration was bro.ight to bear again.-t it. 1 do not belieye the spirit of the party is so broken tliat it cannot aohieve new tarDinphs under like oonditions. With all my ok1 wishes for the soooees of your meeting, lam, yours truly. KüGKNE HALE. Henry A. Haigh, Eso;., sec. Michigan club. Umtkd States Swate, i Washington, D. ('.. Feb. 12, 188H. S Dear Sir: -l beg to expresa my high appfeciation of the oonsideration you confer ly au invitatioii to the annlvereary meeting and banquet of the Michigan club. I regret that 1 canuot avail myself of the pro mi sed plaasure of the occasion. With compuinentê and cordial gool wishes, 1 am, truly yours, Mahonï. C. II. lïuhl, Ksq., president, ote, Detroit, Mich. U. S. Senate, Feb. Ö, lftfti. Mfi Dear8ir:-1 have tho honor toacknowledge t be receipt of your kind invitation to be present a au honorary gneet at th firt an nlversar) meeUng and banqnet of the Michigan club, Monday evening, Feb. '1. Il would eire me pleasore to accept thiet invitation, out my engagement will notprrniit. Very tnily ytmi-, 1ïkn.m:min HaBSISOK, C, lï. Jíuhl, Eso,., ut. etc. United 8tt-s Sf.nvtk, ï WAsniNaroN, I). C, Feb. 9. 188H, S C Hvh!,E.,., President, Detroit Mich.: Ma DrarSir: Your very kind invitution to tte preeeni at the first annivereary baiKpict of tlio .Michigan club at Detroit, Mich., on the 22d inst. is roceived, and 1 regret exceedïngly that my public duties hero at tho natioiud capital will prevent my boing present on that occasion. 1 ara, sir, yonrs truly, Philetuh Sawyer. WsuiN(iTON, Feb. 19, 1886. Mi ''r Str; 1 have waiteci until the last momert, hoping to be ahle t accept your kind invitation, hut now find it imposfüblo to leavo Washington at. the time. 1 hope your anniversary will be all yon anticípate, in the wisdom that comes from intarchango of opinions and social reunión. Very truly youn. W. B. Alxjson. ( '. H. Bnhl, Esq., iresident. State oy Iowa, Exkcittive Offite, Des Moines, Feb. 8, 188. ) The Hou. o. . Cbnger, DetrotV Mff Dem Sir. Pleate aooqpt thanks for your Kind invitation to attend your firet annivornary meeting and banquetof the M ichigan clul), on theSíd inst. I regret that public dntiafl will nfit permit mo to be with you, but 1 hope jou will have an enjoyable.time, and that it will also be profitaole to our cause. Yours truly, WlLLIAM LaRRABRE. Washington, D. ('., Feb. 20, 188Ö. Dear Sir: 1 regn-t very mnch that an engagement which i liable to take me to Huhtonfor the 22d preventa my acoeptins yonr kincl invitation to the. banouet of theMichigan club. I can only send my thankn and my test wishes for the occasion. Ver, truly vours, John D. Long. " C. EL liuhl, Esq. BCMATC ('HAMBKB, ) Washington, Feb. iw, I88tt. S Dcar Sir ; It wuuld give megreat pleasure 'o accept yonr kin.l invittion to attrad the Brit amiiversary moot ing and banquet or the Michino clnh at Detroit. Monilay evouinc next but I find it quite imposible to leeré Washington at that time. Thanking you for tho inviUition, I ani, BÍncerely yonrs, ( . If. Tlatt. D, H. Bnhl, Hq.. president Michigan club, Detroit, Mich. Housn ok Repkf.sentatives, ü. 8., v,iiiN..roN, D. ('., Feb. 1 ¦. 1886, { C II Buhl.Prmiaent and ochen, Invitation Comnitte Si íilkinru:- I have the honor to acknowledgo the rapeipt of your Inntation to be pranent at the bamiuet of tlm Michigan clnbontho22d of Fobruary, and fTBi Chai my dntiea riere prevent my acoeptnnce of same. With t liantes for yuur ooarteiy, I am, youre reapuctf ully, 'F. A. Johnson. Washington, Feb. 11. Mr. Willinm D. Kelley regrets sinceroly tliHl th deinaivlsuf public duty prevent him from accepting the invitation to lo present as an honorao guest, on the occasion of the Íi-Rt auniversary meting and banquet of the Michigan Detroit, on tho evening of Feb. 22. Houhe of Represestatives, ü. S., ï WASHIBaTOW, 0. ('., reb. 11, ÏHK. ) Hon. C. tí. Buhk, Prt iden: Dnr Nr: - 1 regret very mneh that I shall lo unable to avail of jour kind invitation to altend tho anniversary meeting and banquet "f HM Michigan Job, al Detroit, Feb. 22. V7ihing yoa a ver? happy reunión, 1 am. very truly youre, C. A. HotJTKl.l.K.. House of Rkpbf.skntvtivfs, U. 8., Í WiMUMi-roN, 1). ('., Feb. II. IflSi. S Thellim.i: 11. i'. :,,,!. Hiek.: Otear Hir:- Ihave thphonorherowith to ackuowledge tfio reeeipt of an invitation to the nrst anniversary meeting and bnmmet of the Michigan club, mi th evening ot the 22d inst, I should takenreaf pleasnro in accept ing tho name wero it powible for mo todo BO. Bol circomstanoes bevond my control render it impracticable f,rme todoso.and 1 am compelled to verj nluctantly declino tho honor. Rospectfnlly yonre, J. Lyman. House of