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Evidently No Atheist

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There s said to be, soraewtiere, n some book, ii prnverb, to the effect that "be wlio does not proviJe for his ovvn family is worse than an atheist." Ol these grnuuds, Senator Vanee is no atlieist, as the following from the Oincinnati Commercial will prove: A governmem nfncial ha hem t the puine to prepare a Hule tuble íhowlog how mach it ha roet the trovernment to take care of t'ie Vanee family, of North Carolina. They have been wefl taken care of, au the lollmving table wlll êhow: '.. B. Vanee, l'nited State Senator, faiary $5,000. H. B. Vanee, hia eon, aeaistant tommiesioncr of patent, $1 500. C. (", Vanee, son, clerk to the eeuator, $191). Z. B. Vanee, Jr.. son, eeological sutvey. f60(i. W. G. Vanee, cousin, In the treaxnry, $1.1(10. T. H Vnce, cousin, in the piwtuftice departineut,$l,00'. I). M. Vanee, coiifin. In the army, J1.800. ¦I. Vauce, cuiii-in, Missisëippl river commitwion. Kichard 'atice, eousiu, army, $1,600. H. Vanee, cousin, Miöeispippi river comiuUeion, K. Vanee, eousin, department of jaetiee, $1.200.!d N. Vancc, consln. iuiernal revenne, $25. A. K. Vanee, consin, government printlng office, A. P. Vanee, army. $720. r . K'h!hson, nephew, paï tn the eennte, $900. Hal. nephew, page Id thehonie. $900. McDonald, cousln, government printine offl' e, $720. Thl" makes a total of 16 persone, and a total Balof $25,320. Snmebo'ly ou;ht to introduce a blll tur tiie relief of the Vanee family on thegoverainent. Wonder if Ihis is all the family or if some of them have been skipped? The Senator seems able to Vanee, as it were to the government rolls. And tli is smne senator cantioned the mérAbers of the law clnss in hls recent lectnre here about the dangersof avariciousness, or :is lie termeil it, "hoggishn es?." President Cleveland shifted the responsibility of deo!dinr who sliould liold the offices when any ony one of his appointmenU was contested by the people, upon thesenate, and veiy willingly turnedover to that body the papers for and ngainst his appolnteas. But when the senate asked the president for the papers prefcrrlng charges agiiinst republican offic a s who bd been turned out of office to make room for thse lightitiK democrats, he refusesio give Iheni up. A disinterested observer would be ncliued to look upon the Piesident's actiuti as dt-cHlrdly lame in one iuslanceon theother. He should eltlier settle the contesta in his ovrn pnrty himself, orelse proraptly deliver upaü papers pertaininK to remováis or appointments. Tute civil service reform contemplates tilling the offices with the best men irrespective of their atllliationg. The conrressional political outlook publi-hed hl the Couriek last week, taken fiom the Adrián Record, has set the poliiicians to work, and the papers "to talking." The Monroe Deinocrat thinks that Col. Eidredfre will take the nomiuatiou :i;ain despitc his positive declination, and believes he should be prevailed upon to iiccfpt The Blisffield ad anee wants A. D. Gilmore of that place nominated. The llonroe Commercial thinks Mr. Whitman will rereive the support of Monroe county democrats. In auotherarticle the Ree rd has this: Ii Isqulte generally ndinltteü that if the niMiiiiuii are Ui go to the county most en tiile'i lo tliein tbey wlll go lo Washlenaw. Tbeiitsirlct Ik, however. hu closely dlvlded p.i.n iiiilly that the question of avallability wlll Diobübly au oversbadow ngoneafier -ach eouuiy has compllmeuted its ïocal candldateN. We recelvid tblH mornlng a letter from a laad Ing green bnek polltlciaD of Ann Arborin whicti he llilnkN ihe only avnilnble man In the district for the democratie nomination is Kul-uury. The wr'ter Intímales tne unwilliimne88 of Washtenaw gre -nbackers to mijiporta Washtenaw detnocrat on account of real nr tauc'ed sllght ut the last democratie county convenliou. Talk has to be lndulged in. Newspapers must have nrticles ol interest. Polilicians will lay tbeir little schemeS' bul it is tooearly in the game to makeany important moves or to venture any predictions. Mr. Cleveland cliugs to Mr. Qarland. Mr. Gailand clinfis to the Pan Electric. Wel], gentlemen, good accountants figure out some $10,000,000 to be made in the transaction if the scheme is carried out. "There's millions in it," but the shock the people will give you will be (juitt! a valuable experience, also.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News