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Fml Mollin and Miss Tillee Davidter, botli of Sitaron, were inurried Marclt 4th. John Wieiimann and MUs.Mary Hilber, both of Bridgewater, were marricd Feb. 27th. Clover seed lias gone up suildenly, and now brlugs from $f to $.-25.- Chclsea Echo. The procery and variety store of Geo. A. Neat, of Ypsilatiti, has been closed by uttachmeut. Rev. T. Robison, of Saline, was presented with a'pursed of $105 by his eonsrejiation recently. The Bohemian oat " boom" soems to be getting a " bad rackot " in tliis part of the country. - Leader. The Ladics' Library of Dexter will be open trom 1 uutil 7 o'clock p, in., Saturdays hereafter nutil Sept. Oth. School in district No. 1, of Brdgewater, will be taufrht by Chas. Hollis.and district No. 2, by Miss Bonk, ot Saline. The Saline Sheep-breeder's Association will Uold no spring meeting, but will attend the state sheariug festival to be held ia Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. O. Oooding of York were the victims of u happy surprise party a few evenings since In honor of their lOth marriage anuiversary. The Dexter people will not have the pli'asure ot listenin; to the cautata of "Jephtha's Daughter" because of the 11ness of one of the actors. Mrs. Bolinger, of Lima, died Monday, ICarch lst, of paralysis, ajred 64 year9. Slic leares a husband and nine children, and had Urcd ia Lima 40 years. Adin Cushing, of Webster, sold last week six more of liis " scrubs," one pair weighing 2,300 pounils, at 4 cents and a fraction, live weiht. - Dexter Leader. Mrs. E. P. Allen has been dangerously ill from peritonitis during the past week, but is at present much improved and out of danger, it is belicved. - Ypsilantian. The surveyors liave sent outllnes of the two surveys to Col. Ashley. Only the line strikiug this placo and the last survey have beeu considered. - Whitmore Lake cor. So. L. Picket. Mr. Wui. H. Deubel left Monday for a trip in the southcrn slate3. He wïll viait Wilmington, N. C, where Deubel & Son sell flour and then to Charleston, B. C., and ether points. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Winans died instantly, on Feb. 25, '80, at her home in Chelsea, ajred 44 years. She was the wife of Lewis Winans, and hsd llved in Chelsea about 13 years, and in Sylvan townshlp 37 ycars. Henry and Kate Scadin of Webster, lot their infant son, Johnnie, aged 6 months on the lst inst. Funeral services wcre held from the rosideuce of its grand pamits, Win. 11. Scadin and wife, and He?. O. C. liailey, of Dexter oflluiated. Lucius Taylor Post, G. A. 11., will give a grand vocal and instrumental concert at the opera house next Ttmrsday evcninj;, the llth, which will eclipse all other concerts hcretofore given in Milan. Mr. llarkina, of Ann Arbor, wil] assist thetn. -Leader. The masquerade báll givcn by the Chelsea cornet band and post, at town hall last Friday eveuing, was a frrund aucecss. The hall was lilled to overllowing, and all present had a biL tiuic and lots of fuo. Tlic umount, net. roalized was f112. - l'lieláca Echo. W. P. Olcott.of Stony Crcok, Mich., haa been here in the interest of the Chicago Crcaraery Couipany. A meetinfr will be beid to-nlght in Grcig's building, when he will explain the creanicry business to all who wisu to hear hiru. Farmers are cspecially invited. - So. Lyon Picket. The Chouaguen band are endoavorinjj to secure a position at a summer resort. If they go, thcy will be accootpanied by two or three of the Chequamegon band of Anu Arbor, who will help to composethe orchestra and brasa band. They propose to carry nine raen.- Saline Observer. According to this the Dexter Leader man must have struck on to a premature April f ool's day somewhere : " Saw dust is a. good thing, and all right in its place. It isa good non-conductor, a fine thing for packing ice, and very useful for gymnasium floors ; but it don't make good pancakes." Mr. J. P. Smith, ol Ann Arbor was united in marrlage on the 2."th uit., to Miss Nellie Divine, of Webster, the cereniony being performed at St. Jogeph's church, Dexter, by Fr. McMannis. The brliial tour wendetl its way westward. Many very valuable and bcautiful presunts were given. One of Dexter's new couuciluien feit so elated over his electiou that he gave bis t'rieiids a set-up, in which oystcr juice llouted in lacteal fluid, and so on. After he has servod one year he will probably to hire a stout boy wllh au old cavalry spur in the toe of hia boot, to kick liim lnto the mlddle of' the next township. AUvays take the flrat invite to a set-up of that sort, for the second one seldom materializes. I wil :ui t iun : Liglit Ouard Hall was wcll lilUil Tueslay eveninji on the occasion of the prohibitlon address by M. J. Fnuning ot'Juckson. Mr. Fanning's style of address is quite the reverse of Mr. Bain's, the fenu being very bitter in bis denunoiation of uil who do not agrec with hiui du the temperance queation. Souie day our proliibitiou frieuds will se the folly and uselcssuess, yes, even the harmfulness of seeking to induce persons to becoine probibitionists by informiiifr tbem that thcy aro now decettful and corrupt. Thia manner of presenting tbe subject may serve to arouse and enüiuse their own party followers, but it widens tbe giilf between them and those tliey seek to win, and creates unncceaeary bitteriiess and III feeliug. Fanning's address was so extreme in thia line as to displease even some of big own polltloal followers.