Kepresenttives, U. 8., l Whiiini,iin. I). c. Feb, 17, MM. J Th Un,,.): II. liuhi and others, Detroit, Mirii.: Bentienen: I have yonr kind invitation of the wli ultimo, to atteml an annnal meeting of the Michigan club. 1 have delayl uniil thh late dayto anArar, hoping my enagennmt hpre would pennit of au ;irceptanco. Verymuch to m n-rot my official dut -s will not permit of it. Ver reapwtfuily yoors, Fuank Hiscijck. H'irsKOKlÍKPnKSENTATIVK.S, (J.K., VMIIN.iI .N. I). ('.. l'rh. II, I Mr.C. H. Hui'. PraideTii Michigan Club, 1'rtmil, l"i.. 1 am in recoipt of your invitation to thfl nnniversary meeting and banqaéi of Biiohigan clnb,a1 Detroit, Monday erennig, IVb. 22 1 Eeelassorad 'Imt the oooasion willb' a iiio-t enjovable min, and 1 thiTffon n-txr -t that, my dnÜes nei6 will not allow me U attend. Ven reepeotiolly, I. Sohaick. HOUSK OF ltKI'llKSENTATIVES, ) Washihoto, i. i '.. Feb. IS, !¦(). s The Hon. C. II. Bukt, r tiient Michigan Club: My DecwSir; 1 tin v itbe honor to acknowliMl' tlu' ri-r-i.t of yonr kind invitation tobe present on bhe oeeaftiOD of the nret .-un i vi -i-s'iry of the UiohigSD club, Feb. 2, l8tl, and iiiucli regrot that my olricial datiea pere pp-vent tn' trom boing with you on that i'vt'iiiiiti. Wi.-liint,' the club abunuant bu 1 am, very truly jours. Bao, V. K. Doksey. House of Kepresentativks, ) Wvsni.v.iTdN, I). e., ieb. 12, IS. Í ,' t'l 'ui' r : I havo tht' booor to acknowleilgt' rci-fipt of your nvitatioli to attend your anniversary and bauouet on 22d iiift. 1 vit; much fegret that I cannot have the pi asure ru:d enjoymeni of bfiuw witli yon on this occasion. Orhfial duties cumpel me to remain hpre. With thankrt for your courfi-y, I am, very truly yours, 080AB L. ÍACK8OK. Tlm Umi. Omar 1). Couger and othere, committce of invitutiou. House of Kkprksknt tives. U. S., ) ÍSM1NI.TON, 1). ('., feb. S. ÏHSH. f Mr.C. H. Buhiy Pretideni Michigan Club: BearSir: 1 tfc (eava to aoknowledge reoeipt if an inviUitiüii from tlie Jlichigan club to bo present at its first anniviraiy meeting and lïannuet in Detroit on the eveningi of Monday, Feb. J-J. Whila 1 will not be able to attend, I am not nnappreciaüve of tl ourMay cxtonded, and sinceroly trast that your anniyenary gattiering will lf in every sensu plcasant and sncceesfnl. liespeclfnlh, UABWIN IJ. J V5IES. House of Represent ativb í, U. 8., l WAsHisa-roN. I). C, Feb. n. 1886. 1 , fmi. riulh'li 7'. Viui Ztle, Ihlroit. Mich.: Mtl Ihttr f'nlimrt:- The kind invitation of amittea, of -which yooi are a mnibor, i . . .i - ,-ril it the first anuiversary meeting and banqoet of Üh; Bfichigaa club on the Lid pruxxnó, i' reowTO It wtjuld give me real pleasnreto be present and particípate with you in the pleasnres of the oecarioo bnt my public duties will not allow me to leavo Washington at this time. líe good enoiijifa to praaani m pn ifound regrett to the committee, and believe me, very truly your.i, etc., John K. Thomas. House of Kepresentatives, U. 8., Í Washinoton, 5. ('., Feb. m, ikjíí. Í lr-ttf'iin '"inn.i'iii', Michigan Club. (i'utlvuu'n : - Acknowledging and appreoiating yonr kind iuvitation to be present at the iiit annivenary of the Michigan club, I regretto advine yon that it will be impossible to attend. FaithfuJly yours, A. C. Harmer. Hopse of Reprksentatives, ( Washington. D. i'.. Feb. L8, 1SS. ) (l'-nilemen:- Your kind invitation to be present, as an honorary guesf, on the occasion of t In first anniversary meetinB and banqa 't. i before me. l'ublic duties here forbiil my aooejtanoe. Thanking you f(r tho honor conferred. wlii-li is appreoiated, and taking ciccasioD to expresa the anticipation that yoar future will be full of asefalnesa to the republicau party, and through it to our magninceni state and our common conntry, 1 snbeoribe m -elf, very rospectfully. John Litti.f. Hou. ( '. H. Bnhl, preaiaenti etc, and others, invitation committeo. HofSK (IK ÜKI'RF.SF.NTATIVKS, I WaSHINOTON, I). i ., Fob. U. 1HSK. f fifulli uu ii : I have the honor to acknowleilge tho reeoijit of .muit invitation to le present a an lionornry gneet on the oobMion of the first anniversary meeting and Iwtnqnet of tiie Michigan club at Detroit, Monday efenïng. Feb. 'i, l&M.and regrel to say that my putiHcdutios will not permit mé to accept your kinil invitation. Wuring your oommittee and the members of your club that it would give me great pleaanro to mwt with you on tlK occasion of your firít annivereary meeting and banquet. if I oonld do bo uonsietenuy with my public diitii's, J have the honor to be, very reepecrfillly yours, etc.. 