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Mu. CALI, introduce! mu In II natM on íhf ahí provldlngthai la ittoMetof homeitMd antry wlioro tho homosumiur OT hLs widow M bis children resldod upo and eult vntod tln' , land for Uve yenrs, patents therefor Miall be , irrHMti'd, althou(fli Hnul proof wiis not mu lo withiu the time rcquinxl by laír, nud suoh proof nmy bu nmdc at any timo and t tío patent obtaloed for the samo. Th i Bill appmpriuun &i.jO,Olk) íor a monument nt tho National oapital in muinory of General Grant was passod, and a favorable report wa madeou abU to oonnrin tho entrios made undor tho pulillr huid laws The Kiiiifíitionul b II wa further considered ....In the Houseablll toforfdt tho onearaed land srrantof tho Atlantto & Fr He ruad ws puaed. A roHulutinn wa geported direotlng that the surplus in tlio tna-iury bo pad out on the public debt. and it was nfernd to the Committeo of the Wh .lo. A bilí wa also re portod urantinir pensions to all Invulid scil dlers or ttiolr widows or oh ld ren who are de pendenton their dxily labor for a living. Bills wore passod In tho Sonate on the 2(th topermlt National bauka to chantre tbolr lo canon within thirty iiiilo- and take nev namesby a vote of two-thirds of their Bharobolders, and approprlat ng f;T0,ü9ü for tho relief of êetilors in Nobra-ikft unJ Kansas who have been deprived of the r landn b. a prior grimt to the Northern Kiin-i ril road. Tho Bluoational bill mi furt!ir discuKBeil. A b.U was introducoil by Mr Mtller i.V. Y.), to establ sh a postal avintrs de pos tory aa a brauoh of the Poit-Ofnce De pnrtmeni....ln the Hiiin" thn Scnato b 11 ti quu-t the titlosof ottUrn the De Molncriverlands in low and the b II annezlnr tti northein pa t of Idaho Terr tcry to WanhiiiK tonl'orr.tory were p.wHed. A reaolut i was adopted calIliiKon tiioSfrrPtarjr of the Nnvv for a coruplct' Iwt of theoffleers now on the retlred list, tofrethcr with the roasous ior whioh they placed thoreon. A bii.i. was passed In the Senato on tho 2'xh toprovide altotmeuts of land in sevemlty to the Indiana. Rllls wcro Introducod: By Mr KriiiiiimK providlng for tho Inspectlon ol meats forexportatlou and prohib tinp the im portatlon of adulteratod articlos of fnod i-n drink: b.' Mr. Lono, to reitulatu eommern amonir tho severa) Htates. ...lei the House the West l'o ut Mil tur.' Acadcinr b II itai7,8)."i and tho Post offlee Approprlation liill (f64 IIÍ6.588) were reponed. A memoria was prosentfrt froni ono nu ad red and txrentytwo siivlnKS Imnks in Npw York askliu for tho ropcal of [llund Silver law. A loriKth debate took plaoe ovor t Peoa'on Appro priatlon blll. The Spoaker appolnted Mr. wilklns (O.i, ami mom her of the Comtn ttooon Kducatiou, in plaoe t Mr. Ouctln U'a ), 'icused. The time of the Senato on tlie 2fith was devoted to dtscusrtlnj? tho Bduoatfonaj and antlChlnese bllle In thr Hauaea reaolatlöa was adopted that a sclopt cotnmtttee nf uine mombers be iippolutod to iuquire lnto tbe PanKlfctrc tcloi'hono matter and report whether any ofBuer ol tho Uovornraont had boon improperly inttuenc-ed. Ttio linmodiato Do ficieiicy bill vis reported. At the evenlnir aejstOD iwftity-i'ljfht peugion biUs were passed. OOMES1IC. A fibe ia St. Paul on the 23d damaged the dry-goods store of Mannheimer Bros. to th extent of $150,000. A train' on the Reading road juinpod a switch near Tamaqua, Pa,, on the 2M, iujuriug twenty peMoni more or less severely. A on a plautat-ion near Columbus, Ga., was burned early the other mornins, and an oíd negro and hls wife perished in the flames A I.ITTI.E girl named Rooney. residing at Spring Mili, Pa., was burned to death on the Kfd, her clothing being plaj-fully ignited by an oidor sister. Gexekai. Ciiook leLt Tucson on the ÏM for Mexico to meet Gerónimo, witU whom he export to inake terms for the suiTender of hII the hostile