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Michigan's Only Candidate

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Mr. Blaine, in his entertaining " Twenty Years of Congress," thus speaks of GeDeral' ('ass, the Democratie Presidential candidate, who led his party to disastrous defeat ín the election of 1848 : " The Democratie candidate was a man o f high character. He had served creditably in the early part of the war of 1812, liad been Governor of Michigan Territory from 1813 to 1831, had been five years Secretary of War under General Jackson and had gone to France as Minister ia 1836. He remained at the Court of Louis l'hilippe, where he received minute consideration forsix years. When he returned to thieountry in 1842, at sixty years of age, he undoubtedly intended to re-enter political Ufe." Popular ovations wcre arranged for hiiu as he journeyed westward, and by the time he reached hi home in Detroit General Cass was publicly recognized as a ¦ date for the Presidency. " By remaining in the field as a candidate," eays Mr. Blaine, " he deeply wounded Mr. Van Buren, disregarded a personal and political friendship of thirty years' duration and sundered ties which ufe was too short to re-unite." In the end Mr. Van Buren's enmity dtfeated General Cass when he obtained the nomination in 1848. -- The dd statesman will always have a warm placo in the heart of the people oi Michigan, becaose of his many services in her behalf and because of the lustre which he shed apon her. She has had no Presidential candidate since, and the outlook for her having one in the near future is not promising. Cassopolis has been naraed after him, and so long as that thrifty town prospera and grows his many virtues will be extolled. It is in Casiopolis that Mr. Smith Wooden lives, whoe name is mentioned here because he is the author of the following interesting letter : " Nothing has erer reliered my wife oi rheumatism and neuralgia so rauch Athlophoros. I always keep it in the house and cheerfully reeommend it to others." An equally good opinión of themedi is eipressed by Charles Latourett, M Bradley, as follows : " I would say in favor of Athloplioroe that one bottle entirely cured me of rhenmatism which had been treated by BOme ot our best physicians without avail. lian highly recommend it to all suflering fivm the same disease." G. Wiesinger & Son, druggists, of Adrián, report this gratifying case : "Last fall, along about November , we sold a man a bottle of Athlopboros lor his father, who had not walked more than two or three blocks at a time in about two years. After taking one bottle of the modïcine he walked down to our store, whiUi is very nearly two miles from his house, and purchased the second bottle himsell'. This was four daya from flie time b. commenced taking Athlophoros. He taken five bottles of the medicine and says he thinks he is entirely free from rheuniatism. The gentleman is in the neightwrhood of sixty yearsof age and lookshealthy and robust now." If you cannot fret Athixphobos of your d rugEist, we will end it expres paid, on receipt oi repilar price- one dollur per botlle. e prefer that you huy it from your drusjist, ljut if he hasn't it do not be persuaded to try sometbliiK els, hut order at once from us, as dlreoted. Atblopuoeos Ck)., 112 Wall Street, New York. Miss Clara lichenor, of Uhelaea, dieü March 2d, of spinal mcuengitis, aged 111. y e ars. Kditor Oarr and wife of the Dundo' Reporter bad a grand Burprisp ¦'en i' ou the evcning of Kei). 27tb, that beun.-: tho 20tkjanniveriiry of their mamar was a very successful allair and ven many liaudsome china dislies werc pre sented to them, including a complete China tca and dinner set, and a CMna poem. Wc learn that Geo. McLean, formerh of thls place, but now in New York city iworking for Glorer's Art Album Co., and in his last letter says tbey are making: bh album to order for one one of the VanMrbilts. It willbe 21 inches wide, 29 inobtt long and six iuches thick. The back and corners will be of solld sllvor, the cm er of seal skin lincd witli ivatcred silk. lt will have a monogram in solid silver on the tront cover, lt will hold one larjie picture, 18 cabinets and KiO 7Jxl.' inchB. l'hcy expected to have it cotnpleted last week. The cost when finiahed will be in the neighborliood of g(30O. - Manchester Enterprise. The business men of Ann Arbor ar ting to the front in sliowing a spirit of pride and appreciation in the improvements of their city. Au organizatioa li being formed for the purpose of booming the city and to indnee manufacturers and capitaliste therc. They have already In succeeaful nperution the electric lights afl water worka, and are now asked to sidcr the additlon of a street ratlway. We are not grettingcovetous toward ourproud college city, but we are getting just a little uneasy about Ann Aibor ttiking all the good thiags when South Lyon is so on the . anxinus seat for f anie and prosperity.South Lyon Excelsior. UeT. Mr. Springer, of the Methodist Episcopal church, reported to his congregation last Sunduy inorning that the evidence of spiritual prospcrity in the eliurch is marked and grattfying. The conpi tion8 were, usually, large both mm and evening. There was a decided increast j i ti attendance on the social mcans 'it' .: Thero bas been a steady streani of ai sions since conference. Seventy-nim eons joincü the church ; 2ü by letter and 49 on probation. Some converts had united elsewherc, some werc yet to imite heie i or clsewhcre, and several were stlll j ing salvation, with the prospect of ndditional conversión and accessions.- ¦¦ We notice largo posters about towi soine attractions at uuiversiiy hall, Aun 1 Arbor. But of what use is it to mlvfrciar 1 attractions there in this place, wlicn tlire ] are no ineans of soing and coming except 1 an extensivo livery or private conrH anee? The railroad aflbrda moderflH meaus of goinjjj and coming, but the tiaJM of trains, and the distante trom the dH tothe univoralty, which roiiuirts u Imol. m omnibus tare in addltion lo the rail ¦ a deterent that few will overeóme. N. I onegoes to an entertainment there 1 a few who lmve personal acquaintan j draw theiu, or other reasons tlian the M tertainment. So far us the publi J cerned tUo advertlsing liere Is a 1 expense. It would be far otlierwi _Ê there a street raüway between tin cities. K-.icli place ïuight otïer attr:i M tuut neither can now, aud, in i jfl two would be equivalent to one I able city of 15,000 inhabitantí, ni twoone-horse townsof aixand cl''ht ' JÊ


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News