'l'ii.nns J. Hi;M)KHson Mesan. ('. H. Buhl, Omar D. t'onger and others invitation committee Detroit, Mich. HOOBI OK 1ÍKPHKSKNTTIVES, ) Washisoto.v. l. C, Feb. II, l-. f Hon.c.ll. Buhl. Prtident.etc: OfarSir: I am in reoeipi of the invitation of ourcommittee to be present on t!ie occasion of the first anniver-ary banqaet of tlic Michigan club at ljctroit on the 22d of February. and sincerely regret that 1 will not be ablo to attend. Tlumkini,' yon for the honor conferred, 1 am rospectfully, your obedient aBCTant, A. e. Thokfsok. House or Represeni viivks, Washinoton, D. C, Fel). 12, ltwi. s ¦Jsrs. ( '. II. Hulil.itt.. I itritutinu, ( 'mu rn itir, Detroit: tth nu . I have received khe invitation to bo present ns an honorary guest on the occasion of the first anniversary meeting and baniiuet of the Michigan club at Detroit, .Monday evening. Fob. 22 iust., for which 1 return ihy thank. and regret nat l eannot be prweut on that occasion. Very truly yours, W. H. Wadsworth. House of Rbprksk.ntvtives. U. 8., ) W ufniNOTON, I). ( '.. Feb. h. 1S88. V '¦. II. Buhl, Ev., Pretident: Vy !¦ arSir: I am in n'ci'ipi of yuir very kind Invitation to the first annivenary meeting andbau'inet of tlm Michigan club at Detroit. Monday evening, Feb, --. lso, and exoeedingly regret tliat my pnbllo datiee hera will reader it utterly impossible for me to accept. Aaenring you and your asfOOBates of my high appreciation of your conrtesi, I have the honor to be, sincerely yours. J. H. (i u.i.imikk. Housr of Hei'Iikskntuives. U. 8., ? WABHTBbTON, D. ('., Feb. 9, x6. S To the Preitdent and CommUtee of the Michigan Club: QetUlemen: I am innofa pleased with yoor eooitasy in remembering metoask meto the fltst annivenary nif-iin. of uur olub, and regret tliat my public dulies here will deprive me of the pïoasure of accrpting the invitation. Yours truly, WlLLIAM W.U.TER PhELPS. House ok Hk.phksf.ntvtttes, U. 8., Í Washhiotow, D. C, Feb. 12. issrt. ( C. . Buhl, Em., Pretident Michigan Club, Detroit, Mich: Dear&ir: Your kind invitation to attend the anniversary and bamiuet of your club on the 22linst. is recoived. Flease Hi pt thanks for same. While nothingcould give me moro pleasnro than to attenij, 1 am obliged by oiroamstances to ramain in Washington at tliat time. 1 am. very reepectfully, Ziharv Taylok. HOUSK OF IÍKPUESENTATIVE8, Wvshinoton, D. ('.. Feb. 8, ls. ( C. II. Huid, Ei., rnxirii ui Michigan Club, Pi lint. Midi: sir : Your kind invitation to lic premi at the banqnet on Feb, 22, ccivi'd. Whilo it woula affordme much plea suri' to bo witli you on the oooaaio] tioni'd, I regret to say tliat my engagements aro euch that it wül not be iKissiblo for me to leav Washington at that time. Thanking iiti for the invitation, I remain, very respectfullj, U.H. Stbait. House of Representatives, U. 8., ) W '.SHlMiTiiN, D. C, Feb. il, IXXrt. f r. ll.Huhl, Kq., Detroit, 'Mich.: Mi Deor 8ir: The Invitation meet witli voor olab at Detroit, on the 21 of Kcbmaiy, ben reoeived, and with the fullest approciation of tin' oompliment, and the gnatesi desirato meet and mingle with theuietnbers of the club and their friends, I most decline, ne I have to many othor matter to attend to. Moet respectfnlly yours, William A. PniCE. Hodse ofIïkprkskntativis, U. H., ) Wvshinotox, D. '.. Koh. 18, 1886. ) C. H. Buhl, Ki"., Pretident: Deor sir:-l m in receipt of yoar kind invitution for Monday Telling, Feb. 23, and regret i - say in reuly that mj engagpmonta will prevent iti acceptance. Ihanking yon for the honor, etc. Yours troly, J. H. Ketcham. Krom Ban. (. E. Adnms, Washington MJ i; E lótosregrets the te oannot accept the kind invitation of tho Michigan clab lor Feta, 22. Washington. Fel), l. Horrra of Ueprebentativks, U. 8., { Washington, D. C, Feb. 10, 188K. ) i'. il. BuKU President; O, . Om. r, rAonuu H'. ftilmer, and P, ï1. Pan o? (,. Invitation CommilUe 0 tlu Michigan Club, Detroit, Michigan: Gentlemm:-, I un gntefnl for yoar verj kind tiviijitiem to be is mu honorary guest ot the nrst antnvitsiiï meeting and banqoat of yoar club oii Monday evening. Fob. íi, iwi. Itwonlil, I nsMiri" yon, atïonl ra ; eible pleasure to meet and greet Jour loyal i muis cm their "bcautiful peninBtua. and wnat , rccollection it would brinn ' mina to hear h I mini trom Bome "f Michigan" "háme bojm m bine" with whom I sorved duriDR tlio i great war for tho miilntenance of tliin nation; ahont iiiy iM commander, 'Dick lucnardson," whom I w apar whea he r his (lrMli woiind at Antietiun, and EO mllude righi and tears over tto death and neat loaa to the oonntry, on féítema, of Drarasallunt, trae, putriotic and noble-lifarh-d Hancock, wlio on thnt blooily day at Antict.