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5 il It ! the only Una with lts own track trom iHICACO TO DENVER, ither b) wiy ol Omaha, Pacific June, St. Jcseph. Atchlson or Kansas City. connects In Union Depots with throunh tralm trom NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON nd all Eastern polntt. It Is the principal line to AN FRANCISCO , PORTLAND 4. CITY OF MEXICO It traverse all et the slx qreat States of ILLINOIS, )WA. MISSOURI. NEBRASKA, KANSAS. COLORADO iith branch lines to all their important citlcs and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS. It runt very day in the year from one to three elegantiy qulpped through trains over lts own tracks bctween ;hicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchfson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, eorla and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, (ansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, ror all polnts In Northwest, West and Scuthwest. ttsequipment Is complete and flrst class in every lartlcular, and at all important points Interlockino, witches and Signáis are used, thus insurlng comort antf satty. For Ticket. Rates. General Information, etc, egardinq the Burlinnton Route, cali on any Ticket (gent In the United States or Canada, or aiidress r J. POTTER 19T V.P. & Gex. Man., Chicaoo. HENHY B. 9TONE, AsaT. Gen. Mm., Ohcaoo. PLRCEVAL LOWE.LL, Gin. Pass. Aot., Chicago. NOFEEÜ I E8TXB1I8BED i9ít. i Merrill UNTIL BETTER f detkoit.mich. ƒ Block. S LZjfa Th Begular, Old-Established jLjiy PHTSICIAIÍ & SURGEON U W 1 rtill troitlig with Uu peitirt ]SKIILANÜ 8UCCES8 YDUN6 MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEN and all persons who by their own acts of Impmdence or Follyat any period of life havebrought npon themselvea, the evil erfects followine doseW opon the heela of tTanstression of the lawi ot nature, should consult the celebrjtted Tir.Clarke at once RemembertNervou disennesrwith or without dreams) or drblllty and loss o( nerre power treated scientifically by new methods with rever failinf success. ,a-lt makes no difference what you have taken or who has f.iiied to cure yon. MSrThe terrible polaon of Syphlll and all bad blood and akln dleaes, rnmpletelv eradicated without mercurv, Romein ber that thisone horrible dlseaae, if ncglectcd or improperly treated.curae the present and coming gencrations -All unnatural dich arces cured promptly without hindrance to busilis. No experimunts. Both seics consult conlldi iitially. Age and eiperirnce tmportnnt . A written gunrnnte of cure given In every case undertaken. j-Sufferera from any chronic diaeatewrite Hiatory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. S5Send two stamps for celebrated worlcson Chronic. HerToul and Hellcate Distases. You have an exhauotive irm ptomn tology by which to study your own case. Consultation, personallv or by letter, free. Consult tlie old Doctor Thoumnda cured. Oiflces and piirlora private. You see no one but the Dnctor. Before confidin J your case consult 1K. CLAItKK. A f riendly letter or cali may save future suöering anc ahame and add golden vears to life. Medicine ¦ent everywhere accurc irom expoaure. Hours, 6to 8; Sundays, 9 to ia. Adttreai, F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch Breathbs there a man with soul so ilead Who never to his wite hath said, ' 1 will a flower garden make, Both for my own and thy dtar saVr, And sow with seeds to come vip ejiuck, Which you, of coursc, will buy of Vick 1" If such there bc, 1 pray rtpent, And have an order qmckly sent. Then sweet thy rest, l'm fiurc, will bc. And thy dear wü'e will sniilc oit thee. theGuiDB is a work of 150 pages, Colored Plates, 1000 Xlustrations, with descriprions of the best FloweM and Vegetables, prices of Seeds and plants, and how to gruw 3lem. It tells you what you want for the garden, and iow to get it. Printed in Ellgliah an'l Germán. Price t-nly 10 cents, which may be dcductcii froro firt order. BrYOÏfLYTICK'SSEEDS, ATHEADQÜAI1TER3. JAMES VICK, 8EED8MAN, Eochestor, N.Y. Eatate of Aar u F. Gay. STATE OF MICHIGAN, c'ounty of Wasbtena ka. At a eton of the Probate Court for the Connt ol Washtenaw, holden at ihc l"roi.t )(Br-. in th City ol Ann Arbor, on Wtdne-dny, th tentl day of February, in the year one thonand alvb tanrdred and eiiibty f il. PreBent, Wllliam D. Ham man. Jndg;' ol Probate. In the matter ot thv eftate of Aaron F. Oay, o ctaed. William C. Stevana and Mary L. Gay, the ndmlnlet'itor of said eetale, roino luto comí and n-preBent ihat they are t prepared to rendei tlielr flnal account au nch adminl-tratorB. Therenpon It t ordered, iht .