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Mmore money than at anythint; elsc by UK ing au tgency forth1 beet ei-lling hook ent. Beginner eacreed grandly. Nune rail. Ternis free. IIai.lett Book Co., Portland, Mrtine. H' "IJ f lor workint people. Scnd 10 centa i I II posttge, and we wil] nií.il y on fret s Y royal, valuable tampU1 box of good I tbat wil! put yon tu the way of mans lug more money in a few days than you ever thonght poecible at any huulnenc Capi Ulnot reciuired. You can live at homi: and work In sp re time only, or all the, Atl of both cpxrs, of all age, grandly sliccchhIhI. .V' conrn t f') anily earned evenine. That all who want worlt raav test the business, we mrtkc thts unparalleld off: To all who are Bnt well natlifledwe ill eend $1 tu pay for the trouble "f writtng Dt. Full partícula, dirwtiun, etc, sent tree. Immense pay ahaolutely sure for all who start ut once. Don t deiay. Addrass Stisson Co., Portland, Malne. A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance, Flate GJ-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! l.iMvcst Bates, Honorable Adjustments and I.ctsM's Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special, attbntion given to Collection of Uknts and Manaokment of Keal KsTATK INTERESTS FOR NON-HESIDENTS. EsTIRE bATISFACTION TO OWNERS Gl'AEANTEED. A. DeFOREST. Wben Baby vas aick, -we gave her CASTOBIA ¦WTien ahe wa a ChUd, ahe cried for C ASTORIA Wben she became Miss, she dong to CASTOKIA Vhen she bad Cbildien, she gave them C AST'A Several occupants of varions pul pits throughout the state are reporteil ."¦ bringing all their powers of persuasive eloquence to bear upon Stinday newspapers. It s the Monday newspaper, gentlemen, that causes the mischief, for the work upon it lias to be done on Sundny, and ruany a poor printer knows no ! day for that very rexson. Rheumatism It is an estaMished act that Hood'8 Sarsaparlll bas proven an Lnv&luable remedy in many severe cases of rheumatism, effectIng remarkable cures by lts powertul actlon in correctlng the acldlty ol the blood, whlcb ' Is the cause of the dlsease, and purlfying and enrirhing the fluid. It is certairUy fair to atsume tbat wbat Hood's Sarsaparilla bas done for otbers It wlll do for you. Therefore, lf you suffer the pains and aches of rbeomatism, gire tbis potent remedy a fair trial. A Positlve Care. " I was troubled very much wlth rheumatism In my hips, ankles, and wrisU. I could har dl y walk, and was conflned to my bed a good deal of tbe time. Belng recommended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as one of the best blood puriflers in the world." W. F. Wood, Bloomiugton, 111. For Twenty Years I have been afflicted wit h rheumatism. Bef ore 1883 1 found no relief, but grew worse. I then began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it did me more good than all the other medicine I I ever had." H. T. Balcom, Shirley, Mass. " I suffered f rom what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and am entirely cored." J. V. A. Pboüdfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. We shall be glad to send, free of charge to all wbo rnay desire, a book contalning many addltlonal statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drufTpists. f i ; six for fs. Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. STSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte ill flnd It to thelr ndvantage to cali on me. [ represant lSflrst-cluss Kire Insurance I Minies, havlug an aggregate capital over 1 0,000. Rates Iow. Losse liberally adjusteU and . romptly pald. I also issue Life aud lnvestment Pollcies in be New York Mutual Life Insurance Corn'any, Assetts, 855,000. Persons desirlng Acildent Insurance, can have yearly pollcies rritten for tbera orTraveler's Coupon Insnrince Tickets issued at Low ratea in the Acclleut Insurance Company of Norlh America íoney to Loan at Current Rates. Office hours rom 8a. m. top. m.,anü 2 to5p. ra. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. THE VERMOM SUG&R EVÍP0R4T0RS .A (OXTINUE ¦ to nmintdin K" thelr repntnrf tluo for most r'J&i jJ raptd evapotiZ-. Mr ratlon with iH ¦¦¦V lenst fu !. B Br Tticy have Êk T Dn cntDPUca¦c4n Hr lo'1 ('r 1 TEIls #R 48lir aod Chin - W-rBP itiLB 1 1 ft t nvf brromectogV jfl fed fter üiri seaion'u , J ¦ ciDUOt be gol at to clean. All parte are In sight ofthv operator " Are gold as low as Inferior apparatoa. 8 bfind for new lllostrated Clrcalara. _. n VT. F AltM MACULE CC , Bollowi Falli, Vt l.'iw 12S8-1300C


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