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miss vicmcnis reiurnca irooa vieveiana last Friday. Mrs. f'. R. Rcmick has rcturncd from .rand Rapids. A. B. Smith of the Mllan Leader w In tlio city Monday. C. L. Pack li, ui a berioui slnking spell Sunday, but is about sgaiu. Channing Smith, wlth J. J. Goodyear, lias been on the sick list this week. Miss Lizzie Coopcr visited Jackson last Friday p. m., ruma,iningover8unday. We ure glad to notice that D. F. Schnirer is out again after a two week's illness. Mrs. I. O. Lewis, of Chicago, has been visiting her brother Clias. S. Mlllen dnriug the week. J. A. Oase arrived in the city Monday, called here again by the dangerous illueas of his mother. Dr. J. C. Wood has moved into the new residence erected by D. Cramer south of the Presby terian church. Miss Hattle Keith who has been vlsititig relatives In tlils city, for a few weeks, returned home to Dextcr Monday mornlng Edward Henriques, of Deining, New Mexico, was in the city yesterday. " Ed,1' looks the same as of old, time haring dealt kindly with him. Tlie G. A. R. post of Milán has Invited 5. E. Harkins to assist It in au entertiiinment to bu given March llth, and he lias accepted. " Jim," is just as good as jan be found. tl. Jfci. H. Bower of the Democrat, returned last Monday f rom a ten day's tril to New Orlcans. He reporta a splendid time, and the seelng of many sigtote, entirely new to him. Miss Anna Soule, daughter of Maj. Hr ry W. Soule, the university treasurer, hu received an appointment as Instructor ia Hlgebm and history in the state normal school of Wh-consin, at Mankato, and lelt Friday uiorning last for that place. J. E. Beal, proprietor of the Couuiek, left Suturday for a four week'e stay in the Bermudas. He was accompanied by James E. Field, of Alpena, and they wlll join a large party of friends from Boston who will take the boat at Xew York today. Rev. Christiaii Spring, of New Hamburg, Out., and wifü are Tisiting Mrs. S.'s paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. August Uutzel. Mr. Spring is the gentleman who translated Dr. Chase's Recipe Book into the Germán languagc for the late Rice A. Beal. Dr. McLachlau cxpecls hls wife and child from Holly, Friday. They will occujn- the room at Mrs. Prof. Williams, on E. Ann st., vacatcd by Prof. Wood. A previous announceiiient to that eflect was premature, aud the reult of a niUundurstanding. Chas. A. Hend riek starts for south-eastern Kansas next Thursday morulng, wlth a party of Dexter people who go on a prospecting tour. Cliarlle is one of the right sort of young men, and we hope he may ïiinl an Elysian Meld, in which good healtb, cood business, and unqualifled prosperity abounds, for if any one deserves all these Mr. Hendrick is the one. Firman S. Hendrickson of Atchison, K ninas, waa home a few days this week rUfting 1 1 i s p;irents. He is looking well and in a good position withoneof the largest, lumbt t firms In the west. Concerninsr bil brother, Cirl, the Smith Co. Bulletin of Kansas has the following good words :% C. D. Hendrickson, of the Chicago Lumbir Co., of this place is a young man, luit he has been found an untiring one when by his cfforts he could advance the iuterests of Smith Centre. If the world was full of such men there would be a continual boum on earth."


Ann Arbor Courier
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