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A Hint Of The Future

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The following dispatch was givei general publicity iu the daily papers o list Thursday. Please rcad ït: Baltimore, Md., March 3.- A blll was intro cluced Iu the leglslature to-day whleh prom lsesto cause a lively dlscusalon. It direct the Maryland Representa ti ves ir. Congresa to cndeavor to secure appropriate leglslatior looking to the compensation for losses sus talned oy Maryliinders In the emancipatioi of slaves. The resolution also recites tlm the fourlh sectlon of the l'ourteenth amend ment has really never been judlciously in ter fireted, excepting as to the rlght of slaves as, reemen.and that if it were strictly Ínter preted it would apply only to such claims a. would be made for the loss or emaneipatioi of the slave as a slave, thereby opening the rjuestion ot the right to hold slaves, hu wouid nol apply to claims for incldenta inconvenlence arlslng from the loas or eraan cipation of slaves. Mr. Unatt, who Intro duced the bill Iu the House, sald the state Bh'iuld take suitable measures to tesl thl question. and If need be miike an approprl atlon to defray the trial of a case before the Suprenie Uourt. Now tliis really looks like the blood shirt, doesu't it ? Waving with the rebel side out. Are the questions of the rebellion settled? Are some things ilead and buried never to be resurrected ? How is this? We await an answer. The Detroit Tribune gives the follow Ing bit of nformation that muy be of In te"est in tbis locality i " The Vanee family appears to be doing well, and doubtles will continue to enjoy itselt as long as the democratie administratlon remains witl us and anything Is left in the treasury There are no lesa than fourteen Vances o different ages and assorted grades ot intel ligence at present on the government rolls and in receipt of salaries ranging fron $350 lüSO.UOU per iimiuin. lieaWei thesi Tánces there are three relatives of another name who have kindly consented to draw salaries from the general goveru ment. The slaughter of Chinese in Wyomlng last fall Is made ihe subject of a special messaxi to congres by the president. The gist of tn whole Duslness sceins to be this: One gang of foreigners pounced on nnother gaug, mardered a good many and drove the rest out of the oommunity. Aud now the American citlzens and taxpayers, who aru as Innocent of the afl'air as a Chinese god, are called upon to pay the damages.- lEvening News. If such be the fact, then the president of the United States should cali upon the naiions of wbom these forcigners are citizens, for reparation. If this nation is innocent, some other nation is guilty. Let's get at the bottoin of this business, and find out what oue it is. The dying words of John B. Gough will be remembered generations henee: "Toung man, keep your record clean." Better advice could not bc given by any teacher. No young man can ever regret heeding those words. How many there are who have in the bitterness of their soul found out the truth of the words : i' The way of the transgressor is lnird." " Keep your record clean " and you will nbver have occasion to regret it. W. H. Brearley, of Detroit, has undertaken the herculean task of rftMng about $40,000 in 17 days, In order tosave pledges ftlready made, for the art museum at Detroit. He is one of the plucky kind, and we hope he will succeed. It will be a shame to Detroit monied men to let that grand cnterprlse go down after so mucli ba alreudy been done, and iiicceif iï so aear at hand.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News