-aturdcy, th 8ih day of March next, at 10 o'clock In the fon noon, be a!it;nt'd tor examininp and allowim snc!i account, and ihat the h Ir at law of said dr ceased, and all other pemonp imeremed iu aaii eatate, are reqnired to aplicar at regfloa ol ai court, then to be holden at the Probate office, I the city of Anu Arbor, in eaid cunnty, and uhnv canse, if any there be, wi.y the aula accoaut obooli nol e llowed. And it 1 fnrther ordered. that oald adminístralo gire nottee to the pamnn interetted in r-aid esutt ol th pendeocy ol wild accouM, and tue hearim thereol, by ransinjf a copy of ibl? order to be .nb llshed lntheAunArbor(7ortir.anewpaperprlntei ar.d circulatlne In naid county. Ihree Bncceniv. weeks prevlonf to nald day nl hearine. (Atruecopy.) W1LÍIAM D. HAKRIMAN, Jadife of Probate WM. G. DOTY, Probate Reiiister. Estáte of Henrj Colólas r. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Conutj of Wahte naw, I. At a raalon of the Probate Conn Tor the Oount ol Wanhtenaw, holden at tlie Probnte Office, in thi city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the íix'fen'h daj of February, in the vear one thounnd eighi hundred and lhty ix. Present, Wllliam l Harrimun. Judi;e ol Probate. la the matter of the mate o! Fenry Co1c1bzt deceaiieQ. 1 'n readini; and fliliiit the peit ion, duly verlflud, of Willtam vv . W hedon, admli'lotator. prayln thwt he mny he licensed 10 ?e 1 the real estáte whereof said deceased died seiz d. Thereupon tt li ordered, thm Kridaj. the twelftl day of March next, at ten o'clock in the r.ire noon, be aepifned Tor the nearinif of m14 petiuon, aod that the hetrs ut law ot híI decfifipd aud all other persons Inrerented In sald eoiate, ar reauired to appenrat a peston ol'aaid court, IImi tt be holden a' the Probate OflVe. in the city of Ann rbor Inraidronntyaiidohnw cauHe.i nnv there 1.., why Lhe prayer of ihe pe Illo ei shoulrl 1 ot be ïrant ed And it fa funher ordered, ihat snid pi f l"n r (ftve nottce to tlie personp iniertisted in saiil estáte. of tlie pendency of said petition. and the hearita' thereol, by causine copj uf thip (tr.ler to be babllihed in the Ann Arbor Vnurier, n newspapei prlntad and cirruUlitiL' In naid county. thrce tucceaalvc weekc pr"vion to said d oi hearing. W1LUAM L). HAKKIMAN. (A trnc copy.) Tnrtce of lr i-,.,. WM. . IMiTY. Prohiite Rf)trr i8iiï9. MicrilVN Sillo. Notlce 1 herehy glven t lm t b,v vlrtu 0 á certatn writ ot Fleri Fhcïhs Igsoed onl ofnnii uuder theneal of the Circuit Court, tor th County of WüNhieiiaw, in luvor ot :sednwl-k Dean and Henry H Dean. piHintifTs, and MiiHlnnl thn goxxlH, chalul. Iniuls and tenements of Ge'O-gp Wiloox, de'enilHnt tome dlrected anddellvered, 1 dlil on the Üilli dayof Kt-brury inetxnt, levy upon, selze and lake all nt the rlght tltle aml intemt of l' e suid Oeorge Wllcox In mul to Ilie followl1 K decribed lauda, lenements hihI real enlute, I hut iHtonay.all thateertaln plece or parecí ol lam! alluHte In the towimulp of York, county of Wuühtenaw and Htate of MichlRHn, descrlbed as followx: The ecbl half of the U' h-west quarter of sectlorj numi er thlrty-slx. lowa tour south, rnae slx past, state of Michigan, all of whleh I sball exposé for ale at publto anotlon or vendue to the blgheot bidder t thcêoutb front door of th court house, In the City of Ana Arbor In sald oorjnty (thnt belnit the place of hnldlug lhe Circuit Conrt for thesald coanty of Wnshtcndw), on lhe Wth day of April, a. D. 18M at lhe hour Of ten o'clock. In the forenoon uf xald day. WILX1AM WALHH, öllortff. . t). KfKur, Att'y tor Plalntlff. ttd thl I7tu dm y at Februurj-, A, D. U80


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