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lililí i Tiini' ASS AruouCohmandhuy, No. 13 meets flrst Tuesday of e:ch inoutli. W. G. Doty. K. C. W. A. Tolclinnl. Recorder. VíüirKS.vff ritwi ., No. i. R . M. - Meets firsl Monda v i -li monih. Isuar Handy, H. i'.; Z. lloatli, secretury. BUSINESS CARDS. o. 3&. XiTiisr, DIALKK IN CLOTH CASKET3, METALIC And Common ('offlns. Calis attented lo Dy or Nlght. Bmlmlmlng R speeinlty. sto eroomon K. Washington street. Kesldeaflu Oor. Ltberty Rnd b'itin. BEAL ESTAJE INSÜRANBE AGENGY. OF J. Q. A. SESSIONS. A.TTORXEY AND NOTA.KY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or renled and rents colleoted on reaHonable terms. Notit but oíd and flrst-class Insurance Companles representad- with Insurance cap IIhI of $10,(l00.iX)0. Kates a low us any otlier 1 tmiraiioe company and loases pmmptly palil. Odl'ie In National Bank Block, Main Btreet, Ana Arbor, Mich. V. II. JACRSOX, üiHEIirWÜTÜIUSliTIL OFFICK : OTr Bach & Abel's Drr Ooofl Store. Entrance next to National B;uik. WILLIAJI 1IEICZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlne Qlzlns, (üldlng, nnil Calclmlnine, anfl work or every decrlulion done in th bist tyle. and warrauled to satlsfactioD. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W W. & A E. MICHOIj, Rooms Over Aun Arbor Savlnifs Bank, Masonlc Temple lílmk. GAS or VITALIZED AIR A'lmlnltered lor the patolewextractlun .f toeih. ¦ JOSEPH OGHtr, The rracticnl TAILOR AND CDTTKR, Of the late flrm o. VV1NANS i WTRlfí. ha located h plací' of hu-incus at NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, W1T1I A l'IM. I.INE OÏ Suitings and Trouserings, And would eay to Ms oíd Mendi and je"; tbat lf they want a UJD FIT and a NBBY H at REASONABLS HK1CKS, cali on him nd ihej will be iure to dt-t one. ________ CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security aeld for thn protactloB of the pollcy christÍan mack Bepresenus the followlnï flri.t-c!a '.'"n'', whtch one, th' JJtna, h8 alone iiald ÍJ,UOU,OÜO oro Iomc lo Blityive years : iEtna, of Hartford í'l'l Franklin ot Philiulelphia J,' l Germania, N. Y J . - í mi1 . lia Germán American, ín. i """' X"r London Assemnce, Lomlon... l,41i,i! Michigan V. S M., Detroit. . . 2 . N. Y. Underwriter.s, N. Y 2,596,67 National, Hartford ''i'1"'.! Phoenix, Brooklyn 3, 7-'.) Lomo llberally adjusted and promptly pnid. Polieie tsucd tlhe lowcet ratcs of preinmm. 1191tf LITMBER! LTJMBER! LUMBER! lf you contrmplate buHilinff. cali at FERDON Liiui W Oorner Fourih and Depot 9ts., and ge our flgures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture onr own Lumber and guara titee AERY LOW PRICE8 4arGive us a cali and we will makt it to your iaterrit. as oor largo and wcll gradi-d ock fully uttaln our UKrUon Teleplione Connectiuos ?! j! KÍCBCH Supt. JAMES TOLBBRT, Prop W. TRÉWAIN. 4.i;.it iIürot Icbncy! I - 1 OFFICE, Oier Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HUKON AND FOÜKTH 8T8., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. (Cuplul, 13.0OU.UO0, Uold. Dotrolt Fire aml Marine Insurance Co., Cah Aoete 800,0U0. Sprlngflcld Ins. Co. of Maüsachngetts, Cuh AmelB flUU.UOO. Howard Ing. Coinpany of New Tork, Cuk Aaxte {1,000,000. lyrlriilturul Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., Oub Aaet. ..i,iuu.uui). LoMí;LlbarmllyjAljmtl ud lomily Pala .


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