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Au Enterprlslng, Keliabl" Honse. Eberbacli & Son can ways be relied iiion, not onlv to carry in stock the best if tvi-iythiiijf, but tD secure the Agency for -iicli arOcles -. have well-known roerits nd ure p .pulnr witb tbe people, thereby sn-tiiiniiijr ili' rnMtation ol'belng always ¦ ¦iiter.r!sing, and ever reliahle. H ving ' sMitired tbe At'ency for thecelebrated Dr. King' New Discover}' tor Consumitioi, tl sell iton a posltiveguarantee. Il will Muety cure any and every affection of Throat, Luhgs, and Chest, and to bow mir confidence, we invite you to cali and get a Trial Bot tl e Free. Aunt Maria was not a great favorite with tbc ehildren, and au invitation that slie brought one mnrning In person for uui' of the boys to go back witli lier and spend tbe (tay at the taim did not meet witb an over enthusiastic recrpt'on trom any of tlmse young worthie, " I'm thinking that I'd better go,1' confided Will, in au undertone, to hits younger brotbers. "Oh! yes, go on," i-aid üwuiht, encouragingly; "peiluips tbc uls will iet loosc, anii'then you'll have i flrst rate time." I! il ion sur ss Is very prevalent at this seison, the symptoms being bitter taste, oitVnsive breatli, eoated tOBgue, sick beadacbe, ürnwxiiiesa, dizziness, loss of appetite. lf tliis condition is ailawed to continue, strious conse(juences may resiilt. Hy proniptlv tuking HdoilV Sarsaparilla, a fever may be avoided or premature death prevented. lt is a posiiive cure tor biliousness. Sold by all ilrugfrists. " Mr. Snaggs, the next time you go to Pittsburh you must aet me a t'mporary ban tor Fkto,"said Mrs. Snaagsyesterday morning. "A tcmpoiary ban!" anorted Snajrcs; '-what in the name of tent 8 tt-mnorary ban ? " " I don't know, but I iee that all the dogs iti New York are being put under a teiuporary ban, and I MippOM it's tbe hitest style of dog-blanket tor the geason, you know." An Anwcr Wanted. Cfin any one biiiig us k case of Kldney or Liwr Complainl that Electric Sitien will not .apeedily cure? We say tbey can not, R8 tbousands of'OMM alie:tdy permanently cup d and wlio are daily recom niending Electric Bitu-rs, will prove Brigbt's Diiease, Diabetes, Wenk BaOk.or any urinary complaint quickly cnred. They purtty the blood, regúlate the boxel?, and actdirectlj' on the diseased pirts. Every botlle gtiarantecd. For sale at 50c a bottle by Eberbaeu & Son. A Powerful Excase. " It is an outrage tbe Wiiy you treat me," said Mls Eamerelda Longcoflln to Hostetter McGinnis. " How po, Miss Esmerelda? " " You have swuru to love and cherish me, and now you are innking love to another young woinan. lt in a liidrons outraL'e." " Be calm, E-mcrelda, be calm, I'ni going togo back ou tlie other girli too." " Tbe best on earth " can truly be eaid ofQriggs' Glyccrine Salve - aspeedy curu forcutv, hfiiílM. scalds, bui ns, ores, piles, teiter and all skin eruptions. Try tliis wouuer bealer. 23 centi. Goaranteed. ¦ale'a Honcy itio grein cougu cure,3'c.,i0aktl Glenn'Bulpliurou[ bca'.i bcauilOe. Mc. CtermanCorii H emoTr r k l lis Corns k Banton Hlir Hlr and Whiiker Dys-Black and rikd Torn iHmcbe Urop cura la I XUraiM ¦mi Bfcaa ruu an ton w ¦


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