Apaches. DuRiJif; the woek endeü on the 30th 306,0SO standard silvr dolían were Issued frotn tin; mints Tin employés of five Bhoe raanufactur ing firni at Milwaukee ti-uck on tho 23d, owing to a disagieement with tho proprietore on the wagos question. TEE report that the Chinese Consul General has advised Ohinaraen to quit Ainorioa and return home was denied on the 23d. James R. Wixters killed himselt on the 23d at Reading, Pa., by fasteuing a rubber hose to a gas-burner, placing the other end in his mouth and turuing on the gas. The brothors Hermanee arrived at New Orloans on the 34th f rom Livingstou, M. T., a distance of forty-flve hundreM miles, ,in a canoe in which they embarked last July. They reported having had some nnpleasant adventuros with Indians and blizzards. The First National Bank of Kansas City, Mo., capital, $250,000, was authorized on the S4th to commence business. George Smith. a colored depot porter at Independence, Mo., recently sent a note containing loving epitheti to the thirteenyear-old daughter of M. G. Williams, white. On the 24th the father and others took Smith to a barn, and administered one hundred lashes with a cowhide. The Government clerks at Washington bave organized a clerks' beneflcial league, the object of which is to pay two hundred dollars to any of its members voo discharge or removal. Armed Hungarians raarchcd from Bradford, Pa., to Summit, in the coke regions, on the 36th, flred several shots and compelled all coke-drawers along their route to anit work. Henbt B. Chase, memberof an extensivo lumber Qrm at Minneapolis, was killed near Aitkin on tho 2öth. Tbe citizens of Wheatland, Cal., drore the Chines laborers from tb ree ranches on the 25th and burned their quarters. Tes colorad doctors were graduated on the 25th from tbe medical department of Central Tennessee College .t Nashville. Abcubisuop Heiss, of Milwaukee, on the iñth advised tbe priest3 of his diocese to use their endeavors to restrain Catholics from affllitvting with the Knights of Labor. The exporte of California wine during 1885reached 4,500,000 gallons- nearly one million gallons iu excess of the shipments of the previous year. In a quarrel in New York City on the 25th Thomas Laughlin threw vitriol in his wife's face, destroying he eyesight and otherwise terribly burning her. TnB two little twin daughters (aged six [ yearsO of a man named Lillie were caught in a sbaft at a mili in Shamokin, Fa., on the 25th and whirled to death. Donald, at the age of one hundred and twenty, is living iu Detroit in indigent circumstances. His grandfather was a followerof the famous Rob Roy. The school for Indian boys and girls near Steamburg, Pa., was destroyed by fire on the 25th, teachers and pupils narrowly escaping with their lives. The nailers of tho Sorth Chicago rolling mül at Bay View, Wis., who have lost seventy-fire thousand dollars in wages during their nino monthj' strike, returned to work on the 25th. Db. Edward H. Coates shot and killed Dr. A. B. Keith at St. Louis on the 25th. Both men were dentists. Coates charged Keith with breaking up his family. AovicES of the 35th state thnt on a ranch near Deming, N. M., General Crook and Gerónimo held a conference, in which tho ' latter asked leave to return to his reserva tion. Crook demanded an nnconditional surrender, but the Indian leador rode away witb a white flag flying. Is the Ticinity of Huntingdon, Pa., pneumonía was prevailing to an alarming extent on the üith, and numerous deaths were occorring daily. The annual encampment of tho Army of the Tennessee met at Atlanta, Ga., on tho 26th. Colonel E. S. Jones, of Nashville, was elected department commander. AiL the coke-drawere and miners in the Connellsville (Pa.) región resumed work on the 2üth, their strike having proved a failure. Weibern TVartena, a Hollauder, was hanged on the 20th at