Short advortlsements not to exceed tbree ilnes, of Lost and Found, Housen for Sale or ttenl, Wants, etc.. lnserted tlireo weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wantod, free. WA NI ED - Competent Uirt for general Housework. Enquireat No. 52, cormr 4th and Williams Street, Anu Arbor, Mlch. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FORJOityproperty. Tlie furmof the late Jas. M. Smith, of Salem, m the T. 4 A. A. N. M. R. R., four miles south of South Lyon- ISO :ut's, good for elther stock or graln. and well tlinbered. Apply to Klngslvy Calklus, Ksq., South Lyon, or Miss M. A. Smith. 51 Kast Unlverslty Ave., Ann Ar'wir. 486 FOR SALK CHEAP.- A (jood farm of 45 acres ono mlle north of court house. Well watered. Enquireof H. Goodell. S88 A GOOD house and harn with about three acreö of good limit wittatn the city limita, stillable for üardciiliii; and email iruli, for sale cueap. Euqalre or Adam Mager ui '.. Y. Kluit. '" IAM prepared to buiM wire and picket fence thie coming spring and uunimer. 'J'hose wishig to have pickete split belore spring work opeQd, caU on me at Trempers'B Corners or addrese J. C. St. Clair, Box 653, Ann Arbor. in 88 FOR SALE- The large, new dwellins; with barn, of J. H. Pe-bles on Madlson Street near State street is oflered for ?3,tW0. The best bargain In the city. lt rent for $100 per day. Cali on J. Q. A. Sesslons. Alt v and Real Estáte Agent, National Bank Block. MARYLANDFARMS-Bookand Mnp free, by C. E. Shanahun, Attoruey, Easton, Maryland. 883. FQR "SALE I A House and Lot on Thompson street (No. 11), Good location. Fine Neighborhood and a IiARQAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL. THE BARRY HOMESTEaD For Sale or Rent whole or in part. Centrally located.Convenient to the Universlty, Pnlllc Schools, Markets and all part of the City. For Abstract oi Title and otlier Information apply to W. W. Whedou, Aun Arbor or C. A, barry, Jackson Mlcb. 1" OANING- Money to loau on flrst-clasf I i Real Efltate Mortgage at Current rates oí Interest. 8atisfactory arrangements made with capttallsts deslrlng sucb lnvestments. Every conveyance and transnetion In abstracts of tltles carefully examined as to legal effect. Z P. KINO. Ann Arbor. OR 8 ALE OR RENT-Barry Homestead, No. 28 4th street Apply to W. W. Whedon, Aun Arbor or C. A. Karry, Jackson, Mlch
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