-im asBumi'd oommand of "HiohajjlBon'i división;" and thcn 1 would bo glad of thcopportonity to say a wótd t yoorolnb andita bonored kh(is's abottl iny liome, old VirKinta; of its sreat trials and itragaju ilnoe the war, andoi Uie fond hopi of Re pntriotic son, nnion and ex-oonf drat, to restore rae land of Washington, Jefforson, Henrj, Had MadiBoa to lts proper position in the Leed amoa the states of onr happy and rneton-d union; hut, gentlemen, l am vciy torry to aai I oan t oome, for 1 aru alrcady engaged plscwhore lor the occasion. WishinK your clnb prest saccoss nnd a Joyous oolebretion, nad mny happy and itrosperana returns of your anniversar, 1 am, youre most trnly. ! UtM I). BRAST. HounOI Kei'besentativek, ['. H., Washington, 1). C, Fob. 7, 1SHH. ( C. H. Buhl, Deirnii, Mieh.: Dtar .s'ir:-0n mr return f rom a long absenoe in Ohio I reoeiTed your kind invitation to attend the firnt anuivorKary tnniitinK Rnd banqafït of tho Michigan club ut Detroit raí Mouday cvcninK, Feb. 'Li. 1 am greatU obliged for the invitadon and only wish 1 conldavail mywlf of it. at 1 am sure tho object is a most worthy one, and that th rasión will ! replete with plen-urnuud profit; bpt I doubt wlirther my datles here wlU penitil my abwnce o soon again,andsol must depriye mynflf of Uw greeJ enioyment that tho occasion woald otherwise lmvo affordid me. 1 trant that the republicana of Michigan will, at your meeting, take ht initial step towsrd organizing viotory, The hybrid op poeition which has t(irpatend your politica] Bupremacyat tomo, eannot, it Keems tome, iiold together for another sffectlvo campaign; and the public attention oanool long l awii;, ¦ from the aggrewlbBtt of this rehabilitatea réBel demooracy. Tto Deople of the (Country inay as wcll onderstand pne tuneas another that tic elementa tint have como back into power here ture fehe elementa of oondemnation and reaction. They have uot sUivery now as the cornerBtone of a politica] edifico, hut they nave as intense a hatrédof toe edooation, political virtue, aod oatipnal union sentiment of the people of the uortli as they liad in the wóret days of reOonstraction; anl opon i-vt-ry economie qnestión toe democratie party is not urowiui any botter. They are striking a ataggering blow at the industries of t i" country today, by tliroatenini; tho tariff System; and your grew Rtate, with ts graat industries, will bencnttled anl sunk bj free tía le ideas if ir be(imeM possibJe foi the demooraoy to carry the country at the end of four years. Theref ore, I appeel to you to organizo and be reads Eorthe rray; and I beli&Te there is yirtue epough, wiwlom onouili, patrioiism enough in the repuMiean jiartyof Michigan to keep hor firmly in line. Yi'ry KspectnHly yoara, t'. H. ÖB'OSVINOH., Minn.. Feb. & TnC. .1. Nimocú, ¦:.¦ ¦.. Tribune (filet;- Detained by business. KxprcMto-ooimnittee my sincere rogreta, Joun l Kea. W ïsiiiNCTON, II. ('., Feb. 10. 1888. Mr. .T. B. (üifijlan desires to rotnrn his thaaka to the Michigan club for itskind nritation for atondase evealng. Fob. '2:1, lssii, andto exprese liis regsetthai pther enttaaef menta wiil pverent uie acceptanco of tho Bam0 Warhiniiton, n. C. Feb. 12, 1j. Mr. .lohn H. Uitobell iirosonts hin i-onüpHi1 ment-; to tho Hons. Omar 1). l'onger, Thomas W. Palmor, and associates, invitation committe(', and to tli- Mi,chigan club at 1) ' Midi., and regleta that odrina to offioiiu engagements it will be ixopoasible for him to le preeent, as per their kiud invitation, as m honorary guest ou the occasion of tlie first annivorsary meetiug and banaadt of the Michigan clab at Detroit, Monday evoning, Feb. 22, IS. W sHiNrTON, D.T., Feb. 15. 1R8Í1. Mij Dtar Sir : - 1 rftgrer tlmt lam not able to accept tho very kind invitation of the Michijcan club for Mouday uvening, Feb. 'L, 1886. Very truly jours. Nelson W. Aldrioh. C. H. Buhl. Esq.. president, ote. The State of New Hampshirk. ) KXECTTIVK DkPMIT.MENT, r CoMCono, Feb. 15, 1886. 1 Mi Drar Sirs: 1 roiiret that 1 oannot be present at the banqne: of .Michigan club at Detroit Feb. 23. ThunkiuK you for the kiiiil invitation, 1 am, very truly yours, MOODY C'UHKIEH. ('. H. Buhl, President, and others. HOOS 01 ÜKI'RKSKSTATIVES, l WaSHINOTON, 1). l' . Keh. is. IH8Í. 1 Bon, ('. II. Huid, Preudfiil, Mflnb-r.t iifthp ïnvitatio 'mn ii-'' -, 'f u' f til u u ¦ f the iiich ii'i ( 'tub:-l am in reoeipt of your kind inviti.ti n ' o . i,r sent at tho nnniversjrrv of j'oiir club on the LU f 1'rhrunry. I regret my sosuBdunJ are Buoh thut 1 oau uot bo with you on thfl i-v-.iin jíju bo cóartoooftly defiinate. Ín Jasl [o bothoeawhMD I represent in tím imtional oonRress I shoulil n-iiKiiii litTc, attondiog (to interests which rej luiré my penomü at'cention. ata and the occasion wiil