Rensselacr, Ind., for the rnurder of a neighbor named Dil'gher -.n MM. - - - i i, ni i r r Comba. NjlOUB. a hermit wlio for flíty I ears had oocupied a hut on Sonth ' ,in, near Womelsdorf, Fa-, whs fonnd dead a his bed on the 28th. A TEHRirir toral preroüod on Mount iVashington, N. U., ón the 26tb, the wind eaciiing a velocity of 140 miles an hour, vith the niereury 25 degrees below zero. Tnii total value of merehandise and gold ind silvcr exported from the United States luring January past amounted to $57,959,IBBi against $30 532,584 in January, 1TL'he total value of import for January last as $47,:}'.IS,49O, agaiast $42,22L,171 in Janïary, 1885. Tiih steamer Idlewild was wrecked on ;be aBth by a storm on Sbippal Point, 3onn. The passeugers and crew were iaved, but the vessel aud cargo, valued at (125,000, was a total loss. A BLizzAun, with snow and wind, prerailed throughout the New England States :n the 3bth. At Westfleld, Mass., the First Congregational Church was wrecked, and it Boston telegraph poles were blown down Eind the streets blockaded. A 8KATINO-RIKK and three other structares at Troy, N. Y., were bnrned on the 38th, falling wallg injuring several persons, the skiill of one man being crushed. A bcrrioaxb. accompanied by rain, datnRged many buildings at Baltlmore on the 2bth. lx the United States Courtat Charleston, W. Va., on the 26th Gaorge J. WiUiam, a convioted pension swiudler, was sentenced by Judge Jackson to three months' imprisonment. Iu the senteuce was embodied an order of banisunient of Williams forerer from the State of West Virginia, to take effect sixty days aftor the erpiration of his Imprisonment. . Sixtek: cara, oontainlng 163 tons of raw silk goods, the largest shipment ever made in this country at one time, arrired in New York from San Francisco on the 20th. It was ralned at f 1.500,000. TiikRK wore 308 business failures In the United States during the seven days ended on the S6th. against 214 in the preoeding si-vi'ii days. Tuk Houston (Tex.) Savings Bank, which held deposita of $'V),0X, closed its doos on the 3öth. A oai.e of flfty miles an hour prevailed on the 3t.u from Buffalo to New York, with a drop of twenty degrees in temperatura. A lady, saíd to be a tister of the late Horatio Seymour, was blown from the platform of a Lake Shore car near Dunklrk, receiving serious injuries. At Harrisburg, Pa-, sereral strnotures were unroofed and chimnsys leTeled by a storm on the 26th, the Locblel iron works being badly damnged. PERSONAL AND POLITICAU The second and concluding Tolume of Mr. Blaine's "Twenty Yeara of Congress" was published on the 33d. It embraces the period between Johnson's inatallation as President and Garfleld's election. Tuk Tenneasee State Temperance Alliance met at Nashville on the 33d, delegatos from twenty-nine counties being presint. Reports howed that prohibition was rapidly gaininf; pround in the State. The National Law and Order League at its animal session at Cincinuati on the Zü adopted a resolution requestlng all miuister throughout the United States to preach a sermón on the duties of Christian citizenship ou th second Sunday of February nexr.. Tur. Haley Eight-Hour Labor bilí, which includes mechanics. manufactures and mining. passed the Ohio House on the 23d. John S. Cavexder, one of the original f ree-State leaders in Missouri, who rose to the rank of Brigadier-General in the Union armies of the Southwest, died in Ut. Louis on the 23d, aged sixty-two years. Fredebick White, a prominent banker in Wall street, New York, died in his car riage on Staten Island on the 23d, as he was starting for his office. The Iowa Legi.ilature on the 23d paraed the McCoy bill exempting from taxation the homesteads of the widows of soldiere who feil in the war or died of injuries receired therein. Thomas R. Hudd (Dem.) was on the 23d elected in the Fifth Wisconsin district to sucreed the late Joseph Rank in in Congress. Taï National House Committee on Postoflioej and Post Roads completed its regalar appropriation bill on the 34th for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887. It appropriates 154,320,58, which is an increase of $23,598 orer the fiscal year of 1886. Thomas A. Edisok, the electrician, was married at Akron, O., on the 24th to Mis Nini Miller. The funeral services over the remains of the late John B. Gongh took place at Boylston, Mass., on the '34th. The Virginia Legislatura on the 24th passed a bill which pro vides that a majority of Toters, not a majority of those Toting at previous elections, shall determine whether liquor shall be sold in the State or not. The Iowa House on the 24th passed a bill providing for a penalty for the use of obscene language in the presenee of others. The Maryland State Senat on the 24th passed a bill reducing the fee for marriage licenses from four dollars and fifty cents to one dollar. Henbt N. Walkkr, a well-known citizan of Detroit, who was the first president of th Western Associated Press, died on the 24th, aged seventy-three years. A i.iyrort bill- practically the same at the old Scott law- was passed by the Ohio House on the 24th. Thb pioneer legislktors of Iowa, nearly two hundred in niimber, held a reunión at Des Moines on the 34th. TVuile addressing the convention of the ex-members of the Iowa Legislatura at Des Moines on the afternoon of the 25th Judge James L. Mitchell, aged flfty years, of Nebraska. dropped dead from apopleiy. The National House Committee on Territories on the 25th directed an adverse report to be made on the bilí to organiza the ' entire Indian Territory into the Territory of Oklahoma. Taz Iowa Senate on the 35th possed a bilí restricting counsel as to the length of speeches in civil and criminal law cases. Tiib National Editorial Association ia session at Cincinnati on the 25th elected C. H. Jones, of Florida, president for the ensuing year, and decided to hold the next convention at DeDver in June next. General Hazex, of the Signal Service, on the 35th sued the New York Times tor ?100,000 damuges for libel. The Indiana Republican State Central Committee met at Indianapolis on the 5th and organized by electing State Senator Huston, of Fayette County, as chalrman. Botb houses of the Virginia Legislatura on the 25th passed a local-optlon law. The fund for the beneüt of Mrs. Guneral Hancock had on the '5th reached the sum of 35,000. At a conference of labor leaders at Pitts burgh, Pa., on the 25th it was decided to send a representativo committee of worlcI lng-mon to WaRhington to advocate the interests of tariff before Congress. Thb New Vork State Senate on the 26th passed the ï i 1 1 ceding to the United State tho Drexel cottage at Mount MacUregor, where General Grant diud. Axdkew Hems, a soldier nnder the ftrst Napoleon, died at Erie, Pa., on the 2ütb, agjd ninety-two years. FOREIGN. A revolt of nine hundred convicts in the central prison at Thouars, Franco, was suppressed on the 82d by a regiment of regulurs. Tiik Greek Ministers of War and Marine threatened on the 33d to resign unless war against Turkey was declared. The peopl frere claiuorini? for war. A.X a tair on üie 3Sd ia Aulnaj-, Eraaoa, kaard of bnllocto brok too andohftrged into a crowd of spectator, kiUitig tbree persons and injuring ons hundred and forty others. A rat on tk 2Sd In the Prliient buildings at Ottawa, Ont., destroyed raluable inarine and patent Th financia! los woi heavy. lx a letter publlshed on the 33d Ui Pari Prinoe Jerome Napoleon declared that the expulsión of tta Krench Prilice would tend toward the destruction of the republtc. H recommended that the peopla elect th chief magistrate. Twestt acre of land on which ther were several house sank suddeuly on th 24th