renew the pittriotiöiu of tin1 repnblioans of Michisan til'1 tate wiiiTi1 int' p:my wou ïib nrtJi viuiuritra 101 freedom Mii'l cquahty. The missioo of the republican party is by no meane it an end,. It is needed restore tosjh i-iiy to tliis land, to hecure u fair cuunt in eleotioas, ami reform th"1 work of tlio selfstyled reforxner, who, bj nn alliterative accident, necured control of thf fcov%rii:n"nt. The republjcan party i ne dad to'fighi a battle to reclaim the tanda of the people Erom thosewho bare not efirnsd them. Une hundred and nüwty-els million aeree f the public domain, which guod mthrit stat"-' ie eqnal toaU of New Knalaiul, New ïork, New Jeivey, Delawart, .Marylauil. OÍ1Í0, and linliaiiatiavc heen ivpnaway tocorjioratioiis. Many of theeO cotnpaiiips hftve nt earned the lands they liohl, and. every acre bothoDestly obtained phoultl !,¦ rcclaimed tram the hands in unlawfu! po06QwtoB und iven to the people onder the beuencoiit eytem of the homestead law criar ted by the repabKcan party, a wise ruó iaBj mmoto whlcfi was deolared nnoonstitationsl by a partvwhicha tow yaftrt theroaftar madt war ös toe oonatitation. The repahlfou mrty ha ever been the friend of humanity, and it will yft win the oontest for roclaiming the land of tlie people fr the paopv, I want bèce t ''til your attentíon t tli" menAoing daugcr to oor progresa by alien lundhohlera, who arenow m Doeaeaftiun .f -i,ü(X),000 nctvs of Lauda whioh shqold be left for oor people to cultívate aud oceupy. On this matter the rp publican party oooffpiee the ritfht gronnd, for, in I88i, it deolaieo, in its national platfurm, "The public lands are the herltage of the people f the United Btatee, and nhould be iiwaTve as far as poaaiDie for smnll holdiuM by actual hQttlers." Thé pl'itform fnrther derlantl it Oppoaition to the aci'iilion of ]ar tncts of l;md by corporationa or individuáis, eepecially when Riich holdings are in th of non-resident aliens," and promisn to ohtain "snch legialfttion aa wilJ tend t oorreoi theevü." Tlns f 'vii to our country and ith nhabitants musí ba oorrtoted, and 1 believe iti1 rapabUokd party will aarnesuï aeec to carry out it pledxee in thia aa in ottior matter for the well-beinK of the nat ion. The demanda of labor will ahvayw ío hoanl by the rej)ublirau party. I kuow the party beUeresii ta the dnüy ox t)w imtional gorernmeni u promote nafa meaauros as will reliere the depreeaioD in labor, and secure to the tollen snoh oompensation as wuJ dlgnify thnjr work and Bpeeüil ameliorate their oondition. I iiin a Btto&g DèHorer n the trnth, "As labor bvilds npa countrj', labor alone run snatain ít. Degrade labor, und u sap the foondation 00 which fche huperMtructum raata." T firmly bellere the republicaca of our own glorióos Michigan, aa wel! as thoe of otlu-r states, aro in h'arty aooord in the det-iri' io lessen the bardens of the wtorkingman and help him imsroiv hls oondltion. The lalorinKclasen askei their riííhts, and these nuiM begranted; tliey do nut winh legialation Bspeolally in their interest, but thny do demand tKn rapeeJ of all laws made in tho Bole interest of oapital They fiHi ti-.o trnth of the saying of Bla&qoL that "In aJl revolattonsthera hare been but two parties oonfrontirnii-nch other; that of tho people who wiahtolivq by their own labor, and t hat of those who woold live bi the labor of others." The tendt'iiry of onntimes is the Inacftasing aggregation of great wftlth aaiong the parativply fpw and the dojjlorable ïncreage of the poor. With thi continned state of affairs theslbryof oor land will pa8 away. lne rank of liolplctw iKivprty are not to be lecnüted without linut f rom the ranks of labor. lf iIicti' benny law trading tn this, it jhould ut once be stricken from the Rtatntes. In tin land man mnst have eimal aro'ss tothp golden ntaofopportnnity thepurwiit of happiuc?. Thisisitir pivot on which tho whole labor Bjstera turn. The wronga of the labonnK popolatU shoold bo hwird and rlrcid, and tlmt portion of our citizpns turn ïnutinctiTeljto the repnbUpan party for aRswtanoe i" thi hour, and I know they will be board and full )nÜoa extended them. 1 havo (vAt losser (ban 1 intpnded on thpse two topics of land and labor, lint toaiizinu thcir importance and tho parnet dpHÏro of tho n'piililicanu to wist in the correctious of the wronKS alluded to, I am not sorry that their nn'iition procludwi tho discusion of other eabjecta of public interost. We realize that the people of the Unit;d Snitas nro now roiujy for a change in public nffaire. Tho experience of lees than a jcar ti-aeln'8 thpm that th path of safoty and K(xl Kovommont aml the proaperitj OÍ UM ppople feeditorepnbllcanoontroL Tho repnhlii-i.n parfer, like the dant of olA has touched the enith un't thored Btre&gtxi fr the oontact. Asiiin iliaiikiiic yoa for J&tu kind mTitation. anl trOBÜna yonr aUierinK wiU bo ptausn( and prodootlTa of good for tho ciiiic, tam, wlth greting to the etob, etji rosiKutfally, Jamks O'Donnell. V vsiii tOTOS, -liin. 30. lHi. ' Benrw .1. Baigky üeontary, tic.: Dar sr: ri-;-'1 Bodepi my t;ntteful mpnts for yimr coar teous invitntion to mo to be present at the annnal moetint? of tho MirhiKnn club, ia WiL-hinirton' liirthdigr; nralï a gmtherino of Uu' ull n-pablican ííiiard of your Klatt' n Qiat day is ix'culiarly apjiropriat1. Wash! nton acliieved oor indojienilcnco, wïiern the rppuhlican party procnrwi tlio nmty of tl, o -t-itrs huriíMl torpver me ciaiiKi-rou iuu itifamou . il.H-trineof the Huilt of secession, and aanotified. wit-li ¦ fresh baptlam. the inalienable rijihts of man. Thr principien of 11 o party arcas etprnal as tlin ruil, and lts mieaionianot qnded ao longaa rivilization and huinanity reqnire their enforrpment. Uut the republicana of Michigan take fresh conrage and enter into the oonteata with Irarbarism. withrenewed vigor. 1 regret, my iear mi, tliat my officia) duties will prevent me trom paiUmpating in yonr festmties. l am. very truly. ïoaroCedienMenrjntj, ,f Lietters of regret were also received f rom James D. Warren of Buffalo, Charles Brown of Washington, C. K. Davis of St. Paul, James E. Lowry of Kenton. )hio, A. A. Ranney, L. Markbreit of Cincinitati. 11. i. Burleigh, Ezra B. Taylor, Henry A. Casüe of St. Paul, Minn., K. F. Stuuo, E. H. Conger, J. H. McGowan now in Hamilton, Bermuda, John N. Frnneis of Trojr, N. Y., James M. Swank of l'hiladelphia. J. S. Clarkson of Des Moines, [owa. Kilwin Cowlm of Cleveland. Henry B. Harrison of Connecticut, ,lr. Cnnnon of Minnesota, D. B. Henderán, Charles A. Pillsbnry of Minneapolis, Henry Cabot Lodge of Boston. Theodore Roosevelt of New York, Channcey M. Depew of New York, J. Medillof the Chicago Tribune, Melvillo E. Btone óf the Chicago News, Wilham K. ('urtis of the Chicago Inter-Ocean, Andrew Shuman of the Chieagt Evening Journal, Richard Smith of the Cincmnuti Commercial-Gazette. THE CLUB MEN WHO DINED. Membcrs Who Wcrc lreent at the Krast of Rt'anon. Following ír a list of the members of the club attending the bauquet, alphabelioally arranged'. It is as complete as possible, owtog to the fact that several gentlemen did not register at the club during the day: Beo H. iibo11, F. G. Andrns, .lolin W. Amphlatt. F. H. Alderman, Ja. Ayres, W. A. auv, John Archer, W. H. Andoreon, Job. lyree, -los. W. Avery, A. 11. Avry. Vprnon Allen, J. S. Ayers, Ferd. A. Asliley, il. W. Atwood, W. 8. Abbott W. E. Avrry, kWW F. Andflrson, Ablp, 9eo. B. Adama, T. II. Arnfll, F. H. Ainser, JijJohn Averj', H. K. I!.-nt..n. TT. Barnham, K. II. Butleit C. K. Hrown, G. 9. Hrowucll, V. 1). Bantley, T. D. liuhl. Diuby V. Belt W.dtor Buld, W. II. Braoe, C. K. Horton, CUas. H. Hlark, 0. 0. Blixlsiit. A. A. Hnllow, Gastave A. Belg, A. I). ('mm, Geo. A. HarriiT, ,1. Kornmitn. KJwanl Hark, .1. H. B'-okott, H. J. Bockins, UiiiK. Klitz. Adam Bpütti.'. M. 8. Brewer, William N. Brown, Junins Beal, N. Berry, (ieorgc A. ïleck, Henry S. Brown, I'. A. Badnor, A. T. Rliss, 3. K. Boies, Giles T. Brown, JamcB Huckley, A. N. Brown. Y. K. Host, K. U. Hm-kliart, Jamee lürnpy, 11. K. Baker, 0. P. Barbar, C. H. Bnhl, J. H. Bishop, Prof. Hi.akey, UaeeaBarna, W. Brooks, Ktcplieu K. Brown, A. M. Banir-tiT, .1. i . Berry, Qeorgè W. Burr, Benjamin Kirdsall, A. Buttars, Ben Hurknr, (ieorp W. Burkhard, K. II. Belden, K. I'. Bysain, Eldridge F. Bacon, (ieo. W. Buckingliam, WiUiam Buil. (eorge W. Dates, I J. W. Belknap, V. l. ('uiiui'll, W. L. Bonham, S. M. ('utchoon, E. J. Carrtngton, J. H. ('arstens, i C. K. Braudon, S. (i. ( iifKey. I F. J. Bli George A. ('dase, KolBatppon, ('. K. ('ottrpll, 1 ( 'haripi. Buncher, W. H. (.'ram, E.J. Bonine, C. H. ('urtie. i: C. Bnura, '¦ B. CottreU, W. U. H.-ïn, W. H. CootB, UA. Baker, D. ILCopper, I. V. Birl, Charles II. Cox, Alvin V. Kun. N. Choroh, J. C. Crool, W. 1!, Caiullpr, Bañrael Carpenter, A. J. Chapman, 1. 1 t'lapp, Newcomb Clark, H. A. (onant, L. A. Clark, i Alviu Chapman, J.M. Converse, (i. Lymnn Chapman, J. H. Chamllpr, A. A Clark. 11. W. Colpy, W. E. Campbell, Andrew Campbell, JohD S. CnuulplI, John .f. Cartoii, Wm. Chaiuberlain, .los. Clixby, 1). ( 'arripr. 