at Zoechen. a villüge of 8axny, laving a large lak. Three men wer drowned. The Bank of Australia, at Melbourne, with twenty branches in the principal Australian cities, failed on the 34th for L500,000. AdtioM of the34th state that a önancial panic preTail in Stockholm, which ha no parallel since the great panic of 196T. A Pbotestaut achool-teacher kille! hit wife, hia three children and himsolf at Mezo Tur, Hungary, on the 24th. The cable on the 24th announced th death of Rev. Hugh Stowell Brown, th famous Baptist preacher of Liverpool. A Bill was introduced in the Canadian Parliaraent, which conTened at Ottawa on the25th, making it a misdemeanor for anjperson not a member of the landlord' family to enter a bar-room on Sundayl, and increasing the penalties for illogal alling of liquor. A farmer' team wrecked an expross train near Thornhill, Ont., on the 36th, and one man was killed and thre othen wounded. A heavi Bnow-storm was prevnilingf oa the 26th throughout Canada, and th weather was rery cold. Twenty -Üre inche of snow had fallen at Fathr l'oint, Quebec, and the snow was ten feet deep. N. C. Ford & Co., distülers and general merchanU at Uimcoe, Ont, ham fatled for ? 100,000. LATER NEWS. (TRiiPRïEXTATlTi WoLFOiin, of Kaiituoky, who was a Colonel in the Union army, made a speech in the National Houae o( Represen tatives on the ÍTth uit, giring ci-wlit tn th Southern members for roting for all the pensions asked. He then gare notice that he would introduce a bilí to glve to erery Confedérate soldier iu need of it an artificial leg or arm. Ebv. SiJf Jones commenced reTiral ¦ervioe8 in Chicago on the 28t.h uit. At tweuty-six leading clearing-hoase in the Uaited States the exchanges during the week ended ou the 37th uit aggregatl f810,580,438, against $957,891,493 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding weekof 1885, the inoreae amounts t. .'7 0 per cent. Many of the most iUustrious citizens of France celebrated in a Paris theater on the 27th uit. the eighty-fourth annivprsary of the birth of Víctor Hugo, in preseuce of hia grandchildren. Mus. Ghavt on the 2Tth uit received a check for 1300,000, in part payment of her share in the deal Goneral's aufcobiography. The galereported along the Northern At' lantii' coast rontinued on the 27tb uit with lut Uttle abatement in viotenoe. New York City Buffored sevcrely. Se'retky LajcÍb has ankod Attorneyüeueial Uarland to bring suit against timber thieves trespassing on echool lauds in Washington Territory. At Bt. Paul, Minn., Theodore P. Rioh, of Cobleskill, N. Y.. shot and killed his wife a few days ago. He had tracked hi" wife to St. Paul, wbither she had eloped with Dr. H. S. Gale. of Cobleskill. Advicer of the 'Sth uit say tbat s snow¦torm had been raging for three days in Eastern Maine. Streets were piled with snow from two to ten feet high in drift and country roads twenty to thirty. Som furm-houses were entirely buried andmuch uffering ensued. A boat which left th wrecked steamer Idlewild, off Stamford, Conn., with eleven men, was on the 28th uit. reported lost with all on board. A mas abont forty yearsof age went orer the American falls at Niágara on the 2sth nlt. and was dashed to pieces. On a wager Maxime Boyier drank sixteen glasses of whisky in a saloon at Boston, Mass., on the 2Ttb uit, bat died soon afterward. The charge made before Coagress by Señor Moreno, of New York, that theueanda of Italians are held in bondage in th United States, is pronounced false by Consuls in New York and Chicago. A TERHIFIC snow-storm, with high wind, prevailed at Quebec, Can., on the 27th uit, and all railway travel was suspended. The United Stats Senate was not in sesion on the 27th uit. In the House discussion of the Silver Coinago and Mexican Puuaitin bilis oceupied the sessioa.


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