8. F. ( 'ha-e. E. B. i layton, Sao. C. Codd, I). B. Daffield. o. Corrigan, (po. DinRwull, Ij. W, Carapbpll, 8. B. Dixon, J. (i. Dickinbou, 8. B. Diib.ll, A. VV. Dayis, Henry Daan, A. A. Dwight, L. A. Duncan. H. M. Dnffield, '. M. Ij. Dunhnm, J. W. Davis, A. U DemeL W. L. Dnnham, (ieo. M. Dewej, Wm. .1. Dawson, S. B. Dixon i'.V. Dunliam, Thoe. J. Dawson, (im. Dorr, A. G. Klhiir. K. O. Uurf'-p. J.C. 1-tvrling, 'J'liomas Dawson, M. A. KmmoQö, Geo. E. EetrlinK, t-n-ii Ifistee, H-'rman H. Klliutt, .lanas I 'jikins, J. Ij. Etlson, Franklin T. Eddy, ('. C. EllBworth, Silas Farmer, T. I). Evans, ! ('has. Flowers, F.B. Ei;an, l;. E. Frater, F. K. Fisher, Poster, J. 8. Farraud, JTw. FitlBerald, Otis Fuller, ! John U. Fostat, F. S. Finlcy, K. A. Fraaar, (po. A. Farr, i Col. Flanniean, S. I'. Fuller, John (iri'iiscl, .1 r., Fred Fulda, J. K. ilailpi. AMolph Frennd, AUred Goodman, S. T. (iarretson, 0. B. lirccnstine, Judson Grenell, II. (iroer, O. liranger, K. L lürvy, K. Y. GrabLtL Arcliibal.l (Iritton, Norman (pcWps, I U (Klbert, J. V. Giddlnga, f. (irant, F,. O. (irosvpnor, U. M. (imham. li. li. Goodpll, Cifi. H.iilynu, C. A. Gowor, Gordon, H. H. Holt. V. II. (rout, A. H. Háfnéa, K. II. (rpcnp, H. ,1. Hopkins, .1. W. Gflbart, S. V. Honkins. lïanoni l aUis, ieo. A. Hart, Geo. I!. (iold, Wm. H. Hall, I!. B. (ielatt. H. I). Hniuilton, Joaeph M. (race, J. W. Hauce, 0. F. Munt. A.C. Hpmpel, W. W. Haunan, G. F. Hope, 8. N. Hurlhul. C. B. H..WPÜ, David Hi'inpman, Din C. Hinderson, Sol. I). Hfilipman, Aid. Hpck, Kli Harrison, A. Haisehcr, Thomas Hamilton Harris Hitchcock, i Wilbnr lliiTiinl, J.'. ËoaYrh, E. S. ILiiicman, K. li. HiiW-hins, F.zra Hazen, Wm. L. Holmea, ( )ran M. Hlltnn, Jamp Inglis, David ltohait. Jnnips A. Jonea, BoawaUG. H(-rr, Georoe Jerome, 11. V. Bnatos, Waldn M. .lolmson, ¦ Thoma ii. Holmes, Wm. JpnniBon, Jas. Jackson, J. T. Jaoob, ' O. A. Jonaa, David H. Jprome, W. Jpnkfl, A i ( hur V. Jones, í 'has. Jacob, H. H. Jarkson, i:. L. Kelaey, W. J. Keep, ! Frank E. Kirby, (ieo. W. Keyes, ! N. (i. Kin. A. S. K.ilzie, 1. J. Kohier, E. S. Koon, W. M. Kilpatrick, IÍ. Kempf, I W. .T. Keepe, H. .T. Limlsay. A. II. Leavltt F. T. Lodge, Felix A. Lcaikip, J. (i. Lowria, Clarenoe Leonard, Geo.W. IMmer, II. W. Lonjear, (i W. Loring, ' H. B. lapriincott, li. C. Luine. B. D. Lewia, Walter V. Siley, I B. W. La Uu, Geo. A. lioud. E. 8. Lacey, John Lothian, I ;¦. H. Lester, H. M. Loonard, K. Lülihridge, Sylvestn Ijirned, ('. I!. Metcuf, Sandi F. Moore, W. A. UUler, B. B. McCraoken, P. Motli.-r-ill. 'II.. ... Mete. Iiimes McMillan, Harrj . Metcalf, J. J. Mulhemn, K. C. Hoon. rhomae Moöraw, George K. Moore, V. K. Hoon, ¦ W. Hoon, W. F. Monroe, QeoroB W. Myere, S. Moore. K. Murad, (i. A. Merrill, James Minnx, (' .1 Honro, William McPherson, KrmkM.lü-, J. H. Moore, I W Mood George W.McBride, Seorge I). Morena, Thomas P. McM&hte Krank McElroj, W.JB. Morey. t. J. Ueeoh, William McKay, Charles Montague, Willinm H. Morgan, M. n. U. C. t. Moore, I . K. Mattli.'Wfl, C. M. Martin, Fmnklin Moore, 1. B. Montjwue, irritl. A. C. MrCaull, Williain V. McKay, W. II. MH'ourtio, 1'. II. KoCarthy, Fred A. Huraard, Stephen Muttliewson, Jame 8, Madison, James A. Winji, R. B. Odie. John Mr( .irroll, L. I). Owan, ltaac Marston, William Owen, . . McKarliind, Williain Parkinson. S. .1. Hnñhy, K. V. Portar, John MrCormick, 1. A. Parker, John Mnn;ird, Pliil Portcr. K. W. Noble, H:. W. l'ciiclleton, ('. 8. Nim, I' Plwwnnr, I . C. Niohol, Hobert Pelham, Frank K. Nelli, Boberl EUhom Jr., Minor S. Newfll, l'hilo Pareon,, ,TM B. N C.C. Paokard, E. Nclson. H. S. Ptafree, Frauk H. Noali, John B. Price, P. P. Nichol. B. l'anst, ( 'inirli h A. Nimocks, 1). V. Parson, B. C. Olin, Hurt F. Panxinc, B.C. OgilTie, ('liarlos O. Pratt, (il K. Osmiin, S Ivester Pray, (LW. O'Keefe, W. H. Poule, ('harlfw H. Osband, A. V. I'hiM.r. C.C. Prindle, Edwin K. Phmney, Henry A. Poteer, (i. S. Pnrvis, Harbna Pollakl, Henry F. Powers, Gieorge H. Pond, J, K. Pro6tn, S. K. I F.PhelDf, (¦ieorse II. Pratt, lin-nr I'aik. li. S. Pnttenon, Charle O. Pratt, Hort Port, .laiiK'hE. Pittraaa. K. T. l'urkcr. Ford H. KoKere, Alfrel HiiHiwll, F. . Hu'-ll, Henry A. Hobiuson, W. ). Hobinson, A. II. Kajnor, James Koach. F. W. liotihin. Thomas Ho, il.r, I). M. lücharnson. Jume Hoby, H. M. ltpynolds, F. N'. I F. Hol.-li'jvrn, ( '. S. lïamsay. N'. M. Biehsrdaon, M. K. üiinisey, Kzni lïust, BatoOD, H. B. Bowtapn, Col .1. S. Hosere, EtenbeB Bobmson, C. -I. Bampah. E. L. Rexford, F. B. Btockbrid. I,. I'. Stanley, Alian Sliolden, (t. A. 8hely, AlcxanderSaenger, L A. Bpe&oar, F, (i. Smith. A. C. Bmlth, (ieo. W. önnver, UoaeeSmlth, N. F. Stoddard. Peter Stenius, John U. Smith, lf. V. Btandart, W. II. Sanford, Frel M. Sibley, Clarénre Soott, Ij. A. Sherman, Jumes Kimoneanx, Sam'l. W. Smith, 0. L. Siwulding, A. J. Bawyet, Wm. li. Smith, li. Smith, J. Sawrer, I. E. 81 J. W. Sclden. .1. M. Bwift, Clinton Spenoer, W. C. Steren, J. H. BtookireU, Aiulrc.wJ.8cuU, Ö. A. Smith. -i-irr. 1 aiocum. Oren Btone, g. F. Smith, E. H. Spoor, È. I). Stair. Jamen W. Sherwood, BUasB, Spier, John ('. Sharp. Henry L Stoflet, (ieo. Spalding, K. I. Stinn L. A. Srnitli. A. F. Smith, C. F. Boarlett, Stevens, Col. Tlios. S. Spragae, ('. A. Smith, .1. A. Stntt, tl. C. Tillman, John Taylor. V. J. Tefft, Stnnlev W. Turner, Hoht. F. Toland. D n ;l'h..rie, l'. M. Tbompaon, N.E. Thoma-, (-o. K. Taylor, ('. A-Towne, Uoge&TaKcart, J. W. Thompson, K. (4. D. Thnrston, James Vernor, W. A. rndervruod, J. M. Van Tasel, Henrj' Vonderheide, .Tay Vinion, W. ({. Vinton, T."H. B. VanKaren, William VauBiiren, F. B. Way, P. Voorhei, Brrant alker, V,. ( '. Walker, li. F. Wakeman, Smith li. Wooley. James Ward, BamnelG. II. White, F. 1'. Wilenx, Hal C. Wvman, (ieo. C. Wotherbee, F. F. WriKlit. y T. Wkk1, Fn-mont W.KKlraff, Ira Wilder, Warner, W. II. Withington, Kckj. A. Waterbnry, F. T. Ward, B. C. Watkins, W. V. Wni;ht. 1). 11 WÜOOX, A. S. Warner. James Wnt-i.n, finrdon L. Wight, P. lean Warner, (ha-. Wlïght, Thomas Wright, Irvinsr Wei-ton, George T. Warren, Krank li. Welen, John Win-hip. HeniyWatson, jamrxC Wilson, ('. Wakflee. A. J. Webh Charles J. Wing, E. T. Woodraff F. T. Wolcott. Willis H. Storrs, James Watüon, Will J . Worden, T. J. WellB, Hermann Waua, H. K. Winn. J. 0. Winni.', M. Wells, F. WiHxiruff, ( . M. Wafter, Henry WoodrufiE, J. B Whelan. A. B.WeBton. ( 'larence Yates, C. ('. Yemans, 1.. A. Yerkes, B. D. York, William L.. Smith, John H. Young. MICHIGAN CLUB ELECTION. James Xi. lil-.nn (hosen to Be tli# iew J'resiUent. At 11 o'clock Monday morning the pollt f or the election of officers of the club fof the ensuing year wero opened. J. W. Davis took charge of the ballot-box, which was placed on a table in the front ]nrlor of the club house. The day being one on which business was more or le-s suspended, enabled many members of . the club to vote eftrly in the day. The outside member early sought the club's headquarters, and after casting their ballots, joined in the mild dissipation of good ci;;ars, and the intercourse of men participating in a common cause. The election continued all day long until the hour of closi ng the polls, 5:30 o'cloek. There was no attempt at display made at the club-house, the decorations being simple and modest. Suspended from the porch, over the entrance, were two national flans tuoging in graceful folds and entwiiicd also abouttheside pillar of the porch. In the front parlor were hung large crayon portraits of ex-Gov. Bagley, Gov. Alger, ex-Senator Baldwin. and ex-Major Grummond. Over each were crossed two small flags. Over the mantle in the back partor was a picture of Gen. (irant, the frame of the piotara being covered with crape. Cheerful j;rat(' fires burned in eacli parlor, and au air of pleaantry peiraded the entire club-hou-r. Very little opposition to the ticket placed in nomination was manifested and there was apparently a spirit of harmony that boded good not only to the club itself bu the party whose interests it was organized to further in this state. One thing that bore a look of encouragemeut was the presence of a large representation of the younger element of the party. The younger men were sttown an attention that will tend to arouse an interest in the club and the party's affairs that will bring into line a uew and active leirion of workers. iames Ij. Edsoti. chii. didate for president of the club, was about making himself agreeable, not prompted by a desire to do any electioneering as the ne.- - ity for that was lacking, but doing his best to make local and ooteide mrmner feel a hearty welcome. When tlie vote were counted t was found that a few bailóte for E. H. Butler in ptooe of Andrcw Mdrf'llan for the poition of tri'asurer had been cast. The folknring tioket, howerer, was elected by what muy be termed a [iractically unanimous Tute: Pre tdent Jnmos L. E1boii. Vioe-Pnsident Claréaée Hlack. lïoronliiii: fVrrvtaiw H-Miry A. H.ií h. TreBBnrei An.irrw Mclii-llan. Directora D, M. r, -r,,. Willi.-im H. Elliott, Heno M. Dnffield, Btéphaa B. (irummimd, J. H. ('arstens. Jolm U. ('orliss [thryo vi'aii. Walt. r 11. Coota tliri-u yMt), William L. 1 ne iiew oraccrs take tlicir positiong with the Michigan alab, atthoagn but one year old, one of the must prosparotu or(janizations of the kind in thi' country. Quick Corners, seven aud a-half miles Routhwcst of Battlfl Ciook, has a postorHce Dow. Heroáfter it will bo known as Sonoras. Dr. .7. I. Baker is the mw poatmasler, and the brst mail was raceived laBt Suturduy uislit.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News